Illinois General Assembly - SB2647Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB2647  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB2647
Proponents: 352Opponents: 1No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Appropriations (S) 5/8/2024 8:00 AM
Adam Loren LindleySFHSCollegePrepself
Adrienne SheahinSelfSelf
Aimee GroverSelfSt. Francis High School
Alan Janiaselfself
Alexis ErgangSelfSelf
Alicia SchilleSFHS parentSFHS parent
Alison WlodekSelfSelf
Allison Geistselfself
Allison MuisengaSelfWheaton City Council
Amber JacksonDePaulAmber Jackson
Amy Janowiakselfself
Amy L BrinkmanSelfSelf
Anders NelsonSt. Paul Lutheran Church, WheatonSt. Paul Lutheran Church, Wheaton
Andrea Burkhart Kleveselfself
Andrea M Kuhn-McFarlaneAstellas PharmaSelf
Andrew HillGlass Solutions Inc.St. Francis High School
Anne Kasprzakselfself
Aurea WhiteArgonne National Labself
Avery ResualiSelfSelf
Barbara NelsonSt. Francis High SchoolSt. Francis High School, Wheaton IL I am a graduate (1962) and former teacher there.
Becky FischesserSt. Francis High SchoolSt. Francis High School
Belinda Baratta60532PTA
Beth BlankenshipSelfSelf
Beth WiborgSelfSelf
Bradford KerrselfSelf
Brady HillselfSt. Francis HS College Prep
Brendan TaglerSt. Francis High SchoolSt. Francis High School
Brian GjerdeSelfSelf
Bridget BuckleySt. Francis High SChoolSelf
Brooke AlholmSelfSelf
Brooke LeathersSelfSelf
Brooke OlsenSelfSelf
Bruce David Kelsaynoneself
Caitlin Romeselfself
Camille RudgeSelfSelf
Carol PaskerBenjamin District 25Self
Carrie ZimmerNoneSelf
Carter RisdonSelfSelf
Cathy Alcantaraselfself
Catie SewellSelfSelf
Charles Ian DeMarsselfself
Cherie StoneSt Francis High SchoolSelf
Chris ObrochtaSelfSelf
Chris ObrochtaSelfSelf
Christina MartinAlumniCLM
Christina MunsonSelfSelf
Christine StrohmeyerselfSaint Francis High School
Christopher BreyneSelfSelf
Christopher BurkeselfWheaton City Councel
Christopher JohannesonSelfSelf
Christopher NemethselfSelf
Christopher T DruganLiveRampself
Cindie LoganSelfNA
Claire A Thomseducatorself
Clara HughesSelfself
Colleen Claussnerselfself
Colleen YarussoNot applicableNot applicable
CraigIronclad Management, LLCSelf - Submitting as Individual
Dale A BrownSt. Francis High SchoolSt. Francis High School
Danielle CostelloSt. Francis High Schoolself
Darienne ZamisSelfSt. Francis High School
Darlene M ZedikerPrior Student of St. Francis High SchoolSelf
David DieterSelfSelf
David L JonesSmall Smiles LLCself
David MuisengaSelfWheaton City Council
David MuisengaSelfWheaton City Council
David Olsonselfself
David RendallSelfSelf
David ShurtleffSt. Francis High Schoolself
Dawn BogdanskiselfDawn Bogdanski
Debbie DonatoselfSelf
Debbie PalmerPalmer Sports IncSelf
Debbie ScuggsDuPage UnitedDuPage United
Deborah QuirkSt. Francis High Schoolself
Deborah SuggsSelfMarian Park Apartments, Wheaton
Denise BaconNoneSelf
Denise EbersoleSelfSelf
Dennis SzewczykSpectrum ImprovementsSelf
