Illinois General Assembly - HB5406Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB5406  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001   House Amendment 002
Bill Status

Legislation: HB5406
Proponents: 108Opponents: 20No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 3/13/2024 8:00 AM
Allison RoozeboomNaperville Central High SchoolSelf
Alpa PatelNaperville Central High SchoolAlpa Patel
Ami PatelNaperville Central High SchoolAmi Patel
Anagha NittalaSchool
Andrea BreweNA noneSelf
Angela ClarkNaperville Central Highschool
Anjali ShahNaperville Central High SchoolAnjali Shah
Ava HendrenNaperville Central High SchoolAva Hendren
Belle ReberNaperville Central High SchoolBelle Reber
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Broden OswaldSelfSelf
Catherine KingSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Christian WenigNaperville Central High SchoolChristian Wenig
Concepcion SanchezSwiss ReConcepcion Sanchez
Daniela ZavalaNaperville Central High SchoolDaniela Zavala
Daphne LameschLGSTX ServicesSelf
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Debbie TheiligSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Deetya SinghalNaperville Central High SchoolSelf
Diane Dugardself
Elizabeth B TaylorEdward JonesElizabeth Taylor
Elyse SzotsNaperville Central High SchoolElyse Szots
Emerson fatzingerNchsCapstone igs
EmilyNaperville Central Student
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Emma OrendNaperville Central
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
Grace BradySelfSelf
Harley DuddingNaperville Central High SchoolHarley Dudding
Harshee ShahNaperville Central High SchoolHarshee Shah
Havah OswaldSelfSelf
Iris Shadis-Greengasself
Jackie ThorntonNaperville Central High SchoolJackie Thornton
Jaime ZavalaNavistarSelf
Jake PfeifferSelfSelf
Javen OswaldNaperville CentralSelf
Jay DeeganSelf
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Jodie EasonSelfSelf
Johnathan MooreNaperville Central High SchoolJohnathan Moore
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Julia Webernaperville central high schoolself
Julia ZimmermanNaperville Central High SchoolJulia Zimmerman
Kate TaylorNorth Central CollegeSelf
Kathryn LuedkeShe Votes IL
Kathryn PrerostSelfKathryn Prerost
Kathy McNeilselfSelf
Lena OswaldSelfSelf
Lilly TaylorNaperville Central High School
Linda stanleynoneself
Lisa HustonDistrict 203 EducatorSelf
Maria PetersonFitCore, Inc.Self
Maria sommerfeldNaperville Central High SchoolMaria Sommerfeld
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Natalie RichardsNaperville Central High SchoolNatalie Richards
Nina RaoNaperville Central High SchoolNaperville Central High School
Nyle FahadSchoolNyle Fahad
Patricia GrahamSelfSelf
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Randi RiemannMorrisonville Community Unit School District
Reagan TomaszkiewiczNaperville Central High SchoolReagan Tomaszkiewicz
Reham FahadSchoolReham Fahad
Richard TaylorNaperville Central High SchoolRichard Taylor
Rick OswaldSelfSelf
Sabrina TseNaperville Central High SchoolSabrina Tse
Sahana PatilNaperville Central High SchoolSahana Patil
Sarah SegvichNaperville CentralSarah Segvich
Sarah TaylorNaperville CentralSelf
Seth BradyIllinois Global ScholarSelf
Sophia ZancaNaperville Central High schoolSophia Zanca
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Tracy RitterSelfSelf
Yashaswini SanamNaperville Central High SchoolSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 3/6/2024 8:30 AM
Christine Bisslernoneself
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Donna GutmanSelfSelf
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
Jacob StromSelfSelf
Jacquelyn HaynesNASelf
Jen MedonSelfSelf
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Jodie EasonSelfSelf
JoLynn Doerrselfself
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Joyce A Bartzself
Laura KamedulskiSelf
Lisa KeimSelf
Marissa MillerShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Mary Joan Ceplaselfself
Mary Millerselfself
Mary Wehkingselfself
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Merrill Colenot applicableSelf
Myra Eppingselfself
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
RoseMarie CarvalloSelfSelf
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Susan WiechmanNoneself
Tracy RitterSelfSelf
Virginia Dare FosterSelfSelf