Illinois General Assembly - HB4421Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4421  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB4421
Proponents: 198Opponents: 4No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (H) 4/2/2024 2:00 PM
Alicia LauhonSelfSelf
Amy JahnkeSelfSelf
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Carol ChavarriaSelf
Catherine KingSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
GUS R GONZALEZRefuse Fascism ChicagoSelf
Irene AstaSelfSelf
Jacob StromSelfSelf
Joseph J ZefranSelfMy Family and Friends
Joseph J ZefranSelfMy Family and Friends
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Katelyn JimenezSelfSelf
Kathryn LuedkeShe Votes IL
Kristin JacobsonNASelf
Leslie Cummingsselfself
Lindsay MorrisonselfIndivisible West suburban action league
LIsa Rademacherselfself
Macaire Grambauerselfself
Maria PetersonFitCore, Inc.
Marsha HooverSelf
Mary Joan Ceplaselfself
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Megan SanksNot applicableSelf
Meredith PayneSelfSelf
Monica D CoursonSelf
Patricia GrahamSelfSelf
Patricia GrahamSelfSelf
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rhoda ReelingNoneSelf
RoseMarie Carvalloselfself
Sara Kurenskyself
Susan Balabanselfself
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Teresa FrisbiePersonal
Teri Gidwitzselfself
Vicky KaplanSelfSelf
Wendy PosnerSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (H) 3/20/2024 2:00 PM
Amanda JenkinsSelfSelf
Ashley SteadMcGann Ketterman & RiouxWomen's Bar Association of Illinois PAC
Aubry StapletonSelfSelf
Camilla SteflSelfSelf
Candace Sinclairselfself
Catherine KingSelfSelf
Cathy L ChristensenSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Ellen Caffrey GarzaSelf
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
Garrick BalkNoneSelf
Heather McMeekanSelfSelf
Jacquelyn HaynesNASelf
Janet Guaderramanone
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Jodie EasonSelfSelf
Joseph J ZefranSelfMy Family and Friends
Joseph J ZefranSelfMy Family and Friends
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Kathryn LuedkeShe Votes IL
Kathy McNeilselfSelf
Katie Bestselfself
Katie OlssonSelf
Katie StanczykiewiczPlanned Parenthood of Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Lane Silvasselfself
Laura Jamesselfself
Lisa May SimpsonSelfSelf
Maria PetersonFitCore, Inc.Self
Marilyn L SchweitzerSelfSelf
Mary Millerselfself
Mary Wehkingselfself
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Nora Kygerselfself
Robin DusekMeself
Sandra AlexanderNASelf
Shawn Michaelselfself
Sophie MucciaccioSelf
Sophie MucciaccioSelf
Susan BalabanSelfSelf
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (H) 3/12/2024 2:00 PM
Adelaide ZwickPlanned Parenthood Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Catherine KingSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Deborah W McCoyIndividual
Dr Ron CoxPlease SelectSelf
Eileen DordekEileen Dordek, LCSW
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Jodie EasonSelfSelf
Joseph J ZefranSelfMy Family and Friends
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Kathryn LuedkeShe Votes IL
Katie OlssonSelf
Laura LambertSelf-EmployedSelf-Employed
Laura Woodsselfself
Linda stanleynoneself
Lindsay Morrisonselfself
Lonette SimsBlack Women Organizing for PowerBWOP Chicago
Maria PetersonFitCore, Inc.Self
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Sandra AlexanderNASelf
Sarah Lincolnselfself
Susan BIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Tracy RitterSelfSelf
William K SellersIndivisible Lincoln SquareIndivisible Lincoln Square
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (H) 3/5/2024 2:00 PM
Adelaide ZwickPlanned Parenthood Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Alison Lupelselfself
Allison Schentrupself
Amy JahnkeSelfSelf
Beverly A ScottThe Soul Garden
Brooklyn HintonSelfSelf
Camilla SteflSelfSelf
Candace Sinclairselfself
Carolyn LewisSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Christine Bisslernoneself
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Dayna E RouseArtographx Creative Agency
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Dr Ron CoxPlease SelectSelf
Dwain Thomasnonenone
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Ella TownsendSelfElla Townsend
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
Jacquelyn HaynesNASelf
Jamane HintonSelf
James HintonSelf
James SchwartzSelfSelf
Janet Ericksonselfself
Janet Ericksonselfself
Janice PharesNone
Jen MedonSelfSelf
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Jodie EasonSelfSelf
JoLynn Doerrselfself
Jonah HintonSelf
Joseph J ZefranSelfMy Family and Friends
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Joyce A Bartzself
Katherine P Smithselfself
Kathleen mcgrathSelfSekf
Kathryn LuedkeNoneShe Votes IL
Katie StanczykiewiczPlanned Parenthood of Illinois Action
Kristen Lyonsselfself
Lisa KeimSelf
Lisa Marie SharkeyNAself
Lisa WilliamsNone
Lois SwatschenoSelfSelf
Lynn ShareefThe Greater Chicago Food DepositoryAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc
Maria PetersonFitCore, Inc.Self
Marissa MillerShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Mary Joan Ceplaselfself
Mary Millerselfself
Mary Wehkingself
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Merrill Colenot applicableSelf
Myra Eppingselfself
Nathan BrooksBrooks Transportation
Noah PerkinsSelfSelf
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rachel C DasSelfSelf
RoseMarie CarvalloSelfSelf
Sarah Lincolnselfself
Seth Thomas BradySelfSelf
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for Women NOWIllinois NOW
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Susan WiechmanSeldSelf
Sydney REEDselfself
Tracy RitterSelfSelf
Virginia Dare FosterSeflSelf
William K SellersIndivisible Lincoln SquareIndivisible Lincoln Square
William MengebierWordwise LLCSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (H) 2/20/2024 2:00 PM
Kathleen BuckleymeSelf
Kenneth BuckleySelfSelf
Maureen M KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois