Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/23/2021 3:00 PM |
Leanne Pothof | NA | |
Nancy Wong | Self | Self |
Anthony Gillenwater | Self | Self |
Ashley Febus | Self | Family |
Bonnie Bradlee | none | self |
Carolyn Righeimer | None | |
Cathy Bein | Illinois Federation for Right to Life | |
Christie A Kisler | self | self |
Davina Schafer | My Family | My Family |
Dena Shull | self | self |
Denise Ramis | none | self |
Diana L Ashley | None | Self |
Dianak Kietzman | self | my family |
Ferdinand Salvacion | self | my family |
Hannah Schafer | My Family | My Family |
James | Lake county right to life | |
James Odom | Self | |
John L Ryan | Illinois Federation for Right to Life | Illinois Federation for Right to Life |
Karl Kirsch | Self | Self |
Kathleen Meier | Ms. | Self |
Kevin Salsman | Self | Self |
Laurie Ann Salvacion | self | my family |
Liberty Schafer | My Family | My Family |
Liz Miner | Self | Self |
Lori K Mason | Self | Self |
Lynette M Fields | Self | Self |
Maria Salsman | Self | Self |
Marla Ainscough | voter | registered voter |
Martha Vacek | Self | |
Mary | self | self |
Mercedes Karen Swambar | Lake county right to life | |
Molly Rumley | Pro-Family Alliance | Pro-Family Alliance |
Molly Rumley | Illinois Right to Life Action | Illinois Right to Life Action |
Nancy Taylor | Self | Self |
Pam Eagle | self | self |
Pam Weech | self | |
Patrick Harlan | Self | Self |
Petra Linden | self | self |
Petra Schafer | My Family | My Family |
Richard C Conklin | self | |
Robert Taylor | Self | Self |
Ryan Schafer | My Family | My Family |
Tamara Qualls | Galesburg High School | |
Hearing Date and Time: Special Issues (HS) Subcommittee (H) 3/16/2021 3:01 PM |
Rhonda Sedols | NA | |
Aaron Hartman | Self | |
Aaron Simms | NA | |
Abbie Ballard | Self | self |
adina greenwood | Bethel Community Church | self |
Aidan J Groppe | self | self |
Alison Mattern | Self | Self |
Allen Brokken | Towers of Light Christian Resources | |
Amanda Walker | self | self |
Amy | self | self |
Amy A Stradtmann | Concordia University | self |
Amy Harold | Self | Self |
Amy Hartke | Self | |
Amy L Krahula | self | |
Amy Loesch | Self | Self |
Andinet Wadhams | self | |
Andrea Denner | self | self |
Andrew Wist | self | |
Angel Hampton | Home | |
Angela Donsbach | on behalf of self | |
Angela Walker | NA | |
Angela Williams | Na | |
Anita Jaeger | Church | |
Anita Kuhn | self | |
Ann Marx | SELF | self |
Ann Noonan | self | self |
Ann Ritter | none | |
Anna Duesing | self | self |
Anna Jess | Self | |
Annaele J Kramer | Self | Self |
Anne M Reedy | Self | Self |
Anne Pearcy | self | |
Annette Smith | NA | NA |
Annette Vogeler | Self | |
Armanda Malinowski | self | |
Barb Hudson | self | |
Barbara Androvandi | Self | |
Barbara Diehl | Self | |
Barbara Fischer | Self and my family | |
Barry A Todd | self | |
BARRY V MILLER | self | |
Bart Rinkenberger | self | self |
Beatriz Czeropski | Self | Self |
Becky Jatho | na | |
Becky Lawles | Self | |
Becky Madawick | self | |
Beth Bakker | self | |
Beth Hyde | self | self |
Beverley Houseworth | none | |
Beverly Eileen Clark | Self | |
Beverly Garland | NA | Self |
Beverly Geck | self | |
Bill Cummins | Self | Self |
Bill Lafrancis | None | |
Blake Lenoir | Self | Self |
Bonnie Compton | self | |
Bonnie Millikan | self | |
Bradley W Dunham | NA | |
brenda kinsel | kinsel trkg & Excvtg LLC formly Kinsel Trk & Ex | |
Brenda Marshall | Self | Self |
Brent Lawles | Self | |
Bret Glas | Self | |
Brian Hart | Self | Self |
Brian Meyer | self | self |
Bruce Kleckler | self | |
Bryan Spears | Self | Self |
Burdette Rosendale | farm | Self |
Calvert Benedict Jr | U.S. Army Retired | |
CARL NIEMEIER | self | |
Carla Pignataro | none | self |
Carlos D To | self | |
Carol Biel | Self | |
Carol Madigan | Self | Self |
Carol Sue Hollis | First Baptist Church | |
Carole D Revers | self | self |
Carolynn Varnagatas | Self | Self |
Carrie Savino | Self | Self |
Catherine Cameron | Self | |
Catherine Eeg | self | |
Catherine Hunn | Self | Self |
Catherine Meyer | self | self |
Cathleen Barrett | Self | |
Celeste Scimo | Self | |
Celia Acierto | Homemaker | |
Cheryl Eisenmenger | self | |
Cheryl Mathews | self | self |
Cheryl Slay | Private citizen | Self |
Cheryl Sowers | NA | |
Cheryl Szmuksta | Self | Self |
christel comerouski | self | self |
Christina Freeman | Self | |
Christina Holtshouser | Self | |
Christina Mahar | Self | Self |
Christine Caponigri | Self | |
Christine Messina | On behalf of self | Self |
Christine ONeill | Self | |
Christopher Andersen | self | |
Christopher Drew Baldacci | Self | |
christopher peterson | self | |
Christopher Wells | self | |
Cindy Heslinga | Self | Self |
Cindy LaPrise | Self | Self |
Cindy Webster | none | self |
Colette Whittenhall | Self | Self |
Colin Picchietti | On behalf of self | Illinois voter, parent |
Connie Abels | self | |
Connie Rielley | na | |
Constance Malinowski | self | self |
Craig Odegaard | Self | Self |
Cris Johansen | Citizen | Self |
Crista J Fodor | self | |
cristine wiesner | self | self |
Cyndi Holich | Illinois Voter | Illinois Voter |
Cynthia Heimsoth | Self | Self |
Cynthia Mazzone | Self | |
Cynthia Minnear | Self | |
Dana Suzanne Robertson | Self | |
Daniel Allen | self | |
daniel bennett | self | self |
DANIEL DUESING | Self | Self |
Daniel Hall | Self | Self |
Daniel Harold | self | self |
Daniel J Bohan | Central Illinois Right to Life | |
Daniel Mitchell | retired | Self |
Daniel Payne | On behalf of self | On Behalf of Self |
Daniel Sedols | Self | |
Daniel Smith | Self | self |
Danielle Brandon | Self | Self |
DanielThomas | NA | |
Darin Jaske | self | |
Darren Street | self | Self |
Darryl Hudson | self | self |
Dave Heslinga | Self | Self |
David Aschermann | Self | |
David Blatt | Private Citizen | |
David Grimestad | Self | Self |
David L Coyle | NONE | NONE |
David Martin | self | self |
David Opperman | NA | |
David P Brady | Brady Investment Counsel LLC | self |
David Shaw | Self | |
David Smith | self | |
David Weinberger | self | self |
Dawn Cummins | Self | Self |
Dawn Miller | Select | |
Dawn Miller | William Ryan Homes | |
Deanne Rose | Self | |
Debbie Freeman | Self | Self |
Debbie Japsen | self | |
Debbie Niebrugge | Na | Self |
Debra Bloomfield | Self | Self |
Debra Gilbert | NA | |
Debra L Malinowski | Year | self |
Debra Vandervelde | self | |
Dena Wiesner | self | self |
Denise Borst | none | self |
Diana Curran | Self | |
Diana Holmer | self | |
Diana Olson | Myself | Individual |
Diana Stallings | self | |
Diane f Vanderweele | self | |
Diane McCreary | Self | |
Diane Squiers | self | self |
Diane Uden | self | |
Dietrich Schmidt | NA | |
DOLORES MARLEY | Self | Self |
Don Blair | Self | |
Donald Hespell | None | self |
Donald Woolery | SELF | |
Donna Glaub | Self | Self |
Donna Jaeger | self | |
Donna Leland | Self | |
Donna Wilcoxen | self | |
Donnyell Frankowski | self | self |
Dorothy Lennon | Self | |
Earl Wendorf | Self | Self |
Ed Brockway | Self | Self |
Edward Bachner | . | |
Edward Kight | 0009019650 | |
Edward M Zaccari | City of Chicago | |
Eileen Blahnik | Eileen Blahnik | Eileen Blahnik |
Eileen McGrath | Self | Self |
Eileen Samp | Self | Self |
Eileen Walsh | self | self |
