Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (S) 5/16/2018 3:30 PM |
Alyssa Girten | Presence Health- St. Mary's Chicago | Alyssa Girten, Registered Dietitian |
Amy Moore | Cook County HHS | Amy K Moore |
Angela Grover | Presence Health | Presence Health |
Anne Daly | Southern IL Univ Center for Family Medicine | Anne Daly |
Ashley Mathewson | Self | Self |
Barbara Fine | Lutheran General Hospital | Peronal |
Brian Goecking | Sodexo | Brian Goecking |
Brooke Welcher-Miner | HSHS St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital - Weight Management | Self |
Carla Honselman | Main Street R.D. | Main Street R.D. |
Carol Jushkewich | Amita St. Joseph Medical Center, Joliet, IL | self |
Carol Longley | k-12 Culinary Team | Self |
CELIA GONZALEZ | Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Self |
clark guyer | southern illinois healthcare | southern illinois healthcare |
Claudia Bueno | Presence Saint's Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Presence Health |
Ed Peck | Sanofi US | Sanofi US |
Emily Schumann | Harper College | self |
Emily Wetzel | Dietitians on Demand | Emily Wetzel |
Emma Greenhill | Bradley University | Myself |
Garth Reynolds | Illinois Pharmacists Association | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
gary libretti | Self | Self |
Halina Wojcik | Pivate Nutrition Practice | the practice |
Heather Gavras | Self | Self |
Jaclyn Berg | Presence Saint's Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Presence Health |
Jamie Ray | Presence Saint's Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Presence Health |
Jennifer Gustafson | Presence Saint's Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Presence Health |
Joanne Kouba | Loyola University Chicago | Joanne Kouba |
Julie Warner | Resurection Medical Center | self |
Katherine M Cloonen | Board Member Presence St. Mary's Hospital | Self |
Kelly Devine Rickert | Devine Nutrition Inc | Kelly Devine Rickert |
KELLY SIERRA | Loyola University Chicago | Kelly Sierra |
Kristen Maughan | Hammond Henry Hospital | Self |
Kristina Adams MS RD LDN | Sarah Bush Lincoln Weight Management | self |
Laura Eckhardt | StayWell | Laura Eckhardt |
Lisa Clark | Presence Health Saint Francis and Saint Joseph Chicago | Presence Health |
Lisa E Wright | Eaton Wright | Lisa E Wright |
Lisa Osowski | Advocate Condell Medical Center | Lisa Osowski |
Lori Hendren | AARP | AARP |
Mary Mora | Loyola University Chicago | Loyola University Chicago |
Melissa Prest MS RDN CSR LDN | healthcare | none |
Melissa Wayland | Resurrection Medical Center | Self |
Michaela Kruse | Heartland Nursing & Rehab | Self |
Nicholas Groch | Presence Saint's Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Nicholas Groch |
Pat Riplinger | The Nolan Group, Inc. | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Patricia Crowley | Benedictine Sisters of Chicago | Self |
Paula Sochacki | Registered Dietitian | Self |
Roberta Cooper-Meyer | Roberta Cooper-Meyer | Roberta Cooper-Meyer |
Samuel Robinson | Registered Dietitians | Registered Dietitians |
Santrice Martin | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Sara Umphfleet | OSF HealthCare Saint Luke Medical Center | Self |
Sarah Olender | Self | Self |
Shannon M Jermal | Presence Health | Presence Health |
Sharon Foley | none | Sharon Foley |
Sue Clark | Capitol Edge Consulting, LLC | Illinois Society for Advanced Practice Nursing, and ANA-Illinois, |
Victor Villalobos | Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center |
William Iacono | Presence Saint's Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Presence Health |
Zahava Roth | Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Dietetic Intern |
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance: Health & Life (H) 4/9/2018 1:00 PM |
Abigail | Self | Self |
Adele Keeton | Sodexo | self |
Amanda Kritt | Self | |
Amanda Przybyla | Self | Self |
Angela Drew | Sodexo | self |
Angela Grover | Presence Health | Presence Health |
Barbara Fine | Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Barbara Fine |
Beth Lukaszewicz | Nutrition and Dietetics | self |
Cathy Walker | Fresenius Kidney Care | Self |
Cheryl Williams | Registered Dietitian | self |
Chris Burkett | Self | self |
Christina Weidman | Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Courtney Schuchmann | University of Chicago Medicine | |
Diane Coli | Academy of Nutrition | Self |
Ella Woodford-Parker | Self | |
Ellen Phillips | self | self |
Emily Witt | none | Emily Witt |
Garen Schroder | OSF HealthCare | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Garth Reynolds | Illinois Pharmacists Association | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
Grace Sinopoli | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Jaclyn Castellanet | Self | SELF |
Jean Ziegenhorn | CAND | self |
Jeanette Andrade | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Self |
Jeanne Arbuckle | Self | Self |
Jenna Smith | 1981 | Jenna Smith |
Jennifer Bathgate | Lurie Children's Hospital | Jennifer Bathgate |
jennifer Nenni | private dietetics business | |
Jennifer Wuerffel | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Self |
Jessica Nigg | Self | Self |
Jordan Kirk | OSF healthcare | Registered Dietitian |
Julie Moreschi | Benedictine University | self |
Justine Britten | Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Kelley Clancy | AMITA Health | |
Lauren Chan | Self | Lauren Chan |
Laurie Schubert | Illinois Dietetic Association | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Leila Shinn | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Leila Shinn |
Liliya Bursak | Sodexo | self |
Lisa Clark | Presence Saint Francis and Saint Joseph Chicago | Self |
Lisa Osowski | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Lisa Osowski |
Lisabeth Klebbe | Advocate Healthcare | Dietetic Intern |
Lori Hendren | AARP | AARP |
Maria Londos | Illinois Dietetic Association | Illinois Dietetic Association |
Mariana Wrzosek | Presence Resurrection Medical Center | Presence Resurrection Medical Center |
Marlene Wolter | Compass Group | |
Mary Hayen | AMITA Health | Mary Hayen |
Mary Russell | Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | |
Megan Majernik | Illinois Dietetic Association | Illinois Dietetic Association |
Melissa Schutz | Joslin Diabetes Center - HSHS Medical Group | |
Mike Quaintance | Compass group | Michael Quaintance |
Mona Martin | Mona Martin | Presence Health |
Mujahed Khan | Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Nanette Conrad | IAND | member |
Nannette Huffman | none | Self |
Neda Khudeira | Khudeira Medical Center | Dietitian |
Nicholas Groch | Presence Saint's Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Presence Health |
Nicole Hillegonds | Registered Dietitian | Self |
Pat Riplinger | The Nolan Group, Inc. | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Patricia Cooper | Fresenius Medical Care | Patricia Cooper, LDN; 1422 West 115th St., Chicago, IL 60643 |
Peggy Balboa | Peggy's Fresh Takes, Inc. | Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rebecca Copeland | OSF Saint Francis Medical Center | |
Roberta Cooper-Meyer | IAND | |
Roxane Finegan | Resurrection Medical Center | |
Samuel Robinson | NA | NA |
Sandra Martell | Winnebago County Health Department | Winnebago County Health Department |
Sara Kaiser | Self | Sara Kaiser |
Sara Umphfleet | OSF HealthCare Saint Luke Medical Center | Self |
Sarah Olender | Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | |
Sue Ellen Schumacher | Presence Health | Self |
Susan Rizzo | Compass Group- AMITA Health | self |
Tai-Shen Fan | Sodexo | self |
Victor Villalobos | Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center | Self |