Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Higher Education (S) 5/18/2021 5:00 PM |
trisha dinh | self | self |
Alex Charles Halverson | Vaughn High School | Self |
Ali | Vaughn High School | self |
Alicia Briceno | Personal | Me |
Ana Sanchez | Na | Noel villarruel |
Andrew M Childress | Illinois public schools | Illinois public schools |
angel mcclellan | self | self |
Ann McMahon | Vaughn Occupational HS | Individuals with disabilities |
Anna burgos | Walgreens | Children with disabilities |
Annette Talanian | Northeastern Illinois University | Myself |
anthony escamilla | myself | self |
Antonia Ovalle | Self | self |
Barb Cohen | Legal Council for Health Justice | Legal Council for Health Justice |
Barbara Murphy | Parent CPS | Self |
Bellene Kaish | parent | A person with autism |
Beth Ann Devine | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Betty Brandy-Vizcarra | Self | CPS Parent Vaughn OHS |
Bozena Stasiak | Self | Self |
Brian Hernandez | Vaughn high school | self |
Brian Solem | Self | Self |
Brianna Nathan | Vaughn High School | self |
Carlos Ramirez | NA | NA |
Cassie Creswell | Illinois Families for Public Schools | Illinois Families for Public Schools |
Catherine Henchek | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School LSC |
Catherine King | Self | Self |
Chris Mourtokokis | Self | Self |
Chris Yun | Access Living | Access Living |
Christine Frank | UCP Seguin | parent avocate |
Cindy Ok | Self | Self |
Colin Milroy | Marketing | Family |
Colleen Murphy | CPS parent | NA |
Colleen Murphy | NA | NA |
Colleen Rizzone | Parent | Students |
Damien Rivera | Vaughn High School | self |
Dara Bayliss | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School students |
David Wisneski | Self | David Wisneski, Parent |
Daysha Macias | Vaughn | Self |
Deborah Lew | Vaughn High School | Self |
Debra Yarovsky | Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
Denise Renee'Shipp | SPEACC | Self |
Desean Miles | Vaughn High School | Vaughn High School |
Elena Gormley | Self | Self |
Elizabeth brown | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Feliciano | ChIcago Public Schools | Vaughn High School |
Elizabeth Mourtokokis | Chicago Public Schools | Self |
Elizabeth Tisch | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational |
Emily Bender Hooper | self | Self |
Erica M westrich | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Esther Yarrito | Vaughn Occupational High School | self |
Gabriel ibanez | can be school or self or other per your preference affilation. | can be self or your group |
George Bustos | Vaughn H.S | self |
Gina DeSio | Vaughn School | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Hope D Burnside | Self | self |
Jacqueline Wolk | self | self |
Jacquelyn Ramos | Parent | 1 |
Jaime Groth Searle | The Southwest Collective | The Southwest Collective |
Janet DeLeon | Self | Individuals with Disabilites |
Jaycob Reyes Park | Jacqueline Vaughn High school | Self |
Jean Hayes | Chicago public schools | Chicago public schools |
Jeffrey Wegrzyn | Self | Self |
Jennifer Biggs | Self | Self |
Jennifer Jones | IL SWD parent | self |
Jianan Shi | Raise Your Hand | Raise Your Hand for Illinois Public Education |
Joanna Ballinger | Self | Self |
Joanna Ramos | Vaughn High School | Vaughn High School |
John Bruckner | Vaughn HS | Self |
John Bruckner | Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
John Martinelli | Vaughn High School | Vaughn high school |
john thomas | Self | Self |
Joseph | cps | Joseph butcher |
Josephine Cervantes | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Josh Radinsky | Vaughn High School LSC member | self |
Joshua Long | Southside Occupational Academy | self |
Juan Alcantara | Vaughn School | Self |
Julie L Peters | Parent of 21 year old special needs son | parent |
Justin Palomares | Vaughn school | Vaughn high school |
Justin Roldan | Vaughn High School | Vaugh High School |
Justin Roldan | Vaughn High School | Vaughn High School |
Karren Ray | Northside Learning Center | self |
Karyn McGroarty | Self | Self |
Katherine D Hamann | The Arc of Illinois | Illinois residents with intellectual developmental disabilities and their families |
Kathleen Maloney | None | In support of all students that they may finish their year. |
Kathryn Freely Sullivan | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Katie Nicole Madden | self | self |
