Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Appropriations-General Service (H) 5/15/2024 4:00 PM |
Alice Tell | League of Women Voters Chicago | League of Women Voters Chicago |
Ariel Hampton | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Ashley Rubino | IDNR | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Christopher Kessler | Openlands | Openlands |
Cynthia Linton | Self | Climate Reality Chapter - Chicago Metro Chapter |
Eliot Clay | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Jerry M Herst | Self | self |
Jerry M Herst | Self | self |
John Fischer | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
John Teefey | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Kevin Romo | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Nancy J Schietzelt | none | Myself |
Nicole Saulsberry | sierra club Illinois | Sierra Club Illinois |
Nina D Newhouser | Self | self |
Pat Davis | Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Hearing Date and Time: Appropriations-General Service (H) 5/9/2024 10:00 AM |
Alice Tell | League of Women Voters Chicago | League of Women Voters Chicago |
Ariel Hampton | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Christopher Kessler | Openlands | Openlands |
Donald Viecelli | Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro Chapter | Self |
Donna Twickler | Self | Self |
John Kavalunas | self | self |
Nancy J Schietzelt | none | Myself |
Nicole Saulsberry | sierra club Illinois | Sierra Club Illinois |
Susan Zimny | Self | Self |
Tracey McFadden | Fox Valley Electric Auto Association | Fox Valley Electric Auto Association |
Hearing Date and Time: Appropriations-General Service (H) 5/2/2024 10:00 AM |
Alice Tell | League of Women Voters Chicago | League of Women Voters Chicago |
Ariel Hampton | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Austin James Mink | Self | Self |
Christopher Kessler | Openlands | Openlands |
Cynthia Kanner | Prairie State Conservation Coalition | Prairie State Conservation Coalition |
Cynthia Linton | Self | Climate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapter |
Deborah Halpern | League of Women Voters Chicago | LWV Chicago |
Jerry M Herst | Self | Self |
Laura Davis | self | self |
Hearing Date and Time: Appropriations-General Service (H) 4/18/2024 10:00 AM |
Ariel Hampton | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Cynthia Kanner | Prairie State Conservation Coalition | Prairie State Conservation Coalition |
Cynthia Kanner | Prairie State Conservation Coalition | Prairie State Conservation Coalition |
Cynthia Klein-Banai | Self | NA |
Danica Sun | Climate Reality Chicago, Fridays for Future Chicago | Self |
Julia Utset | League of Women Voters of Chicago | League of Women Voters of Chicago |
Laura Derks | Self | Self |
Nicole Saulsberry | Sierra Club Illinois | Sierra Club Illinois |
Pamela Tate | The Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro Chapter | Self |
Rachel Fredericks | self | self |
Susan Zimny | None | |
Wendy Greenhouse | - | - |
Hearing Date and Time: Appropriations-General Service (H) 4/12/2024 10:00 AM |
Alice Tell | League of Women Voters Chicago | League of Women Voters Chicago |
Anne Basten | Self | Self |
Ariel Hampton | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Bob Fisher | Illinois Ornithological Society | Illinois Ornithological Society |
Christopher Kessler | Openlands | Openlands |
Cynthia Kanner | Prairie State Conservation Coalition | Prairie State Conservation Coalition |
Cynthia Linton | Self | Climate Reality Project - Chicago Chapter |
Joanne Fessett | Illinois Audubon Society | Organization |
Joshua Barrientos | self | self |
Nicole Saulsberry | Sierra Club Illinois | Sierra Club Illinois |
Hearing Date and Time: Appropriations-General Service (H) 4/3/2024 3:00 PM |
Donald Viecelli | Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro Chapter | Self |
Jerry M Herst | Self | self |
Josh Witkowski | XLN Services, LLC | Illinois Federation for Outdoor Resources |
Julia Utset | League of Women Voters of Chicago | League of Women Voters of Chicago |
Nicole Saulsberry | Sierra Club Illinois | Sierra Club Illinois |
Rachel Fredericks | self | self |
Thomas Coleman | Climate Reality Chicago | climate Reality Chicago |