Eileen Wendorf | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Bertels | Reired | Self |
Elizabeth Eilers Bron | I See Deer | |
Elizabeth Harold | self | self |
Elizabeth Leonard | Family | |
Elizabeth Mayer | Myself | |
Elizabeth N Sands | self | |
Eloise Pitts | Self | |
Emma Brandon | Self | Self |
Emmett McGovern | self | |
ERIC BRIDGES | Self | Self |
Eric Rapp | Northrop Grumman | Self |
ERICHETTA KIELAR | Self | self |
Erin Gwynne | self | |
Erin Hilles | self | |
Erinn Witz | SELF | SELF |
Eugene Leonard | U.S. Navy | |
Eunjoo Oh Zaccari | Catholic Charities | Personal |
Eva Adams | self | self |
Evelyn STAMOOLIS | Self | |
Fatrema Hall | Self | Self |
Florence Ranson | self | self |
Frank Voss | Self | |
Gail Anton | self | self |
Gail Wright | None | |
Gary Bertels | Self | |
Gary Karwoski | self | |
Gary Losey | self | self |
Gary Stevens | Self | |
Gayle Axelson | None | |
Gayle Holste | none | Self |
Gennifer Johnson | Self | |
George Carson | Exterior Performance Coatings | |
George Louis Ott | Self | |
George Podowski | self | |
Gina Baldacci | self | |
Gina L Velez | NA | Self |
Glen Meisner | Self | |
Glenda DeDoncker | self | |
Glenn Campbell | self | |
Gloria Boeringa | Not Applicable | |
Grace | Self | |
Grant Richter | Illinois Citizen | Self |
Greg Frohbieter | Self | Self |
Gretchen Hoefer | Self | Self |
Gretel Riggenbach | Self | |
Gustavo Rivera | Self | |
Gwen Hunt | Self | |
Hai-Lin Li | PH Plum LLC | |
Harold Mierisch | self | self |
Harry Albright | Self | |
Hayley Story | self | self |
Heather Tabor | Self | |
Heidi Hanson | self | |
Heidi Papazoglou | N.A. | N.A. |
Herb Woollard | NA | |
Ivan Peterson | NA | |
J MICHAEL COZAD | self | |
Jack Shelton | self | self |
Jacqueline Young | self | self |
James Arthur Harold | self | self |
James Dreisbach | Self | Self |
James Hanert | Self | |
James Hopkins | Self | |
James J Ward | None | Self |
James John Young | None | |
James Lazaro | NA | |
James M Sinacore | Self | Self |
James Massura | Self | Self |
James Probst | self | self |
James Spieler | Self | Self |
Jamie Wassom | Self | |
JANE MCMAHON | Self | Self |
Janelle Fabbiano | Self | |
Janet Peterson | self | |
Janet Weber | self | |
Janice Barney | family | self |
Janice M Doyle | NA | |
Janine Downing | self | |
Janine Rocke | Self | |
Janis Anderson | Self | |
Janis Plattner | Self | Self |
Jason McClenthen | Self | |
Javier Novoa | Self | Self |
Jay Deubel | self | My Family |
Jayne Boer | Self | Self |
Jean Melvin | self | |
JeanE Charnas | self | |
Jeannette Nedza | self | |
Jeff Jochums | None | |
Jeffrey OGrady | NA | |
Jennifer Diehl | Jennifer Diehl - Self | Self |
Jennifer Fredley | Self | |
Jennifer McFadden | Self | Self |
Jeremy Freed | self | |
Jeremy Ramsey | Self | |
jerry giessinger | IL Family Institute | |
Jessica Wenger | none | myself |
Jill Guidone | Self | Self |
Jim Pieta | self | Self |
Joan C Swigon | Me and my family | me and my family |
Joanne Harman | self | |
Joanne McCoy | self | |
Joanne Savage | Self | Self |
Joanne Torkelson | On behalf of self | |
Jodie Riordan | Self | Self |
Joe DiGiovanni | Self | |
JoEtta | SELF | |
Joey Watt | Self | |
John Jamerson | self | self |
John Johnson | Self | |
John Koehler | Self | Self and Family |
john Loesch | self | self |
John Lough | Self | Self |
John M Beasley | self | Self |
John S Talley | none | |
Jonathan Sebastian | Self | |
Joseph DiGiovanni | Retired | |
Joseph Vieira | Self | Self |
Joshua Ehmen | Self | Self |
Josiah E Diaz | self | |
Joy Studer | NONE | |
Joyce Corkill | self | self |
Joyce Geiler | NA | |
Judith Stine | self | |
Judy Groters | NA | NA |
Julie Baumgarten | Self | Self |
Julie Boeckenstedt | Self | Self and family |
Julie Boomsma | Self | self |
Julie Danielson | Self | Self |
Julie Embalabala | none | on behalf of self |
Julie K Barth | self | |
Julie NIEMEIER | self | |
Justin Harold | self | self |
Kandice Woodard | Self | Self |
Karen Diestelkamp | self | self |
Karen Gonzalez | none | |
Karen Kelso | self | |
Karen Riggenbach | self | my family |
Karen Winter | Self | Self |
Karyn Krueger | Self | |
Kate Elliott | self | |
Kate Smart | self | |
Katharine Sherburne | Self | |
Katharine Sherburne | Self | |
Katherine Erickson | Self | |
Katherine Groppe | self | self |
Katherine Ross | Self | Self, family, and friends. |
Kathleen Andrews | None | |
Kathleen Brucks | Self | Self |
Kathleen Christian | Citizen | Citizen |
Kathleen Diaz | self | |
Kathleen Dietz | none | self |
Kathleen Fanone | self | |
Kathleen H Walsh | Self | |
Kathleen Meyers-Groppe | self | self |
Kathleen Poppen | Self | Self |
Kathryn mueller | Self | |
Kathy Boyles | Self | |
Kathy Fischer | self | |
Kathy Kramer | Self | Self |
Kathy Potter | NA | |
Kelly Altman | Self | Self |
KELLY J RUTAN | Kelly Rutan | Self |
Kelly Lentine | self | self |
Ken Bossung | self | |
Kendra Lynn Picchietti | On behalf of self | Illinois voter, parent, RN |
Kenneth Fischer | Self and my family | |
Kenneth Kramer | Self | Self |
Kenneth Kramer JUNIOR | Self | Self |
Kenneth Story | None | |
Kevin Brown | on behalf of self | Self |
Kevin Leman | Self | Self |
Kia Vega | self | |
Kim Beattie | self | |
Kim Janicki | Self | |
Kim morris | Self | Self |
Kim Peterson | Self | |
Kimberly Parrish | self | |
Kimberly Zwartz-Kaempf | Private Citizen | |
Kristin Salzman | NA | Self |
Kristine M Wray | self | |
Kurt Riggenbach | Self | |
L Douglas Coartney | none | |
Laird Pearcy | self | |
LaNae Rudin | Self | |
Larry Breeden | self | |
Larry Brody | self | self |
Larry Ellis | none | |
LARRY MCMAHON | Self | Self |
Laura Behrens | Self | |
Laura S Giese | Private Party | |
Lauren Dirkse | self | |
Laurie Cowser | None | Self |
Laurie Wilkinson | NA | |
Laurinda Meisner | Self | |
Lawrence Bennett | Self | |
Leah Hampton | myself | myself |
Lee Ann Samford | self | |
Lee Lukazewski | Christ Community Church | |
Lelia Harig | Self | |
Leslie Huzyk | Self | Self |
Lillian E Kramer | Self | Self |
Linda Calzada | self | |
Linda Johnson | Self | Self |
Linda Marie Yoder | none | |
Linda Sabo | 2003 | Linda Sabo for Sabo family Michael Sabo and Michael J Sabo |
Linda West | self | self |
Lisa Buxton | Self | |
Lisa Thompson | NA | |
Lisa Wells | Home | |
Lissette Guzman | Self | Self |
Lolita M Lofland | NA | |
Loraine Henthorn | Self | |
lori miller | self | |
Lorrie Crose | self | self |
Luann Lytell | Self | |
Lucille Frett | self | self |
Lucy Lewandowski | self | |
Lydia Hazel | none | |
Lyn Carmichael | none | |
Lynda Moorefrey | Self | |
Lynn Bond | Self | |
Lynn Dodaro | On behalf of self & family | Illinois voter, parent, grandparent |
Lynn Jochums | Self | |
Lynn Johnson | Self | Self |
Lynn Rische | Not applicable | Self |
Lynne Davis | self | |
Madeline Becker | Self | Self |
Maggie Wiebe | Self | |
Margaret Steinkuller | self | |
Margie Sauder | Sauder Farms | |
Maria Arnold | self | |
Maria Post | self | self |
Marian E Purtscher | Illinois Family Institute | |
Marie Groppe | self | self |
Marie Mourek | Self | |
Mariellen Davis | self | |
Marietta Lowery | Self | Self |
Marilyn E Underwood | Self | self |
Marilyn K Lamoreux | Self | |
Marilyn Vorsanger | Self | 0 |
MarilynKWesterberg | Retired Teacher | Self |
Marissa Wright | Self | Families of IL |
Mark Cobb | self | |
Mark L Robb | self | self |
Mark Rische | Not Applicable | Self |
Mark S Jurewicz | Self | |
Mark W Crilly | Professor | |
Mark Wagner | Self | |
Marlo Rivera | DuPage HS District 88 | |
Martha DeMichael | self | |
Martin J Mazurek | self | |
Mary Ann Vincent | self | self |
Mary Beth Nagle | self | |
Mary Bridges | self | |
Mary Cichon | Self | |
Mary Esterhammer-Fic | Self-employed | |
Mary Highman | Eye Wonder one collectables | |
Mary Jo Beasley | Palletopia | Self |
Mary Jo Gaetano | self | self |
Mary Jo Slowik | self | |
Mary Miller | self | |
Mary Olivia Berg | Engliand | self |
Mary Wolski | Self | Self |
Maryann Siejka | Self | Self |
MaryTherese Maslanka | self | self |
Matt Boomsma | NA | |
Matthew Swenson | self | |
Maureen Azcoitia | self | self |
Megan Brady | self | self |
Megan Opperman | NA | |
Meghan Brandon | Self | Self |
Meghan Fearn | Self | |
Melissa Lawrence | self | self |
Melissa Lynn Beager | Illinois Family Institute | Self |
Melissa Martin | self | self |
Melissa Odegaard | Self | Self |
Melissa Semler | Self | |
Merry Meizelis | Self | |
Michael A Bacidore | Self | |
Michael Fenelon | None | |
Michael Gravatt | NA | NA |
Michael R Prisco | NA | |
Michael R Williams | Self | |
Michael Schlautman | Self | |
Michael Wassom | Self | |
Michelle Caldwell | Self | Self |
Michelle Lapeyre | self-employed | self |
Michelle Simms | Self | |
Michelle Sullivan | self | self |
MIke Gorey | self | |
Mike Rowe | NA | |
Mona Williams | None | |
Monica Kirsch | Self | Self |
Monica Leaver | self | self |
Monica Mitchell | My family | My family |
Monte M Larrick | self | self |
Morgan Theresa Brandon | Self | Self |
Mycah Amstutz | self | self |
Nan Lightbody | na | na |
Nancy A Hurliman | NA | |
Nancy Donna Treat | self | self |
Nancy H Farquhar | self | self |
Nancy Nerius | Self | |
Nancy Schmitz | self | self |
Nancy Smith | NA | |
Nancy Tessmann | none | Self |
Natalie Kruser | Self | Self |
Natalie Rynne | self | self |
Nicholas G DiGiovanni | on behalf of self | |
Nicole Havens | SELF | |
Nola Krisik | Self | Self |
Norman Birchler | NA | |
Othello Garganera | On behalf of Self | Self |
Padraic O'Neil | self | Self |
Pam Oberholtzer | Self | |
pamela ephraim | On behalf of self | Self |
Pamela G Fritzenmeier | NA | |
pat turbak | na | MY FAMILY |
Patricia J Harms | Self | |
Patricia Josephs | none | self |
Patricia Martin | Self | |
Patricia Minta | Self | |
Patricia Werner | Self | |
Patrick Whittenhall | Self | Self |
Patti Howard | self | |
pattie tackett | na | |
Patty Miller | None | Self |
Paul Figie | Church On A Hill | Self |
Paul Rowell | NA | Self |
Paula | NA | |
Paula Pinckard | Self | Self |
Paula porter | Self | |
Pete Wray | self | |
Peter Bria | Self | Self |
Phil Dodaro | On behalf of self & family | Illinois voter, parent, grandparent |
Philip Price III | PRICE INC | |
Philip Weiss | self | |
Rachel Clegg | self | |
Rachel Haag | Self | |
Rachel Pringle | Self | |
Rachel Valentin | Self | |
Randall Bogott | Bogott Farms | |
Ray W Hinsch | self | |
Rebecca Cheek | self | |
Rebecca Hemminger | Self | |
Rebecca Terhark | Self | Self |
Rebekah Anderson | Self | Self |
Rebekah Guth | None | |
Regina Post | Self | Myself and my family |
Renee DePriest | self | self |
Rhonda Wingerter | Rhonda Wingerter | |
Richard Abbatiello | none | |
Richard Marcantonio | Self | |
Richard Overall | SELF | |
Richard Tiarks | none | |
Rick Laib | Self | |
rick shouse | na | |
Rita Grabowski | NA | NA |
Rita Halbrook | Self | Self |
Robbi Hoppes | self | |
Robert Dombrowski | na | |
Robert Goetting | Self | |
Robert Hanson | self | |
Robert J Swigon | Self | Self |
Robert R Tetzloff | Not Applicable | |
Robert W Swigon | Self | Self |
Robin McGranahan | self | |
Robin Stefanik | self | |
Ron Esser | Self | Self |
Ron Feldman | self | |
Ron Woods | self | |
Ronald Cox | None | None |
Ronald P Martin | Self | |
Rosemarie Hauskins | Self | Family |
Rosemary Kondritz | Self | |
Ross Johnson | Self | |
Roy Davis | self | |
Russell Kinzinger | self | |
Russell Lundsgaard | Self | |
Ruth Schmidt | Illinois Family Institute | Self |
Ruth Williamson | Self | |
Ruthie Ann Pieta | Self | Self |
Ryan Jaros | Self | |
Ryan Wolland | NA | |
Samuel Kwon | self | self |
Samuel Opperman | NA | |
Sandi Koch | none | |
Sandi L Davis | Self | |
Sandra Fritzenmeier | NA | |
Sandy Knepper | self | |
Sandy Robertson | None | Self |
Sarah Kramer | Self | Self |
Sarah Meyer | self | self |
Scott kirk | Self | Self |
Shane Shelley | Self | Family |
Shari Peterson | self | |
Sharlene J Moser | NA | |
Sharon Lynch | Self | Self |
Shauna Gugle | Self | Self |
Sherry Kemner | Self | |
Sherry Kurz | Christian Liberty Academy | |
Sheryl garcia | HOME | |
Shirley Gerace | self | |
SONIA and GREG WERBA | self | |
Sonia Hespell | None | self |
Stacey Smith | Self | |
Stanley meizelis | Self | |
Stefanie Gilmore | None | Self |
Steph pontious | Self | Self |
Stephanie Breaux | Self | |
Stephanie Opperman | NA | |
Stephanie Rankin | On behalf of self | |
Stephanie Wright | NA | |
Stephen Foote | Self | |
Stephen Leigh | Self | |
Stephen Papale | self | |
Stephen W Joiner | Stephen Joiner | self |
Steve Bandy | self | |
Steve Czeropski | Self | Self |
Steven Fitzmaurice | Self | On behalf of myself |
Stewart Lewis | NONE | On behalf of Myself |
sue henderson | self | self |
Sue Krippel | self | |
Susan Beal | None | Self |
Susan P Dudek | NA | |
Suzanne Lair | Self | Self |
Suzanne Ritter | self | |
Suzanne Yoder | self | |
Sylvia Giessinger | Self | |
Tanya Martinez | None | |
Therese Seybert | Self | Self |
Thomas Fleres | NA | |
Thomas Wright | Self | |
Tim F Martin | self | |
Tim Miller | None | Self |
Tim Moller | None | Self |
Timm M Berg | Self | |
Timothy Anderson | Self | Self |
Timothy B Arrington | Individual | |
Timothy J Rogers | 4001010 | |
Timothy P Friedrich | none | |
Timothy R Lehman | Self | |
Tom Foote | Individual | |
Tom Foote | Individual | none |
tom newman | self | |
Tony Messina | On behalf of self | Self |
Tony Savino | Self | Self |
Tracy Streb | Self | |
Tricia Maxey | Does not apply | |
Trisha Metz | Self | |
Trudi Hallinan | Self | |
Valinda Rowe | NA | |
Valjean Kroenlein | None | |
Veronica Esker | self | |
Victor Laukaitis | self | |
Walt Cercavschi | self | |
Wendy Owano | Self | Self |
Willard Hall | my family | self |
William A Bedrossian | NA | |
William Christian | Citizen | Citizen |
William Kramer | Self | Self |
william mewes | self | |
William Minnear | Self | Self |
William Schifferer | Self | |
Wilma Lormis | individual | self |
Wm Noel Madding | self | |
Yvonne Jamerson | self | self |
Zac Ballard | self | self |
Zach Dennis | NA | |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/16/2021 3:00 PM |
Anna Moellering | self | self |
Catherine Heiman | none | self |
Collin Kubacki | None | Self |
Cynthia Parish | self | self |
cynthia vahling | NA | |
Dawn D Behnke | IFRL | Illinois Federation for Right to Life |
Debra Holkenbrink | none | |
Diana L Ashley | None | Self |
Floyd Holkenbrink | none | |
Heidi McFarland | citizen of Illinois | Self and family |
Joni Hufnagel | Self | |
Kelly Ramos | na | na |
Linda LaZella | self | |
Monica Kubacki | None | Self |
Pat Milnes | Self | Self |
Paul C Kubacki | None | Self |
Ralph Rivera | Illinois Right to Life Action | Illinois Right to Life Action |
Ralph Rivera | Pro-Family Alliance | Pro-Family Alliance |
Sarah Kubacki | None | Self |
Schuyler McFarland | SELF | SELF |
Sue Pratt | self | self |
thomas vahlling | NA | |
William Kubacki | None | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/9/2021 3:00 PM |
Aaron Barclay | Barclay Family | |
Abby Moldovan | NA | |
Addie Swift | Self | |
Adrian Ortega | A&O Group Inc | |
Adrienne Karpiel | NA | |
Adya Kumar | NA | |
Agnieszka Kumar | Na | |
Alex Matthew Kruszewski | NA | |
Alexis Ibarra | Self | |
Alexis Rodriguez | TFC | |
Alice Ruscitti | self | self |
Alice Steljes | self | |
Allen Bondi | NA | |
Allyson D Svigelj | NA | |
Alyssa Brewer | OSF healthcare | |
Amanda McKinsey | EPG District | |
Amanda VanderVelde | NA | Self |
Amanda Walker | self | self |
Amber | Aramark | |
Amber Mooney | None | |
Amber Rector | Pregnancy Resource Center Rushville | |
Amy Harold | Self | Self |
Amy Hartke | NA | |
Amy K Larsen | Self | Self |
Amy Loesch | Self | Self |
Amy Ungerer | self | |
Anamaria O'Donnell | Self | |
Andrea Lehman | na | |
Andrea Weadick | Self | Self |
Andrew Fidanzia | self | Self |
Andrew Snarski | xxx | |
Angela Berczek | On behalf of myself | Illinois voter |
Angela Berczek | Personal | personal |
Angela Ford | Angela Ford | |
Angela Gaddy | NA | NA |
Angela Hubt | Self | |
Angela Leong | on behalf of self | |
Angela Schade | Light and Love of Jesus Do | |
Angela Walker | NA | |
Angela Williams | Na | |
Angelika rol vel rul | Self | Self |
angie ruwe | Na | |
Anita Hintz | None | |
Anita Jaeger | Church | |
Ann FRAILEY | NA | |
Ann Ritter | none | |
Ann Scheidler | none | |
Anna Rakowski | Self | Self |
Anna Auvil | BJ Grand Salon and Spa | |
Anna M Ray | Person | |
Anna Wojcik | none | none |
Annaliesa Caswell | self | self |
Anne D'Amico | NA | |
annette m Wehrend | physicians sports | myself |
Annette McLane | NA | |
Annette Reitzel | Not applicable | |
Annette Smith | NA | |
Annie Reid | NA | |
Anthony Bianchi | Right to Life McHenry County | |
April Ritz | Self | |
April Young | Retired | |
Aristo Angelos | NA | |
Arja Brown | none | |
Art Osten Jr | SSPP Catholic Church | |
Ashley Febus | Na | |
Ashley Galarza | self | self |
Ashley Haberkern | Self | Self |
Ashley Strong | Saints Peter and Paul Church | |
Atonya Potter | NA | |
Aubrie McShane | Self | Self |
Audrey Wisegarver | Na | |
Barb Weihmeir | NA | |
Barbara A Dean | NA | |
Barbara Androvandi | Barbara Androvandi | |
Barbara Diehl | None | |
Barbara Flynn | Self | Self |
Barbara Hartmann | St Catherine Laboure | |
Barbara K Winter | NA | |
Barbara Meurer | na | |
Barbara O Hoyt | on behalf of self | |
Barbara Olson | Barb | |
Barbara Probst | On behalf of self | NA |
Barbara Stillman | None | none |
Barbara Wasilewski | NA | |
Barbara Wilkinson | none | |
Barbara Zalewski | Self | |
Becky Barnes | I am a citizen of Illinois | |
Becky Jatho | na | self |
Ben Hagenbuch | Hagenbuch Farms | Self |
bernadette stager | na | |
Bernadette Wilkie | Self | Self |
Bernard butcher | Na | |
Beth Caswell | Beth Caswell | self |
Beth Johanson | NA | |
Beth Lizano | Self employed | |
Beth Powers | Na | |
Bethany Bradfield | Na | |
Betsy Drew | Self | |
Betty Boos | Boos Household | Concerned Citizen |
Betty Riley | NA | |
Beverley Houseworth | none | |
Bill Lafrancis | None | |
Bill Wykes | NA | |
Billie Bingenheimer | NA | |
Bob Kathy Laureto | Bob Kathy Laureto | |
Bobbie Childs | IL resident | Family |
Bonnie Freeman | Self | Self |
Bonnie Hartian | Self | Self |
Bonnie Millikan | none | self |
Bonnie Schneider Becker | Self | Self |
brad probst | NA | |
Bradley W Dunham | NA | NA |
Brenda Byers | Individual | Self |
Brenda Dennison | NA | NA |
Brenda Potts | NA | |
Brenda Pruemer | SELF | |
Brendan Dempsey | Self | Self |
Bret Raymond Hemmer | Self | NA |
Brian Bickett | NA | |
Brian Hawkins | Na | |
Brian Lucca | Brian Lucca | |
Brian Peterson | self | self |
Brian Pettlon | On behalf of self | Self |
Brian Rugg | NA | |
Brian Schweiss | NA | |
Brian Szafranski | NA | |
Brittany Crabtree | Self | self |
Bruce Boehl | NA | |
Bruce E Keseman | Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church | |
Bruce Peters | agape coin | |
Bruce Peters | na | |
Bryan McElvany | Self | |
Cameron Clark | Retired | |
Camielle Holcombe | Self | Self |
Candace | None | |
Candace Howard | On behalf of self | Self |
Candice Zito-Gilhooly | Saints Peter and Paul Church Cary, Il | |
Carl Viard | Not Applicable | |
Carla Midgett | NA | |
Carly Manley | NA | |
Carma Miller | Na | |
Carol A Moritz | None | |
Carol Braun | None | None |
Carol Brown | NA | |
Carol Cole | Private citizen | |
Carol Davis | none | none |
Carol Grandstaff | none | |
Carol Madigan | NA | |
Carol Monson | Self | Self |
Carol Mosses | ON BEHALF OF SELF | |
Carol Schriefer | Individual | |
Carol Skasick | Myself | |
Carol sporleder | Na | |
Carol Taylor | Self | Illinois Family Institute |
Carol VanDerWoude | Home | Family |
Carol Wagner | None | |
Carol Wagner | None | |
Carole J Parise-Miller | Retired | |
Caroline Amundson | NA | |
Caroline Uhalde | none | |
Carolyn Angelos | NA | |
Carrie Blakeman | None | Self |
Carroll Bourrillion | On behalf of self | Self |
Cassandra Nieves | NA | |
Catherine Eeg | NA | |
Catherine Hansen | Self | |
Catherine Lindquist | NA | |
Catherine O'Shea | Self | Self |
Cathleen B Klocek | Self | |
Cathleen B Klocek | Self | |
Cathleen Barrett | None | |
Cathy Wassom | Women | |
Celeste J Mann | NA | NA |
Charlene Barnard | Person | |
Charlene Barnard | Person | |
Charles Copeland | ILGA | ILGA |
Charles H Gricius | Charles H. Gricius, CPA | |
Charles Violett | CLM Insurance | |
Chelsea Bruns | Self | Self |
Cheri Triplett | Pregnancy Resource Center | |
Cheryl B Zacek | NA | |
Cheryl Brewer | NA | self |
Cheryl Kozlov | NA | |
Cheryl Mathews | none | |
Cheryl Shumaker | NA | |
Cheryl Slay | Private citizen | Self |
Cheryl Sowers | NA | |
cheryl trester | NONE | |
Cheryl Yates | NA | |
Chris Faflik | St Colette Parish | Self |
Christina Lubben | self | |
Christina Summers | None | |
Christine Errera | NA | |
Christine Henthorn | self | |
Christine Jones | NA | |
Christine M Payne | NA | |
Christine Ryan | NA | |
Christine Vance | NA | |
Christine Wexel | Wexell farms | |
Christopher Goulet | NA | |
Christopher McDaniels | NA | self |
Christy Daniel | NA | |
Chuck DePriest | na | self |
Cindy Alvis | Myself | Myself |
Cindy Gorbett | NA | NA |
Cindy Hallahan | NA | |
Cindy Miller | Family | |
Cindy Webster | none | self |
Clara JO Ames | self | |
Clark Cheney | None | |
claudia coggeshall | concerned citizen | |
Claudia Conroy | self | |
Claudia Paquet | self | |
Clifford Lindemann | personal | |
Colette Gaston | NA | Self |
Colette Hazinski | NA | |
Colleen M Jackson | NA | |
Colleen Poleski | Na | |
Conan Gibbs | NA | |
Connie Malson | none | |
Cori Pavlis | NA | |
Corinna HILL | Self employed | |
Corinne Zobott | self | |
Corrine Rooney | None | |
Cortney Fowles | Self | Self |
Courtney Klinefelter | Self | |
Craig T Pleva | NA | |
Cris Johansen | Citizen | Self |
Cristal Lowry | Self | |
Crystal Clark | NA | |
Cyndi Holich | On behalf of self | Illinois Voter |
Cynthia Babinec | None | |
Cynthia Fassler | Self | |
Cynthia J Niemerg | na | |
Cynthia Kinghorn | None | |
Cynthia Mazzone | NA | |
Cynthia McDaniels | NA | self |
Cynthia Shappert | NA | |
D Ruth Esry | NA | |
Dale Arentsen | na | |
Dale Perona | self | self |
Dan Bojan | NA | |
Dan Caswell | self | self |
Dan Kunz | NA | |
Dana Vanvoorst | Self | Self |
Danette Barclay | NA | |
Daniel Bliss | NA | |
Daniel Costello | NA | |
Daniel J Roig | NA | |
Daniel King | self | self |
DANIEL PERTILE | Timberwood Const. | |
Daniel Sedols | NA | |
Daniel Tompkins | self | |
Daniele Misiulis | Self | Self |
Danielle | TFC | |
Danielle Cowan | Self | Self |
Danielle Frank | NA | |
Dann Smythe | NA | Self |
Danyce Becker | Self | |
Darla Day | none | |
Darlene Lee | none, | The Lee Household |
Darolyn Sue Franz | Retired | |
Darren Kenshalo | On Behalf of Self | Self |
Darren Stass | Rockford | |
Dave Merrill | Self | |
David Allen Mikitka | Self | Self |
David Berczek | NA | |
David Berczek | On behalf of myself | Illinois voter |
David Berczek | Personal | personal |
David Blumhagen | NA | myself |
David Calhoun | Let It Shine, LLC | |
David Carlson | NA | |
David Culligan | None | None |
David E Dillon | Next Step Training | |
DAVID E NORBECK Jr MD | none | |
David F Turner | NA | |
David Fogle | Homeowner | |
David Galarza | NA | |
David Grimestad | Self | |
David Heisner | None | Self |
David Hempen | None | |
David Opperman | NA | |
David Smith | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Dawn Betts | na | |
Dawn Leardi | none | |
Dean A Hettel | Self | |
Deanna G Reynolds | NA | |
Debbie Japsen | Citizen | |
Deborah Loftus-Errthum | Self | IC4IC |
Deborah Coonley | NA | Self |
Deborah Dunlea | NA | |
Deborah Logan | Self | Self |
Deborah Whitcome | NA | |
Debra Adrowski | NA | |
Debra Bergquist | voter | self |
Debra Bloomfield | NA | |
Debra Byrne | NA | |
Debra Copeland | NA | |
Debra Foster | NA | |
Debra Krueger | Family | Family |
Debra L Malinowski | Year | self |
Debra Maziol | NA | |
DeeDee Wampfler | None | |
Delores Duckworth | NA | |
Delores Tanis | NA | |
Dena Haskins | None | Myself and my family |
Dena Helton | Na | |
Dena Shull | self | |
Dena Wiesner | self | |
Denise Moyers | Self | |
Dennis Koester | None | |
Dennis Rowan | None | |
Dennis Tutas | NA | Myself |
Dennis Woodrow | On behalf of self | Self |
Derrick Baker | NA | |
Diana Beilke | . | |
Diana L Ashley | None | |
Diane Bishop | NA | |
Diane Evertsen | McHenry County Republican Party | |
Diane Gray | NA | |
Dianna Furr | NA | |
Dona Marsh | na | |
Donald Duckworth | NA | |
Donald Gilbert | NA | |
Donald Hespell | None | |
Donald P Bailey | Attorney At Law | |
Donna Bauer | NA | |
Donna Gerth | Not applicable | |
Donna Jost | NA | NA |
DONNA M HALL | None | |
Donna McElvany | Self | |
Donna Mecklenburg | none | |
DONNA S HOOD | Self | |
Donna Schwind | NA | |
Donna Shelton | Retired | |
donna vance | retired | |
Donna Wilcoxen | self | |
Doris Wagner | na | |
Dorothy Boland | NA | |
Dorothy Hausser | NA | |
Doug Gibbs | NA | Myself |
Douglas Cowan | First Baptist Church | |
Douglas Johnson | NA | |
Duane Marburger | St Johns Lutheran Church | |
Dundy Aipoalani | NA | |
Edith Larmon | NA | |
Edmund Mikelis Baids | NA | |
Edward Kight | 0009019650 | |
Eileen Marhoefer | None | |
Eileen Moore | Eileen Moore | |
Eileen Steffel | St. Catherine Laboure | |
Elaine Johnson | On behalf of self | |
Elaine Krallitsch | NA | |
Elaine L O'Connor | O'Connor Electric | |
Elaine Marie Ramesh | self | |
Elena Ritter | NA | |
Elizabeth and Bob Forster | Private citizens | |
Elizabeth Bailey | NA | |
Elizabeth Cockrell | NA | |
Elizabeth D'Amico | NA | |
Elizabeth Federman | NA | |
Elizabeth Lano | Ic4ic | Self |
Elizabeth M Seaman | NA | |
Elizabeth Mayer | Myself | |
elizabeth Rahimi | None | |
Elizabeth Weadick | Independent | None |
Ellen McAlpine | NA | |
Ellen Weiss | None | |
Ellie Walsh | Walsh household | |
Emily Franz | None | |
Eric Rapp | Northrop Grumman | Self |
Erika Lamarre | NA | |
Erika Soloj | NA | |
Erin Ballard | None | Self |
Erin Dempsey | citizen | |
Erin Koertge | self | on behalf of self |
Erin Price | NA | |
Esther Hagenbuch | Illinois Valley Childbirth Collective | Self |
Eva Detloff | NA | |
Everett Theodore Peterson | Not applicable | |
Ewa Aniolkowski | NA | |
Faith Hemmer | NA | |
February Total Purchases-Margaret | NA | |
Frances Kosac | True Life in God | |
Frances Zundt | Retired | |
Francis Choi | NA | |
Frank Muccianti | Muccianti & Associates | |
Franklin D Lewis | self | self |
Frett Lucille | N A | N A |
Gail Carter Miller | None | |
Gail Rush | Courtney Jo's Closet | Self |
Gail Shannon | Na | |
Gary Bertels | Self | |
Gary Fogleman | private citizen | |
Gary Karwoski | Cornerstone Community Church | |
Gary Knoll | Private individual | |
Gary Rickman | Self | Self |
Gary Woolever | NA | Self |
Gavin Barclay | NA | |
Gayle Holste | none | Self |
Gayle Thull | NA | |
Geordi Smith | Self | |
George Provance | private citizen | |
Georges Langer | none | |
Georgette Wurster | Family | |
Gerald Wille | None | |
Gina Duden | None | |
Gina Niemerg | Gina Niemerg | |
Glenda Garrett | Taxpayer | self |
Glenn | NA | |
Gloria | na | |
Gloria Boeringa | Not Applicable | |
Gloria R Collins | NA | |
Gloria Watson | NA | |
Gloria Woodard | None | Self |
Grant Richter | Self | |
Gregory Moldovan | NA | |
Gretchen Fritz | NA | self |
Gretchen Hoefer | Self | Self |
Gretel Riggenbach | Self | |
Gwen Hunt | Self | |
Gwen Salvi | Family | |
Gyeong Ja lee | NA | |
Haley Brown | NA | |
Hannah Caswell | self | self |
Hannah King | self | self |
Harlan Stoa | NA | |
Harriet A Zweifel | NA | |
Heather Kloepfer | Self | Self |
Heather Neufeldt | Self | |
Heather Overdorf | Parent | |
Heather Peterson | self | self |
Heather Shosue | na | |
Heather Shouse | na | |
Heidi Papazoglou | N.A. | |
Heidi Suen | My Family | My Family |
Helen Herbst | NA | |
Helen Kinser | NA | |
Herb and Carol Woollard | NA | |
Hillary Russell | NA | |
Holly Long | Personal | |
Holly Mocko | Na | |
Holly Plys | self | family |
Holly Wilkinson | NA | |
Hugh W Shown | Self | |
Ivan Peterson | NA | |
Iwona Bakowski | Self | Self |
Jack Pajak | NA | |
Jackie Newbanks | Self | |
Jacque L Bailey | Self | |
Jacqueline Kern | School | |
Jacqueline Langner | NA | |
Jacqueline Smock | None | Self |
James Lazaro | NA | |
James Costas | self | self |
James D Martin | NA | |
James Diamond | NA | |
james hilton | self | |
James Hopkins | St. Bernardine Church | Myself |
JAMES O'HARA | na | |
James Trosky | Self | |
James Wilcoski | NA | |
Jamie Hruza | NA | |
Jan Klaas | Concerned Citizens for America | |
Jan Schroeder | Retired | |
jan sosinski | NA | |
Jana Enright | none | |
Jana McAnally | na | |
Jane Brookes | self | Self |
Jane Johansen | Citizen | Self |
Janet Back | self | |
Janet LaVeau | NA | |
Janet M Chybik | NA | |
Janet Peterson | NA | |
Janet Schahl | NA | |
Janice Barney | family | self |
Janice Dalal | Alpha Self Storage | |
Janice DeWaal | Not applicable | |
Janice Fienhold | Self | |
Janice Hoit | NA | |
Janice M Doyle | NA | |
Janice Metz | NA | |
Janie Fox | Self | Self |
Janis Plattner | NA | |
Janis Smith | NA | |
Janness Abraham | NA | |
Jared Overdorf | Not Applicable | Self |
Jarilyn Louden | self | self |
Jason Ballard | None | Self |
Jay Fayer | NA | |
Jayme King | self | self |
Jayne Boer | Self | Self |
Jean E Gerrity | NA | |
jean m bianchi | - | |
Jean Melvin | NA | |
Jeana Boehl | NA | |
Jeff Miller | NA | |
Jeff Vallosio | Citizen | Sonograms expose the lie that the baby is not a baby. Life has begun well before 20 weeks. Follow the science...... |
Jeffery Faye Sr | NA | |
Jeffrey Antonetti | Self | |
Jeffrey Galush | SIEC | |
Jeffrey OGrady | NA | |
Jeffrey Summers | NA | |
Jennifer Buening | Self | Self |
Jennifer Choi | NA | |
Jennifer Felchlia | NA | |
Jennifer Felchlia | NA | |
Jennifer Hausman | Self | |
Jennifer Holt | Self | Self |
Jennifer K Allen | self | self |
Jennifer Key | None | None |
Jennifer L Fredley | NA | |
Jennifer Lewis | NA | |
Jennifer Muccianti | na | self |
Jennifer Nieves | NA | |
Jennifer Riley | NA | |
Jennifer Stout | None | |
Jennifer Stout | None | |
jennifer Wacaser | Self | |
Jennifer Wagner | Self | |
Jennifer Zellers | Self | Self |
Jenny Bangert | Jenny Bangert | |
Jenny Swanson | self | |
Jeremiah Choi | NA | |
Jeremy Celarec | Lake Bluff Elementary School | |
Jeremy Fredley | na | na |
Jeri Eckleberry | NA | |
Jeri Storm | Retired | |
Jerome T Kish | St. Mary Nativity | |
Jerry Foreman | Retired | NA |
Jerry Smith | NA | |
Jessica Blanchette | Self | Self |
Jessica Fritch | On behalf of self | Self |
Jessica Payne | none | on behalf of self |
Jessica Wenger | None | Jessica Wenger |
Jessica Yonto | NA | |
Jill Bremer | NA | |
Jill Carpenter | Taxpayer | |
Jill Kuhns | Na | |
Jill S Ericson | none | |
Jo Carol Jones | NA | |
Joan Collins | 815-861-1494 | |
Joan Cook | NA | |
Joan Dionne | Pro life | Sacred heart pro life |
Joann Domagala | Self | Filing on behalf of myself. |
Joann Sheehan | Family Life Center | |
Joanne McCoy | self | |
Jodi M Doedtman | NA | |
Joe Marmion | Self | |
Joe Weadick | Self | Self |
Joel Sluis | NA | |
John B Bruntjen | John B Bruntjen | |
John Bliss | NA | |
John Boeringa | NA | |
John Carter | NA | |
John Gossett | Self | Self |
John Hosselton | Self | |
John Karecki | None | None |
John Koehler | Self Employed | Self and Familyh |
John L Ryan | Illinois Federation for Right to Life | Illinois Federation for Right to Life |
John Lindahl | NA | |
john Loesch | self | self |
John Lutsch | NA | NA |
John Mcfadden | NA | |
John ONeill | Individual | |
John Scanlon | na | Self |
John Wagner | NA | |
John Westermeier | NA | |
Jordan McGowan | NA | |
Joseph Andrew Lotta | NA | Self |
Joseph Barisas | NA | |
Joseph Vieira | Self | Self |
Joseph Xavier Tournier | NA | |
Josiah Caswell | self | self |
Joy Studer | NONE | |
Joy Wilder | NA | |
Joyce Augustus | NA | |
Joyce Bomer | NA | |
Joyce Geiler | NA | |
Joyce Kaiser | NA | |
Joyce Story | NA | |
Judith A Moore | not applicable | |
Judith O'Connor Moreno | RTA | |
Judy Galitz | NA | |
Judy Groters | NA | |
Judy Kistinger | NA | |
Judy Peterson | NA | |
Judy Repking | Bishop's Pro-Life Committee | |
Judy Wilkinson | Trinity Lutheran Church | |
Julia Fosdick | My family | preborn children who can't speak for themselves |
Julie Baker | NA | |
Julie Boeckenstedt | None | Self |
Julie Boomsma | Self | self |
Julie Cook | NA | |
Julie Danielson | NA | |
Julie Embalabala | none | on behalf of self |
Julie K OBrien | NA | |
Julie Logan | self | self and family |
Julie Otto | NA | |
Karen A Flasch | On behalf of self | |
Karen Dempsey | self | |
Karen DeVries | NA | |
Karen Forte | Na | |
Karen Hayes | Self | Self |
Karen Hopkins | NA | |
Karen L Bourbon | self | self |
Karen Nolan | NA | |
Karen Riggenbach | self | my family |
Karen Simmons | Self | Self |
Karen Whitney | Self | Self |
Karla Hodge | Self | |
Karson Case | on behalf of self | |
Kate Elliott | self | |
Katherine Carr | NA | |
Katherine Erickson | NA | NA |
Kathleen Bernhard | self | |
Kathleen Cormier | None | |
kathleen domitrovits | self | |
Kathleen Down | NA | |
Kathleen Etten | NA | |
Kathleen Kaufman | Self | |
Kathleen M Andrews | Self | |
Kathleen Petriw | None | |
Kathleen S Malic | SS Peter and Paul Church | |
Kathryn Bruntjen | na | |
Kathryn Kemphues | Self | Self |
Kathryn Koclanis | On behalf of self | |
Kathryn Kramer | Self | Self |
Kathy Chwedyk | None | |
Kathy Dulaney | NA | |
Kathy Fischer | none | |
Kathy Greer | Na | |
Kathy Potter | NA | |
Kathy Toczek | Self | Self |
Kathy Valente | Illinois Family Institute | |
Katrina Carmack | self | |
Keith C Olson | NA | |
Keith Eng | na | |
Kelli Jackson | Jackson Homestead | |
KELLY A FISHER | Self | Self |
Kelly Isaak | Na | Na |
KELLY J RUTAN | Kelly Rutan | Self |
Kelly Kohring | Resident | |
Kem Wilson | Self | |
Kenneth D Adair | Business Owner | |
Kenneth Filas | none | |
Kenneth J Diubek | SELF | |
Kent Kuper | NA | |
Kevin Borntreger | Precision Chiropractic | self |
kevin e ford | self | self |
Kevin Leman | Self | Self |
Kevin miner | Na | |
Kevin R McLane | NA | |
Kevin Weber | Weber Household | |
Kim Beals | NA | |
Kim Houk | NA | |
Kim Kolbert | NA | |
Kim Marry | Na | |
Kim Throop | Na | Self |
Kimberly Stoub | none | |
Kris Noonan | NA | |
Krista saller | NA | NA |
Kristen Probst | NA | NA |
Kristin Salzman | NA | |
Kristine Rentsch | NA | |
Kristy Searles | NA | |
Kurt Riggenbach | Self | |
Kurt Sowatzke | na | |
Lainie Mercurio | St. Mary Respect Life Ministry | St. Mary Respect Life Ministry |
Lana Kaneko | Self | Self |
Lana Kee | NA | |
Larry D Megenhardt | None | |
Larry D Odgers | Personal | |
Larry Fosdick | My family | all preborn children who can't speak for themselves, as well as myself, who love them. |
Larry O'Brien | NA | |
Larry Portnoff | None | |
Latosha Bowlin | NA | Self |
Laura Caswell | self | self |
Laura Ciesla | Na | |
Laura Kulesza | Personal | |
Laura N Getka | NA | |
laura nick | Ss Peter and Paul Catholic CHurch | Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church |
Laura Pizzuto | Pro Life | |
Laura Tungett | State Farm | |
Laura Vandercar | none | |
Lauralee A McElroy | NA | |
Laurel Schilling | none | self |
Lauren Hocking | None | Self, Lauren Hocking |
Lawrence Servin | NA | |
Leah Johansen | Citizen | Self |
leah miller | family | self |
Lee Ann Samford | self | |
Lee Lukazewski | none | |
Lee Miller | Family | |
Les Bergquist | voter | self |
Leslie Ha | Citizen | |
Leslie Huzyk | None | Self |
Linda A Sabo | Individual | Self |
Linda Adamowski | On behalf of Self | On behalf of Self |
Linda Carroll | NA | NA |
Linda Confer | NA | |
Linda Hadley | Self | Self |
Linda Hadley | Self | Self |
Linda Hansen | Self | Family |
Linda Johnson | Self | |
Linda LaZella | None | |
Linda Micheli | NA | |
Linda Mirabelli | NA | |
Linda OBrien | Self | |
Linda Orgler | NA | |
Linda S Ringl | Citizen of Illinois | |
Linda Sawicki | Retired | |
Linda Walton | My Family and I | My Family and I |
Linda West | self | self |
Lindsey Thomas | NA | |
Lisa Battin | Self | Self |
Lisa Brochu | NA | |
Lisa Buxton | NA | |
lisa goebel | NA | |
Lisa M Tegeler | self | self |
Lisa mclaughlin | Hopedale medical complex | |
Lisa Renner | Self | |
Lisa Tambellini | NA | self |
Lisa Thompson | Na | |
Lisa Walk | NA | |
Lissette Guzman | Self | |
Lois Davisson | NA | |
Lolita M Lofland | NA | |
Lorelei Marvel | None | Myself |
Loren Knox | NA | |
Loretta barisas | Na | |
Lori Hubble | Self | |
Lori Nelson | Self | Self |
Lori Powell | Select One | |
Lori S Montgomery | NA | |
Lori Whitehall | Self | Myself |
Lorna King | NA | |
Luann Lytell | NA | |
Lucille Skibinski | Self | |
Lydia England | Self | |
Lydia golubski | Self | Self |
Lyle Marschand | None | Family |
Lynette Rugg | NA | |
Lynn Faye | NA | |
Lynn Mary Hughes | NA | NA |
Lynn Rische | Not applicable | |
lynne carlson | resident | |
Lynne Wickhsm | McHenry County Pro-Life PAC | |
Madi Braje | none | |
Magdalen Payne | none | On Behalf of Self |
Mai Wilson | NA | |
Mandy Leffler | Taxpayer | |
Manuel Calzada | NA | |
Marcia Diubek | NA | |
Marcia Switzer | self | self |
Marcin Szaflarski | Self | self |
Margaret Couri-Newell | na | |
Margaret Davison | Retired | Retired |
Margaret Fenelon | None | |
Margaret Greenwald | NA | |
Margaret Pelinski | St Stephen Protomartyr Parish | |
Margie Deters | self | |
Marguerite Benedetto | Mrs | |
Maria Hogan | Na | |
Maria Mollo | Na | |
Marian Cross | self | |
Marian Kritzler | None | |
Marianne Salisbury | NA | |
Marie Fulton | NA | NA |
Marie Lang | self | |
Marie Mourek | None | |
Marietta Lowery | NA | |
Marilee Cole | NA | |
Marilyn Gauwitz | NA | NA |
Marilyn Vorsanger | NA | |
Marilyn Zopp | NA | |
MarilynKWesterberg | Self | Self |
Marissa Cain | NA | |
Mark Ames | self | |
Mark and Shannon Kownick | NA | |
Mark DiGiacoma | Self | |
Mark Eddy | Zion Evangelical Lutheran Chuerch | self |
Mark Rische | Not Applicable | |
MARK SMITH | none | |
Mark Stamper | NA | |
Mark Waters | On behalf of self | |
Mark Weber | NA | |
Martha Prado | Myself | |
Martin Badrov | None | |
Martin Bakowski | Self | Self |
Marvin W Heckman | none | |
Mary Ann Heitz | None | |
Mary Ann Tomaszewski | NOT APPLICABLE | |
Mary Bolhofner | None | |
Mary Downing | Sts Peter and Paul | |
Mary Driscoll | NA | |
Mary Ellen Biell | NA | |
Mary F Lester | NA | |
Mary F Pollock | NA | |
Mary Grace Bator | Private Citizen | |
Mary J Schwontkowski | 0 | |
Mary Jo Beasley | Palletopia | Self |
Mary Jo Rothenberg | None | |
Mary Joestgen | NA | |
Mary Kerner | NA | |
Mary L Roberts | Retired | |
Mary Lou Manion | NA | |
Mary Lou Olhava | MMCDesign | |
Mary M Lewis | self | self |
Mary McCarthy | family | |
Mary McCarthy | NA | |
Mary McNulty | Right to Life | |
Mary Neubecker | self | |
Mary Nieman | None | Self |
Mary Pat Davies | NA | |
Mary Perona | self | self |
Mary Smith | NA | |
Mary Stewart | Na | |
Mary Thom | On behalf of self | Illinois voter |
Mary Usher | none | |
Mary Vilim | self | self |
MaryAnn Watt | none | |
Marybeth Dunn | NO | |
Marybeth Schoenwald | None | Self |
Matt Boomsma | NA | |
Matthew Cowan | Self-employed | Self |
Matthew G Reidel | NA | |
Matthew J Turk | NA | |
Matthew L Fetrow | NA | |
Matthew Sommerfield | Sommerfield Productions, LLC | |
Matthew Vance | Self | |
Maureen Marion | NA | |
Maureen Schmitt | Self | Self |
Mavis C Holden | NA | |
Megan Carlson | ' | |
Megan Cloherty | NA | |
Megan Opperman | NA | |
Melissa Lynn Beager | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Melody Johnson | Na | |
Mercedes Karen Swambar | Lake county right to life | |
Meyer | NA | |
Mia Widhalm | Self | |
Michae E Payne | NA | |
Michael Breseman | Michael E. Breseman Architects, Ltd. | |
Michael C Cole | NA | |
Michael Chupich | self | self |
Michael Dudek | NA | |
Michael Fenelon | None | |
Michael Fidanzia | self | Self |
Michael Gaynor | None | |
Michael Hoit | SELF | |
Michael J Boyce | NA | |
michael j wanda | NA | |
Michael K Coldwell | NA | |
Michael L Carroll | na | |
Michael Maria Leary | NA | |
Michael O'Connor | NA | |
Michael R Prisco | NA | |
Michael Schneck | NA | |
Michael Schoenwald | None | Self |
Michael Usher | none | |
Michele Figie | Church On A Hill | |
Michele Stremsterfer | na | |
Michelle Deitz | NA | |
Michelle Grimestad | self | self |
Michelle Lapeyre | self-employed | self |
Michelle Mathia | self | self |
Michelle O'Leary | NA | |
Michelle spielman | Self | |
Mike Brewer | NA | self |
Mike Lawrence | na | na |
Mike w Miller | None | N0ne |
Mindy Fetrow | Self | |
Missy Poulos | NA | |
Molly Rumley | Pro-Family Alliance | Pro-Family Alliance |
Molly Rumley | Illinois Right to Life Action | Illinois Right to Life Action |
Mona Perrin | NA | |
Mona Williams | None | |
Monica J Kirsch | Self | Self |
Monte M Larrick | self | |
Mycah Amstutz | self | self |
Nan E Lightbody | na | NA |
Nancy A Stiso | NA | |
Nancy Babicz | Not employed | |
Nancy Cole | NA | |
Nancy Forte | NA | |
Nancy Gerlach | None | |
Nancy Hurliman | NA | |
Nancy Luehrs | My Family | |
Nancy M Czerwiec | None | |
NANCY MILLS | self | self |
Nancy Mott | NA | |
Nancy Weber | NA | |
Nancy Woodcock | NA | |
Nand Dalal | Alpha Self Storage | |
Naomi Bennett | NA | |
Natalie McDonald | self | |
Nathan Hoffman | Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke | |
Nelena White | NA | |
Nicholas Jahnke | NA | |
Nicole Turner | none | self |
Nora E Hipskind | self | |
Nora Hipskind | self | |
Norma Hnilo | not applicable | |
Norma J Moore | NA | |
Norma Walters | Na | |
Norma White | na | |
Norman L Reuter | NONE | |
Norman Lang | NA | |
Norman Oswald | NA | |
Norman P Birchler | NA | |
Olga Meraz | NA | |
Paige Soule | na | |
Pam Elsinger | Resident | |
Pam Flanigan | NA | |
Pam Guentert | Pam Guentert | |
Pam Mattison | NA | NA |
Pamela Bridges | Bridges | |
Pamela G Fritzenmeier | NA | |
Pamela Harding | NA | |
Pamela Mikrut | Self | |
Pamela Millis | NA | |
Pamela Odgers | Personal | |
Pamela Roxworthy | Na | |
Paralea Russell | My Family | self |
Pat O'Connell | Retired nurse | |
Patrice Ronczkowski | Self | Self |
Patricia Bencich | na | on behalf of self |
Patricia Fitch | Private | Self |
Patricia Klemm | self | |
PATRICIA MCCAGUE | self | self |
Patricia Neumann | Self | |
Patricia R Herath | self | |
Patricia Sharpe | NA | |
Patricia Stoa | NA | |
Patricia Triola | None | |
Patricia Wilcox | NA | |
Patricia Yde | homemaker | self |
patsy lenz | NA | |
Patti Kuffner | NA | |
pattie tackett | NA | |
Patty McFadden | NA | |
Patty Miller | None | Self |
PAUL a VANDENHEUVEL | Catholic lay person | Catholic laity of Illinois |
Paul Figie | Church On A Hill | |
Paul Friedrich | Self | Self |
Paul Ingallinera | NA | |
Paul Mumme | NA | NA |
Paul Rowell | NA | |
Paula Edgar | Mother of Dolors Catholic Church | |
Paula Gossett | Self | Self |
Paula Parks | Self | |
Paula Patridge | NA | |
Paula Rieghns | Law Office of Paula Rieghns, Ltd. | |
Paulette Schaeffer | NA | |
Pedro Donis | NA | |
Peggy Means | None | |
Penelope GArbe | Holy Family Parish | Holy Family Parish |
Penelope Garbe | NA | pro-life representative |
Pete Pechotta | NA | |
Peter Bria | NA | |
peter j Kunz | Assurance Agency | |
Peter M Gautchier | Lutherans for Life | |
Peter Matrenec | NA | |
Peter Pellizzari | NA | NA |
Phil Lundquist | Covenant Christian School | |
Phil Smith | None | Self |
Philip Price III | PRICE INC | |
Philip R Fulton | na | |
Phyllis Bango | Self | |
Rachel Burch | None | |
Rachel Kramer | self | |
Rachel Pringle | NA | |