Kelly M Fischer | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Kennedy Tempel | Vaughn HS | Self |
Kimberly Woolridge | none | none |
Laura Matos | Chicago Public Schools | CPS |
Laura Schlegel | Self | Self |
Lindsey McHugh | Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
Louis Rachmaciej | vaughn occupational high school | student advocate |
Lynda Ovalle | Self | Vaughn Occupational High School |
M Catherine Katie Gruber | none | self |
Margaret Greengard | Meg Childress, LCSW | Illinois public schools |
Margaret McNeela | Parent of SPED student | Parent of SPED student |
Marguerite M Baran | Self | Self and School-age Children |
Maria D Kelly | Vaughn Occupational High School | Mercedes Calzada |
Maria Murillo | Vaughn occupational High school | 1 |
Marion Soriano | Parent | Alberto Soriano, Jr |
Marisa McMahon | Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
Marlene Hodges | Orchard Village | transitional high school students |
Mary Beth Hopp | Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
Mary L Betancourt | Chicago Public Schools - Vaughn Occupational HS | NA |
Mary R Hughes | Raise Your Hand | Families of students with disabilities in Chicago Public Schools |
Megan Pietz | None | Self |
melinda calderon | Chicago public school | self |
Michael Dziaba | self | self |
Michele McNally | Chicago Public Schools | Self |
Miranda Steier | Chicago Public Schools | Self |
Monica Dillon | self | self |
Munirah Curtis | Self | Child with special needs |
Nancy Bender | Self | Self |
Nancy Otter | Orchard Academy | Educator |
Natalia Janik | Vaughn HS | Self |
Nicole Gaa | Self | Self |
Noel McNally | Vaughn HS | school |
Noemi Lugo | Jacqueline Vaughn | Jacqueline Vaughn |
Oscar Roman | Vaughn High School | Vaughn High School |
Pablo Campos | self | self |
Pam Folk | Vaughn | Self |
Patricia Claire OLeary | Chicago Public School | self |
Patricia Bonness | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Patricia Wennerberg | Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
Patrick F Piper | Vaughn Occupational High School | Patrick Flynn Piper |
Patrick F Piper | Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
patrick murray | cps | Self |
Paul Shultz | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago |
Paula Cherry | Vaughn Occupational High School | Malik Benjamin |
Pete Czosnyka | Self | self |
Phil Milsk | Law Offices of Phil Milsk | The Arc of Illinois |
Rachel Szydlo | Maywood School District 89 | School District 89 |
Rachel Zein | individual | self |
Robert Hooper | Self | Self |
Robyn Flowers | Mom | Matthew Vileta |
Ronald Melka | Lyons Township Mental Health Commission | Lyons Township Mental Health Commission |
Ryan Sattler | The Arc of Iroquois County | The Arc of Iroquois County |
Ryszard Krupa | Self | Self |
samuel Floersheimer | vaughn | self |
Sara Gronkiewicz-Doran | Self | CPS Parent |
Sara Manseau | Vaughn Occupational HS | people with disabilities |
Sarah Myers | No | Sarah Myers |
Sergio Silva | vaughn occupational high school | vaughn occupational high school |
Shabbir Manjee | NA | Self |
Shannon Fitzpatrick | CPS | CPS |
Sheila Wade | Vaughn Occ High School | Sheila Wade |
Shirley Perez | Arc Family Support Network | Families |
Sondrea Singleton | NA | NA |
Stephanie Anderson | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High school |
Stephanie Rossi | Self | Self |
Suzette Gorski | Self | Self |
Tania Schachelmayer | Vaughn High School Chicago Il | Vaughn High School Chicago Il |
Taylor Gardner | Self | Self |
Theresa Lenihan | Vaughn High School | self |
Thomas Aviles | Vaughn HS | Self |
TIFFANY MARZUKI | Self | CPS Parents |
Tim Brazzale | self | self |
Timothy Rey | NA | Self |
Torrance pope | Chicago Public Schools | self |
Troy LaRaviere | self | self |
Tyshawn Taylor | Vaughu Occupational H.S | self |
Vanessa Iturralde | Vaughn Occ. High School | Vaughn Occ. High School |
Veronica Ovalle | self | self |
Veronica Ovalle | Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
Victoria Long | Self | Self |
Vincent Henchek | Vaughn Parent | Self |
Wiktoria Rzeszut | J. Vaughn | Self |
Xochitl Sanchez | Vaughn HS | Self |
Yara Matos | Vaughn H.S | Self |
Yolanda Lawrence-Chew | Jackie vaughn vocational high school | Jackie vaughn vocational high school |
Zbigniew J Janik | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Higher Education (H) 3/25/2021 12:00 PM |
Kathryn Winkler | NA | Self |
Adorisse Gomez | Vaughn High School | Vaughn High School |
Aiesha Warren | Vaughn School | |
Alex Charles Halverson | Vaughn High School | |
alexandra miranda | vaughn school | |
Ali Barto | Chicago Public Schools | |
Alicia Briceno | Personal | |
Alicia Vazquez | Vaughn School | |
Alisa York | Self | Self |
Amanda Chaussey | Self | Self |
Analyn Feliciano | Self | |
ANDRES S IBANEZ | Vaughn school | |
Andrew Norkett | Vaughn High School | |
Angel Enriquez | Vaughn School | |
Angela Moore | NA | |
Ann Masur | self employed | self |
Anna lesiak | self | self |
Anne Oleary | CPS | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Annemarie Bennick Bennick | PIP | |
Barbara Murphy | Vaughn School | |
Beth Ann Devine | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Betsy Wilson | Sentencing Advocacy Group of Evanston | Sentencing Advocacy Group of Evanston |
Betty Brandy | CPS Parent | |
Bianca Sawyer | Autism Hero Project | Self |
Bonnie Petersen | self | self |
Brian Hernandez | Vaughn School | Testimony |
Bridgette Riggs | Self | Self |
Candace Wilmot | none | self |
Carlos Mejia Jr | Vaughn School | |
Carmen Augustin | Illinois Public Schools | |
Carolyn Widtmann | Self | |
Catherine Henchek | Self | |
Catherine Henchek | Self | self |
Catherine King | Self | Self |
Cathy Christensen | Self | Self |
Cathy McCarthy | Have Dreams | |
Cecilia Rivera Serrano | Vaughn School | |
Cera Horste | Hartlieb & Horste, LLC | Hartlieb & Horste, LLC |
Christine McQuinn | Illinois Public Schools | |
Christopher T Devine | Smith Research | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Christopher Torem | Vaughn School | |
Cindy Ok | Self | Self |
Colleen Murphy | NA | |
Colleen Murphy | NA | NA |
Curtis Harris | Access Living | |
Cynthia Fah-Ok | PARENT'S 4 THEACHERS | Parents 4 Teachers |
Daisy Delgado | None | |
David Wisneski | Vaughn High School | |
Debra Yarovsky | Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Denise Renee' Shipp | Self | Self |
Denise Renee'Shipp | Self | Self |
Dia Morgan | None | None |
Diana Hickson | Vaghn | |
Edgar Castillo | Estudiante | |
Edgar Castillo | Estudiante | |
Ednarine Hall | Vaughan School | Michelle Hall |
Edyta Rzeszut | llinois Public Schools | |
Elis Ok | self | |
Elizabeth Feliciano | ChIcago Public Schools | |
Elizabeth Frye | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Mourtokokis | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Self |
Elizabeth Zaluba | self | Self |
Ellen Moderhack | Self | Myself |
Emily Bender Hooper | School | |
Emily Hecht | Chicago Public Schools | |
Erica Westrich | Chicago Public Schools - Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Esther Martinez | Self | Self |
Faye Marcus | self | self |
Gina Lozano Lozano-Rink | Vaughn Occupational HS | Vaughn HS students |
Gina Szulkowski | none | self |
Hector Perdomo | Illinois Public school | |
Heidi Thorp | Constituent | Self |
Jackie Wolk | self | |
Jada Thompson | self | |
Jake A Bradley | Vaughn School | |
jamie l kalinski | Vaughn Occupational High School | Individuals with disabilities receiving special education services in the state of Illinois |
Javier Enriquez | Vaughn School | |
Jean Magee | Self | Self |
Jeanette Ford | Jeanette Ford | |
Jennie Smith | Chicago Public Schools | |
Jenny Ludwig | Self | self |
Jeremy Green | Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Jesse Gauger-Kiraly | Self | Self |
Jo Ann Stewart | Self | Self |
John Bruckner | Vaughn HS | |
John Milner | Chicago Public Schools - Vaughn Occupational High School | Self |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Joseph L Rivera | Illinois Public School | |
Josephine Cervantes | Vaughn High School | |
Joshua Long | Southside Occupational Academy | |
Joshua Radinsky | self | self |
Juan Alcantara | Chicago Public Schools | |
julia miezal | family | sister |
Justin palomares | Vaughn school | |
Karren Ray | Chicago Public Schools | Self |
katarzyna powroznik | self | self, my family |
Kate Fuller | Vaughn School | |
Katherine Burton | Self | Self |
Katie Best | self | self |
Kelly M Fischer | Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Kelly Passaneau | Illinois Public Schools | |
Kennedy Tempel | Vaughn HS | |
Kimberly Johnson | Chicagoland Autism Connection | |
Kira Baltazar | Self | Self |
Kori Milroy | None | |
Kristina Johnsen | Have Dreams | Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
