Illinois General Assembly - SB0759Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB0759  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: SB0759
Proponents: 41Opponents: 0No Position: 2
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Licenses (H) 4/19/2023 10:00 AM
David YeagerMorrison Community Hospital
Ada V PaolucciIllinois Podiatric Medical Association
Ashley B LeeNorthern Illinois Foot and Ankle Specialists
bart beaverweil institutebart beaver IPMA
Bryn LaubacherNone
Deep ShahNorthern Illinois Foot & ANkle Theresa Mah
Diana RogersPodiatric Physician
Dr Francis J RottierLoyola Medicine
Dr Mary Gail KwiecinskiLibertyville Podiatry
Edwin j harrisDr. E. Harris
George TsatsosAnkleNFootCenter
Jerry BonetJerry P Bonet
jondelle jenkinsJ B Jenkins And AssociatesIllinois Podiatric Medical Association
Kathleen M DalyKathleen M Daly DPM
Kathleen SchaferDr Kathleen M Schafer DPM Inc
Kellen cohnFirst step foot care
Lauren McCarthyJersey Community Hospital
Lowell WeilWeil Foot & Ankle Institute
Marlene Reid KosovaFamily Podiatry Center
Martin YorathRosalind Franklin University of Medicine and ScienceIllinois Podiatric Medical Association
Mary Ann BenderWeil Foot & Ankle Institute
Matthew OSheaMatthew OShea ConsultingIllinois Podiatric Medical Association
Michael Andrew WoodFoot Health Institute
Michael Chin DPMThe Running Institute
Michael TaggeAnalyzed Health
Narendra PatelBarrington Orthopedic SpecialistsIllinois Podiatric Medical Association.
Nathaniel GeorgeIPMA
Nicholas AlianelloWeil Foot and Ankle
Pacaccio DouglasIllinois Podiatric Medical Association
Patrick SanchezIPMA
Peter F LovatoNIFASIllinois Podiatric Medical Association
Robert Scott Steinberg DPMDr. Robert Scott Steinberg, D.P.M.Illinois Podiatric Medical Association
Roland Tolliver DPMFHN
Sabrina LandersIPMA
Sabrina LandersKeir Foot and Ankle Specialists
Severko HrywnakAdvanced Ambulatory Surgical Center, Inc.
Svetlana ZatsMidamerica Orthopaedics
Thomas Kevin Brattain DPMNone
Thomas NordquistAdvanced Foot and Ankle Surgeo
Whitney CastleKeir Foot and Ankle Specialists