Illinois General Assembly - HB4180Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4180  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001   House Amendment 002   Senate Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: HB4180
Proponents: 92Opponents: 2No Position: 2
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (S) 5/7/2024 5:30 PM
Alia CaravelliSelfself
Amanda Jenkinsselfself
Amy JahnkeSelfSelf
Ann B JohnsonSelfSelf
Ann Masurself employedself
Anne-Marie PooleSelfSelf
Annette Vander PloegSELFSELF
Camilla SteflSelfSelf
Carol ChavarriaSelfSelf
Cate ReadlingThe Peoples LobbySelf
Catherine CaporussoResistanceWomen and children
Catherine KingSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Danielle HarterSelfSelf
Darci O'ConnellselfSelf and FORCE
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Diana Laubernonenone
Diane Dugardselfself
Diane SurufkaRetiredNone
Donna GutmanSelfSelf
Dwain Thomasnoneself
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Elizabeth Luxnoneself
Ellen Caffrey GarzaSelfself
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
Garrick BalkNoneSelf
Heriberto LeonNAself
Jacquelyn HaynesNASelf
Jodie EasonSelfSelf
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Julie GartungSelfSelf
Kathleen Gibsonselfself
Kathryn LuedkeShe Votes ILnone
Kelly MannVVSD 365UKelly Mann
Lainie Castle-Cimfelselfself
Lane SilvasSelfSelf
Laura WoodsSelfSelf
Lina HammadehSELFSELF
Lisa Marie SharkeySelfself
Marcia TeckenbrockSelfSelf
Maria PetersonFitCore, Inc.Self
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Meredith PayneSelfSelf
Michael ZiriEquality IllinoisEquality Illinois
Monica C StevensselfSelf
Patricia GrahamSelfSelf
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Shannon MillikinSelfself
Sherri Gail Barberselfmyself
Stephanie CarreraSelfSelf
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
William T Wilsonnaself
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (H) 3/12/2024 2:00 PM
Adelaide ZwickPlanned Parenthood Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Ed PeckBlueCross BlueShield of IllinoisBlueCross BlueShield of Illinois
Lisa PeabodyFORCE-Facing Our Risk of Cancer EmpoweredFORCE-Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered
Martin P Tornai PhD DABSNMDuke University Health System
Shoshana HallowellOperation Breast DensityShoshana Hallowell, MD - Appearing on Behalf of Operation Breast Density - a nonprofit for breast density education. I am also a breast Cancer surgeon and Breast Cancer Survivor.
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (H) 3/5/2024 2:00 PM
Adelaide ZwickPlanned Parenthood Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Alyssa ValentineCook County Healthself
Cheri AmbroseMale Breast Cancer Global AllianceMale Breast Cancer Global Alliance
Cristina RuizAdvocate Health Care
Darci O'ConnellFORCESelf, FORCE
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Doug BurrichterSociety of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Ed PeckBlueCross BlueShield of IllinoisBlueCross BlueShield of Illinois
Erin M LazarusSelf
Haley Kristine FuocoNorthwestern Medicine
Jacob LazarusNA
Joanne OppenheimPDHA
Julie GRUBEKFacing Our Risk
Katie StanczykiewiczPlanned Parenthood of Illinois Action
Leslie Ferris YergerMy Density MattersMy Density Matters
Lindsey TyndallTriage CancerTriage Cancer
Lisa PeabodyFORCE- Facing Our Risk of Cancer EmpoweredFORCE Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered
Lisa SchlagerFORCE - Facing Our Risk of Cancer EmpoweredFORCE - Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered
Marc RosenbaumRush University Medical CenterSelf
Megan LoPrestoNa
Nicole NymanAdvocate Health CareNabeela Syed
Patricia WalterSelfSelf
Richard NewmanRND Services, LLC
Sharon PerlmanColon Cancer Alliance for Research & Education for Lynch Syndrome
Stacey Rubin SilverSelf
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois NOWIllinois NOW
Susan Lee Flemingxxxxxxx
Susan WagnerSRW Marketing, Inc.
Thea BloomCook County Health