krzysztof kompiel | self | self, my family |
Larissa L Bounds | Self | |
Lashan Harrell | Chicagoland Autism Connection | |
Laura James | self | self |
Laura Matos | Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Linda stanley | none | self |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Lindsey McHugh | Chicago Public Schools | |
Lisa Leipus | None | Self |
Liza Curiel | Unique Sweets | |
LIZETTE M MORAZZANI | Illinois Public Schools | |
Lora Slutsky | Illinois Public Schools | |
Lori Myers | Constituent | Self |
Louis Rachmaciej | Chicago Public Schools Vaughn HS | vaughn h.s. |
Louis Rachmaciej Jr | Illinois Public Schools | |
Louis W Rachmaciej | Illinois Public Schools | |
Lucas MIEZAL | self | self |
Lydia Wissing | Have Dreams | Illinois Public Schools |
Lynda Ovalle | Vaughn High School | Self |
Malcolm Maxfield | Vaughn Occupational High School | Chicago Public Schools |
Margaret Greengard | Meg Childress, LCSW | |
Margaret Sents | Retired | Self |
Maria Martinez | Vaughn High School | |
Maria Kelly | Vaughn School | Mercedes Calzada |
Maria pineda | Self | |
Maria T Calzada | Vaughn School | Mercedes Calzada |
Marie Mckenna | Self | Self |
Marisa M McMahon | Vaughn Occupational HS | |
Mary Hughes | Raise Your Hand for Illinois Public Education | Parents of Children with Disabilities in Chicago Public Schools and Surrounding Communities |
Mary Joan Cepla | self | self |
Mary L Betancourt | Chicago Public Schools | |
Mary Miller | self | self |
Megan Fleischel | Illinois Public Schools | |
Megan Rachmaciej | Illinois Public Schools | |
Meredith OMalley | Illinois Public Schools | Vaughn School |
Michael A Troyke | CPS | |
Michelle Bautista | Self | Self |
Michelle miranda | Vaughn school | Vaughn high school |
Michelle Roskens | Self | Self |
Miguel Rivera | Vaughn school | Vaughn school |
Miranda Steier | Chicago Public Schools | |
Miriam Perdomo | Illinois Public school | |
My-elle Layfield | Vaugh HS | |
NADINE SLOMIANY | Vaughn School | |
Nancy A Bender | self | self |
Nancy Rivera | Vaughn School | |
Natalia Janik | Vaughn HS | |
Nathan R Metrick | self | |
Nina Corwin | Nina Corwin, MA, LCSW Private Practice | Nina Corwin |
noel mcnally | Vaughn High School | |
Nora Spina | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public School |
Norine M Gutekanst | retired teacher at Chicago Public Schools | self |
Norma Silva | Vaughn school | Vaughn school |
ORA BROOKS | self | |
Patricia Bonness | Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Patricia Luzadder | Vaughn High School | |
Patricia Wennerberg | Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Patrick Murray | CPS | |
Paul Timothy Shultz | Chicago Public Schools | |
Phil Milsk | Law Offices of Phil Milsk | The Arc of Illinois |
PHILOMENA Oconnor | Vaughn | |
Renata Janik | Vaughn School | |
Renee Trilling | self | self |
Reyna Agosto | Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Richard Lawson | Chicago Public Schools | Students of Vaughn Occupati8onal High School |
Robert Hooper | self | self |
Robert Lesiak | self | self |
Roberta Frazes Goldman | Illinois Public Schools | |
Rosalba Enriquez | Vaughn School | |
Rosemarie Cunanan | Vaughn School | |
Rowan Morbey | Chicago Public Schools | Vaughn Occupation High School |
Ryszard Krupa | self | |
Sandi Ahmetasevic | ILinois Publluc School | |
Sandra Heidt | Retired | Parent |
Sara Manseau | Vaughn Occupational HS | |
Sarah Levens | Self | |
Sean Kennedy | Chicago Public Schools | Sean Kennedy, assistant Principal. Proponent of this amendment for special education students. |
Sheila Wade | Vaughn Occ High School | |
Silvestre Villanuva | Vaughn High School | |
Stefanie Caban | Chicago Public School | |
stella torem | vaughn HS | |
Stephanie Anderson | Vaughn Occupational High School | Vaughn Occupational High School |
Stephanie Bressani | Self | Self |
Susan Wiechman | None | Self |
Sylvia Smith | Myself | Myself |
Terri Smith | Roback family | |
Theresa Simmons | Vaughn High School | |
Thomas Aviles | Vaughn HS | |
Thomas W Harris | Self | Self only |
tim oleary | Vaughn High School | |
Tracy Hartlieb | Hartlieb & Horste, LLC | Parents of Children with Disabilities |
Valentin Vazquez | Vaughn School | |
Vanessa Alcantara | Vaughn School | |
Victoria Benson | Self | Victoria Benson |
Wiktoria Rzeszut | Vaughn Occupational High School | |
Xochitl Sanchez | Vaughn HS | |