Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary (S) 5/22/2018 10:00 AM |
ALDONA | none | none |
Alexander Burke | Department on Aging | Illinois Department on Aging |
Allison Moore | Ward Group PR | Sandy Baksys |
Amy Armstrong Green | self | none |
Ausra Tallat-Kelpsa Di Raimondo | self | Kasem-Baksys Elder Visitation Law HB 4309 |
Barbara Endzelis | self | none |
Barbara Lokaitis | Retired | Retired |
Bud Darran | none | self |
Catherine Wells | None | Self |
CATHERINE WELLS | None | self |
Catherine Wells | None | Self |
Charles Cross | NA | NA |
Coleman Farney | None | None |
Cornelius Jazbutis | none | Self |
Cynthia Baksys | Self | Self |
Cynthia DeMarcus Manson | self | self |
Daiva Markelis | Eastern Illinois University | self |
Danute E Tallat-Kelpsa | self | Kasem-Baksys Elder Visitation Law HB 4309 |
Debbie Davis | none | self |
Devin Veselenak | NA | Self |
Diane Baksys | Self | Self |
Diane Greenholdt | self | self |
Donald D Pakey | Eastern Illinois University | self |
Donald Gietl | none | self |
Doug wormack | Self | Visitation |
Gary E Dial | None | None |
Geneva Creviston | none | kasem-baksys |
George Heroux | Victim Impact Speakers | Sandy Baksys |
GEORGETTE V BECKER | none | none |
Hank Endzelis | none | self |
Henry Greenholdt | self | self |
Holly Gietl | Self | Self |
Janet M Woelber | person | person |
Jenny Gietl | Self | Self |
Jill egizii | Parental alienation awareness org USA | Alienated parents and grandparents |
Jim Kent | none | self |
Jim Veselenak | NA | Self |
JoAnn Owens | Na | JoAnn Owens |
Jodi Perko | DCFS | Self |
John Wheeler | Self | Self |
Jonas Kuprys | None | Self |
Joseph Eby | Self | Self |
Joyce Downey | self | self |
Joyce Reeves | None | None |
Joyce wormack | Self | Friend |
Karen Federighi | Karen Federighi | Karen Federighi |
kathleen farney | None | None |
kelly edenfield | none | self |
Kesha Neal | Person | Person |
Kim Ausmus | Self | Representing self |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Laimutis Limey Nargelenas | Springfield Park District PD | Lithuanian American Club |
Larry wormack | Self | Visitation |
Linda Gladu | self | none |
Loy Gietl | none | self |
Lynne OShea | self | none |
Maria Race | Na | Myself |
Mark Walsh | None | Self |
Mary Ann Rackauskas | self | none |
Mary Macys | Mary J. Macys, Ph.D. | Sandy Baksys |
Mary P Dial | None | None |
Marygael Cullen | NA | Self |
Michael E Wilkinson | None | none |
Nijole Kupstas | Amber Assets Holdings LLC | NIJOLE KUPSTAS |
Patricia Shillington | none | self |
Patrick OGrady | Self | Self |
Phil Yanan | None | Self |
Randolph Roller | NA | NA |
Rasa McKean | retired | KasemCares |
Rebecca Klug | Self | Self |
Rhea Milburn | none | Kasem-Baksys |
Rima Ziuraitis | self | Kasem-Baksys Elder Visitation Law HB 4309 |
Rip Yasinski | None | None |
Roberta Ruben | Self | Self |
Robin Yocum | Self | Self |
SANDRA A BAKSYS | none | Kasem Cares -- Illinois |
Sharon Darran | none | none |
Shawn Robinson Yanan | Self | Self |
Susan Eby | Self | Self |
Susan Nelson | none | self |
TED SIKORA | none | none |
Teresa Gregoire | Self | None |
Terry Steczo | Government Strategy Associates | Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
Theodore Gietl | self | none |
Theresa M Baksys | self | Kasem Cares-Illinois |
THOMAS A GREGG | retired | Self |
Thomas Mann | Self | none |
Trish Quintenz | None | None |
Vida Kuprys | None | Self |
William H Byrd | self | Kasem Cares-Illinois |
William Urban | NA | Myself |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary (S) 5/15/2018 5:00 PM |
Gwen Childs | Retired | Self |
Al Carro | self | Alienated Parent for the last 8 years of my childrens lives. |
ALDONA SIKORA | none | none |
Alexander Burke | Department on Aging | Illinois Department on Aging |
