Illinois General Assembly - HB2831Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB2831  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: HB2831
Proponents: 181Opponents: 1No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Public Health (S) 4/18/2023 2:00 PM
Andrea DurbinIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Angela BrooksCorporation for Supportive HousingCorporation for Supportive Housing
April RedzicDuPagePadsDuPagePads
Araceli OlivaresCook County Hospital & HealthSelf
Bernadette RamsdenSelfself
Betty BoggConnections for the HomelessConnections for the Homeless
Bob PalmerHousing Action IllinoisHousing Action Illinois
Bonnie Richardsonselfself
Brenda OConnellSelfSelf
Carie Biresselfself
Carol A MjosethInner Voice, Inc.Inner Voice, Inc., a homeless services nonprofit in Chicago
Carolyn RossAll Chicago Making Homelessness HistoryAll Chicago Making Homelessness History
Cathy JordanNAself
Chante GambySelfSelf
Charles VaughanSelfSelf
Christi Wesselselfself
Christopher OHaraThresholdsCHHRGE
Constance M RakitanIndividualSupporter
Courtney SuchorSouth Suburban PADSSouth Suburban PADS
Cynthia Schilskynaself
Doug KensholSouth Suburban PADSSouth Suburban PADS
Eric FootePADS Lake CountyPADS Lake County
Eva OlivaresCook County Hospital & HealthSelf
Fred SpannausSpannaus ConsultingSelf
Gary M ArnoldIndividualindividual
Holly Rotman-ZaidHousing-Forwardself
Ireta GasnerStart EarlyStart Early
Jacqueline C EdensThe Inner Voice Inc.The Inner Voice
Jake A BradleyElements ConsultingElements Consulting
Jalisa HolifieldThe Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook CountySelf
James MenzerLake Couinty Coalition for the HomelessLake County Coalition for the Homeless
Janice GrantGrundy Area P.A.D.S.Illinois Shelter Alliance
Jason P LenziA Safe PlaceA Safe Place
Jennifer GabrenyaAnew Building Beyond Violence and AbuseSurvivors of domestic violence and their children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
Jeremy Nicholsselfself
Jessica RaapSelfSelf
Jessica SmithNoneSelf
Joan FoxCompleting personallyNa
Joe McCoyIllinois State Association of CountiesIllinois State Association of Counties
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
Julie Nelsonnoneself
Kate GreenHeart of Illinois United WayHome for All Continuum of Care
Katie EighanAlliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook CountyAlliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County
Kieran C FitzgeraldIllinois Department of Human ServicesIllinois Department of Human Services
Kim JonesKids Above AllKim Jones
Latonya BrownInner VoiceSelf
Laura Craemer MSAllendale Association, Inchomeless youth
Laura DavisHelping Hands of SpringfieldHelping Hands of Springfield
Lauren Palmerinselfself
Lynda SchuelerHousing ForwardHousing Forward
M NelsenAlliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook Countyself
Merridith MontgomerySelfself
Monika Ronti GhoshCSHSelf
Nancy J HeilSelfSelf
Nate Metrickselfself
Neil McMenaminPublic Action to Deliver Shelter, Inc. DBA Hesed HousePublic Action to Deliver Shelter, Inc. DBA Hesed House
Niya KellyChicago Coalition for the HomelessChicago Coalition for the Homeless
Pamela GivensInner VoiceInner Voice Inc
Pamela JeffriesNot applicablePamela Jeffries
Paris GrayInner Voice Inc.Inner Voice Inc.
Peter ToepferCenter for Housing and HealthCenter for Housing and Health
Rebecca LevinTASC - Treatment Alternatives for Safe CommunitiesTASC - Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities
Richard MonocchioHousing Authority of Cook CountyHousing Authority of Cook County
Roberta M ColemanKabod House InternationalKabod House International
Roshonda JuliusInner VoiceInner Voice
Shannon MonganNASELF
Stephanie SidemanCSHCSH
Thomas KenterSelfSelf
Timothy JacksonAIDS Foundation ChicagoAIDS Foundation Chicago
Tina RoundsBEDS Plus Care Inc.BEDS Plus Care Inc.
Yareli SalgadoLake County Coalition for the HomelessLake County Coalition for the Homeless
Hearing Date and Time: Housing (H) 3/8/2023 10:00 AM
Amanda BillingsThresholdsself
Andrea DurbinIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Andrew TurnerWarp CorpsWarp Corps
Anna HoughSelfSelf
Armando L SmithHousing ForwardSelf
Bob PalmerHousing Action IllinoisHousing Action Illinois
Britta Larsonselfself
Carmalita CahillCarbondale Warming Center
Cathy FeltnerEmbarras River Basin AgencyEmbarras River Basin Agency
Christi Wesselselfself
Claire BaconFair Housing Non-ProfitSelf
David EspositoSupportive Housing Providers AssociationSupportive Housing Providers Association
David FriesIllinois Dept. of Human Services
DeLoise L CrosbyCatholic Charities-New Hope Apartments Suburban South & West
Diana KnaebeMental Health Centers of Central Illinois
Don JohnsonGoodwill Industries of Central Illinois, Inc.Goodwill of Central Illinois, Inc.
