Illinois General Assembly - SB2834Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB2834  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: SB2834
Proponents: 474Opponents: 7No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Housing (H) 5/1/2024 10:00 AM
Aileesha PotterSelfSelf
Alan CwiklinskiSelfSelf
Alice V SpencerSelfSelf
Amanda Emperorselfself
Andrew J NeillSelfSelf
Angela palivosSelfSelf
Angie GillSelf
Angie RegaladoSelfSelf
Anthony Foxselfself
Austin MetzgerSelfSelf
babrbara a wilson millerselfself
Barb Kosatkaselfself
Barbara Joanne Mitchellselfself
Barry Graham Casebereselfself
Bernice RabySELFself
Betty BurkeselfSELF
Betty Jean SiedleckiselfSelf
Bob Kozakselfself
Bob PalmerHousing Action IllinoisHousing Action Illinois
Bob Riekeselfself
Brenda BeitelSelfSelf
Brian CarperSelfSelf
Brian CarperSelfSelf
Bruce LaffeeSelfSelf
Bruce LaffeeWillow Lakes Estates Elgin, IL 60123Bruce Laffee and Willow Lake Estates Elgin, IL 60123
Bryan Ballmanselfself
Candy DeavilleSelfSelf
Carl DeSilvaSelfSelf
Carla ShadleySelf
Carole Hurleyselfself
Carrie E KernSelfSelf
Catherine BaranskiSelfSelf
Catherine BaranskiSelfSelf
Catherine McNealSelf
Charles TomasSelfSelf
Cheryl AdkinsSelfSelf
Cheryl AdkinsSelfSelf
Cheryl SchoonSelfSelf
Christine UpdikeSekfSelf
Christy CarrollSelf
Cindy LakeNone
Craig CarrollSelfSelf
Cynthia Jankowskiselfself
Cynthia Markunasselfself
Dana HarbaughCenter for Disability & Elder LawCenter for Disability & Elder Law
Daniel NorredOwner
Darcy Stephensselfself
Darlene ClarkSelfSelf
Darlene HentschSelfSelf
Dawn Gilfillanselfself
Deanna RossSelfForest View Residents Association
Debbie HoySelfSelf
Deborah WilliamsSelf
Debra LynchSelfSelf
Debra SkowronSelfSelf
Delores TanisvoterTAXPAYER
Denise BlaserSelfSelf
Dennis DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Dennis LebhardtDennis LebhardtDennis Lebhardt
Diane Gagneselfself
Diane M HolleySelfSelf
Diego ContrerasSelfSelf
Dominic MisasiSelfSelf
Donald L NelsonSelfForestview Residents Association
Donald Walshdearborn
Donna MurraySelf
Dylan BlaserSelfSelf
Ed Dunneselfself
Edward GramzaSelfSelf
Edward OlenickSelfself
Eileen StanleySelfself
Elicia BeckResidentMHOAI
Elizabeth BlaserSelfSelf
Elizabeth DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Emmette Don CarrSelfSelf
Erik Crytserselfself
Evalyn HallSelf
Faith Kancauskiselfself
Florence Sandyselfself
Frank BaranskiSelfSelf
Fred BeckerSelfSelf
Gary Bebarselfself
Gerald Alfred MahnkeselfForest View Residents Association
Ginni DemkoSelfSelf
Grady DuckworthSelfSelf
Gwen OvermanSelfSelf
Halina MyersSelfSelf
Hanna VickSelfSelf
Henry LutzSelfSelf
Jack TriemstraSelfself
Jackie StankusSelfSelf
Jackie WitczakSelf
James BrookeselfForest View Residents Association
James F PoppSelfSelf
James RabySelfself
James S PilarczykSelf
Jay shannonSelf
jeanette j dossselfself
Jeff McIntyreSelfSelf
Jennifer Lunaselfself
Jennifer Silk VombrackSelfSelf
Jeremiah Kancauskiselfself
Jeremy KeithSelfSelf
Jeremy KeithSelfSelf
Jerry Kosatkaselfself
Jim Couryself
Jo A AllenSelfSelf
Jo Ann HayesSelfForest Views residents association
Joan MarekSelfSelf
