Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Criminal Law (S) 5/1/2019 5:00 PM |
Kathryn Winkler | NA | Self |
Alexandra Eidenberg | WE WILL | WE WILL |
Alexis Mansfield | self | self |
Amy Kelly | None | Self |
Angel Smith | None | Self |
Ann Soutter | self | self |
Anna Bauer | NA | self |
Anna Darrow | Self | Self |
Barbara Nudo | Self | Indivisible |
Barbara Parker | None | Self |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Benjamin Ruddell | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Bernadette Young | NA | Self |
beth Fischer | - None - | self |
Beth Johnson | Cabrini Green Legal Aid | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Betsy Wilson | Sentencing Advocacy Group of Evanston | Sentencing Advocacy Group of Evanston |
Bonnie Cox | League of Women Voters of Illinois | 3600 members of the League of Women Voters of Illinois |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Bruce Frazin | self | Self |
Candace Sinclair | self | self |
Carol S Lauhon | Self | Self |
Carole Buebe | Self | Self |
Carole Drennan | none | Myself |
Carole Martz | self | self |
Carolyn Donarski | CKDesign | Self |
Cassandra Kaczocha | NA | Political AF |
Celia Colon | God Giving Others Dreams | Celia colon |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Christina Dunn | Self | Self |
Colette Payne | Cabrini Green Legal Aid | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Colette Payne | Cabrini Green Legal Aid | Family of the incarcerated |
Daniel Mahoney | None | Self |
Daniela Mahoney | Self | Self |
Danielle Gomez | Office of the Cook County Public Guardian | Cook County Public Guardian |
David Bythewood | Constituent | Self |
David Rechs | self | self |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Deborah Sandstrom | Self | Self |
Debra Nielsen | Self | self |
Dia Morgan | None | None |
Diane Oltman Ayers | Registered Illinois Voter | Self |
DIANNE MARSELLA | Dianne Marsella | Concerned citizen |
Edmund Leipus | None | Self |
Edward Spire | Self | Self |
Elaine Nekritz | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | John Howard Association of Illinois |
Elaine Nekritz | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | Juvenile Justice Initiative |
Elizabeth Kim Warman | Self | Fair Economy Illinois and Second Unitarian Church, Chicago |
Elizabeth Monkus | self | self |
Elizabeth Wilfong | none | none |
Ellen C Garza | Self | self |
Emily Wachowiak | Self | self |
Erdely Julia | taxpeyer | voter |
Erin C Kissick | None | Self |
Gail SchnitEr Eisenberg | Self | Seld |
Gail T Smith | none | self |
Heather Dalmage | Roosevelt University | Myself |
Heidi Thorp | IL Voter | Self |
Iveree Brown | Ounce of Prevention Fund | Ounce of Prevention Fund |
Jack Patterson | Self | Self |
Jacqueline Bauer | NA | self |
Janet Kittlaus | Retired | Myself |
Janet Nelson | self | self |
Jim Bray | Self | Illinois Justice Project |
Joanne Archibald | self | self |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | John Howard Association of Illinois |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Judith Mandel | New Trier Democrats | none |
Judy Witasik | Self | Self |
Julia Testin | NA | Self |
Julie Stephan | Self | Self |
Karen Barron | self | self |
Karin Evans | self | self |
Kathie Kane-Willis | Chicago Urban League | Chicago Urban League |
Kathleen Blackburn | Self | Self |
Katie Danko | Strengthening Chicago's Youth | Strengthening Chicago's Youth |
Key Saunders | Self | Self |
Kirsti MacPherson | Self-employed | Self |
Kristina Rice | NA | Myself |
Lana Wroten | Self | Self |
Larinda Di Gioia | Self | Self |
Lee Hasselbacher | Self | Self |
Linda Lunt | Self | Self |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Lisa Leipus | None | Self |
Lisa Rose | Individual | Myself |
Marie Mckenna | Self | Self |
Marie Grygienc | None | Self |
Marion Nowak | self | self |
mark Novotny | none | myself |
