Illinois General Assembly - Senator Committees
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Pamela J. Althoff (R), 32nd District
100th General Assembly
Committee Code Chairman Members
Appropriations II SAPB Dan Kotowski (D)Members
Committee of the Whole SCWL Members
Enterprise Zone Extensions SCEZ Pamela J. Althoff (R),
Michael W. Frerichs (D)
Human Services SHHS Mattie Hunter (D)Members
Labor SLAB Gary Forby (D)Members
Licensed Activities SLIC Iris Y. Martinez (D)Members
Local Government SLGV David Koehler (D)Members
Procurement SCOP Pamela J. Althoff (R),
Don Harmon (D)
Subcomm on Health Care Licensing SLIC-SLHL Members
Subcommittee on Amendments SLGV-SLGA David Koehler (D)Members
Subcommittee on Employment Issues SLAB-SLEI Linda Holmes (D)Members
Subcommittee on Special Issues SHHS-SHSI Heather A. Steans (D)Members