Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 5/8/2018 2:00 PM |
Iris C Gutierrez Berrios | Self | self |
Amina Henderson | Communities United | VOYCE |
Andrew Martinek | John Hancock College Prep High School | VOYCE, CDASC |
Anita Weinberg | Loyola University Civitas ChildLaw Policy Institute | Loyola University Civitas ChildLaw Center |
Autry Phillips | Target Area | Target Area |
Benjamin Ruddell | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Cesar Nunez | Enlace Chicago | Enlace Chicago |
Chris Brown | SWOP | SWOP |
Devonta Boston | SWOP | SWOP |
Doshawa Irving | Westside Health Authority | VOYCE |
Dynasty Wheaton | DHL | VOYCE |
Evelin Rodriguez | Indivdiual | Individual |
Fred Tsao | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights |
Harry Meyer | self | self |
Janet Vargas | COFI and POWER-PAC | Parents Organized to Win, Educate, and Renew, POWER-PAC |
Jasmine Serrano | Southwest Organzing Project | VOYCE |
Jerry Philips | Target Area | Target Area |
Joe Washington | Target Area | Target Area |
John Gruber | Childrens home and aid | Start to Finish Coalition |
Katie Danko | Strengthening Chicago's Youth | Strengthening Chicago's Youth |
Khadijah benson | Communities United | Communities United |
Kimonie Irving | WHA | VOYCE |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Louvenia Hood | Mothers Opposed To Violence Education | Mothers Opposed To Violence Everywhere |
Margaret Stapleton | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Maria Degillo | Voices of youth in Chicago education. | Voices of youth in Chicago education. |
Marquita Wheaton | Rivers Casino | VOYCE |
Megan Murphy | Loyola University Health System | Self |
Melody Van Pelt | Target Area | Target Area |
Meyiya | Y.o.v.e | Youth opposed to violence |
Michael Blackwell | Inner-City Muslim Action Network | VOYCE |
Mike Jones | Target Area | Target Area |
Miriah Yurick | NA | Self |
Nick Jefferson | Communities United | Communities united |
Pearl Johnson | Target Area | Target Area |
Phil Milsk | Law Offices of Phil Milsk | Illinois Association of School Social Workers |
Roberta Williams | Target Area | Target Area |
Ryan Theriault | SouthWest Organizing Project | Southwest Organizing Project |
sarah yousuf | United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations | UCCRO |
Shelly Heideman | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Sierra Jones | Southwest Organization Project | Southwest Organizing Project |
Stefanie Polacheck | Children's Home and Aid | Children's Home and Aid |
Tara Henderson | SWOP | Parent Mentor Program |
Thomas Jefferson | Target Area | Target Area |
Victor Alquicira | Communities United | Communities United |
Willamae Turnipseed | Target Area | Target Area |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 2/14/2018 8:30 AM |
Alan Mills | Uptown People's Law Center | Uptown People's Law Center |
Alexander Hylka | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | |
Amanda McMillen | None | |
Amina Henderson | Communities United | Communities United |
Andrea Durbin | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | ICOY represents children and youth at risk of involvement in child welfare or juvenile justice systems, and more than 80 providers who serve them. |
Anna Mangahas | ONE Northside | |
Anthony Lowery | Safer | |
Antonio Magitt | VOYCE | |
Autry Phillips | Target Area | Target Area |
Benjamin Ruddell | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Beth Johnson | Cabrini Green Legal Aid | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Candace Moore | Self | Self |
Chris Boyster | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Chris Graves | Illinois State University | Illinois State University |
Dallas Wright | IMAN | |
Danielle Adams | School of Social Service Administration | |
David Reed | retired | self |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Demian Kogan | None | Individual |
Denail Timms | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | |
Eleanor Kittilstad | Self | Self |
Evelin Rodriguez | Individual | Individual |
Faster khan | Self | Self |
Garien Gatewood | Juvenile Justice Initiative | Juvenile Justice Initiative |
Genesis Lopez | Self | Self |
George Shaw | lively stone apostolic church of god | |
Gretchen McDowell | Illinois Parent Teacher Association | Illinois Parent Teacher Association |
Jamie Leann Adams | Self | |
Janet Kittlaus | Retired | Myself |
Janet Vargas | Community Organizing and Family Issues | Parents Organized to Win, Educate, Renew - Policy Action Council (POWER-PAC), and Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI) |
Jazmin Patino | Self | |
Jerry Philips | Target Area | Target Area |
Jill Fraggos | Strengthening Chicago's Youth | Strengthening Chicago's Youth |
Joel Rodriguez | VOYCE | VOYCE |
John F Cusick | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
JUAN Cruz | Self | Self |
Juan Padilla | Communities United | Communities United |
Judith Gall | Alternatives, Inc. | |
Julie Biehl | Children and Family Justice Center, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law | self |
Kasia Majerczak | Northwestern Bluhm Legal Clinic | Self |
Kathleen Kane-Wilis | Chicago Urban League | |
Katie Marciniak | IMAN | |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
LaQuida Van Pelt | Target Area | |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Louvenia Hood | Mothers Opposed To Violence Everywhere | Mothers Opposed To Violence Everywhere |
Macaire Grambauer | self | self |
Margaret Stapleton | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Maria Degillo | Voices of youth in chicago education | |
Marla Bramble | Jewish Council on Urban Affairs | 312 |
Maureen Perkins | Target Area | Target Area |
Melody Van Pelt | Target Area | Target Area |
Michael Brown | Communities United | |
Nanette Potee | University Professionals of Illinois UPI Local 4100 | University Professionals of Illinois UPI Local 4100 |
Nat Duran | Illinois Safe Schools Alliance | Self |
Paula Corrigan-Halpern | Children's Home and Aid | Children's Home and Aid |
Pearl Johnson | Target Area | Target Area |
Phoebe Flaherty | Na | Individual |
Roberta Williams | Target Area | |
Robin Hood | illinois anti-foreclosure coalitiom | Illinois ant-foreclosure coalition |
Ryan Burgess | Individual | Self |
Samay Gheewala | Gheewala Law | |
Sara Hamdan | IMAN | IMAN |
Sarah yousuf | Individual | Sekf |
Sarah yousuf | UCCRO | Sekf |
Scott Main | Bluhm Legal Clinic, Children & Family Justice Center | self |
Stefanie Polacheck | Children's Home and Aid | Start to Finish Coalition |
Stephanie Kollmann | Children and Family Justice Center | self |
Steve Perkins | Target Area | Target Area |
Tara Henderson-Redwan | Southwest Organizing Project | Southwest Organizing Project |
Thomas Terrell | Christ Lutheran Church, Chicago | Christ Lutheran Church, Chicago |
Van Huynh | PASO West Suburban Action Project | Van Huynh |
Veronica Williams | Mother's Against Wrongful Convictions | |
Victor Alquicira | Communities United | Communities United |
Willamae Turnipseed | Target Area | Target Area |
Zeolia Gordon | Target Area | Target Area |