Rachel Snarski | xxx | |
Ralph Rivera | Illinois Right to Life Action | Illinois Right to Life Action |
Ralph Searles | NA | NA |
Randi Lancaster | NA | |
Randi Van Housen | Retired | |
Ray John Simmons II | Self | Self |
Ray William Hinsch | Self | |
Raymond J Bender | NA | |
Rebecca Darling | NA | |
Rebecca Hamrick | NA | |
Rebecca Reeves | None | self |
Rebecca Reeves | self | |
Rebecca Terhark | NA | |
Rebecca Thomas | NA | |
Rebekah Switzer | self | self |
Reem Tadros | NA | |
Regina Ceisel | None | |
Regina Ng | on behalf of self | |
Renee DePriest | self | self |
Rhonda Sedols | NA | |
Rhonda Bradley | NA | |
Rhonda Kenshalo | On Behalf of Self | Self |
Rhonda Wingerter | Rhonda Wingerter | |
Rianna Caswell | self | self |
Richard A Tatina | NA | |
richard bersett | metro-east christian fellowship | metro east christian fellowship |
Richard Blanchette | Self | Self |
Richard G Vogler | Self | |
Richard H Moritz | None | |
richard j anzalone | NA | |
Richard Knapp | NA | |
Richard Ligthart | NA | |
Richard Petraitis | Self | |
Richard R Foerster | na | |
Richard Wojcik | none | none |
Rick West | self | self |
Ricky Nieves Jr | None | |
Rita Delaloye | Self | |
Rita Kurfman | NA | |
RJ Simmons | Self | Self |
Robert Collins | None | |
Robert Dombrowski | na | |
Robert E Clesen | NA | |
Robert E Klemm | self | |
Robert Herath | self | |
Robert J | NA | |
Robert Kessler | NA | |
Robert Murphy | Private Citizen | |
Robert N Wegner | NA | |
Robert R Tetzloff | Not Applicable | |
Robert Rollins | Citizen | |
Robert Rutan | Self | Self |
robert trester | NONE | |
Robert W Buerer | Marking Specialists Corporation | |
Robin Ferrie | None | |
Robin Leasure | Peoria Rescue Ministries | |
Robin McGranahan | NA | |
Robin Stefanik | ACGS | |
Rogelio Guzman | Self | |
Roger Kaba | NA | |
Roger Wisegarver | private citizen | |
Ron Brzoska | Teledyne | Self |
Rose Dorn | na | |
Rose Kennedy | NA | |
Rosemarie Hauskins | IPMI | Self |
Rosemary Carlson | NA | |
Rosie Furston | NA | |
Russell Christ | NA | My family |
Russell Kinzinger | self | |
Russell Lundsgaard | Self | |
Russell Nieman | None | Self |
Ruth Hahn | None | None |
Ruth Thompson | NA | |
Ryan Jaros | Self | |
Ryan Stawarz | NA | |
Ryan Williams | Self | |
Ryan Wolland | NA | |
Rynkowska Maria | NA | |
Sabina Chowaniec | Myself | |
Sally Butler | Na | Na |
Samantha Borcherding | Self | |
Samuel Opperman | NA | |
Sandi Koch | NA | |
Sandra Cottrell | None | Sandra Cottrell |
Sandra Fidanzia | self | Self |
Sandra Fritzenmeier | NA | |
Sandra Krober | NA | |
Sandra Paxson | Not applicable | |
Sandra Pollock | NA | |
sandra razka | st joan of arc catholic church | |
Sandra Rosenthal | retired | |
Sandra Vitullo | NA | |
Sandy Croft | Self | |
Sandy Glenn | NA | |
Sandy Olsen | NA | |
Sandy Podborny | NA | |
Sara schweinsberg | Stay at home mom | |
Sarah Aldridge | Blank | |
Sarah Kodavatikanti | none | |
Sarah LaMaster | Self | self |
Sarah Lindquist | self | self |
Sarah R Gowler | self | Self |
Sarah Rooney | self | self |
Scott Cufr | Plexus | |
Scott Paquet | self | |
Sean Stevens | Sean Stevens Insurance | self |
Sergio Sanchez | None | |
Shalom Renner | Metropolis 1st United Methodist Church | |
Shana Davis | NA | |
Shannon Johnson | Self | Self |
Sharlene J Moser | NA | |
Sharon Bliss | NA | |
Sharon Gorrell | none | |
Sharon Lynch | Self | |
Sharon Thomas | NA | myself |
Sharon Walter | NA | NA |
Sharon White | Retired | |
Shauna Joy Gunnink | NA | |
Sheila Davidsmeyer | NA | |
Sheri Ryken | Self | Self |
Sheri Wetherington | NA | NA |
Sherri Davis | Na | |
sherri griffith | Na | |
Sherry Buss | Sherry L. Buss | |
Sheryl Brewer | NA | |
Sindy DeRousse | Camp Point schools | |
Sneha Stewart | NA | |
Sophia Himmel | NA | |
Stephanie Hanlon | Right to Life McHenry County | |
Stephanie Opperman | NA | |
Stephanie Wright | NA | |
Stephen Foote | S S & E Tactical | |
Stephen Kuffner | NA | |
Stephen Patrick White | None | |
Steve Scherrer | NA | |
Steve Tegeler | self | self |
Steven Degnan-Schmidt | Self | |
Steven Feller | NA | |
Steven Garbe | na | |
Steven schweinsberg | Prairieland disposal | |
Steven Zellers | Self | Self |
Stuart Fox | Self | Self |
Sue | NA | |
Sue Garcia | Self | |
Sue Krippel | self | self |
Susan Bates | Na | |
Susan Behm | NA | |
Susan Fous | NA | |
Susan Manuel | Self | |
Susan Ordner | self | |
Susan P Dudek | NA | |
Susan Phillip | Self | Self |
Susan Shipp | self | |
Susan Thoele | Self | |
Susan Walker-Schulenberg | self | self |
Susan Zaremba | self | |
susan zbierski | na | |
Susana Armira | NA | |
Suzanne Rickman | Self | Self |
Suzanne Ritter | Homestead Academy | |
Sylvia Keppel | NA | |
Sylvia Thur | Aglow international | |
Tamara Peterkort | NA | |
Tammi Edwards | NA | NA |
Tammy Muehl | self | |
Ted Gray | not applicable | |
Terence O'Hagan | Personal | |
Teresa clark | Na | Na |
Teresa Schultz | None | Family |
Teresa Woodrow | On behalf of self | Self |
Terrance Hansen | Self | Family |
TERRENCE | none | |
Terri Tiemens | not applicable | |
Terry Masterson | Ma | |
Tex Darling | NA | |
Thadine M Roig | NA | |
Thadine M Roig | private citizen | |
Theresa E Granato | NA | |
theresa fronczak | individual | |
Theresa Murata | Self-Employed | |
theresa paulson | For Such a Time as This | |
Thomas Anderson | None | |
Thomas Cavalier | self | |
Thomas Deters | on behalf of self | |
Thomas Fleres | NA | |
Thomas J Ordner | self | |
Thomas Jackson | NA | |
Thomas Schiffer | NA | |
Thomas Shallcross | NA | |
Tim Claassen | Groveland Missionary Church | |
Tim Dunderdale | Revcore Radiator, Inc. | |
Tim Miller | None | Self |
Tim Whalen | None | |
Timothy B Arrington | Individual | |
Timothy J Pignatari | NA | |
Timothy L Ritchey | none | Myself |
Timothy P Friedrich | none | |
Tina E Atkins | none | |
Tina Moszkiewicz | NA | |
Tina Thomas | IC4IC | IC4IC |
TJ Sweitzer | Na | |
Tom Bertrand | None | |
Tom Dillon | self | self |
Tom Fidanzia | self | Self |
Tom Foote | Individual | |
Tom King | Self | |
Toni Dirkes | NA | |
Toni Koloch | Self | Self |
toni scarnechia | na | |
Tonya Lang | NA | |
Tonya Smith | NA | |
Tracee Patterson | NA | self |
Tracy Bennett | self | self |
Tracy Clem | None | |
Trey Rische | Not applicable | |
Tricia Canty | NA | |
Tricia Maxey | Does not apply | |
Trina M Wilyat | NA | |
Troy Halverson | na | |
Trudi Hallinan | On behalf of self | On behalf of self |
Valerie Kwasigroch | Self | |
Venessa Lopatka | NA | |
Vicki Crowell | NA | |
VICKI McMAHON | Self | Self |
Vickie Sauls | Na | |
Vicky Lynn Roach | NA | NA |
Victoria Caliendo | None | |
Victoria R Anzalone | Univ of Illinois | Self |
Violet E Tesnow | self | |
Virginia Kennedy | NA | |
Virginia Miller | NA | |
Virginia Rothrock | NA | NA |
Vivian Ennis | NA | |
Wayne Howard | On Behalf Of Self | self |
Wayne Pruemer | SELF | |
Wendie Dinapoli | Self | Self |
Wendy Johnson | NA | |
Wendy Naylor | Self | |
Wendy Roberts | Not applicable | |
William A Bedrossian | NA | |
William and Maureen Bojan | Bojan | |
William Getka | NA | |
William Kramer | Self | Self |
William Mader | Self | |
William Slater | Homeowner | |
William Spinelle | NA | |
Wilma Lormis | individual | |
Young Ki Choi | NA | |
Zach Dennis | NA | |
Zofia Szaflarski | Self | Self |