Illinois General Assembly - SB3077Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB3077  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: SB3077
Proponents: 159Opponents: 1No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 4/30/2024 3:00 PM
Alice TellLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLeague of Women Voters Chicago
Amy Bartucciselfself
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Austin James MinkSelfSelf
Beth OsmundCedar Valley Sustainable FarmSelf
Charles StitesRiver Bend Wild Game & Sausage Co.NA
Chris DouglasBerkel Midwest
Christine JohnsonWild Trillium Farmself
Cliff SchuetteSchuette SeedsCliff Schuette
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
David KossinaSchubert's SmokehouseSchubert's Smokehouse
David SchwartzSelfSelf
David ToledoContemporary Farmer, Inc.Self
Deborah HalpernLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLWV Chicago
Debra Borodkinselfself
Derek ErvinGlaciers Endself
Diana MondragonNASelf
Dianne HandsakerIllinois Association of Meat ProcessorsIllinois Association of Meat Processors
Dylan CookAmerican Farmland TrustAmerican Farmland Trust
Dylan CookAmerican Farmland TrustAmerican Farmland Trust
Ed DubrickDuChick Ranch, LLCDuChick Ranch, LLC
Elaine NekritzNekritz Amdor Andersson GroupThe Nature Conservancy
Eliot ClayIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Erin KeyserJo Daviess Local FoodsSelf
Jeff HakeFunks Grove Heritage Fruits and Grains
Jeffery AdamsTheodora FarmsSelf
Jennifer TireyIllinois Pork Producers Assoc.Illinois Pork Producers Association
Jerry M HerstSelfself
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
Joshua SneddenFox at the Fork Farm LLCFox at the Fork, self, and other farmers and food system businesses that will benefit.
Justin EarlywineArrow Farm Meats
Kelly J LayMeadow Lane FarmSelf, Meadow Lane Farm
Kevin EricksonLoyola University Chicago, School of Environmental SustainabilitySelf
Kevin MillerMiller Meat Market
Kim KnowlesA Just HarvestA Just Harvest
Kris ReynoldsKris Reynoldsself
Libby ErvinFood WorksSelf
Linda Kruhminself
Liz Moran StelkSelfSelf
Mark A HartrichHartrich Meats, Inc.
Megan BaskervilleNASelf
Megan TyminskiTheodora Farmsself
Molly PickeringIllinois Stewardship Alliance
Molly PickeringIllinois Stewardship AllianceDeputy Director
Molly PickeringIllinois Stewardship AllianceIllinois Stewardship Alliance
Monte BottensGrateful Graze, LLCSelf
Nathan RyderRyder Family FarmSelf
Nekya HallIllinois State Association of CountiesIllinois State Association of Counties (ISACo)
Nicole Saulsberrysierra club IllinoisSierra Club Illinois
Paul DarrowCountry Village Meats
Regina Strussselfself
Rodger CooleyChicago Food Policy Action CouncilChicago Food Policy Action Council
Seth GallivanDutch Valley Meats, Inc.Dutch Valley Meats, Inc.
Terry JonesJones Meat and Locker Service, Inc.
Thomas EickmanEickman's Processing Co. Inc.