Alice Sue Armstrong | none | none |
Amy Armstrong Green | self | none |
Arlene Soucie | Self | Self |
Ausra Tallat-Kelpsa Di Raimondo | self | Kasem-Baksys Elder Visitation Law HB 4309 |
Barbara Endzelis | self | none |
BERNARD MI TERWAY | retired | self |
Brad Moyer | None | Sandy Baksys |
Bud Darran | none | self |
Caroline Steffen | AMITA Health System | Self |
Catherine Wells | None | Self |
Charlene Turczyn | CMW and Associates | Charlene Turczyn |
Charles Cross | NA | NA |
Coleman Farney | None | Self |
Colleen Carro | self | Children Deserve Both Parents |
Colleen Daley | self | Self |
Cornelius Jazbutis | none | Self |
Cricket Brizendine | None | Self |
Cynthia Baksys | Self | Self |
Cynthia DeMarcus Manson | self | self |
Daiva Markelis | Eastern Illinois University | self |
Dalia S Anysas | NA | NA |
David Duyvejonck | Army | Myself |
Devin Veselenak | NA | Self |
Diane Greenholdt | self | self |
Donald D Pakey | Eastern Illinois University | self |
Donald Gietl | self | none |
Dr Mary Gleason | Literacy Non Profit | self |
Edward B Schultz | none | self |
Elizabeth Ortega | ECO Strategic Communications | Elizabeth Ortega |
Eric Mace | none | self |
Gary E Dial | None | Self |
Geneva Creviston | none | Kasem cares |
George Heroux | Victim Impact Speakers | Sandy Baksys |
Hank Endzelis | self | none |
Heidi Voegele | Sased | Sased |
Henry Greenholdt | self | self |
Holly Gietl | Self | Self |
James D Kent | none | self |
Janet M Woelber | person | person |
Janet M Woelber | person | Person |
Janet Seitz | self | self |
Janice Kohl | none | KasemCares |
Jennifer Moyer | None | Sandy Baksys |
Jenny Gietl | Self | Self |
Jill Egizii | PARENTAL ALIENATION AWARENESS ORG USA | Alienated parents and grandparents |
Jim Veselenak | NA | Self |
Joan Freitag | Hanson Professional Services Inc. | Joan Freitag |
John Carr | IGAM | IL Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
John Wheeler | None | Self |
Jonas Kuprys | NA | NA |
Joseph H Eby | Citizen | Self |
Joyce Downey | self | self |
Joyce Reeves | None | None |
Judy Jozaitis | none | self only |
Julie Lynne Belshe | Kasem Cares Foundation | Sandy Baksys |
Karen Federighi | Advocate | Karen Federighi |
Karl Altau | none | self |
Kathleen Farney | None | Self |
Kathleen M Brawn | Kasem Cares | Kasem Cares |
Kathy Schultz | none | self |
Ken Watson | none | self |
Kim Ausmus | Self | No group. Proponent representing self. |
Krista Holst | Personal | self |
Laimutis Limey Nargelenas | Springfield Park District PD | Lithuanian American Club |
Laurel Latimer | self | representing self |
Linda Fleming | myself | myself |
Linda Gladu | self | none |
Loy Gietl | self | none |
Lynette Lake | none | Sandra Baksys |
Lynne OShea | self | none |
Lynne OShea | self | none |
Mark Walsh | None | Self |
Marla Penley | None | Sandra Baksys |
Martin Edward Woulfe | Abraham Lincoln UU Congregation | myself |
Mary Ann Rackauskas | none | none |
Mary Kay Mace | none | self |
Mary Macys | Mary J. Macys, Ph. D. | Sandy Baksys |
Mary Patricia Dial | None | Self |
Mary Patricia Dial | None | Self |
Mary Prayne | Self | Self |
Marygael Cullen | NA | Self |
Miriam Shabo | self | self |
Patrick Ogrady | Legislative Research Unit | Self |
Patty Shillington | PN Shillington, LLC | Self |
Paul Turczyn | Retired | Paul Turczyn |
Paula Wilson | none | self |
Phil Yanan | None applicable | Self |
Randolph Roller | NA | NA |
Rhea Milburn | none | Kasem-Baksys |
Rick Dunham | self | none |
Rima Ziuraitis | self | Kasem-Baksys Elder Visitation Law, HB 4309 |
Rip Yasinski | None | None |
Roberta Hamann | Women of Illinois For Fathers' Equality | W.I.F.F.E (Women of Illinois For Fathers' Equality) |
Roberta Ruben | Self | Self |
Robin Yocum | Self | Self |