John BlazevichKnights of Columbus
john j pallerselfself
John LynchSelfSelf
Joseph PanozzoSelfSelf
Judith A Riekeselfself
Judith E PoppSelfSelf
Judy Derusselfself
Judy GablSelfForest View Residents Association
Judy PendergrassSelfSelf
Julie AmesSelfSelf
June Lunaselfself
Justus DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Karen BarrySelfSelf
Karen BeckerSelfSelf
Karen BeckerSelfSelf
Karen ElsbeckerSelfForest View Residents Association
Karen L Senovitzselfself
Karen L Senovitzslefself
Karen linklaterSelfMohi
Katherine ClarkSelfSelf
Kathleen DelozerSelfForest View Residents Association
Kathleen JulaSelfSelf
Kathleen VanMarenselfself
Kathryn AlveySelfSelf
Kathryn BrownSelfself
Kathryn TriemstraSelfself
Kathy KrauseSelfSelf
Keith L AllenSelfSelf
Kelly EldridgeSelfSelf
Ken kressnerSelfSelf
Kevin StreitSelfForest Views residents association
Kimberly JonesSelfForest view residents association
Kyle DouglasSelfSelf
Larry BresslerNone
leslie c pallerselfseif
Linda D EvansSelfSelf
Linda LangeSelf
Linda ReynoldsMHACTIONSelf
Lisa adkinsSelfSelf
Lisa PopeSelfSelf
Lisi ContrerasSelfself
Lois MartinoSelfSelf
Lori JohnsFVRAForest View Residents Association
Lyn Hall'Self
Maderia PorterSelf
Marcia GreenSELFSelf
Marilyn ElDubbehNoneSelf
Mark JohnsFVRAForest View Residents Association
Mark Sandyselfself
Marlene Williamsself
Marsha J Easterselfself
Marsha McNarySelfSelf
Martine SCHEUERMANSelfSelf
Mary and Larry RidpathSelfself
Mary Ann CarrSelfSelf
Mary Beth BanksSelfForest View Residents Association
Mary BrookeselfForest View Residents Association
Mary Dusekselfself
Mary EldridgeSelfSelf
Mary Foxselfself
Mary J Meyerselfself
Mary Kroszakselfself
mary loweselfself
Mary S FrySelfSelf
Mary Sandelskeselfself
Mary Sandelskiselfself
Melissa CarsonSelfSelf
Mellissa RiceselfSelf
Michael and Paula ArbisiSelfForest View Residents Association
Michelle Lunaselfself
Mikoleen UlsrudSelfForest View Residents Association
Morse Dale TurnerpersonalSelf
Morse Dale TurnerSelfSelf
Nadine FieldsResidenceSelf
Nancy Jean Wilsonselfself
Nancy Kozakselfself
Nancy WolkomirselfSelf
Noah FleckSelfSelf
Norbert SnowSelfself
Norine DeSilvaSelf
Omar MuthanaNoneSelf
Patricia Kingself
Patricia L KernSelfSelf
Patricia LutzSelfSelf
Paula Nicholsselfself
paula poutryself
Peter KohlerSelfSelf
PHILIP J BOUDREAURetired teacherSelf, Philip J Boudreau
Phyllis GerribSelf
Ralph SporckSelfSelf
Raul ContrerasSelfSelf
Ray Russellself
Rebecca Jo Pettaself
Rebecca LantingSelfSelf
Rico F PorterSelf
Robert StanleySelfself
Robert A JonesSelfself
Robert HenneberrySelfSELF
Robert JonesSelfSelf
Robert Kancauski Jrselfself
Robert KozakSelfself
Robert Kruegerself
Roberta CohanselfForest View Residents Association
Roberta Lynnette PiskorskiSelfSelf
Ronald M SkowronSelfSelf
Rory B Petersonselfself
rosalie a wilsonselfself
Roxanne BarhumSelfSelf
Roy VombrackSelfSelf
Rudolph RegaladoSelfSelf
Russell SiedleckiSelfSelf
Ryan Emperorselfself
Ryan GruenenfelderAARP IllinoisAARP
Ryan VanMarenselfSelf
Sally GrubermannSelf
Samantha FleckSelfSelf
Sandra D 'Amicoselfself
Sandra Kancauskiselfself
Sandra Kancauskiselfself
Sandra shannonSelf
Sharon GrigasSelfSelf
