Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (S) 5/9/2017 3:45 PM |
Alex Paterakos-Figueroa | SEIU Healthcare | SEIU Healthcare |
Angela Grover | Presence Health | Presence Health |
Ann Courter | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Betsy Mitchell | Betsy D. Mitchell & Associates | Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children |
Blanca Campos | CBHA | Community Behavioral Health Providers |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Esther Sciammarella | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition |
Ireta Gasner | Ounce of Prevention Fund | Ounce of Prevention Fund |
Julian Lazalde | Latino Policy Forum | Latino Policy Forum |
Martin Torres | Latino Policy Forum | Latino Policy Forum |
Micaella Verro | Erie Neighborhood House | Erie Neighborhood House |
Mitch Lifson | Voices for Illinois Children | Voices for Illinois Children |
Rahul Kalsi | Office of the President - Cook County Government | Office of the President - Cook County Government |
Samir Tanna | Illinois Action for Children | Illinois Action for Children |
Sean Noble | ReadyNation Illinois | Business leaders aiming to strengthen our workforce & economy through research-proven investments in children |
Steven Monroy | Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund | MALDEF |
Tim Carpenter | Fight Crime - Invest in Kids Illinois | Law-enforcement leaders supporting prevention of crime and violence through proven investments in kids |
Todd Rapp | None | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/8/2017 8:00 AM |
Abraham Scarr | Illinois PIRG | Illinois PIRG |
Alex Paterakos-Figueroa | SEIU Healthcare | SEIU Healthcare |
Alheli Irizarry | United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations | Self |
Ann Courter | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Bob Cammarata | Through A Child's | |
Claudia Castro | Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois | Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois |
Cristina Pacione-Zayas | Erikson Institute | Erikson Institute |
Fred Tsao | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights |
Ireta Gasner | Ounce of Prevention Fund | Ounce of Prevention Fund |
Jessica Perez | Latino Policy Forum | |
Jose J Lopez | LULAC | |
Juan Morado Jr | Hispanic Lawyers association of illinois | Hispanic Lawyers association of Illinois |
Judy King | Chicago Health Project | Chicago Health Project |
Katya Nuques | Enlace Chicago | Enlace Chicago |
Marco Jacome | Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc. | Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc. |
Maria J Yanguas | self | self |
Mariana Osoria | FamilyFocus | Family Focus, Inc. |
Martin Torres | Latino Policy Forum | Latino Policy Forum |
Megan McKenna Mejia | INDIVIDUAL | |
Rachel Bhagwat | La Casa Norte | La Casa Norte |
Samir Tanna | Illinois Action for Children | Illinois Action for Children |
Sarah Frick | Chicago Commons | Chicago Commons |
Steven Monroy | Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund | MALDEF |
Terry Carmichael | Community Behavioral Healthcare Association of Illinois | Community Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Prevention Providers |