SANDRA A BAKSYS | none | former family caregiver of Mr. Vincent Baksys |
SANDRA A BAKSYS | self | Kasem Cares -- Illinois |
Sharon Darran | none | self |
Shawn Robinson Yanan | Self | Self |
Stephanie Retzinger | Illinois for Parental Equality | Mother |
Steven clodfelter | Self | Self |
Steven Westerfield | Self | Families |
Susan Eby | Self | Self |
Susan Nelson | none | self |
Tara McClellan McAndrew | Mrs. | none |
Tara McClellan McAndrew | none | none |
Ted Gietl | self | Kasem Cares -- Illinois |
TED SIKORA | none | none |
Terry Steczo | Government Strategy Associates | Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
Theresa M Baksys | self | Kasem Cares-Illinois |
Thomas Mann | Self | None |
Trish Quintenz | None | None |
William A Zalpys | none | Self |
William H Byrd | self | Kasem Cares-Illinois |
William Owens | Department of Innovation and Technology | Myself |
William Scott Belshe | Pool Sales | Sandy Baksys |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary (S) 5/8/2018 3:30 PM |
ALDONA SIKORA | none | none |
Alexandra A Radtke | self | self |
Allen Oertel | None | None |
Amy Armstrong Green | none | self |
Ausra Tallat-Kelpsa Di Raimondo | self | Kasem-Baksys Elder Visitation Law HB 4309 |
Barbara Endzelis | self | none |
Catherine Wells | None | Self |
Coleman Farney | Self | None |
Cynthia Baksys | None | Self only |
Dagmar S Knorr | None | Kassem Cares Foundation |
Daiva Markelis | Eastern Illinois University | self |
Devin Veselenak | NA | Self |
Diane Greenholdt | personal | self |
Donald Adams | Jade's Far East Emporium | Self |
Donald D Pakey | Eastern Illinois University | self |
Doug Wormack | Family | Work |
Gary E Dial | None | Self |
Geneva Creviston | none | Kasem-Baksys |
GeorgeAnn Madison | Retired | GEORGEANN MADISON |
Hank Endzelis | self | none |
Heidi voegele | Sased | Heidi voegele |
Holly Gietl | Self | Self |
Holly Gietl | Self | Self |
Janet woelber | person | Not appearing |
Jennifer Moyer | None | Sandy Baksys |
Jill Egizii | Paao USA | Alienated parents and grandparents |
Jim Kent | none | witness only |
Jim Veselenak | NA | Self |
Jon Platakis | National Lithuanian Hall of Fame | Sandy Baksys |
Joyce Downey | self | self |
Joyce Reeves | None | None |
Joyce Wormack | Family | N |
Judy Kohlrus | Retired | Voter |
Karen J Federighi | Kasem Cares | Karen J Federighi |
Katheen Farney | None | None |
Laimutis Limey Nargelenas | Springfield Park District PD | None |
Larry Wormack | Family | Visitation rights |
Linda Gladu | self | self |
Maria Race | Na | Na |
Martin Woulfe | Abraham Lincoln UU Congregation | Self |
Mary Ann Rackauskas | none | self |
Mary Kay Mace | none | self |
Mary P Dial | None | Self |
Mary Prayne | Self | Self |
Marygael Cullen | NA | Self |
Maurine Magliocco | None | Self |
NIJOLE KUPSTAS | Amber Asset Holdings LLC | Nijole Kupstas |
Patricia Shillington | P.N. Shillington, LLC | Self |
Philip Yanan | None | Self |
Rhea Milburn | none | sandy baksys |
Rip Yasinski | None | None |
Roberta Ruben | Self | Self |
Robin Yocum | Self | Self |
SANDRA A BAKSYS | self | none |
SANDRA A BAKSYS | self | Vincent Baksys and former family caregiver |
Scott Brawner | Retired | Voter |
Sharon Darran | none | self |
Shawn Robinson Yanan | Self | Self |
Susan Eby | Self | Self |
Susan Eby | Self | Self |
TED SIKORA | none | none |
Teresa Gregoire | Self | None |
Teri Cooper-Noonan | Self | Self |
Theodore Gietl | self | none |
Theresa M Baksys | self | Kasem Cares-Illinois |
Thomas Mann | Self | None |
Trish Quintenz | None | None |
Vida Kuprys | NA | NA |
William H Byrd | self | Kasem Cares-Illinois |
Hearing Date and Time: Trusts & Estates Law Subcommittee (H) 3/7/2018 8:02 AM |
David Dziuba | None | Self |
Terry Steczo | Government Strategy Associates | Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
William Wheeler | William Wheeler | Illinois Council of Case Coordination Units |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Civil (H) 3/7/2018 8:00 AM |
John Carr | IGAM | IL Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
Patrick Ogrady | Retired | Self |
SANDRA A BAKSYS | self | self |
Terry Steczo | Government Strategy Associates | Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Civil (H) 2/28/2018 8:00 AM |
ALDONA SIKORA | none | |
Alexandra A Radtke | Self | |
Alice Sue Armstrong | Armstrong Advocacy | |
Alicia P Rodriguez | self | self |
Allen Oertel | NA | |
Amy Green | self | none |
Anna Sabin | Self | Self |
Ausra Tallat-Kelpsa Di Raimondo | self | Ausra Tallat-Kelpsa Di Raimondo |
Barbara Davis | Self | |
Barbara Endzelis | none | |
Bernard Terway | Mr. | self |
Bobbie richardson | individual | self |
Bonnie Ettinger | None | |
Bud Darran | none | self |
Buff Carmichael | IEMA Retiree | self |
Catherine Wells | Private Citizen | Self |
Charlene Turczyn | CMW and Associates | |
Charles Cross | NA | Self |
Connie Manes | Ms. | |
Cornelius Jazbutis | none | self |
Cynthia Baksys | None | Self |
Cynthia DeMarcus Manson | self | none |
Deborah Davis | self | 217 |
Devin Veselenak | NA | Self |
Donald D Pakey | Eastern Illinois University | self |
Donald Gietl | none | self |
Gary E Dial | None | |
Geneva Creviston | Self | None |
Gerianne Mazrim | None | |
Grasilda Reinys | Maironis Lithuanian School | self |
Harvey Endzelis | none | |
Holly GIetl | Self | |
Janet M Woelber | Self | None |
Janice Tellier | None | |
Jennifer Moyer | self | |
Jill | Parental alienation awareness org | |
Jim Kent | individual | self |
Jim Veselenak | NA | Self |
JoAnn abrams | Self | Proponent |
John Ausmus | Self | None |
John Carr | IGAM | IL Assn Area Agencies on Aging |
John Gallagher | self | |
John Wells | Private Citizen | Self |
Jonathan Lavin | AgeOptions | AgeOptions |
Joyce Downey | None | |
Joyce Oertel | na | |
Joyce Reeves | None | |
Joyce Wormack | Self | |
Karyn Delanois Uhde | None | Self |
Kathleen Farney | self | |
Kathleen Wright-Brawn | Kasem Cares Foundation | Kasem Cares Foundation |
Kathleen Wright-Brawn | Kasem Cares Foundation | Kasem Cares Foundation |
Kenton Haverson Childs | Midas | |
Kim Ausmus | Self | None |
Laimutis Limey Nargelenas | Springfield Park District PD | |
Larry Wormack | Self | |
Lawrence Lenkart | Mr. | |
Linda Bidwell | Self | None |
Linda Gladu | self | none |
Linda S Fleming | self | None |
Loy Gietl | none | none |
Maria Race | Na | |
Marie Havens | None | |
Marija Kuprys | NA | Self |
Mary Alice Owens | None | |
Mary Ann Armstrong | none | none |
Mary Ann Rackauskas | Rackauskas Pediatric Dentistry | |
Mary Kay Mace | self | self |
Mary Patricia Dial | None | |
Mary Prayne | Illinois Families For Equality | Families of Illinois |
Marygael Cullen | NA | Self |
Melinda McDonald | self | |
Patricia McEldowney | None | Self |
Patricia Shillington | P.N. Shillington, LLC | |
Randolph W Roller | NA | Self |
Rhea Milburn | self | none |
Rick Dunham | none | none |
Rita Delanois | None | Self |
Robert Yasinski | None | |
Roberta Lynne Ruben | Self | Self |
Robin Yocum | Self | |
SANDRA A BAKSYS | self | none |
Sharon Darran | none | self |
Stephanie S Moore | Self | Self |
Susan Eby | Self | Self |
Susan Gallagher | self | |
TED SIKORA | none | |
Teresa Gregoire | Crawford Murphy & Tilly Engineers and Consultants | |
Terry Steczo | Government Strategy Associates | Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
Theodore Gietl | self | none |
Theresa Baksys | Self | Self |
Thomas Gregg | self | self |
Thomas Mann | na | |
Timothy Race | Na | |
Trish Quintenz | None | |
Vida Kuprys | NA | self |
William Byrd | Self | Self |
William Urban | NA | Myself |