Sharon WellsMyselfSelf
Stan DunasSelfSelf
stella chasenselfself
stephen l bleichnerselfself
Summer E Kingself
Suzette OrtegaSelfSelf
Terry MulhallSelfself
Terry Mundy-ColemanSelfSelf
Terry NelsonManufactured Home Owners Association of IllinoisManufactured Home Owners Association of Illinois
Theresa Ann BanksSelf
Thomas Johnsonselfself
Thomas Koskyselfself
Thomas OrtegaSelfSelf
Thomas V FrySelfSelf
Tracy SiedleckiselfSelf
trenace tankemaplebrookself
Valarie BylinaNone
Victoria GolleherFVRAForest View Residents Association
Victoria KnippelSelfSelf
Walter Foxselfself
Walter Sandelskiselfself
william michael DennisPersonal
William SenovitzSelfself
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary (S) 2/6/2024 2:00 PM
Aileesha PotterSelfSelf
Alan Cwiklinskiselfself
Alice PehlkeSelfSelf
Barbara A WiilsonMillerresidentSelf
Barbara Joanne MitchellMhOAIself
Barbara MinerlySelfSelf
Barry Graham Casebereselfself
Bernice C Rabyselfself
Betty BurkeselfSELF
Betty L KuhnSelfSelf
Bob PalmerHousing Action IllinoisHousing Action Illinois
Brenda MondaneNASelf
Brian Kazmerselfself
Brian Kazmerselfself
Carl DeSilvaSelfSelf
Carole HurleyselfSelf
Catherine BaranskiSelfSelf
Charles TomasNoneSelf
Cheryl AdkinsSelfSelf
Chris ZartucheSelfSelf
Christine Albionselfself
Christine UpdikeSelfSelf
Cindy LakeNoneSelf
Claude CalesiniSelfSelf
Cynthia pippertSelfSelf
Cynthia Z Jankowskiselfself
Darlene ClarkSelfMhoai
David SchwartzSelfSelf
David YaegerMHOAISelf
Dawn GilfillanselfSelf
Debbie LeasSelfSelf
Deborah HoySelfSelf
Deborah WildNoneSelf
Debra SkowronSELFSELF
Debra SkowronSELFSelf
Diane Gagneselfself
Diane IpemaGateway Manufactured HomeownersSelf
Diane M HolleyDiane M HolleySelf
Diego Contrerasselfself
Dolores M MisasiSelfSelf
Dominic T Misasiselfself
Dominic T Misasiselfself
Don R WesselySelfSelf
Donna Mecklenburg23043 S Glen Eagle Frankfort ILself
Donna ZawierskiMaplebrookSelf
Dorothy TownerMaplebrookself
Druella C HayesMaplebrookself
Edgar WymanSelfSelf
Edward DunneMaplebrookself
Edward GramzaEdward GramzaSelf
Edward Ipema IIIEdward Ipema IIISelf
Eileen StanleySelfself
Eleanor BalogEleanor BalogSelf
Elicia BeckNot ApplicableElicia Beck
Evelyn G SegersSelfSelf
Florence P DealWLESELF
Florence SandySelfself
Francis BaranskiSelfSelf
Frank BaranskiSelfSelf
Gail E KallendGolf Vista EstatesSelf
Gary Hansonselfself
Ginni DemkoSelfSelf
Gloria YaegerMHOAISelf
Grace M TalleyDoes Not Applyself
Halina MyersSelfHomeowners & Renters
Hazel TuckerNaManufactured homes
Henry LutzSelfSelf
Jackie StankusSelfSelf
Jackie StankusSelfSelf
Jackie StankusSelfSelf
Jacqueline HerlinMHOAIMHOAI
James v DockeryNoneSelf
James F PoppSelfSelf
James L RabySelfself
Janice L BrinesNoneMaple Brook HOA
Jason J McClenthenSelfSelf
Jason LeBlancSelfSelf
Jason LeBlancSelfSelf
jeanette dossselfself
Jeffrey D MillerproponentSelf
Jennifer KazmerselfSelf
Jennifer Lunaselfself
Jennifer Silk VombrackSelfSelf
Jeremy KeithSelfSelf
Jerry PehlkeSelfSelf
Jim Schusterselfself
Jo A Allenmeself
Joan Marek Hollywoodselfself
John RitchieWillow Lake EstatesSelf
Joseph PanozzoMobile home park residentSelf
Joyce Berubeselfself
