Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

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Senator Michelle Mussman (D), 56th District
Michelle Mussman is a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Michelle Mussman is Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB69Diane Blair-SherlockPROP TX-SENIOR FREEZEHTo Property Tax Subcommittee2/25/2025
HB70Diane Blair-SherlockPROP TX-DISABILITIESHTo Property Tax Subcommittee2/25/2025
HB1075Daniel DidechDIWALI DAYHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/6/2025
HB1085Lindsey LaPointeINS CD-MENTAL HEALTH PARITYHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/6/2025
HB1141William E HauterGENERAL ANESTHESIA COVERAGEHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate2/26/2025
HB1146Suzanne M. NessPLASTIC BAG REDUCTIONHAssigned to Executive Committee2/11/2025
HB1226Jay HoffmanVEH CD-EXAMSHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate2/19/2025
HB1301Amy BrielRURAL HOSPITAL TASK FORCEHAssigned to Public Health Committee2/11/2025
HB1330Mary Beth CantyAGING-CCP-DIRECT SRVCE WORKERHAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee2/11/2025
HB1358Sharon ChungED-WAIVER PROCESS TASK FORCEHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/5/2025
HB1370Daniel DidechEPA-MICROFIBER FILTERHAssigned to Energy & Environment Committee2/11/2025
HB1375Barbara HernandezSTUDENT TEACHING STIPENDHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/6/2025
HB1429Kevin John OlickalBILL OF RIGHTS-HOMELESSHAssigned to Housing Committee2/18/2025
HB1433Nicolle GrasseHIGHR ED-ELECTION JUDGE CREDITHAssigned to Ethics & Elections2/18/2025
HB1442Nabeela SyedELEC CD-CURBSIDE VOTINGHAssigned to Ethics & Elections2/18/2025
HB1443Nabeela SyedHEALTH CARE AVAILABILITYHTo Prescription Drug Affordability Board2/25/2025
HB1444Nabeela SyedELEC CD-VOTE BY MAIL APPLICANTHAssigned to Ethics & Elections2/18/2025
HB1448Nabeela SyedINS-BEHAVIORIAL HEALTHHAssigned to Mental Health & Addiction Committee2/18/2025
HB1568Hoan HuynhMEDICAID-PERSON W/DISABILITIESHAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee2/18/2025
HB1588Lindsey LaPointe$ISAC-HUMAN SERVICE LOAN REPAYHAssigned to Appropriations-Higher Education Committee2/18/2025
HB1598Barbara HernandezOPERATING ROOM SAFETY ACTHAssigned to Health Care Licenses Committee2/18/2025
HB1600Jennifer Gong-GershowitzPLASTIC DISPOSABLE FOODWAREHAssigned to Public Health Committee2/18/2025
HB1605Maurice A. West, IIREAL PROP CONSERVATION RIGHTSHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB1609Maura HirschauerPROP TX-NATURAL PRESERVATIONHTo Property Tax Subcommittee3/3/2025
HB1621Abdelnasser RashidELEC CD-UTILITIES CONTRIBUTIONHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1645Michelle MussmanPESTICIDE-2,4-D BANHAssigned to Energy & Environment Committee2/18/2025
HB1715Kelly M. CassidyDCFS-POLICE/SECURITY-REPEALHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate2/26/2025
HB1755Michelle MussmanAGING-BENEFITS ACCESS PROGRAMHAssigned to Human Services Committee2/25/2025
HB1757Janet Yang RohrPROP TX-SENIOR FREEZEHTo Property Tax Subcommittee3/3/2025
HB1783Michelle MussmanST BD ED-LANGUAGE ASSESSMENTHAssigned to Education Policy Committee2/25/2025
HB1810Laura Faver DiasINCARCERATED-DISABILITIESHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/13/2025
HB1814Robert "Bob" RitaMUNI CD-ZONING-MIDDLE HOUSINGHAssigned to Housing Committee2/25/2025
HB1829Justin SlaughterPROP TX-INCOME PROPERTYHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/3/2025
HB1843Suzanne M. NessMUNI CD-ZONING LIMITSHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB1857Laura Faver DiasINS CD-INCONTINENCE SUPPLIESHAssigned to Insurance Committee2/25/2025
HB1861William "Will" DavisSCH CD-SPEC ED-RESIDENT DISTHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB1862Michelle MussmanDHS-EMERGENCY HOUSING PGRAMHAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee2/25/2025
HB1863Michelle MussmanONE HEALTH TASK FORCEHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/13/2025
HB1869Michelle MussmanSCH CD-SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/6/2025
HB1910Anna MoellerLIBRARIES-OPIOID ANTAGONISTSHAssigned to Public Health Committee2/25/2025
HB2337Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-SPECIAL ED-SETTLEMENTHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB2475Camille Y. LillyNATL RESOURCES & AG LEGACY ACTHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/6/2025
HB2489Gregg JohnsonDHFS-COMM DAY SERVCS BILLINGHAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee3/4/2025
HB2491Sharon ChungDOIT-DHS-ROCS UPGRADEHAssigned to Human Services Committee3/4/2025
HB2536Fred CrespoPROP TX-SENIOR FREEZEHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/6/2025
HB2537Michelle MussmanSCH CD-SPEC ED-TRANSITION SERVHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB2541Nicole La HaPRADER-WILLI SYNDROMEHAssigned to Human Services Committee3/4/2025
HB2545Will GuzzardiSUPP HOUSING PROJECT APPEALSHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB2549Amy BrielRIGHT TO REPAIRHTo Commercial & Property Law Subcommittee3/12/2025
HB2556Will GuzzardiLIQUOR-VARIOUSHAssigned to Executive Committee3/4/2025
HB2695Lilian JiménezDHS-EQUITABLE PAY ACTHAssigned to Human Services Committee3/4/2025
HB2732Rick RyanINC TX-INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSHTo Tax Policy: Income Tax Subcommittee3/6/2025
HB2746Dagmara AvelarFAIR CONTRACTING-VARIOUSHAssigned to Executive Committee3/4/2025
HB2747Michelle MussmanLIBRARY SYSTEMS-STATE GRANTSHAssigned to State Government Administration Committee3/4/2025
HB2750Barbara HernandezSNAP E&T PGRAM-PUBLIC COLLEGEHAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee3/4/2025
HB2788Laura Faver DiasDHS-DSP WAGE INCREASESHAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee3/4/2025
HB2827Terra Costa HowardHOMESCHOOL ACTHAssigned to Education Policy Committee3/4/2025
HB2848Michelle MussmanEDUC-SCH SUPPORT PERSONNELHAssigned to Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools3/4/2025
HB2898Suzanne M. NessMHDD-CILA HOME MODIFICATIONSHAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee3/4/2025
HB2906Michelle MussmanVEH CD-SEAT SAFETY BELTSHAssigned to Judiciary - Civil Committee3/4/2025
HB2907Suzanne M. NessCHILD WELFARE DISCLOSURE ACTHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB2914Suzanne M. NessPUBLICATION-NOTICES-NEWSPAPERSHAssigned to Executive Committee3/4/2025
HB2982Elizabeth "Lisa" HernandezMINIMUM WAGE-GRATUITIESHAssigned to Executive Committee3/4/2025
HB2994Michelle MussmanMENTAL HEALTH RECORDSHAssigned to Judiciary - Civil Committee3/4/2025
HB2995Michelle MussmanSCH-MISCONDUCT INVESTIGATIONHAssigned to Education Policy Committee3/4/2025
HB2998Abdelnasser RashidELECTIONS-PUBLICATION/LOCALHAssigned to Ethics & Elections3/4/2025