TIM SONDEREdible EvanstonEdible Evanston, Climate Action Evanston
Tim SonderSELFself
Timothy RothLiving Light FarmsSelf
Traci BarkleySola Gratia FarmTraci Barkley
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture (S) 3/7/2024 8:00 AM
Amy Bartucciselfself
Amy OrzelSelfSelf
Andrea HazzardHazzard Free FarmHazzard Free Farm
Andy Chenselfself
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Ben HerreraGard Mo LLCSelf
Beth OsmundCedar Valley Sustainable FarmSelf
Blanca Torres-OlaveStrategic Management SocietySelf
Bonnie BurtonCenter For Lost ArtsBonnie Burton
Carey SmithEnos Park Neighborhood GardenSelf
Carolyn McDonnellIndividualSelf
Christine JohnsonWild Trillium Farmself
Christine LeeMonarch Catering CompanyChristine Lee
Clint BlandBland Family FarmSelf
Conner RettigEnergy SolutionsConner Rettig
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
Cynthia LintonSelfClimate Reality Project Chicago Chapter
David BaboorianSelfSelf
Derek ErvinGlaciers EndSelf
Dianne HandsakerIllinois Association of Meat ProcessorsIllinois Association of Meat Processors
Dylan R CookAmerican Farmland TrustAmerican Farmland Trust
Ed DubrickDuChick Ranch, LLCDuChick Ranch, LLC
Ed DubrickDuChick Ranch, LLCSelf
Eliot ClayIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Elizabeth DeRuntzLEAF Food HubLeaf Food Hub
Ellen EslingLocal LoreFood Works, Farmer
Ellen ModerhackSelfMyself
Erin MeyerBasil's HarvestISA
Erin KeyserJo Daviess Local FoodsSelf
Francisco GarciaChicago St. Sunflower Co.Self
Harlow RighettiOpportunity KnocksSelf
James ReuterOertel's Roots Family FarmSelf
Jean Brokishnot applicableself
Jean Brokishnot applicableself
Jeanne WellsselfSelf
Jeanne WellsselfSelf
Jeff HakeFunks Grove Heritage Fruits and GrainsFunks Grove Heritage Fruits & Grains, Illinois Food System Infrastructure Collaborative
Jeffery AdamsTheodora FarmsSelf
Jeffrey PattersonNaSelf
Jennifer PaulsonFood WorksFood Works
Jerry M HerstSelfSelf
Jill Vonder HaarMain Street Pasturesself
Jodi TrendlerThe Resiliency InstituteSelf
Josh St PetersIllinois Beef AssociationIllinois Beef Association
Joshua SneddenFox at the Fork Farm LLCFarmers and Food Businesses
Karen DaiterCllimate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapterself
karen jensen-brittonselfself
Katherine Osbornselfself
Kathleen ValdezPlant ChicagoI am a representative of community growers, farmers, small business owners and residents on the community
Kathryn PecoraHome ownerself
kelly layMeadow Lane FarmSelf
Kevin AtchasonAtchason EnvironmentalSelf
Kevin EricksonLoyola University ChicagoSelf
Kim NolenRedbird Market CafeSelf
Libby ErvinGlaciers Endself
Lisa ChouSelfself
Liz Moran StelkSelfSelf
Liz Moran StelkSelfSelf
Lorraine KellsChicago Community Gardeners AssociationChicago Community Gardeners Association
Marjorie SawickiAcorn Ridge FarmSelf
MARK GROTZKE- Select -Self
Mark RaneyIllinois Farm BureauIllinois Farm Bureau
Maya SimkinNASelf
Michael JanecekIndividualMichael Janecek
Michelle SledgeSelfSelf
Michelle SledgeSelfSelf
Molly PickeringIllinois Stewardship AllianceIllinois Stewardship Alliance
Molly PickeringIllinois Stewardship AllianceIllinois Stewardship Alliance
Morgan SneddenFox at the Fork FarmSelf
Mr Bob HeuerHNA Networksself
Nicole SaulsberrySierra Club IllinoisSierra Club Illinois
Nicole StratmanIllinois Stewardship AllianceAlly of the Illinois Stewardship Alliance
Pamela TateThe Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Patricia IversonClimate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Patricia LofthouseMember, Action RidgeAction Ridge
Paul KrysikSelfSelf
Penny GiojaJoy of Illinois FarmSelf
Rachel Fredericksselfself
Raya CarrMint Creek FarmMint Creek Farm
Rebecca A Sahlinselfself
Rebecca F WilsonMidwest Permacultureself
Renee PattenEdgewater Environmental CoalitionNA
Robin RankNoneRobin Rank
Rodger CooleyChicago Food Policy Action CouncilChicago Food Policy Action Council
Ryan MelchinIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
Sarah E TannerSBTcooksSarah Beth
stephanie dunnstar farm chicagostephanie dunn
Tamara PirmannRiver to River Farmself
Ted KrauskopfHickory Flat Cattle Co.Self
Thomas EickmanEickman's Processing Co. Inc.Eickman's Processing Co. Inc.
Tim RothLiving Light FarmsSelf
TIM SONDEREdible EvanstonEdible Evanston, a program of Climate Action Evanston
Tim SonderSELFself
Timothy J MagnerNature's Farm CampNature's Farm Camp
Traci BarkleySola Gratia Farmself
Tracy BordisFood Shed Co-opIllinois Stewardship Alliance, The Food Shed Co-op
Trish BellmoreIllinois Stewardship AllianceIllinois Stewardship Alliance
Veronica ReuterThe Great BouquetSelf
Veronica ReuterThe Great BouquetSelf