Illinois General Assembly - SB2944Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB2944  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB2944
Proponents: 232Opponents: 0No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Approp- Pub Safety & Infrastructure (S) 4/17/2024 5:00 PM
MONIQUE JENKINSSelfTennis Opportunity Program
Abby KerschnerSelfSelf
Adam ArentsSelfSelf
Aisha FallGirls in the GameSelf
Albert Lee WilliamsKids Sports Fitness Education Inc.Albert Williams
alejandro soteloHeart of the cityheart of the city
Alex AnayaABC-PilsenLaureus
Alexandra BergmanChicago District Tennis AssociationSelf
Ali MalehornUrban InitiativesSelf
Alice EricksonSelfSelf
Amy MummeryLaureus Sport for Good ChicagoLaureus Sport for Good Chicago
Andrea SavageNASelf
Andres LagunasChicago RunChicago Run
Andrew HenryKEEN Kids Enjoy Exercise Now ChicagoKEEN (Kids Enjoy Exercise Now) Chicago
Angela WilliamsAngela WilliamsAngela Williams
Angela WilliamsTOPS TennisTennis
Annaka StoeckelHome ChefSelf
Anne VanderWeeleMetropolitan Family ServicesMetropolitan Family Services
Annette KellyFOUS Youth Development ServicesFOUS Youth Development Services
Aria MeshkatiKEEN Chicagoself
Ashlynn ThomasUSTA Tennis & Education FoundationSelf
Audrey NannengaHeart of the CityHeart of the City
Aurea ChambersChicago District Tennis AssociationSelf
Aurora Martinez del RioUrban Initiativesself
Barb RuethUsta chicagoSelf
Ben SchornackLaureus USALaureus USA
Beth AldersonselfSelf
Bonnie SerraTennis Opportunity ProgramSelf.
Bradley LewisSelfSelf
Bret SchramaUSTA Midwestself
Brett BurchardSelfSelf
Brian DillmanChicago Tennis DistrictSelf
Cameron DowdBox UnitedBox United
Catherine E LoudermanCity of Colchester, ILCity of Colchester
Catherine SangsterFair Education AllianceSelf
Catherine ThomUSTA ChicagoSelf
Charles DullHuron Consulting GroupSelf
Charles J BrownCJ Brown FoundationThe CJ Brown Foundation
Chlyla W LewisBox Unitedself
Christine KouriaStudentself
Christine PflanzBox UnitedSelf
Chuck KuhleFairview Tennis Center Decatur Park DistrictSelf
Cindy BoyntonTilly TherapySelf
Claire TrinkleBox UnitedBox United
Clark PowerPlay Like a Champion TodayPlay Like a Champion TOday
Clifford J StonerBoys & Girls Club of Rockfordself
Colchester Tennis AssociationColchester Tennis AssociationColchester Tennis Association
Collin D CarlierselfCollin Carlier
Connor HolmanSelfself representation
Cooper ThompsonSelfSelf
D'Mya ClayNikeSelf
Dan McAlpineChicago TennisSelf
Dana LandauUrban InitiativesSelf
Dana TrunnellSelfSelf
Daniel OConnellthe cubs at river citySelf
Daniel Serna-GeitzUrban InitiativesUrban Initiatives
Danya RosenChicago RunChicago Run
Darlene EskerHigh school tennisSelf
Darryl SavageNASelf
Dave LowitzkiLowitzki Consulting, LLCLaureus - Sport for Good
David CasselPeacePlayersSelf and PeacePlayers Chicago
David CorneliusUrban InitiativesSelf
David CraftSoftware Solutions Integrated LLCself
david dickisonusta midwest tennis and education foundationself
David FlynnCenter for Healing and Justice through Sportself
David MotleyHeart of the CityHeart of the City
David QuaglianaSelfSelf
Dawn KobelGirls in the GameGirls in the Game
Dax LoweryUSTA Midwest Tennis and Education FoundationSelf
Dean SmithHeart of the CityLaureus
Dedra BurnettThe ACE Projectself
Denard Jacox SrFaithful FewFaithful Few
Denise NoeBoys & Girls Club of RockfordBoys & Girls Club of Rockford
Denise SandersThe Ace Project Parent Mentor Programself
Diane S MetzgerFranklin County Tennis ClubFranklin County Tennis Club
Diedre dunnSelfSelf
Dorian DysonUSTA Midwest Tennis and Education Foundationself
Edith RamirezGirls on the Run ChicagoGirls on the Run Chicago
Elaine CassidyPlay Like a Champion TodayLaureus Sport for Good - Chicago
Eleanor LeeSelfSelf
Elisha HardyChicago RunChicago Run
Elizabeth DickisonUSTA Midwest Tennis and Education Foundationself
Elizabeth RiceSelfSelf
Elyse TusseyUrban InitiativesSelf
Eric BramletUSTA Mid-South IllinoisSelf
Eric BramletUSTA Mid-South IllinoisSelf
Erika Del GiudiceGirls in the GameGirls in the Game
Erika HollanderGirls in the GameGirls in the Game
Erin O'ConnellClubs at River CityRiver City tennis
Erin StevensonCenter for Healing and Justice through SportSelf
Esther chagoyaHeart of the CitySelf
Ethan WilenUrban InitiativesSelf
Evelyn DelgadoGirls in the GameGirls in the Game
Francesca NiekampSelfSelf
Francisco MartinezSelfHOTC
Frank NaresUp2Us SportsSelf
Gary PotterHeart of the CitySelf
Grace CurtinLaureusLaureus USA
Hallie NewellGirls in the GameGirls in the Game
Hannah TzeghaiSelfself
Ilena BanksAce Project Parent Mentor ProgramSelf
Ivan OrtegaCenter for Healing & Justice through SportIvan Ortega
Jack BrandlBoxing Out NegativityBoxing Out Negativity
Jackie E BartonUSTA ChicagoSelf
Jacob StromSelfSelf
James McGranahanSelfSelf
James NiekampSelfSelf
Jamie KerkhofUSTA MidwestSelf
Jane SpektorClubs at River Cityself
Janie StanleyVillage of Southern ViewVillage of Southern View
Jason BuckleyPositive Coaching AlliancePositive Coaching Alliance
Jason GodawskiPTISelf
Jeff UnderwoodKEEN Chicagoself
Jeffrey DamaschkeSelfSelf
Jennifer ConleyUSTA Midwest Tennis and Education FoundationUSTA Midwest Tennis and Education Foundation
Jennifer TanisSchool District 148School District 148
Jess SnivelyGirls on the Run-ChicagoSelf and Girls on the Run-Chicago
Jessica LarsonGirls in the Gameself
Jessica MaterAmerica SCORES ChicagoAmerica SCORES Chicago
Jesus Ayala JrMetroSquashSelf (MetroSquash)
Jill EdelblueYMCA of Metro ChicagoYMCA of Metropolitan Chicago
Jill SiegelUSTA ChicagoSelf
Jill SylvesterFirst Tee - Greater ChicagoFirst Tee - Greater Chicago
Jillian EidGirls on the Run - ChicagoGirls on the Run - Chicago
Jillian Green LoughranThe Center for Healing and Justice Through SportSelf
Joann BlairUSTA Midwestself
Jocabed LeyvaGirls in the GameGirls in the Game
Joel MaciasLaureus Sport for Good ChicagoCatalyst Maria
Jon FeinmanInnerCity WeightliftingInnerCity Weightlifting
Joseph ScallyselfPositive Coaching Alliance
Joy NelsonUrban InitiativesUrban Initiatives
KaMia WatsonGirls on the Run ChicagoGirls on the Run Chicago
Kamran KellyKids Enjoy Exercise Now ChicagoSelf
Karen SavageNASelf
Katherine WoodSelfSELF
Kelsey EllisGirls in the GameGirls in the Game
Kevin VanMeterArcher Daniels MidlandSelf
Kip ORourkeBrownLaureus USALaureus USA
Kirk MosesLive Free IllinoisLive Frree Illinois
Kirk MosesSelfSelf
Kris CampbellUSTA Midwest Sectionself
Kristin SheehanPlay Like a Champion Today Educational SeriesPlay Like a Champion Today Educational Series
Kylie YorkUSTA Midwest Sectionself
l clayAce project parent mentor programSelf
Laura FillenwarthKEEN Chicagoself
Laura ZullUrban InitiativesUrban Initiatives
Lauren KinderknechtCenter for Healing and Justice through Sportself