HB3050Michelle MussmanSWIMMING FACILITY-CONSTRUCTIONHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/13/2025
HB3138Suzanne M. NessIMMUNITY CHILD WELFARE AGENCIEHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3169Mary Beth CantyANCRA-MEDICAL PROFESSIONALHAssigned to Adoption & Child Welfare Committee3/11/2025
HB3247Lilian JiménezSCH CD-PROHIBT DENIAL FREE EDHAssigned to Education Policy Committee3/11/2025
HB3256Kam BucknerPEOPLE OVER PARKING ACTHAssigned to Executive Committee3/11/2025
HB3288Kam BucknerAFFORDABLE COMMUNITIES ACTHAssigned to Housing Committee3/11/2025
HB3372Michelle MussmanGUARDIANSHIP-ALTERNATIVESHAssigned to Judiciary - Civil Committee3/11/2025
HB3374Michelle MussmanENERGY EFFICIENCY-EXT REPEALHAssigned to Energy & Environment Committee3/11/2025
HB3376Michelle MussmanSCH CD-SPECIAL ED-IEP-GUIDANCEHAssigned to Education Policy Committee3/11/2025
HB3377Michelle MussmanSCH CD-HOMELESS YOUTH FUNDINGHAssigned to Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools3/11/2025
HB3386Mary GillID/DD FACILITY RATE REVIEWHAssigned to Human Services Committee3/11/2025
HB3457Will GuzzardiLAND CONSERVATION INCENTIVESHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/13/2025
HB3488Michelle MussmanSCH CD-WIRELESS COMM DEVICEHAssigned to Education Policy Committee3/11/2025
HB3489Michelle MussmanPHARMACISTS-CONTRACEPTIVESHAssigned to Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee3/11/2025
HB3490Michelle MussmanWHEELCHAIR RIGHT TO REPAIRHAssigned to Consumer Protection Committee3/11/2025
HB3527Maurice A. West, IIPROHIBITED DISABILITY MASCOTSHAssigned to Education Policy Committee3/11/2025
HB3552Kam BucknerLOCAL-ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITSHAssigned to Housing Committee3/11/2025
HB3698Kelly M. CassidyELEC CD-SPENDING DISCLOSUREHAssigned to Ethics & Elections3/11/2025
HB3711Kelly M. CassidyPROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCTHAssigned to Health Care Licenses Committee3/11/2025
HB3717Tracy Katz MuhlCOM COL-BACCALAUREATE DEGREEHAssigned to Higher Education Committee3/11/2025
HB3799Bob MorganINS-CLIMATE RISK DISCLOSUREHAssigned to Insurance Committee3/11/2025
HB3808Justin SlaughterPROP TX-CIRCUIT BREAKERHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/13/2025
HB3853Hoan HuynhPROTECT MEDICAL EQUIP FREEDOMHAssigned to Judiciary - Civil Committee3/11/2025
HB3991Hoan Huynh$DHS-2-1-1 SERVICESHReferred to Rules Committee2/26/2025
HB3992Sharon Chung$AG-CROP INS REB INITHReferred to Rules Committee2/26/2025
HR91Michelle MussmanRECOGNIZE-LTC MARIA E. SANCHEZHResolution Adopted2/4/2025
HR101Michelle MussmanRECOGNIZE-DR. JOHNNY D. JONESHResolution Adopted2/5/2025
HR115Dagmara AvelarSTOP-IMMIGRATION ACTIONHResolution Adopted 073-000-0002/5/2025
HR116Will GuzzardiCONDEMNS-SPENDING FREEZEHResolution Adopted 073-000-0002/5/2025
HR117Kam BucknerCONDEMNS-TARGETING DEIHResolution Adopted 073-000-0002/5/2025
HR118Angelica Guerrero-CuellarCONDEMNS-JAN 6 PARDONSHResolution Adopted 073-000-0002/5/2025
HR119Dave VellaSTOP-TARIFF PLANSHResolution Adopted 073-000-0002/5/2025
HR150Kam BucknerCONGRATS-SPEAKER CHRIS WELCHHResolution Adopted2/20/2025
HR151Dagmara AvelarHUMAN SERVICES-REIMBURSEMENTHReferred to Rules Committee2/25/2025
HR175Diane Blair-SherlockDEAF HISTORY MONTHHReferred to Rules Committee3/11/2025
HJR12Katie StuartED HEALTH INSURANCE TASK FORCEHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025