Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Cynthia Soto (D), 4th District - 100th General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from Cynthia Soto.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB2577Cynthia SotoREGULATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03728/25/2017
HB2687Cynthia SotoNURSE LICENSURE COMPACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB2688Cynthia SotoPSYCH INTERJURIS COMPACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB2933Cynthia SotoPHYSICIAN ASSISTANT-VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3437Cynthia SotoSCH CD-SCH CLOSING NOTICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01798/18/2017
HB3450Cynthia SotoHOME MEDICAL EQUIP-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05259/22/2017
HB3451Cynthia SotoSPEECH PATH PRACTICE-VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3453Cynthia SotoMEDICAL PRACTICE-VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3461Cynthia SotoPHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS-VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3472Cynthia SotoNURSE PRACTICE ACT-VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3565Cynthia SotoMEDICAL PRACT ACT-SUNSETHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3566Cynthia SotoWRK COMP CONSIDER APPROPRIATEDHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3568Cynthia SotoINC TX-CHECKOFF-ALZHEIMER'SHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3569Cynthia SotoREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3570Cynthia SotoSCH CD-ST AID FORMULA-DROPOUTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3571Cynthia SotoPROHIBIT SALE OF RECALLED CARSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3572Cynthia SotoCOST LIST-PHRMCY BENEFITS MNGRHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3573Cynthia SotoEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3574Cynthia SotoEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3575Cynthia SotoEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3576Cynthia SotoPUBLIC AID-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3577Cynthia SotoPUBLIC AID-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3578Cynthia SotoHEALTH-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3579Cynthia SotoHEALTH-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3580Cynthia SotoINCOME TAX-CHECKOFF FOR HUNGERHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3581Cynthia SotoSAFETY-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3582Cynthia SotoSAFETY-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3771Cynthia SotoDEFIBRILLATOR ACCESS ACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5806Cynthia SotoHUMAN RIGHTS-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR246Cynthia SotoMEMORIAL - TERESA GONZALEZHResolution Adopted3/29/2017
HR461Cynthia SotoCENESEX/PUERTO RICAN/LATINOHResolution Adopted5/30/2017
HR462Cynthia SotoRECOGNIZE-PUERTO RICAN PARADEHResolution Adopted5/30/2017
HR471Cynthia SotoRECOGNIZE-PUERTO RICAN PARADEHResolution Adopted5/31/2017
HR862Cynthia SotoRECOGNIZE-JUAN M. CALDERONHResolution Adopted2/27/2018
HR863Cynthia SotoRECOGNIZE-JOSE E. LOPEZHResolution Adopted2/27/2018
HR864Cynthia SotoRECOGNZIE-EL RESCATE LGBTQHResolution Adopted2/27/2018
SB446Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD-STATE AID-WEIGHTINGSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB771Iris Y. MartinezSPEECH PATH PRACTICE-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05309/22/2017
SB1348Iris Y. MartinezMEDICAL PRACTICE-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04298/25/2017
SB1585Iris Y. MartinezPHYSICIAN ASSISTANT-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04538/25/2017
SB1811Pamela J. AlthoffTELEHEALTH ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03178/24/2017
SJR15Kimberly A. LightfordILL WATERWAYS DAYSAdopted Both Houses6/29/2017
SJR60Kimberly A. LightfordWATERWAY CLEANUP WEEKSSession Sine Die1/9/2019