Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 5/26/2015 4:00 PM |
Bill Bodine | Illinois Farm Bureau | Illinois Farm Bureau |
George Fleischli | ADF | IFOR |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture (S) 5/14/2015 10:00 AM |
Bill Bodine | Illinois Farm Bureau | Illinois Farm Bureau |
George Fleischli | ADF | IFOR |
Michael Stevens | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Timothy D Sickmeyer | IL Conservation Police Lodge | IL Conservation Police Lodge and Retirees |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 4/14/2015 4:30 PM |
Timothy D Sickmeyer | IL Conservation Police Lodge | IL Conservation Police Lodge and Retirees |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 3/24/2015 1:00 PM |
Aaron Jansen | Personal | Personal |
Alan Pinter | None | |
Alex McAdams | Illinois Bowhunter's Society | Illinois Bowhunter's Society |
Andrew Dial | IWA | |
Andrew Wycislo | None | Self |
Barb Davenport | Self employed | |
Barb Moeller | Self | |
Bill Ziebold | Illinois Whitetail Alliance | illinois Whitetail Alliance |
Brad Jansen | On behalf of self | |
Brad Schweickhardt | Illinois Whitetail Alliance | 1980 |
Brent Manning | Retired biologist | |
Brent McKinnon | Carlyle Lake Waterfowlers Assn. | Carlyle Lake Waterfowlers Assn. |
Brian Bettiker | NA | Self |
Brian Habing | Self | Self |
Briana Yilk | Self | |
Bruce Roady | self | myself |
Bryan Alexander | None | |
Bryan Tapley | indiviual | none |
Bryant Wright | individual | |
Carl Pershing | Self | Self |
Casey Brunenn | Hunter | |
Charles Hamilton | na | na |
Chris Beals | Not applicable | |
Chris James | Chris James | self |
Chuck Flynn | IWA | Illinois Whitetail Alliance |
Colin Vaughan | Individual | Individual |
Corey Helgen | self | |
Corey Saylor | Trapper | |
Dan Brotz | Self | |
Daniel webster | None | |
Dave Scifres | Central Illinois Trappers Association | |
David Elliott | Self trapper | |
Dean Daugherty | Illinois Trappers | Illinois trappers |
Deb Weil | Illinois Trappers Association | |
Dennis Brown | Trapper | Myself |
Don Wilson | Self | Myself |
Dorian Butler | NA | |
Doyle Nidey | IWLA | IWLA |
Drew Johnson | None | |
Dustin Ziebold | Trapper | |
Dylan James Bennett | hog farmer | |
Edward Gienow | SELF | Trapper |
Ellie Rush | Red Bud Elementary School | |
ERIC HAMILTON | Randolph County S.O. | ... |
Eric Hobbie | The Zone and Phoenix Physical Therapy | Eric Hobbie |
Gary J Frazelle | Personal | |
Gary Tebbe | Illinois Whitetail Alliance | |
George Fleischli | ADF | IFOR |
Gerald Rose | Mississippi Valley Hunters and Fisherman's Association | |
Glenn Sanders | Mississippi Valley Hunters & Fishermens Association | Mississippi Valley Hunters & Fishermens Association |
Jacob Reid | Jake Reid's Taxidermy | |
James Lindley | Whitetail Alliance | |
Jason Gratz | None | Trapper-Hunter |
Jason Houser | Trapper | |
Jason Kvitle | Family Eyecare | |
Jason Moody | None | Individual |
Jeff Ball | none | |
Jeff Butler | Self | |
Jeff Deets | None | |
jeff rolfingsmeier | personal | none |
Jeff Yergler | Farmer, hunting club, fishing club | |
Jeffrey L Knight | ILSRA | |
Jerald Day | SELF | Trapper |
Jerrod Evans | Quincy Farm Products | |
John rasmussen | Hunter | |
Johnna Bowker | Self | Self |
Jordan Ruebush | Trapper Hold a Class A Illinois Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit | Myself |
joseph McCall | Illinois Trappers Association | |
Joseph Pigg | Trapper | |
Josh Whited | Color & Camo Graphics Inc | |
Ken Doellman | self | |
Kent Weil | Illinois Trappers Association | |
Kevin Chapman | NA | Illinois Whitetail Alliance |
Kevin McCormick | Myself | Myself |
Kirk Kvitle | family eyecare | Self |