Lea JesseFirst Tee - Greater ChicagoFirst Tee - Greater Chicago
Lekisha GunnGirls on the RunGirls on the Run
Letisia GutierrezHeart of the CitySelf
Lilian L MontgomeryOlinSelf
Lilly MilanovicSelfSelf
Lisa FritscherR6BSelf
Lizzy RobinsonCARCSelf
LongGiang LeCenter Court Tennis AssociationCenter Court Tennis Association, Long-Giang Le (Director)
Loree WashingtonThe ACE ProjectSelf
Lori GossettUSTA Tennis & Education FoundationSelf
Lorne PintoSelfSelf
Luis GuzmanSelfSelf
Mackenna SavageNASelf
Mackenzie OHaraKEENSelf
Maggie JonesGirls in the GameGirls in the Game
Marian WilliamsCommunity Tennis AssociationHillsboro Area USTA tennis and pickleball
Mariana NiekampLaureus USALaureus USA
Marisa UlrichSelfSelf
Mary Beth BowmanBarrington Area Tennis AssociationSelf
Mary VaneckoBox UnitedBox United
Matthew LynchSelfSelf
Maurice AllenCDTASelf
Meaghan StanfordUrban Initiativesself
Melissa GusmanMetroSquashMetroSquash
Meredith Richardgirls in the gameGirls in the Game
Michael James SweeneySelfSelf
Mike BettinardiDonson MachineSelf
Mollie AndersonSelfSelf
Morgan WolcottUrban InitiativesUrban Initiatives
Nancy ManolisChicago District Tennis AssociationSelf
Natasha KopystynskyHeart of the CitySelf
Nayeli LopezGirls in the GameOrganization
Nicole BorchersHeart of the CitySelf
Nicole RamseyGirls on the Run ChicagoSelf
Nirali ChauhanKEEN ChicagoSelf
Nora DooleySoccer Without BordersSoccer Without Borders
Patricia BramletUSTA Mid-South IllinoisSelf
Patrick GornikDunlap High Schoolself
Patsy ConleyMid South Illinois Tennis Associationself
Paul Boyeselfself
Paul D FurlowPositive Coaching AlliancePositive Coaching Alliance
Paulina GuerraGirls onGirls on the Run - Chicago
Peter PiscitelloPlay Like a Champion Today Educational SeriesLaureus Sport for Good Chicago
Pharlone ToussaintThe Center for Healing and Justice through SportSelf
Quinn RickettsSelfSelf
Rachelle PatelLaureus Sport for Good USALaureus USA
Rebeca TorresMedline Industries, LPSelf
Rena Leeselfself
Richard McClintockKPMGLaureus USA
Robert BensonGirls on the Run - ChicagoGirls on the Run - Chicago
Robert FraserUrban Initiativesself
Robert Lamar SimsDolton West School Dist 148self
Robert SaltaresLaureus USALaureus USA, Sport for Good Chicago
Rolando HerreraUrban InitiativesUrban Initiatives
Ruth KarakostaUSTA MidwestSelf
Sam HersbergerUSTA Tennis & Education FoundationSelf
Samantha SchaferCDTAself
Samuel James TraylorUSTA Midwest - Mid-South Illinois Districtself
Sara McLaughlinLaureus USALaureus USA
Sara Victoria Lopez ZunigaChicago RunChicago Run
Sarah Haagselfself
Scott NenningerBrookfield PropertiesSelf
Shalantha KeysThe Ace ProjectSelf
Shaley BuckUSTA Tennis & Education FoundationSelf
Sharon Millernoneself
Sonthana ThongsithavongCentral Illinois Tennis AssociationSelf
Stephanie JonesGirls in the GameSelf
Suzanne LinderThe ACE projectThe ACE project
Sydney AchlerSelfSelf
Tatia BresnahanSelfSelf
Taylor LambertsenFirst Tee of Greater ChicagoSelf
Thomas Tucker PenningtonChicago RunSelf
tracey benfordselfself
Tyrin WagesUSTA ChicagoSelf
Veronica ParrAce ProjectSelf
Vince CarterProject Education PlusSelf
Vivian BahenaNew Life CentersNew Life Centers
William ShadeMorgan Stanleyself
Wyatt MartinUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignself
Zoe KimGirls on the Run-ChicagoGirls on the Run-Chicago
Zoy BrownUSTA Midwest SectionSelf