Donna RasmussenConsumer Credit Counseling Service of Northern IllinoisHomeless individuals & families
Dorian HeimbachSouthern Illinois Coalition for the HomelessSelf
Doug KensholSouth Suburban PADSSouth Suburban PADS
Eileen McNameePADS of ElginPADS of Elgin
Eric FootePADS Lake CountyPADS Lake County
Eve WilliamsOpen Communities
Felicia Mary GriffinSt. Leonard's MinistriesSupportive Housing Providers Association
Gerry BeaglesGarden Center ServicesGarden Center Services
Gina ZinckSELFself
Gregorio ResendizIndependence Center
Halbert WilliamsInner Voice
Heather ODonnellThresholdsThresholds
Henry FulkersonHousing Forward
Ioline RegibeauIndividualSelf
Jackie EdensThe Inner Voice Inc.The Inner Voice
Jake A BradleyElements ConsultingElements Consulting
Jakub MuszynskiSelfSelf
Jalisa HolifieldThe Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook CountySelf
Jason P LenziA Safe PlaceA Safe Place
Jazmine HernandezSelfself
Jennifer GoodwineCunningham Township Supervisor's OfficeSelf
Jennifer HansonThe Association for Individual DevelopmentThe Association for Individual Development
Jennifer StraubSelfself
Joe McCoyIllinois State Association of CountiesIllinois State Association of Counties
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
John FallonSelfSelf
John HerringIllinois Network of Centers for Independent LivingIllinois Network of Centers for Independent Living
Johnna LoweNone
Joseph JacksonPublic Action to Deliver Shelter, Inc. dba Hesed HousePublic Action to Deliver Shelter, Inc. dba Hesed House
Josh SaboHeartland HOUSEDSelf
Julie Kathryn PurcellLazarus HouseLazarus House
Julie NelsonNAself
Julie NelsonNAself
Karen YepsenPrairieland Service CoordinationPrairieland Service Coordination, Inc.
Kate GreenHeart of Illinois United WayHome for All Continuum of Care
Kathryn StranieroTogether We CopeTogether We Cope
Katie EighanAlliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook CountyAlliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County
Kim UlbrichMcHenry County Housing Authority
Kyle HillmanNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois ChapterNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter
Latonya Latsonselfself
Laura ZumdahlNew MomsNew Moms
Lezlie McCoySquare 1Square 1
Lisa HendricksonSelfKenneth Young Center
Liza K DuchesneaunoneSelf
Logan ColeGoodwill Industries of Central IllinoisSelf
Lore BakerAssociation for Individual DevelopmentAssociation for Individual Development (AID)
Lori JohnsonGoodwill of Central IL
Lorrri GrainawiHousing Task ForceHousing Task Force
Marianne BithosNAMI South Suburbs of Chicago
Marita LandrethNoneSelf
Marketta SimsSHPA
Mary MahadySelf
Max SeeleyConnections for the HomelessConnections for the Homeless
Melissa CalhounGenesis GardenGenesis Garden
Merridith M MontgomeryNone
Michael ChavarriaHOPE Fair Housing CenterHOPE Fair Housing Center
Michael HermanChicago House and Social Service AgencyChicago House and Social Service Agency
Michael O'ConnorCarpenter's PlaceCarpenter's Place
Molly PilgreenNA
Monika Ronti GhoshSelfSelf
Nancy HeilSelf
Nancy Janette Phillipsself
Natalie MayorgaChicago House Social Service Agency
Neil McMenaminPublic Action to Deliver Shelter, Inc. DBA Hesed HousePublic Action to Deliver Shelter, Inc. DBA Hesed House
Otha GastonLived Experience
Patricia Parrish StokesHousing-ForwardHousing Forward
Puneet LeekhaChestnut Health SystemsChestnut Health Systems
Quentin MansfieldChicago Urban LeagueChicago Urban League
Robert GorskiAssociation for Individual DevelopmentAssociation for Individual Development
Ron ClewerSelfSelf
Samantha ShaySelfSelf
Sandy DetersEmbarras River basin agencyEmbarras River Basin Agency
Sarah DelgadoOpen CommunitiesSelf
Sean ElliottNone
Sharon KingAlliance to End HomelessnessSelf
Sharronne WardGrand Prairie Services
Shaya Robinsonselfself
Sheri CorcoranHome of the Sparrowself
Sherri Allen ReevesPhoenix Foundation ChicagoPhoenix Foundation Chicago
Sherri Allen ReevesPhoenix Foundation ChicagoPhoenix Foundation Chicago
Sherri AngelIllinois Valley Economic Development CorporationIllinois Valley Economic Development Corporation
Stephanie SidemanCSH
Sue LoellbachConnections for the HomelessConnections for the Homeless
Taneka JenningsIllinois Department of Human ServicesIllinois Department of Human Services
Thomas RileyPioneer Center for Human Services
Tina RoundsBEDS Plus Care Inc.BEDS Plus Care Inc.
Todd BrittChicago Transit AuthorityChicago Transit Authority
Vicki MirandaElgin Community CollegeElgin Community College
Vickie SmithIL Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceIL Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Victoria WhiteForest Hills Village Residents Community AssociationForests Hills Village Residents Community Association
Wilfred HeggConnections of Ilinois