Kraig Kaatz | Illinois Trappers Association | Illinois Trappers Association |
Kyle brown | trapper | |
Kyle Heuerman | Charles Heuerman Trucking | |
Larry Baer | Peoria County Farm Bureau Broard Member | |
Lisa Hingson | Trappers | |
Lotte Houser | Trapper | |
louis P ochs jr | ILDNR | Louis P Ochs Jr |
LYNN WILCOX | IL bowhunters society | IL bowhunters society |
Magalene Price | self | self |
Mark Gerber | Self | |
Mark Alessi | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | IDNR Wildlife Division |
Martin Dopke | NA | Individual |
Mary Jo Trimble | IFOR | |
Matthew Doellman | self | |
Michael Kepple | self | Self |
Michael Stevens | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Michelle Price | self | self |
Mike Marchewka | education | |
Nathan Blackwell | Dan Waibel Designer Builder | |
Nathan Murry | Individual | .Individual |
Neal Graves | Illinois Trappers Association | |
nicholaus l Tapscott | na | |
orson k kramer jr | ok transmission | |
Paul Rees | Rees Construction Co | |
Paul Wright | None | |
penny graves | self | |
Richard k Walkoe | Conservation | |
Richard Stillman | Individual Citizen | IFOR, UBI |
Robert Bluett | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Robert F Olsen | Illinois Whitetail Alliance | |
Russell Orrill | Illinois Farm Bureau | IFB |
ryan bill | RB Construction | |
Scott Bryant | Illinois Federation For Outdoor Resorces | IFOR |
Scott Knupp | Conservationist | |
shane hilliard | self | trapper |
shane teas | none | individual |
skyler wiegmann | mississippi valley hunters and fishermen | |
Sophia King | Trapper | |
Tammy Wilcox | IFOR | turkey hunters |
Teresa Houser | Trapper | |
Tim Vogt | Illinois Whitetail Alliance | Illinois Whitetail Alliance |
Timothy D Sickmeyer | IL Conservation Police Lodge | IL Conservation Police Lodge and Retirees |
Tony Glick | Self | |
Trevor | Carlyle Lake Waterfowlers Assn. | |
Trish Houseman | Self | Self |
Troy Williams | CPL | Conservation Police Lodge |
William Mueller | Individual | Individual |
William C Schroeder | on behalf of self | |
Zach Webb | Illinois department of natural resources Weinberg King State Park | Zach Webb |
Zachary French | Individual | Individual |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 3/17/2015 1:00 PM |
Andrew Wycislo | None | Self |
Don Higgins | Higgins Outdoors Inc | self |
George Fleischli | ADF | IFOR |
Jeff Butler | NA | |
Ken Doellman | self | |
Kevin Chapman | NA | Illinois Whitetail Alliance |
Kevin McCormick | Myself | Myself |
Timothy D Sickmeyer | IL Conservation Police Lodge | IL Conservation Police Lodge and Retirees |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 3/3/2015 1:00 PM |
Kevin McCormick | Myself | Myself |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 2/25/2015 1:00 PM |
Brian Duncan | On behalf of Self | Self |
Clinton Tull | NA | NA |
Clinton Tull | NA | NA |
Donald Dodson | myself | myself |
Gus Mehilos | On behalf of self | Self |
Henry Green | On behalf of self | myself |
James Vinopal | Illinois State Rifle Assn. | Illinois State Rifle Assn. |
Jason Wilt | none | none |
Jose Soto | On behalf of self | On behalf of self |
Kevin McCormick | Myself | Myself |
Mark Alessi | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Matthew Painter | On Behalf of Self | Self |
Michael Stevens | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Ray Diaz | On behalf of self | On behalf of self |
Robert Bluett | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Russell Orrill | Illinois Farm Bureau | IFB |
Timothy D Sickmeyer | IL Conservation Police Lodge | IL Conservation Police Lodge and Retirees |
Todd Kroenlein | On behalf of self | On behalf of self |
Todd Vandermyde | NRA | NRA |