Diane RadelPersonalSt. Francis High School
Diane ShurtleffSt. Francis High Schoolself
Donald SollowayIndividualRecord of Appearance Only
Donna HoscheitSelfSelf
Donna SableSelfSelf
Douglas PoundersSt Francis High SchoolSelf
Edward MarciniakResidentSt Francis College Prep
Edward MillsEddieMills Trains, Ltd.Self
Eleanore Richardsselfself
elizabeth lillynoneself
Emily KeatingselfSt. Francis College Prep
Emily NadlerSelfSelf
Emily Wilhelmnoneself
Erin WymaSt. Matthew UCCDupage United
Erin ZarseSelfSelf
Esther Streitselfself
Ethan CaesarI'm an alumni of St. Francis College Prepself
Evan CallenderArrow IT ConsultingSelf
F Gale MesekeDutch Prairie TransportationDutch Prairie Transportation
Frances PautlitzRetiredSelf
Francis J DuffyBalance ESESelf
Frank BoucekSelfself
Frank MurnaneMurnane Packaging Corp.Self
Gennetta Deans-Dawsonselfself
Gerry BlissSelfSelf
Glenn HaywardSelfSelf
Gregory A VossSelfSelf
Hector Saldana Jrselfself
Helen B MesekeDutch Prairie TransportationDutch Prairie Transportation
Henry BreyneSelfSelf
Hima Talluri-BoyeSelfSelf
Holly MuisengaSelfWheaton City Council
Jake RadelPersonalSt. Francis High School
James DunleaHealogix LLCself
James ManwaringRetiredSelf
James PowerNoneSelf
Jamie LavigueurSelfSelf
Jamie O'Brien-WolfIndividual PersonSelf
Jan AmodeoFamilyJoe, Jan, Nicholas
Jason GabelSelfSelf
Jason GilroyArbor HoldingsSelf
Jason Wallaceselfself
Jeanne TrunkNoneSelf
Jeff Wilhelmnoneself
Jennifer BurkeselfWheaton City Councel
Jennifer CiomborSelfSelf
Jennifer EgglestonSelfSelf
Jennifer Hojnickiselfself
Jennifer JonesSELFSELF
Jennifer M SpahnselfSt Francis Highschool
Jennifer RittenhouseSFHSSFHS
Jesse FinnSelfSelf
Jessica StielowHealth careSelf
Jett RoblezaDuPage UnitedSelf
Jill BlahaSelfSelf
Jill HillgothSelfSelf
Jill Ludvigsen1952myself
Jill Wordekempernonemyself
Jim KaiserSelfSelf
Jim NelsonSelfSelf
Jim PaolellaSelfSelf
Jo Ann Larsenselfself
Joan Moffittselfself
Joanie McMillenSelfSelf
Joe BormannRetiredStudent safety
Joe McLoudCollins ConsultingSelf
Joe Williamsselfself
JohnBuck Services, Inc.Self
John BohnhoffSelfSelf
john c webbPackey Webb FordSelf
John GriffinAmpliFI Loyalty SolutionsSelf
John GrivettiCrowe LLPself
John NihillSelfSelf
John OConnellCDWSelf
John P Benton JrSelfSelf
John PautlitzRetiredSt. Francis High School
John ZiahCaterpillar Inc.Self
Jon and Lesley Coxselfself
Joseph AmodeoNoneParents
Joseph GiamberdinoSelfSelf
Joseph P TrunkMeirowtiz & Wasserberg, LLPSelf
Joseph V TrunkNoneSelf
Joseph Wilhelmnoneself
Judith Bolles JenzJenz Law Office PCself
Julianne MarksNAself
Julianne MuisengaSelfWheaton City Council
Julie Elizabeth HarperMcDonald's CorporationSelf
Julie PetersonSelfFaith Lutheran Church Glen Ellyn
Julie SurinaSelfSelf
K Reidenbachselfself
Kaellen NorrisSelfSelf
Kaity PizzolatoSelfSelf
Karen LankischTiER1 PerformanceSaint Francis High School
Kate KowalskiSt. Francis High SchoolSelf
Katherine Kliebhanselfself
Katherine NygrenLegendary Travel CoSelf
Katherine RyanSelfSelf
Kathleen BartheltNASelf
Kathleen M WoodsSelfSelf
Kathryn WadeSelfSelf
Katie HollemanSelfSelf
Kellie DonlevySelfSt. Francis College Prep and as local resident
Kerie ReckardsSelfSelf
kevin kayserCitizenSt. Francis High School
Kimberli DiehlDuPage UnitedDuPage United
Kimberly McGawNoneSt Francis
Kristen JohannesonSelfSelf
Kristin ChmielSelfSelf
Kristin HarperBusiness OwnerSelf
Kunal PatelSelfSelf
Laura JaniaSt Francis High SchoolSelf
Laura McGowanThe McGowan Groupself
Laurel A GustafsonSelfSelf
Lauren BurkeselfWheaton City Councel
Lawrence Carrollselfself
Lawrence RutkowskiSelfParent
Leah MillerSt. Francis High SchoolSelf
Leland EasterSelfSelf
Leonard PaolucciM&M Sports SceneSelf
Linda RourkeSelfSelf
Lindsay AugustineSelfSelf
Lisa CameySelfSelf
Lisa MazurSelfSelf
Lisa OConnellSelfSelf
Lisa WallaceParentSt Francis High School
Lori BurnsSelfSelf
Lori Hilgerselfself
Luis Arturo HidalgoselfSELF
Lyn Schmidtselfself
Lynn Esserselfself
Lynn M GierekSelfSelf
Mackenzie GrodeckiSelfSelf
Madeline SchmitzMurphy Financial Groupself
Margaret BreyneSelfSelf
Margaret Foley-EasterSelfSelf
Margaret Minnselfself
Maria HigginsSt Francis college prep High SchoolSelf
Maribeth KerrSelfSelf
Marilyn FisherSelfSelfl
Mario DonatoSaint Francis High School, Wheaton, IL.self
Marjorie Marshallselfself
Mark Christopher KnutsenHFSSelf
Mary Kate Beckmenselfself
Mary Kelsaynoneself
Mary Manwaring1619 Colchester LaneSelf
Mary PetranekSt. Francis High SchoolIndividual
Mary T Dandurandon behalf of selfself
Mary WhorlowSt Francis High School ParentSt Francis High School
Matt StielowSelfSelf
Meg ChrismanSelfSelf
Megan ZemanSelfSelf
Meghan BurkeselfWheaton City Councel
Melissa BurdiSelfSelf
Melissa GlockSt. Francis High SchoolSelf
Melissa KozlowskiSelfSelf
Michael Arthur RiceClerics of St. ViatorSelf
MIchael Crowleyselfself
MICHAEL DIEHLSegall Bryant and Hamillsel
Michael HarperSaint Francis High SchoolSelf
Michael HolbrookSelfSt Francis High School
Michael J OConnellSelfSelf
Michael J PageSt. Francis High School College PreparatorySt. Francis High School
Michael JenzSelfSelf
Michael LloydLewis UniversitySt Francis High School
Michael PulcanioMljp54llcSelf
Michael Rourkeselfself
Michael RuethSelfSelf
Michael SchmidtSchmidt Exteriors IncSelf
Michael SurinaSelfSelf
Michael WainscottTeamsters Local 731Self
Michaelene HaywardSelfSelf
MICHELE KLEINSt. Francis High SchoolSelf
Michele ZygmuntSelfSelf
michelle l paukstisSELFSELF
Michelle Surianononeself
Mike RadelPersonalSt. Francis High School
Mina KerrDuPage UnitedDuPage United
Monica MangSt. Francis High SchoolSB 2647
Monica Roldanselfself
Mrs Ann E HarazinSelfSelf
Nancy CarlsonSelfSelf
Natalie HillselfSt. Francis High School
Natalie Sue Buchanan RajcevichNoneSelf
Neil PalmerSelfSelf
Nicholas JenzselfSelf
Nicole WesselSt Francis High Schoolself
Patricia FitzgeraldSelfSt Francis High School