Marvin L Doolin | none | self |
Mary Wehking | self | self |
Matthew Slade | Village of Durand | Self |
Megan Rosenfeld | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation |
Melissa Schuch | NA | Self |
Mercedes Gonzalez | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Michael Bauer | NA | self |
Michelle Roskens | Self | Self |
Musette Michael | Musette Michael | Musette Michael |
Nicolle Grasse | None | Self |
Olivia Sankiewicz | Self | Self |
Pamela F Rodriguez | TASC | TASC |
Patrice Gronwick | NA | self |
Patricia Armstrong | On behalf of self | Illinois voter |
Patricia McAdams | Self | Self |
Paul Joseph Schleitwiler FCM | retired | self |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rachel Ramirez | Northwestern Kellogg School of Management | Self |
Robin Fellers | self | self |
Roth George | taxpeyer | voter |
Roth Magda | taxpeyer | voter |
Sarah Breeden | None | Self |
Sarah Russe | self | self |
Shannon Millikin | self | self |
Shawn Michael | self | self |
Stephanie Kollmann | Children and Family Justice Center | self |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |
Steven A Andersson | Andersson Governmental Solutions | Juvenile Justice Initiative |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois NOW |
Susan Jaffee | Knit Nirvana llc | Business owner |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
Susan Wiechman | none | self |
Tanya Evanoff | self | self |
Theresa Haack | Myself | Myself |
Virginia Dimond | Dimond Consulting Group | Self |
Wallace Bertram Hilke | Self | Self |
William A Frazin | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/26/2019 4:00 PM |
Aviva Futorian | Project I-11 - John Howard Association | Project I-11 |
Benjamin Ruddell | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Colette Payne | CGLA | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Jaclyn B Pachicano | student | |
Jean Maclean Snyder | Project I-11 - John Howard Association | Project I-11 |
Jennifer Ueunten | Blue Turtle Bodywork | |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | John Howard Association |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | John Howard Association of Illinois |
Kristina Del Pino | Self | Parent |
Latino Policy Forum | Latino Policy Forum | |
Lindsay Hagy | Self | Self |
Melissa Ann Bertoletti | NA | Self |
Mercedes Gonzalez | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Robin Spencer | Self | Self, pro bono attorney |
Sharone Mitchell | Illinois project Justice | Illinois Justice Project |
Shelby Coleman | Self | |
Steven Monroy | Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund | MALDEF |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/19/2019 5:00 PM |
Adam Fotos | Self | |
Alexis Mansfield | Cabrini Green Legal Aid | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Allison Lowe-Fotos | Individual | Individual |
Amy Meek | NA | Self |
Andrea Raila | Raila & Associates PC | |
Andrea Raila | Cook County Commission on Women's Issues | Cook County Commission on Women's Issues |
Angela Paik | self | self |
Ann Hilton Fisher | self | |
Anya Tanyavutti | Chicago volunteer doulas | |
April Harrington | Growing Home | |
Araceli Carrillo | Araceli Carrillo | |
Arcelia Maricio | Logan Square Neigborhood Wide | |
Beate Minkovski | Self | |
Beth Isaacs | Illinois Birth Justice | Illinois Birth Justice |
Betsy Wilson | Sentencing Advocacy Group Of Evanston | |
Bhaskar S Manda | LSNA | |
Bridget Murphy | Logan Square Neighborhood Association | |
Caroline Chapman | Legal Council for Health Justice | Legal Council for Health Justice |
Catalina Rivera | lsna | |
Catherine Christeller | Chicago Women's AIDS Project | |
Catherine Denial | Knox College | |
Celene Peurye-Hissong | Self | Self |
Christian Diaz | LSNA | |
Christina Leong | Self | Self |
Colette Payne | Cabrini Green Legal Aid | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Courtney Kelledes | Contract Attorrney | concerned citizen |
