Illinois General Assembly - Senator Committees
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Dave Syverson (R), 34th District
103rd General Assembly
Committee Code Chairman Members
Appropriations I SAPA Donne E. Trotter (D)Members
Committee of the Whole SCWL Members
Deficit Reduction SCDR Matt Murphy (R),
Donne E. Trotter (D)
Energy SENE Mike Jacobs (D)Members
Gaming SGAM Terry Link (D)Members
Human Services SHHS Mattie Hunter (D)Members
Insurance SINS William R. Haine (D)Members
Public Health SPHL William Delgado (D)Members
Special Comm. on Medicaid Reform SCMR Dale A. Righter (R),
Heather Steans (D)
Subcommittee - Nursing Home Care SPHL-SPNH Heather Steans (D)Members
Subcommittee on Gaming Activities SGAM-SGGA Linda Holmes (D)Members
Subcommittee on Special Issues SPHL-SPSI Susan Garrett (D)Members