Patricia Isomselfself
Patrick IsomNot applicableSt. Francis High School (Wheaton)
Patrick KillianAbottPatrick and Jackie Killian and Family
Patrick NugentSelfSelf
Patrick OConnellCDWSelf
Patti HenneberrySt Francis High SchoolParent , St. Francis HS Wheaton, IL
Paul NovackSt. Francis High SchoolSt. Francis High School
Paul PyrcikSelfSelf
Paula PaolellaSelfSelf
phil denemarkst francis high schoolgrandparents
Phil KerrSt. Francis High SchoolSFHS
Philip F MenoDu Page UnitedPhilip Meno
Raahauge JocelyneDuPage UnitedDuPage United
Rachel L MesekeDutch Prairie TransportationDutch Prairie Transportation
Rachel MuisengaSelfWheaton City Council
Raeann HuhnSt. Francis High SchoolSelf
Rebecca Saldanaselfself
Renee E Webbselfself
RENEE ZOMAYASt francisnot sure
Richard Donnerselfself
Richard BenciniSelfSelf
Richard J ColemanSanofi - US Rare DiseasesSt. Francis High School
Richard W Dandurandon behalf of selfself
Rick Sandbergselfself
Rita GarciaselfSELF
Robin SchroederSt. Francis High SchoolSelf
Roger HughesDuPage UnitedDuPage United
Rommy IrawanselfSelf
Ronald BenshoofSelfSelf
Ronald DiehlSelfDuPage United
Rory CallaghanDuPage CountySelf
Sada BodenSt Francis High SchoolSelf
Sara RendallSelfSelf
Sarah BohnhoffSelfSelf
Sarah ScheifeleSelfSelf
Scott Wesley WebbNoneSelf
Seamus KingNot applicableSelf
Sean DelaneySelfSt Francis High School
Sean HenneberrySt. Francis High SchoolSt Francis High School
Sean P ConleySelfSelf
Sean QuirkPARENTSB 2647
Seana SimpsonSelfSelf
Selina EmlenSelfSelf
Shana MartinSelfSt. Francis High School
Sheila OlsonSt. Francis College PreparatorySt. Francis College Preparatory High School
Stacey GallaSt. Francis High SchoolSelf
Stacy WalkerDuPage UnitedDuPage United
Stephanie CoumasSt Francis High schoolSt Francis High school
Stephanie SzewczykIndividualSelf
Stephen BodenSt Francis High SchoolSelf
Stephen BrundageLaw Office of Stephen Brundageself
Stephen Haleyselfself
Steve MoscosoSelfSelf
Steve RourkeselfSelf
Steve StonSt. FrancisSelf
Steve WlodekWestRockSelf
Steven MaherSelfSelf
Susan GavinSelfSelf
Susan Marie AhlgrenAsbury HealthcareNo Appearance
Susan RyanSelfSelf
susan siniteanselfself
Suzanne M Cahalanselfself
Tara JuhasSelfAlumni of Saint Francis High School
Terrence G Wittselfself
Thomas CastronovoSelfSelf
Thomas Frank JulianoSt. Francis High School College PreparatorySelf
Thomas PasdoResidentSelf
Thomas ZemanSelfSelf
Timothy DanielsSelfSelf
Timothy LankischSelfSelf
Todd ShawSt Francis High SchoolSt. Francis High School
Todd SipeMarian Park ApartmentsMarian Park
Tom HenneberrySt Francis High SchoolSt. Francis High School , Wheaton Il
Valerie LanceSelfSelf
Virginia Butzselfself
Warner A Cruzselfself
Wayne J KleinSt. Francis High SchoolSelf
Wence KedziorSimmons Knife & SawSelf
William John BuchholzNARecord of Appearance Only
William R McGrathcitizenSt. FRancis High School
Zachary M RadelPersonalSt. Francis High School