Dawn Childress | Safe Families for Children | |
Dawn Wright Childress | Safe Families for Children | |
Deanne Benos | The Women's Justice Institute | The Women's Justice Institute (WJI) |
Diane Redleaf | Family Defense Consulting | |
Dion McGill | NA | Self |
Emily Powers | Self | Self |
Emily Schaffer | self | self |
Erin Watson | Chicago Books to Women in Prison | |
Gabriela Barajas | LSNA | |
Gail T Smith | none | |
Garien Gatewood | Juvenile Justice Initiative | Juvenile Justice Initiative |
Heather Lindahl | Self | Self |
Holly Krig | Moms United Against Violence and Incarceration | |
Huu Nguyen | Self | Self |
Ireta Gasner | Ounce of Prevention Fund | Ounce of Prevention Fund |
Isabel Breit | self | |
Iyabo L Anifowoshe | Logan Square Neighborhood Association | |
Jacquelyn Seaman | self | self |
Janet Kittlaus | Retired | Myself |
Jennifer Tiner | Windy Kitty | |
Jennifer Viets | Self | Self |
Jessica LeMaster | Logan Square Neighborhood Association | |
Jessie Heckenmueller | University of Illinois | |
Jhoanna Maldonado | Self | |
Joanne Archibald | self | self |
Julia Hundley | Human | |
Julia Takarada | Self | |
Julie Nelson | NA | |
Julie Shelton | None | Self |
Kaprisha Martin | Na | Self |
Karen Boyd | None | Self |
Karren Eales | Self | self |
Katharine C Booton Wilson | Deborah's Place | |
Kathleen Kane-Willis | Chicago Urban League | Chicago Urban League |
Katie Danko | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago |
Katie Danko | Strengthening Chicago's Youth | Strengthening Chicago's Youth |
Kimberly Polka | NA | Self |
Kirsti MacPherson | Self | Self |
Laquita Simmons | Logan Square Square Neighborhood | |
Lara Altman | Health & Medicine Policy Research Group | Health & Medicine Policy Research Group |
Laura Sova | Self | |
Lauren Anaya | Breakfast club | Self |
Lindsay Hagy | Self | Self |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Lindsey LaPointe | Business and Professional People for the Public Interest BPI | Self |
Logan Middleton | UIUC | |
Mara Heneghan | NA | |
Marcelo Ferrer | LSNA | self |
Marion Flynn | board member | |
Marjorie Fritz-Birch | Self | |
Marla Jean Bramble | Ms. | |
Marsheda Ewulomi | Self | |
Martha Franco | Self | Self |
Martha J Escogido | LSNA | |
Mary Dean | self | |
Megan Rosenfeld | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation |
Meghan P Carter | self | |
Mercedes Gonzalez | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Michael Lane | Department of Corrections | IDOC |
Michelle Day | Nehemiah Trinity Rising | Self |
Molly M Dunn | Shinda Consulting | |
Nancy Aardema | Logan Square Neighborhood Association | |
Nancy J Heil | Self | |
Pamela F Rodriguez | TASC | TASC |
Patrice James | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Patricia A Marino | Pro Bono Network | |
Rosa Mendoza | Logan Square Neighborhood Association | |
Rose Murphy | 1996 | self |
Ruby Pinto | self | self |
Sarah Ross | Prison and Neighborhood Arts Project | Sarah Ross |
Sharlyn Grace | Chicago Community Bond Fund | Chicago Community Bond Fund |
Sheila Pont | self | |
Sherry Kast | self | self |
sonia cortez | lsna | |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |
Susan Yanun | Logan Square Neighborhood Association | |
Tamara roberts | Self | |
Teresa Labastida | Logan Square Neighborhood Association. | |
Tina Lynn | self | |
Unique Rocha | Self | |
Vicki White | Chicago Books to Women in Prison | Chicago Books to Women in Prison |
Virginia Quinonez | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/12/2019 4:00 PM |
Jim Bray | Self | Illinois Justice Project |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/5/2019 4:00 PM |
Jim Bray | Self | Illinois Justice Project |
Kathleen Kane-Willis | Chicago Urban League | Chicago Urban League |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |