Illinois General Assembly - Senator Committees
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Neil Anderson (R), 36th District
103rd General Assembly
Committee Code Chairman Members
Agriculture SAGR Bill Cunningham (D)Members
Committee of the Whole SCWL Members
Energy and Public Utilities SENE Mattie Hunter (D)Members
Higher Education SCHE Pat McGuire (D)Members
Local Government SLGV Emil Jones, III (D)Members
Sub. on Generation, Util, & TelecomSENE-SEGU Iris Y. Martinez (D)Members
Sub. on the Monetary Award Program SCHE-SMAP Steve Stadelman (D)Members
Subcommittee on Special Issues (LG)SLGV-SLGS Thomas Cullerton (D)Members
Transportation STRN Martin A. Sandoval (D)Members