Illinois General Assembly - Senator Biography
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Kathleen Willis (D) - Previous General Assembly (99th)
77th District

Photograph of  Representative  Kathleen Willis (D)

Springfield Office:
Senator 77th District
264-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-3374
(217) 524-0448 FAX
District Office:
112 N. Wolf Rd.
Northlake, IL 60164
(708) 562-6970
(708) 562-6974 FAX

Years served: January 2013 - Present

Committee assignments:
Senate Committee information for the 104th General Assembly is not currently available.

Biography: Full-time legislator; B.A., Human Services Administration, Elmhurst College; master's degree, Library and Information Services, University of Illinois; former coordinator of access services, Elmhurst College Library; former member, Addison Elementary District 4 school board; resides in Addison; married, has four children.

Associated Representative(s): Don Harmon