Joyce Krouskoupfselfself
Judith MalSelfSelf
Judy DerusSelfSelf
Judy PendergrassNeighbors for a Better Forest ViewSelf
Julie RitchieWillow Lake EstatesSelf
June Lunaselfself
Karen CwichonRetiredSelf
Karen GordonGolf VistaSelf
Karen LinklaterSelfHomeowner
Katherine OlkenNoneSelf
Kathleen SafranekNot applicableSelf
Kathleen VanMarenSelfSelf
Kathryn AlveySelfSelf
Kathryn Brownselfself
Kathy KrauseSelfHomeowner
Keith Allenmeself
Kimberly A DockeryMaplebrookSelf
Lanette BolandSelfSelf
Larry KnottSelfSelf
Larry WildNoneSelf
Laura BrambleSelfSelf
Laura DotsonSelfSelf
Laura DotsonSelfSelf
laverne rohlandhome ownerself
leann tankemaplebrookself
Leslie Williams60914Self
Linda KeelSelfSelf
Lisa AdkinsSelfSelf
Lisi ContrerasSelfself
Lois MartinoSelfSelf
Lori JohnsNoneForest View Residents Association
Luann LongSelfSelf
Lynette Racheselfself
Marc MalSelfSelf
Marianne FarrellSelfSelf
Marilyn EL-DubbehSelfSelf
Marilyn Szumresidentresident
Mark JohnsNoneForest View Residents Association
Mark Sandyselfself
Marlene Williamsselfself
Martine ScheuermanManufactured home owners if Countryside and HodgkinsSelf
Mary FogertyMHOAISelf
Mary J MeyerSelfGateway Maufactured Home Owners
Mary Mundy-ColemanHilltop Mobile Home ParkSelf
Mellissa RiceHomeownerSelf
Michael KelloggMHOAISelf
Michael Lunaselfself
Michael Szumresidentresident
Michelle Lunaselfself
Milton ThomasSelfSelf
Monica DeLordNaSelf
Morse Dale TurnerpersonalSelf
Nadine FieldsSelfSelf
Nancy Jean Wilsonresidentpr
Nancy Jean Wilsonresidentself
Nancy P WilliamsPheasant Lake Estatesself
Nancy WolkomirNoneSelf
Noah FleckSelfHomeowner
Norine DeSilvaSelfSelf
Odell SegersSelfSelf
Omar MuthanaSelfSelf
Pat CorbleyPersonelSelf
Patricia DePaepeMHOAIself
Patricia Jonesselfself
Patricia KappelMHOAIMhoai
Patricia LutzSelfSelf
Paula FarrMaple Brook Homeowners AssociationMaple Brook Homeowners Association
Peter KohlerSelfSelf
PHILIP J BOUDREAURetiredResident of community
phillip schelinskimhoaiSelf
Rachel DeckHomeSelf
Ralph SporckSelfSelf
Raul Contrerasselfself
Ray RussellSelfSelf
Rebecca Jo PettaDust B Gone Cleaningself
Robert FosterNaNa
Robert HenneberrySelfself
Robert J Kruegerselfna
Robert J LongSelfSelf
Robert Jonespersonalself
Robert JonesSelfSekf
Robert lakeNoneSelf
Robert PattersonSelfSelf
Robert StanleySelfself
Robert ThomasSelfSelf
Ronald M SkowronSelfSelf
Rory B Petersonselfself
Rosalie Wilsonselfproponant
Rosemary RobinsonMHOAISelf
Roxanne BarhumHomeownerSelf
Roy VombrackRetiredSelf
Russell MillerSelfSelf
Ryan VanMarenSelfSelf
Sally GrubermannSelfSelf
Samantha GleckSelfHomeowners
Sarah LeBlancSelfSelf
Sarah LeBlancSelfSelf
Sarah MacLeanSelfSelf
Sharon StoutOak Lawn Estates. of Morton Homeowners AssociationSelf
Shelia KelloggMHOAISelf
Sheryl KooyengaSelfSelf
Stanley A DunasMHOAISELF
Steve W NovakSelfSelf
Tami JanisMaplebrookself
Terry MulhallSunself
Terry NelsonManufactured Home Owners Association of IllinoisManufactured Home Owners Association of Illinois
Theresa Ann BanksSelfSelf
Theresa KudiaSelfSelf
Thomas TherkildsenSelfSelf
trenace tankemaplebrookself
Wanda CorbleyPersonalSelf
Wendell Ellisonselfself
Wilma J MeeksResidentSelf