Illinois General Assembly - HB0793Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB0793  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001   House Amendment 002   House Amendment 003
House Amendment 004
Bill Status

Legislation: HB0793
Proponents: 1069Opponents: 965No Position: 8
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 11/20/2024 1:00 PM
Aage ChristensenSelfSelf
Aage ChristensenSelfSelf
Abbey AAspireBCBA
Abigail BernabeinaSelf
Adam WiserSelfSelf
Adela CarlinIllinois Partners for Human ServiceIllinois Partners for Human Service
Aidan GuthmanCambridge ConsultingSelf
Aimee MenardCenterstoneself
Alejandra CastroTrinity Services IncSelf
Alexandra BlockSelfSelf
Alexandra Jusinoselfself
Alexandria McNittTrinity Services Inc.self
Alexia MaderGlenkirkGlenkirk
Alexzandra KinseyCenterstoneSelf
Alicia LauhonSelfSelf
Alicia LauhonSelfSelf
Alicia NelsonOpen Door Rehab CenterOpen Door Rehabilitation Center
Alicia PernellDisability Resource CenterSelf
Allan I BergmanHIGH IMPACT Mission-Based Consulting and Trainingmy family
Alyssa MeurerUptown People's Law CenterSelf
Amanda M McClellanCenterstoneself
Amanda PieperTrinity ServicesTrinity Services, Inc
Amanda TimlinSelfSelf
Amber Lynn NormanRay Graham Associationself
Amber SmockAccess LivingPeople with disabilities living in metro Chicago
Amberle FantNoneNone
Amilcar S Boddie-WillisAspire ChicagoAspire Chicago
Amina L WrencherAspire Of IllinoisAspire Of Illinois
Amy BergrenAvenues to Independence FoundationAvenues to Independence
Amy LotersteinCJE SeniorLifeSelf
Amy Perry-DuringerSelfSelf
Amy RathSelfself
Amy SwansonService, Inc. of ILself
Amy ZimmermanJewish United Fund - Jewish Federation of ChicagoJewish United Fund - Jewish Federation of Chicago
Andrea KindsethLIFE CILSelf
Andrea KorteKorte Architectureself
Andrea SalasEnvision UnlimitedSelf
Angela BrooksCorporation for Supportive HousingCorporation for Supportive Housing
Angie RobisonCenterstoneself
Angie RojekSelfSelf
Ankur SinghNaSelf
Ann Krasuskiselfnone
Ann LeggSelfSelf
Anna KoeppelIllinois Department of LaborIllinois Department of Labor
Anna LampleyCenterstoneSelf
Anna Louise PattonLaw Studentself
Anna PattonLaw Studentself
Annie PeruskyService Incorporated of IllinoisSelf
Annika AnderssonAccess LivingSelf
Anthony L HansenNoneSelf
Antonio BenavidesNASelf
Anusha ThotakuraCitizen Action IllinoisCitizen Action Illinois
Arlinda WallaceProgress Center for Independent Livingself
Ashleigh Braggsselfself
Audrey RinkerSelfSelf
Austin James MinkSelfSelf
Barb CohenLegal Council for Health JusticeLegal Council for Health Justice
Barb EdwardsCenterstoneself
Barbara Lachparentself
Barbara PritchardSelfSelf
Barry TaylorSelfSelf
Beatrice AlvarezSelfSelf
Bellene KaishParentSelf
Ben ChargotAccess Livingself
Ben KatzLurie Children's Hospitalself
Beth BendtsenNoneSelf
Beth E Emery-KileRay Graham Associationon behalf of children and adults with IDD
Betsy CrosswhiteSelfSelf
Betty JacksonEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Bill BOGDANSelfSelf
Billie Jo QuincyLutheran Social Services of IllinoisSelf
Bob PetersonSelfSelf
Bob TaylorNASelf
Bonnie RichardsonSelfSelf
Bonnie TaylorNASelf
Brad FriendMyselfMyself
Brandy PriceCCAR IndustriesSelf
Brenda BogarinSelfSelf
Brenda DevitoClearbrookClearbrook, staff person
Brent WardenAspire of IllinoisSelf
Brian BentzGlenkirkGlenkirk
Brian RohdeJJsListSelf
Brianne AndersonSelfIndividuals with disabilities
Brittany Pinnon-BeckerCenterstone ILself
Brittany PontiousWashington County Vocational WorkshopWashington County Vocational Workshop
Brook Crokenoneself
Bruce Alan FilippiSearchSearch Inc.
Caitlin CrabbSelfSelf
Candace ColemanAdvance Your Leadership PowerAdvance Your Leadership Power
Candice MitchellCity of EvanstonCandice Mitchell
Carleen EmdeSelfSelf
Carmen SanchezSearch IncSearch inc
Carol LipariAccess LivingSelf
Carol Nemecek-KowalskiProgress Center for Independent Livingself
Carole RosenThe Arc of Illinois - Going Home CoalitionThe Arc of Illinois - Going Home Coalition
Casey B BurkeIllinois Division of Developmental DisabilitiesCasey B Burke
Catherine CamposRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Catherine WellsNoneSelf
Cathy L ChristensenselfSelf
Cathy L ChristensenselfSelf
Chance DuringerCWD TransportSelf
Charles PetrofSelfSelf
Cheryl R JansenEquip for EqualityEquip for Equality
Chris DickeyClay Co Rehabilitation CenterClay County Rehabilitation Center individuals with intellectual disabilities
chris hopkinsCenterstonePerson
Chris JanidloNASelf
Chrisonia ButlerEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Chrisonia D ButlerSelfEnvision Unlimited
Christian EmdeNAChristian Emde
Christin AdamsNoneSelf
Christina WardenSelfSelf
Christine TudelaSelfself
Christopher MartinSelfSelf
Clark CraigProgress Center for Independent LivingSelf
Cleo HagenIndividualSelf
Cory GummSearch Inc.Search Inc., People with intellectual disabilities in IL
Cristina HughesGlenkirkGlenkirk
Curtis L HarrisAccess LivingSelf
Cynthia CooksonCaritas Family SolutionsCaritas Family Solutions
Cynthia McCartyAspireself
Cynthia MontgomerySelfSelf
Cyril ChrabotClearbrookParent of an individual with a disability.
Daisy FeidtAccess LivingSelf
Dan AhernAllstateself
Dana CravenSelfSelf
Daniel AsencioSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Daniel KennedyEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Daniel WehrliOpen Door Rehabilitation Centerself
Danielle Gender-WaltersEnvision UnlimitedSelf
Danielle MatthewsDSCprovider agency staff
Danielle PisaniDanielle PisaniDanielle Pisani
Danny WallaceSearch IncSearch Inc
Daria SimonoffNAGlenkirk
Darlene EnglishAspire ChicagoSelf
Dave LowitzkiLowitzki Consulting, LLCAccess Living
Dave LowitzkiLowitzki Consulting, LLCSEIU Healthcare IL IN
Dave MeyerNational Federation of the Blind of IllinoisNational Federation of the Blind of Illinois
David DuringerSelfSelf
David GayesSelfSeld
David LoofbourrowSelfSelf
David pinnoSelf advocateSelf
David ZavalaCommunity Support ServicesCommunity Suppoet Services
Davina R DiPaoloLoftus & EisenbergSelf
Dawn Frenzelselfself
Deana Herrmannaself
Deb HamiltonParent AdvocateSelf
Deborah GronowskiSelfSelf
Deborah GuzzoKeystone AllianceSearch, Inc., Glenkirk
Deborah MooreSelfSelf
Dena McGadyRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Denise AvantNational Federation of the Blind of IllinoisNational Federation of the Blind of Illinois
Dennis AzumaSelfFamily member of adult with disabilities
Dennis DeanySelfSelf
Dennis JamesEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Derell PruittSearchBrendalyn Ayers
Destiny Nance-EvansSBSelf
Diane ComptonselfI am a parent.
Diaonna CainRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Donald Goldhamerselfself
Donald ViecelliClimate Reality Project Chicago Metro ChapterSelf
Donna ChristensenSelfSelf
Donnell McCauleyCenterstoneSelf
Drew MendozaSelfself
Drew SwansonGlenkirkGlenkirk
Eileen BosiTrinity ServicesSelf
Eileen HeratyNoneParent
Elaine SpechaClearbrookClearbrook
Elian SorensenSelfSelf
Elisha StithSelfSelf
Elizabeth CamposParent of children with disabilitiesParent of children with disabilities
Elizabeth CareyNeurodivergent galaxyNeurodivergent Galaxy
Elizabeth GurneySelfSelf
Elizabeth JohnstonSelfSelf
Elizabeth KimuraSearch, Inc.Self
Ellen Garber BronfeldParentIllinois Citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who care about them.
Ellen Garber BronfeldParentIllinois Citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who care about them.
Ellen HughesSelfself
Ellen Marie Herbertselfself
Ellen MaxeyDSCSelf
Emily BlumDisability LeadSelf
Emily FenclClearbrookIndividuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Emily K MillerIARFCommunity Mental Health Providers
Emily MillerIllinois Office of the GovernorIllinois Office of the Governor
Eric BrownIllinois Resident and Advocate in the Disability CommunityIndividuals with Disabilities in Illinois
Eric PragerTrinity Services Inc.Trinity Services Inc.
Erin CamfieldCenterstoneSelf
Erin CassidyService Inc. of IllinoisSelf
Erin ComptonSelfI have an intellectual disability.
Erin HaldenRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Erin RolandoDefining Ability LLCDefining Ability LLC
Erin RyanShore Community ServicesPersons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities served by Shore Community Services
Esther SandersProgress Center for Independent LivingSelf
Etimi EbikemeSearch, IncSearch, Inc
Eva HesterNATeacher
Faye Ellen Manasterparentself
Fionnuala CookSelfSelf
Fitzgerald T BramwellLaw Offices of Fitzgerald Bramwell(Individually)
Florence MartinSelfSelf
Gabrielle StithSelfSelf
gail bukowskisearchjohn bukowski
Gail S EisenbergNational Employment Lawyers Association of IllinoisNational Employment Lawyers Association - IL (NELA-IL)
Gary M Arnoldindividualself
Genevieve DamonAccess LivingGenevieve Damon
Gerry BeaglesGarden Center ServicesGarden Center Services
Gia SuperSelfSelf
Grace LipscombSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Grace Tsaoselfself
Grant BolinRAMPSelf
Greg ComptonselfParents of people with disabilities
Hannah PittmanAspire of ChicagoAspire
Hannah SpenadelSelfSelf
Heather HathawayNaSelf
Heather HughesGlenkirkGlenkirk
Heather Meservey DanielsonNoneSelf
Heather N JessupSelfSelf
Heidi SleperKurtz, Sleper & Exline, LLCself
Helen BlackburnCenterstoneself
Hollis GorrieClearbrookSelf
Horacio Serranoselfself
Howard SuskinSelfSelf
Hugo TrevinoSelfSelf
Ian DunbarRay Graham AssociationSupport Worker- support they Deserve More Campaign
Jackie RovnerSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Jackie SundquistRAMPIndividuals with Disabilities in Boone, DeKalb, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties
Jackson ReuterAspire of IllinoisAspire of Illinois
Jaclynn WickeyNASelf
jada thompsonSelfSelf
jae jin pakselfna
Jae Jin Pakself advocatena
Jaime TanKeystone AllianceKeystone Alliance
James Austin HarrisCenterstone of IllinoisCenterstone of Illinois
James G CornoloSearch.IncSelf
Jan BergmanPartners in PolicymakingSelf
Janet GuaderramaNoneSelf
Jason B NosbaumselfSelf
Jason B NosbaumselfSelf
Jason NosbaumSelfSelf
Jean ThielSelfSelf
Jean XoubiEnvision UnlimitedPeople with Disabilities
Jeannine Clearyretiredself
jeffrey j stauterkreider serviceskreider services
Jenni BeamanCTF IllinoisCTF Illinois
Jennifer L Doughertynonenone
Jennifer M ThomasonCenterstoneSelf
Jennifer MusichMaine Township High School DistrictMaine 207
Jennifer NashParentSelf
Jennifer RolandIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Jennifer SchultzParentSelf
Jennifer SurgalSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Jeremy RosenSargent Shriver National Center on Poverty LawShriver Center on Poverty Law
Jerome PalliserSELFSELF
Jessica HokeLawrence Crawford Association for Exceptional CitizensLCAEC
Jessica Ittnerselfself
Jessica Lynn Ramos GimenoSelfself
Jessica ReyesOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterStaff at Provider Agency
Jessica SipovicSelfSelf
Jessica Smartclearbrook.orgClearbrook
Jessica Swimindividualself
Jesus Enriquezselfself
Jim MayerSelfmyself
Jim PorterOpen Door Rehab CenterOpen Door Rehab Center
Joan Elizabeth SteeleSelfself
Joan Llewellyn-BurnsParentFamily and guardian of adult with autism
Joanne BaileyElisabeth Ludeman CenterElisabeth Ludeman Center
Jodi AlbertiniGlenkirkGlenkirk
Jodie HarmonDSCSelf
Joe O'SullivanClearbrookClearbrook
Joel NeubergerNANA
John PingoGoldie Floberg CenterGoldie B. Floberg Center
John S Herring SrIllinois Network of Centers for Independent LivingIllinois Network of Centers for Independent Living
Jonathan Neidorfselfself
Jordan RifisJNQZ 1107, LLCSelf
Jorge BernalSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Jose MartinezAccess LivingSelf
Joseph MooreAccess LivingSelf
Joseph RolandoDefining Ability LLCDefining Ability LLc.
Joseph StahlerTrinity ServicesTrinity Services
Joshua charles vegaplanet fitnessplanet fitness
Joshua G EvansIARFCommunity-based providers serving children and adults with intellectual-developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses.
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Judith J ZawojewskiClearbrookmSelf
Judith Miyashitaselfself
JuleeDisability Resource CenterDisability Resource Center
Julia MiskowiecGlenkirkGlenkirk
Julie EgglestonNJulie Eggleston
Julie NadigCenter for Enriched LivingSelf
Julie NelsonNAself
Julie PowersSearchSearch
Julie SchollKreider Services, IncKreider Services, Inc.
Julie TracyAplus Autism SolutionsAplus Autism Solutions
Kara PitchersCenterstoneSelf
Karma SkinnerDSCDSC
Karyn Campbellnoneindividual
Kate BousumAspireAspire of Illinois
Kate GonzalezNoneSelf
Katherine McCartyAspireAspire
Kathleen LojasIndividualMyself and my son
Kathleen OMalleySearch incSelf
Kathleen PetersAspire of IllinoisAspire of Illinois
Kathryn IllisAspireAspire of Illinois
Kathryn M SullivanSelfOn Behalf of a family member who is a client of Clearbrook (self )
Kathy PowersAlliance for Community ServiceAlliance for Community Services
Kathy PowersSelfSelf
Kelly BaldrateindividualIndividual
Kelly HallinSelfSelf
Kelly StummeRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Kendra StoverAspire of ChicagoAspire of Chicago
Kendra StoverFrances HouseFrances House
Kenyatta L WoodsRay Graham Association for People With Disabilitiesself
Kevin HuckfeldtDisability Resource CenterKevin Huckfeldt Disability Resource Center
Kim BowdryN-ASelf
Kim M TaylorFAYCO Enterprises, Inc.FAYCO Enterprises, Inc.
Kim ZoellerRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Kimberly Mercer-SchleiderIllinois Council on Developmental DisabilitiesIllinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
Kimberly ReznikSelfSelf
Kindall F Carmouche-PullenDisability Resource CenterWill-County Center for Independent Living
Kindall F Carmouche-PullenDisability Resource CenterWill-Grundy Center for Independent Living
Kira Meskin SchiffLiving Fully at Home, LLCSelf
Kira Meskin SchiffLiving Fully at Home, LLCSelf
Kira O'BradovichNational Federation of the Blind of IllinoisNational Federation of the Blind of Illinois
Kish PisaniselfSelf
Kory MarkenAspireAspire
Krescene BeckSelfSelf
Kristen NoonanEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Kristen SalkasEnvision Unlimitedself
Kristen SeeboldNoneNone
Kristin KirkegaardGlenkirkGlenkirk
Kristin KrokAspireself
Kristina ReisProgress CenterSelf
Kyle Schwartz MillerSelfSelf
Kylene HenthornGlenkirkGlenkirk
Larry DeanBlack Youth Project 100Self
LaTonya LumpkinSelfSelf
Laura Fantnonenone
Laura HillardAspire ChicagoAspire Chicago
Laura MartinezSelfSelf
Lauren GuzmanSelfSelf
Lauren WrightIllinois Partners for Human Service - Chicago, ILIllinois Partners for Human Service
Laurie SkinnerSelfSelf
Leanne Marie Mullselfna
Lenin CardwellGlenkirkGlenkirk
Leo P Durkaczselfself
Leonetta RizziMcHenry County Mental Health BoardMcHenry County Mental Health Board
Leslie CortezSelfSelf
Leslie LauderdaleRetireeIndividual
Linda Garza HansenNoneSelf
Linda ReaCenterstoneSelf
Linda SheltonSelfSelf
Lindsey SelingerIndividualNone
Lisa KnightSelfSelf
Lisa LewKeshetSelf
Lisa May SimpsonSelfSelf
Lisa May SimpsonSelfSelf
Lisa mazurIndividualNA
Lisa Murphyselfself
Lisa PawelecOpen Door Rehab Centerself
Lisa WallaceNASelf
Livia HerloSearch Inc.Search Inc
Lolita L ParkerSelfSelf
Lori Kingeryprivate individualself
Louis PisaniselfPeople with disabilities in Illinois
Lucy TrevinoSelfSelf
Luis AndradeIARFCommunity-based providers serving children and adults with intellectual-developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses.
Madison OliverNoneSelf
Maggie HasslerAspireSelf
Manuel GonzalezProgress Center for Independent LivingSelf
Maralea NegronThe Network Advocating Against Domestic ViolenceThe Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence
Margaret MolinaVillage of Skokie, commission on family servicesSelf
Margarita DuranNASelf
Maria de las Nieves BolanosHawks Quindel, S.C.Self
Marie ArgubrightIllinois Valley Center for Independent LivingSelf
Mariel Hamer-SinclairIllinois Council on Developmental DisabilitiesIllinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
Marielle EpsteinArt Institute of ChicaoSelf
Marilyn GreenNational Federation of the Blind of IllinoisNational Federation of the Blind of Illinois
Mark JusterClearbrookSelf
Mark LanganRay Graham Associationself
Mark McElligottMaine Township HS 207Maine Township 207
Mark OttenwalderSearch IncSearch Inc
Marlene HodgesOrchard VillageOrchard Village
Marsie HartmanGriffin-Hammis AssiciatesPersons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Mental Illness and physical barriers to employment
Martha Scottselfself
mary ambrosinoCTf ILself
Mary C FredericksCJBS, LLCSearch Inc
mary lockhart whiteCommunity Action Partnership of Lake CountyCommunity Action Partnership of Lakre County
Mary MilanoIllinois Guardianship & Advocacy CommissionIllinois Guardianship & Advocacy Commission
Mary MullaneyAspire of IllinoisController for Aspire of Illinois
Mary OMalleyHomeMary OMalley
Mary S ClarkSearch, IncSelf
MaryAnne LustgraafRetirednone
Matt BodettThe Center for Mad CultureSelf
Matt LudolphNASelf
Matthew B AlschulerSelfSelf
Matthew SladeMyselfMyself
Matthew SullivanSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Megan MuttiParent of individual with IDDParent of individual with IDD
Meghan ZiecinaGlenkirkGlenkirk
Melanie AusbrookSearch, Inc.Self
Melanie StithParentParent
Melissa NormanSelfIndividuals with disabilities
Meri HelbigselfPersons with disabilities
Micah RoderickIndependentPeople with Disabilities
Michael GlanzThe Arc of the Quad Cities AreaSelf
Michael WittmannTrinity Services, IncSupporter of people with disabilities
Michael ZiriEquality IllinoisEquality Illinois
Michele Keithcommunity memberself
Michelle DavisSelfAdvocate
Michelle RichHorizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc,Horizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc., Self
Miltonya CovingtonProgress Center for Independent Livingself
Minette Sternkec-u deaf ministrySelf
Missy MartinDisability Resource CenterDisability Resource Center
Mo KhanSelfSelf
Mohammad Ali ElmiRetiredself
Moinuddin Aqil JaddiSearch IncPerson
Molly FreemireClearbrookSelf
Molly WiesmanSelfSelf
Morgan vailCommunity support systemsIndividuals we support
Muhammad Mubeen RafiSelfself
Myesha AndersonAspire of IllinoisAspire of Illinois
nafeesah aliAspireAspire
Nafia KhanProgress Center for Independent LivingProgress Center for Independent Living
Nancy SternClearbrookClearbrook
Natae JeffersonAspireSelf
Natasha CroffSelfSelf
Nathan JoerndtICDDNathan Joerndt
Nathan JoerndtICDDNathan Joerndt
Nathan JoerndtICDDNathan Joerndt
Nicholas BoyleAccess LivingAccess Living
Nicholas BoyleAccess LivingAccess Living
Nicholas EfrosinisSelfSelf
Nicholas HilsonAspire of IllinoisAspire of Illinois
Nichole DunningCenterstoneself
Nicole Zanon-TockeGlenkirkGlenkirk
Noe TorresIllinois landscaping and lawncareSelf
Nora HandlerNoneSelf
Nykeshia SmithAspire ChicagoAspire Chicago
Oscar EspiricuetaSelfSelf
Pam HeavensUnited Cerebral Palsy Center for Disabpeople with disabilities
Pam HoaryClearbrookSelf
Pamela MartinSelfSelf
Patrick OMalley jrUnemployedSelf
Patti Pace-HalpinNoneSelf
Patty MaldonadoCenterstoneSelf
Paul BlobaumSelfSibling of Adult with disabilities
Paul HartungNAmyself
Paula BullisSEARCHPaula Bullis
Paulauski TonyRetiredSelf
Pete RobertsSelfSelf
Peter HendersonTrinity Services, Inc.Trinity Services, Inc.
Phil MilskIllinois Association of School Social WorkersIllinois Association of School Social Workers
Phoenix KaskSelfSelf
Rahnee PatrickIllinois Department of Human ServicesIllinois Department of Human Services
Rahnee PatrickIllinois Department of Human Services - Division of Rehabilitation Servicescompetitive integrated employment
Ray CampbellNoneIndividual
RayAnn GilchristOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterOpen Door Rehabilitation Center
Raymond StunkelNorthwestern UniversitySelf
Rayshauna GrayAccess Living of Metropolitan ChicagoSelf
Rebecca ObuchowskiselfSelf
Rebecca PruittAspire ChicagoAspire Chicago
Renee AbrahamNASELF
Renu ThammanThamman Law OfficeRenu Thamman
Reveca TorresBACKBONESReveca Torres
Rhonda PayneSelfSelf
Ricardo AvelarSelfSelf
Riley SpreadburyDisability Resource CenterSelf
Rita A HarrisonSelfSelf
Rita PotterOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterOpen Door Rehabilitation Center
Robert HughesNoneSelf
Robert WalshAspire ChicagoAspire Chicago
Robyn FalasterCenterstoneCenterstone
Robyn LewisDivision or rehabilitationDivision of Rehabilitation
RON COPPELselfParent of sons with disabilities
Ron RispoliIllinois Center for Rehabilitation and EducationSelf
Ronti GhoshCSHSelf
Rowan GledhillSelfSelf
Rudy OrozcoAspireAspire
Russell BrondykeRay Graham AssociationSelf
Ryan ComptonSelfSibling of a person with a disability
Ryan CrokeIllinois Office of the GovernorIllinois Office of the Governor
Ryan CrokeIllinois Office of the GovernorIllinois Office of the Governor
Ryan McGrawAccess LivingSelf
Ryan T OsbornPerson with DisabilitesPersons with Disabilites
Sally BalkcomSelfGrandmother of an adult with a disability
Samantha AllowayThe Arc of IllinoisThe Arc of Illinois
Samantha Cintron-RosarioSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Samuel KettlewellSelfSelf
Sandra SoldanoSearch, IncSelf
Sandy Flores-RodriguezMaine Township High School District 207Self
Sara AugustinasIDVAIllinois Department of Veterans Affairs
Sarah ArmourSearch, Inc.Search, Inc.
Sarah B VilioccoCenterstoneSelf
Sarah Barbara PerryDSCDSC
Sarah CookService Inc of ILSelf
Sarah J Gourevitchselfself
Sarah LabadieWomen EmployedWomen Employed
Sarah MurphyAspire ChicagoSelf
Sarah OlsonSelfSelf
Sarah SinnerSelfSelf
Sarah SinnerSelfSelf
Sarai SaraviaSearch IncSEARCH INC
Savana Sainsselfself
SCOTT LAMKEAccess Livingself
Scott FisherNoneSelf
Sebastian NallsAccess LivingAccess Living
Selena MulnixKreider Services IncKreider Services Inc
Serena A AlailyAspireAspire
Shana OrlanskyAspire ChicagoSelf
Shanea Mayscenterstone of illinoisSelf
Shannon Leah KennyEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Shannon O'NeillSelfSelf
Shannon Tarkowskiselfself
Sharon AndersonRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Sharon BergfeldSubminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment SWTCIE Illinois UIUCSelf
Sharon CostabileNaMyself
Sharon DoddSelfSelf
Sharon KostelFamily memberSelf
Shawn DurrThe AllianceThe Alliance
Sheila HebeinSelfSelf
Sheila MallonMaine West High SchoolWorkers with disabilities
Sherry HealeyHealeyParent of adult with IDD and Agency executive
Shirley Sainsnoneself parent
Skyler LarrimoreGreater Chicago Food DepositoryGreater Chicago Food Depository
Sophie JanidloSelfSelf
Stephanie CastonEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Stephanie DuckworthCenterstone of Illinoisself
Stephanie MeehanPlanet FitnessNA
Stephanie Renee BrownSelfSelf
Stephanie SidemanCorporation for Supportive HousingSelf
Stuart GoodwinAspire of IllinoisAspire
Sulaimon OluleyeSearch incSearch inc
Susan ViecelliselfClearbrook
Susan AgrawalMFTD Waiver FamiliesMFTD Waiver Families
Susan BergsrudSEARCH-Inc.SEARCH-Inc.
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan CecilThe Associates GroupSearch
Susan R CupecSearch Inc.Self
Susan WalterSelfSelf
Susan WildChallenge Unlimited, Inc.Director of CDS programs for Challenge Unlimited, inc.
Suzanne S AaronSelfSelf
Sydney MuddAspire Chicagoself
Tamika L Nittel-Morales47-5576289The Autism Hero Project
Tammea kimbleAspireSelf,
Tammy Bedfordselfself
Tammy BurnsCTF IllinoisCTF Illinois
Tammy RowdenCenterstoneself
Tanya SinghAspire ChicagoAspire Chicago
Tara AhernIL Self Advocacy Allianceself
Tara D DriverSelfSelf
Tara McAndrewNoneNone
Teresa M StalloneSelfSelf
Teresa ParksIllinois Guardianship & Advocacy CommissionIllinois Guardianship & Advocacy Commission
Terra StetzOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterOpen Door Rehabilitation Center
Terrance JeffersonAspireself
Terrance t PetersenThey Deserve More CoalitionSelf
Thomas AbramSelfSelf
Tierra HortonSearch Inc.Search Inc.
Tim GranzowSelfSelf
Timothy JacksonAIDS Foundation ChicagoAIDS Foundation Chicago
Tina LowryEnvision Unlimitedself
Tina ZemenSearch, Inc., Visibility ArtsSelf
Tracey Smithmother of a child with disabilitiesMother of a child with disabilities
Traci KoganSearch IncSearch
Tracy McClureOpen Door Rehabilitation CenterOpen Door Rehabilitation Center
Trina GroganSearch Inc.Self and Search Inc.
Tyler ZeekTrinity ServicesSelf
Tyson BedfordIllinois Council on Developmental DisabilitiesAvocating for the phase out of subminimum wage, economic justice, and the Dignity in Pay Act in Illinois.
Tyson BedfordSelfSelf
Vincent SmithSelfSelf
Wilbert O WatkinsSelfSelf
William E BrennanClearbrookSelf
William M TeagueAspire Academy SouthWilliam Teague
Willie GuntherIllinois Assistive Technology ProgramIllinois Assistive Technology Program
Willlam MooreReverendself
Winter NoeOPTIONS & ADVOCACY FOR MCHENRY COUNTY INCOptions & Advocacy for McHenry County
Yolanda Rodriguez-VenegasSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 11/13/2024 1:00 PM
Aage ChristensenSelfSelf
Aage ChristensenSelfSelf
Abigail GuntherSelfSelf
Adam S BuddSelfSelf
Adam WiserIllinois Self Advocacy AllianceSelf
Adela CarlinIllinois Partners for Human ServiceIllinois Partners for Human Service
Aja WilliamsUCP Seguinself
Alessandra VillelaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Alex AlfaroSelfSelf
Alex Paterakos-FigueroaSEIU HealthcareSEIU Healthcare
Alexis FlobackUniversity of Southern Californiaself
Alicia LauhonSelfSelf
Alicia PernellDisability Resource CenterSelf
Allan I BergmanHIGH IMPACT Mission-Based Consultingmy family
Althea GrudemParent AdvocateParent Advocate - They Deserve More
Amanda McCombsSTARTStaff
Amanda PieperTrinity ServicesTrinity Services, Inc
Amanda TimlinSelfSelf
Amber grzedaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Amber SmockAccess LivingPeople with disabilities living in metro Chicago
Amy DannerSelfSelf
Amy FosterSelfSelf
Amy GiacaloneUCP Seguinself
Amy HahnDisability Resource CenterSelf
Amy LotersteinCJE SeniorLifeSelf
Amy NewellThe Arc of Winnebago Boone and Ogle Countiesindividuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Amy SchoeffelNot applicableSelf
Amy ZimmermanJewish United Fund - Jewish Federation of ChicagoJUF and our Encompass community-based partner agencies that serve individuals with Intellectual and developmental disabilities
Ana CruzSelfSelf
Ana Cusack MarcyanThe Law Office of Ana C. MarcyanPACTT Learning Center
Andrea PalmUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Andres GutierrezUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin Of Greater Chicago
Andrew l frierSelfSelf
Angela YostCCRPCSelf
Anjali BidaniNAmyself
Ann AvickPACTT Learning CenterPACTT Learning Center
Anna KoeppelIllinois Department of LaborIllinois Department of Labor
Anna Louise Pattonselfself
Anna Maria KisselParentParent of individual with disability
Anne TownsendSelfSelf
Anne WilsonParent of disabled adultPACTT Learning Center
Anne WoodingSelfSelf
Annie PeruskyService Incorporated of IllinoisSelf
anthony mansfieldselfself
Anusha ThotakuraCitizen Action IllinoisCitizen Action Illinois
April A MccleesSelf advocatesSelf
April DearUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Ashley MurphySelfSelf
Ashley WelbornAdvocateSelf
Atta ZahediAccess LivingAccess Living
Audrey Karen AndersenMyselfSelf
Ava RappnaSelf
Barb CohenLegal Council for Health JusticeLegal Council for Health Justice
Barb TracyPersonalSelf
Barbara KhaloufAccess LivingSELF
Barbara PritchardSelfSelf
Barbara PritchardSelfSelf
Barry TaylorSelfSelf
Becky WaltersNASelf
Benjamin GutierrezUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin Of Greater Chicago
Bess JohnsonIllinois Department of Human ServicesIllinois Department of Human Services
Beth BendtsenSelfSelf
Betsy WilsonSentencing Advocacy Group of EvanstonSentencing Advocacy Group of Evanston
Bianca Thomas EduokSelfSelf
Bob PetersonSelfSelf
Bonnie BuckleyNoneNone - Myself
Brenda L DevitoClearbrookClearbrook, staff person
Brenda Rodgersselfself
Bridget Mary brownButterflies for changePartners in policy
Britney GodwinSelfSelf
Brittany PontiousWashington CO VOCWashington County Vocational Workshop
Bruce CarmonaNoneNone
Bryant Carrselfself
Bryce GironNoneSelf
Caitlin CrabbSelfSelf
Candace ColemanIndividualSelf
Candace Sinclairselfself
Candace Sinclairselfself
Candice GoldsteinSelfSelf
Carol BuckleyKenneth Young CenterPeople with mental illness
Carol LipariAccess LivingSelf
Carole RosenThe Arc of Illinois - Going Home CoalitionThe Arc of Illinois - Going Home Coalition
Carolina PrietoUCP SeguinSelf
Carolina SchoenbeckDistrict 99 Downers Grove Transition 99Special educator
Caroline ChapmanLegal Council for Health JusticeLegal Council for Health Justice
Caroline Thielenselfself
Carrie S ParkerSelfPACTT Learning Center
Carson CrossSELFSelf
caryn houghUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Casey B BurkeIllinois Division of Developmental DisabilitiesCasey B Burke
Cassandra RogersSelfSelf
Cassie FancherCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Catherine CaporussoResistanceWomen and children
Catherine CariniSelfSelf
Catherine FeitSelfSelf
Cathy ChristensenselfSelf
Cathy ChristensenselfSelf
Cathy ChristensenselfSelf
Cathy ContarinoIMPACT CILindividuals with disabilities
Cera HorsteHartlieb Horste & Sandell, LLCSelf
Charles JamesUCP SeguinSelf
Charles PetrofSelfSelf
Charmion CobbAccess Living of Mettropolitan ChicagoSelf
Cheryl JansenEquip for EqualityEquip for Equality
Cheryl MillerUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Cheryl WitkowskiUCP Seguin of Greater Chicagoself
Chris JanidloNASelf
Chris WhitenaParent of a child with spina bifud
Christina GaytanNoneSelf
Christina HodgeAdvocateSelf
Christina IrlandSWTCIE IllinoisSelf
Christina WardenSelfSelf
Christopher LandisThe Arc of WBO COunitesThe Arc of WBO Counties
Christopher RamosNoneSelf
Corinne KodamaSelfself
Cory GummSearch Inc.Search Inc and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Cozell Hesterselfself
Cristina MccaryAvennues to IndependenceCristina mccary
Cristina RennernaSelf
Curtis L HarrisAccess LivingSelf
Cyndi ClaussenElm City CenterElm City Center
Dabney LylesSelfSelf
Daisy FeidtAccess Livingself
Damon ArdUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Dan AhernAllstateSelf
Daniele LahrDevelopmental FoundationsDevelopmental Foundations
Danielle SmithSelfSelf
Darryl C RobinsonSelfSelf
David BertellottiMurmur3 PublicationsPACTT Learning Center
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David EvansSelfSelf
David GayesSelfSelf
David JohnsonAbraxas GroupSelf
David pinnoSelf advocateSelf advocate
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Dawn KelloggICPNTrinity Services
Dawn RichardsonselfConstituent
Debbie De PalmaSelfSelf
Deborah ShulrufShore Community ServicesShore Community Services, Inc
Dennis AzumanoneNorman Blobaum
Dennis DeanySelfSelf
Diane ComptonIPADDUniteParents, Self-Advocates, and Disability Professionals
Diane ComptonSelfSelf
Diane Marie HettaschMisericordia parentMisericordia parent
Diane SlezakAgeOptionsAgeOptions
Diego GarciaAgencyPersons
Donald V McNairSelfMcNair Househled
Donielle DeeringNAself
Donna Rebolettifamily member of disabled personFamily member of a disabled person
Dr Mary MilanoIllinois Guardianship & Advocacy CommissionIllinois Guardianship & Advocacy Commission
Edward W ShuteSelfSelf
Eli BrottmanSelfSelf
Eli EvelandCommunity Choicesself
Elisha StithSelfSelf
Elizabeth CamposSelfSelf
Elizabeth Elisa VegasUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin Of Greater Chicago
Elizabeth S Benitoselfself
Ellen Garber BronfeldParent AdvocateIllinois Citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who care about them.
Ellen Marie Herbertselfself
Emily RoznowskiDisability Rights AdvocatesSelf
Erica Bland-DurosinmiSEIU Healthcare Illinois IndianaSEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana
Erika KisselPerson with disabilityself
Erin ComptonSelfSelf
Erin HortonMomErin Horton mom to two boys with disabilities.
Erin L HaldenRay Graham AssociationRay Graham Association
Erin LynchService Inc of IllinoisPeople with disabilities in DeKalb County
Erin RolandoDefining Ability LLCDefining Ability LLC
Erin RyanShore Community ServicesPersons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities served by Shore Community Services
Evonne KyriazesSelfSelf
Faye Manasterparentself
Fran TobinAlliance for Community ServicesAlliance for Community Services
Frank LallySelfself
Franz KisselParent of individual with a disabilityParent of individual with disability
Gabrielle LesmanNoneSelf
Gary Arnoldindividualself
GeorgianaretiredChampaign County Developmental Disabilities Board
Grace Tsaoselfself
Greg ComptonSelfSelf
Gregory A WalkingtonselfSelf
Gregory GrillUCP SeguinSelf
Gwyn CieslaNAMyself
Haevin BrittIVCILSelf
Halley GuntherSelfSelf
Hannah SpenadelNot applicableSelf
Hayde GonzalezARC Illinoisself
Heather N JessupSelfSelf
Heidi Martinselfself
Helen Mendezselfself
Hershel JacksonIllinois-Iowa Center for Independent LivingPeople with Disabilities
Hollie MurrinNASelf
Hon Don GerardCity of ChampaignFellow constituents in City of Champaign
Hugh JosephUCP-Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP-Seguin of Greater Chicago
Ian DunbarRay Graham AssociationSupport Worker- support they Deserve More Campaign
Il Self Advocacy AllianceIL Self Advocacy AllianceIL People with intellecutal and developmental disabilities
Iliana Rivera HavenAccess Livingself
Jackie SundquistRAMPIndividuals with Disabilities in Boone, DeKalb, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties & Self
Jaclynn WickeyNASelf
Jacqueline DatesUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Jada ThompsonSelfSelf
Jae Jin Pakselfself
Jahmelah IrelandUCP SEGUINself
James GouldselfSelf
Jana StowersRAMPSelf
Janelle JorgensenSelfSelf
Janet BauerSelfSelf
Janice BergmanselfSelf
Janita Delores HenleyUCP Seguin of Greater Chicagoself
Janita Delores HenleyUCP Seguin of Greater Chicagoself
Jason B NosbaumselfSelf
Jason NosbaumselfSelf
Jeannine SchontaMelvin J Larson SchoolSelf
Jeffrey BrownSelfSelf
Jenna KorenstraselfSelf
Jenness StockSelfSelf
Jennifer A Humbert-HallinParent Guardian2 disabled adult children
Jennifer GrauUCP - Center for Disability ServicesSelf
Jennifer H MillerThe Arc of the Quad Cities ArdaJennifer H. Miller (self)
Jennifer Humbert-HallinEnvision UnlimitedEnvision Unlimited
Jennifer L Doughertynonenone
Jennifer NashParentSelf
Jennifer RolandIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Jennifer StrangesCornerstone Servicesself
Jernice RhodesCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Jerome PalliserSelfSelf
Jersey Shabazz HosierAccess LivingAccess Living
Jessica ByrdCommunity LinkCommunity Link
Jessica ByrdCommunity LinkCommunity Link
jill GoldsteinIPPADUNITEParent advocate
Jill Kirbachselfnone
Jillian RohdeSelfSelf
JoAnnUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Jocelyn D SandersThresholdsSELF
Joe O'SullivanClearbrookClearbrook
John Edwardsselfself
John EtscheidHorizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc.Horizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc.
JOHN NASHParentself
John S Herring SrIllinois Network of Centers for Independent LivingIllinois Network of Centers for Independent Living
John VitalisNoneSelf
Jonathan NeidorfNAThey Deserve More
Jonathon HavenAccess LivingSelf
Jonathon HavenNASelf
Joseph LikeOrchard VillageSelf
Joseph MengoniUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Joseph RolandoDefining Ability LLc.Defining Ability LLc.
Josh EvansIllinois Association of Rehabilitation FacilitiesCommunity-based providers serving children and adults with intellectual-developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses.
judy dorseyselfself
Julee MortensenNASelf
Julee OpelDisability Resource CenterDisability Resource Center
Julee OpelDisability Resource CenterDisability Resource Center
Julie Cowanselfself
Julie FalcoSelfSelf
Julie LerchUnited Cerebral Palsy Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Julie McClernonNoneSelf
Julie Nelsonnoneself
June EvansNoneSelf
Justin HoucekASDWITHME LLCSelf
Kara SwordSelfSelf
karen fordnana
Karen LesmanNASelf
Karen TamleyAccess LivingAccess Living
Karyn Campbellnoneindividual
Kasey Jean Mills OrnelasOrchard VillageKasey Ornelas & Orchard Village
Kate CittiAIM Center for Independent LivingSelf
Katharine TrierTrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804Self
kathy carmodyInstitute on Public Policy for People with DisabilitiesInstitute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Kathy Deckerselfself
Kathy MendesCaring Across GenerationsCaring Across Generations
Katie KossakowskiEasterseals Joliet CDSEasterseals Joliet Region
Kelly HallinSelfSelf
Kelly StreffSelfSelf
kim estesselfself
Kim Wolowiec-Fisherparentparent
Kimberly Mercer-SchleiderIllinois Council on Developmental DisabilitiesIllinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
Kindall F Carmouche-PullenDisability Resource CenterWill-County Center for Independent Living
Kish PisaniAdvocateSelf
Krescene BeckSelfSelf
Kristin DolenMarklundMarklund
Kristina ReisProgress CenterSelf
Laneka Myrickselfself
Larry DeanBYP100Self
Latonya S BakerUCP SeguinSelf
Laura BassSelfLaura Bass
Laura ClarkSelfself
Laura FineArc of Illinoisself
Laura GonzalezUCP-Seguin of Greater ChicagoResidential Programs for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Laura S UrbaszewskiDepaul universityself
Laura WilkinsSelfSelf
Lauren MariucciClearbrookVice President at a provider organization
Lauren MegerSelfSelf
Leanne KellySelfSelf
Leanne Kenworthyselfself
Leanne MullNaSelf
Linda DearingUCP-CDSSelf
Linda HallNoneMy son with a disability and others like him
Linda HaunSelfCommunity Support Systems
Linda HellerUCP SeguinUCP Seguin
Linda Mastandreaselfself
Linda Tortorellinoneself
Linda WickeySelfSelf
Lindsay RobertsonGiGi's Playhouse, IncSelf
Lindsy ReznikNaSelf
Lisa KennedySelfSelf
Lisa M SabresUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago InfinitecSefl
Livier PelayoSelfSelf
Liz MoshureRAMPSelf
Liz SherwinIllinois Iowa CILIllinois Iowa CIL
Lori MyersConstituentSelf
Lori OpielaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoStaff at provider agency and support The Dignity in Pay Act
Luis AndradeIARFCommunity-based providers serving children and adults with intellectual-developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses.
Luke ConnorsAIM-CILSelf
Lyndsay J MosserOrchard VillageOrchard Village
Lyndsay SullivanNoneSelf
Lynn DoolittleAdvocateParent Advocate
Madeline PhillipsSelf Represented EducatorSelf
Manuel GonzalezProgress Center for Independent LivingSelf
Margie HillCSSCSS
Maria KingIllinois Iowa Center for Independent LivingDHS-DRS CIL funding - HB5458
Mariel Hamer-SinclairIllinois Council on Developmental DisabilitiesIllinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
Marion S MomalySelfSelf
Marisa TompkinsSelfSelf
Mark NSelfSelf
Marlene FasonUCP Seguin of Greater Chivagoself
Marlene HodgesOrchard VillageOrchard Village
Martin KleinSelfSelf
Mary BatterhamPacttt learning centerPACTT Learning Center
Mary DelgadoSelfSelf
Mary MatzShore Community Services, Inc.Shore
MARY RASCHERChampaign County Regional Planning CommissionSelf
Mary Wehkingselfself
Matthew B AlschulerSelfSelf
Matthew SladeMyselfMyself
Maureen KeaneSelfSelf
Megan DeMeyerNoneSelf
Megan MuttiNAParent
Megan RichardsonCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Megan WilemanSelfSelf
Meghan OrmistonUCP-Seguin of Greater Chicagoself
Melanie StithParentParent
Melissa L MundayCornerstone Servicesmyself and Cornerstone Services
Melissa NormanSelfSelf
Melissa VersgroveBusinessSelf
Melody RobertsonMosaic in MacombSelf
Meri Helbigselfself
Michael GrossoPACTT Learning CenterPACTT Learning Center
Michael ZiriEquality IllinoisEquality Illinois
Michele BuddSelfSelf
Michele SchutzSelfSelf
Michelle FegertOrchard VillageResidential Provider
Michelle GarciaCambiando VidasImmigrants with disabilities
Michelle RichHorizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc,Horizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc.
Mike S ShanahanMemoParent Pactt agency
Mike Wickeyselfself
Miriam CoppelSelfSelf
Missy MartinDisability Resource CenterDisability Resource Center
Monica HamadaSelfSelf
Monica HeffnerSelfSelf
Nadia dawsonAccess LivingSelf
Nadine J Gilbertselfself
Nafia KhanProgress Center for Independent LivingProgress Center for Independent Living
nancy maresucp seguin of greater chicagoself
Nancy PohlmanIndividualIndividual
Natalie TomblinTrinity Servicesself
Nathan JoerndtICDDNathan Joerndt
Nathan JoerndtICDDNathan Joerndt
Nathan JoerndtICDDNathan Joerndt
Nicholas BoyleAccess LivingAccess Living
Nicholas BoyleSelfSelf
Nicholas RogersSelfSelf
Nicole Zanon-TockeGlenkirkMyself
Nikki CottoSelfSelf
Nikki OndyakThe Association for Individual DevelopmentDignity in Pay Act
Nora HandlerNonenone
Norman HaunSelfCommunity Support Systems
Olivia HamiltonSelfPeople with disabilities who deserve equitable pay
Pam HeavensUnited Cerebral Palsy Center for Disabpeople with disabilities
Pam SamuelCTF IllinoisCtfillinois
patrice viningucp Seguinself
Patricia A HarrisCommunity Support SystemsCommunity Support Systems
Patrick QuaidUCP SeguinSelf
Patti Pace-HalpinNoneSelf
Paul BlobaumSelfSelf', brother of adult with Intellectual Disability who deserves minimum wage
Paul D FreyCitizenSELF
Paul T ColomboSelfSelf
Paula JablonskiPACTT Learning CenterPACTT Learning Center
Paula KrischelSelfSelf
Peggy ChildsUCP SeguinSelf
Peggy RubensteinTalk Dementia CareSelf
Pete RobertsSelfNot at this time
Phil MilskIllinois Association of School Social WorkersIllinois Association of School Social Workers
Princilla MalloryUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rachel WapnerNoneNone
Randy and Debby DaltonAIDParents
Ray CampbellNoneIndividual
Rebecca ObuchowskiselfSelf
Rhonda BodkinSTARTself
Rhonda WallPACTT Learning CneterPactt Learning Center
Richard ChaneyIndividualPACTT Learning Center
Riley SpreadburyDisability Resource CenterDisability Resource Center
Rita VarelaPartners In PolicymakingSelf
Robert FosterSertoma StarSertoma Star
Robert SacksselfSelf
Ronti GhoshCSHSelf
S Gronkiewicz-DoranSelfSelf
Sabrina HemmingwayUCP SeguinSelf
Sally BalkcomSelfSelf
Samantha AllowayThe Arc of IllinoisThe Arc of Illinois
Samantha M RauhSamantha M RauhSelf
Sammy GutierrezUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin Of Greater Chicago
Sandra AlexanderNASelf
Sandra BoeckmannNASelf
Sanya KhatriAlternatives YouthAlternatives Youth
Sanya KhatriAlternatives YouthAlternatives Youth
Sarah CookService Inc of ILSelf
Sarah DonnellyParentParent
Sarah HeidemannSelfSelf
Sarah LabadieWomen EmployedWomen Employed
Sarah LamparskiSelfSelf
Sarah SinnerSelfSelf
Savana SainsNAperson with disability and I support They Deserve More
Savannah CarterSelfSelf
SCOTT LAMKEAccess Livingself
Scott Spencer NanceSelfSelf
Sebastian NallsAccess LivingAccess Living
Selena MulnixKreider Services IncKreider Services Inc
Shamar CrosleyUCP SeguinIidd
Sharon cryerNAValley sheltered workshop
Sharon M CostabileCreative housing networkSharon Costabile
Shawn Michaelselfself
Sherry AuldPACTT Learning CenterPACTT Learning Center
Sherry HealeyCommunity Access NapervilleParent of adult with IDD, Agency executive
Sheryce JetterCommunity Support ServicesCommunity Support Services
Shirley LindenIPADDUnightIPADDUnite I am a parent
Shirley SainsNAparent and I support They Deserve More
Simyra RossSpecial Olympics IllinoisParent Advocate
Skyler LarrimoreGreater Chicago Food DepositoryGreater Chicago Food Depository
Sofia LebedevaSelfSelf
Sophie JanidloSelfSelf
Stephanie AbarcaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin staff and participants
Stephanie Renee BrownSelfSelf
Sue MeekerCrosspoint Human ServicesCrosspoint Human Services
Susan AgrawalMFTD Waiver FamiliesMFTD Waiver Families
Susan KaufmanOrchard VillageOrchard Village
Susan Kelleher LimardoSelfSelf
Susan MikaUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoUCP Seguin or Greater Chicago
Susan PaunaSusan Pauna, MS, LCPCSelf
Susan PrachtSelfSelf
Susan R CupecSearch Inc.Self
Suzanne S AaronSelfSelf
Suzen X RileyMxself
Tamar HellerDisability and Human Development, University of Illinois ChicagoInstitute on Disability and Human Development
Taneka JenningsIllinois Department of Human ServicesIllinois Department of Human Services
Tara AhernNASelf
Tara D DriverSelfSelf
Tavarus l WesleySelf advocateIllinois self alliance
Taylor HartmanLivingston County Mental Health BoardLivingston County Mental Health Board
Teresa M StalloneSelfSelf
Teresa ParksIllinois Guardianship & Advocacy CommissionIllinois Guardianship & Advocacy Commission
Teresa SheldonUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Teri HaunSelfCommunity Support Systems
Terry Teasleyselfself
Theresa MarkhamNAself
Therese GieferUCP Seguin of Greater ChiagoSelf
Thomas WilsonSelfMyself
Tim B GranzowNASelf
Timotheus Gordon JrNASelf-advocate
Tina FogartyTrinity Servicesperson representing people with disabilities
Tom BatterhamPACTT Learning CenterPACTT Learning Center Inc.
Towanda Brewer-GrahamUCP SeguinSelf
Tracey NodineNASelf
Tracy HartliebHartlieb Horste & Sandell, LLCSelf
Tracy HellnerNAFamily member
Tracy L MartenCommunity Support SystemStaff of an organization
Trinity BaileyUcp SeguinSelf
Tyson BedfordIllinois Council on Developmental DisabilitiesIllinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
Valerie Gutierrezselfself
Valerie HinesAccess LivingSelf
Wendy NagodeSelfSelf
Wendy PollackShriver Center on Poverty LawShriver Center on Poverty Law
William T Wilsonnaself
Willie GuntherIllinois Assistive Technology ProgramIllinois Assistive Technology Program
Yajaira JimenezUcp Seguinstaff at a provider agency and I support Deserve More
Yanira ZarcoUCP Seguin of Greater ChicagoSelf
Yolanda LunaSelfSelf
Yosef MooreAccess LivingSelf
Zackary DannerSelfSelf