Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator John F. Curran (R), 41st District - 100th General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from John F. Curran.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB628John F. CurranLEGISLATIVE ETHICS COMMISSIONSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB683John F. CurranLOCAL CURE PROGRAMSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1350John F. CurranETHICS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1490John F. CurranSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1816John F. CurranIL & MI CANAL PROPERTY SALESSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1892John F. CurranCD CORR-CHILD PORNOGRAPHYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05318/20/2021
SB1893John F. CurranCOUNTIES CODE-NUISANCE TREESSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1894John F. CurranFIREARMS RESTRAINING-VENUESSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1895John F. CurranCRIM CD-FIREARMS-CHILDSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1896John F. CurranSEX OFFENSES-STUDENT 18-19SSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1897John F. CurranCRIM PRO-BAIL-VIOLENT CRIMESSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1898John F. CurranFOIA-EXEMPTION-HEALTH RECORDSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1899John F. CurranHWY CD–UTILITY PROJECTSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1900John F. CurranPUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP ACTSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1901John F. CurranCRIM CD&PRO-PUBLIC CORRUPTIONSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1902John F. CurranELEC CD-AUDIT FOR CAUSESSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1903John F. CurranSTATEWIDE GRAND JURY-CORRUPTSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2059John F. CurranANIMALS-RABIES INOCULATIONSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2355John F. CurranSCH CD-SPECIAL ED-AGE 22SSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2356John F. CurranOPEN MEETINGS-SESSION MINUTESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-06538/27/2021
SB2530John F. CurranWIRELESS SERVICE-CALL LOCATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05658/20/2021
SB3003John F. CurranCRIM CD-EXPLOITATION-ELDERLYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3028John F. CurranSTATE'S ATTORNEY-INVESTIGATORSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3071John F. CurranCRIM CD-RELAY VEH THEFT DEVICESSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3072John F. CurranLOCAL GOV-IMMUNITY-STOLEN VEHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3074John F. CurranCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3075John F. CurranCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3076John F. CurranCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3077John F. CurranCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3078John F. CurranCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3079John F. CurranCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3155John F. CurranSURFACE MINE-INSPECT QUARTERLYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3183John F. CurranSTUDENT TRANSPORT-ACTIVITIESSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3195John F. CurranCRIM CD-EXTORTIONSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3646John F. CurranEMPLOYMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3764John F. CurranLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3766John F. CurranELECTRONIC RECORD PRESERVATIONSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3767John F. CurranOPEN MEETINGS-NOTICE VIOLATIONSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3785John F. CurranPEN CD-IMRF TO ART 3-TRANSFERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-08575/13/2022
SB3820John F. CurranCRIM CD-RESIDENTIAL BURGLARYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3821John F. CurranVEH CD-ENHANCE FLEEING PENALTYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3868John F. CurranBIKE/PEDESTRIAN PATH FUNDINGSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3892John F. CurranDHS-EARLY INTERVENTION RATESSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SR138John F. CurranMEMORIAL-THOMAS & ANN CONNELLYSResolution Adopted3/10/2021
SR160John F. CurranMEMORIAL-KENNETH RITZERTSResolution Adopted3/17/2021
SR261John F. CurranMEMORIAL-MARTIN OZINGA IIISResolution Adopted5/6/2021
SR662John F. CurranMEMORIAL-CONGRESSMAN H. FAWELLSResolution Adopted1/5/2022
SR915John F. CurranMEMORIAL-JAMES S. LOWESResolution Adopted3/24/2022
HB1719Deanne M. MazzochiSCH CD-SCHOOL COUNSELORHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01977/30/2021
HB2825Lawrence Walsh, Jr.MINOR GUARDIANSHIP-GAL DUTIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-09155/27/2022
HB2928Deanne M. MazzochiRELIEVE COLLEGE COSTS PROGRAMHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3019Joe SosnowskiVEH CD–DUI-SERVICE ANIMAL HARMHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3461Fred CrespoSCH CD-SEXUAL ABUSE POLICYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-06108/27/2021
HB3462Fred CrespoCHILD FORENSIC INTERVIEWHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-04778/20/2021
HB3703Sue SchererCOVID TESTING-DEBTHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4284Anne Stava-MurrayVEHICLE USE TAX-TRUSTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-07625/13/2022
HB4740Deanne M. MazzochiPERSONNEL CD-BILINGUAL PAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-09525/27/2022