Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator David E. Miller (D), 29th District - 93rd General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from David E. Miller.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB410David E. MillerSCH CONSTUCTION-SPEC ED COOPHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB430David E. MillerSCH CD-SUPP ST AID-LOW INCOMEHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB520David E. MillerPHARMACY BENEFIT MGT REG ACTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB566David E. MillerCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB752David E. MillerSCH CD-FINANCIAL OVRSIGHT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-09468/19/2004
HB1517David E. MillerREGULATION OF PROFESSIONS-TECHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB2566David E. MillerILLINOIS AFFORDABLE LOAN ACTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB2781David E. MillerHOTEL TAXES-TECHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB2804David E. MillerCHILDREN-TECHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3086David E. MillerCRIM CD-TONGUE SPLITTINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-04498/6/2003
HB3337David E. MillerCRIM PRO-POST CONVICTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3338David E. MillerCRIM CD-DTH PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3339David E. MillerCRIM PRO-EVIDENCEHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3340David E. MillerCRIM PRO-EYEWITNESSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3341David E. MillerCRIM CD-TRAINING-CAPITALHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3342David E. MillerCAPITAL CRIMES LITIGATIONHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3343David E. MillerCRIM PRO-POLICE TRAININGHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3344David E. MillerCRIM PRO-DTH PENALTY-GUIDELINEHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3345David E. MillerCRIM JUSTICE INFO-DATAHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3346David E. MillerCRIM PRO-EYEWITNESSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3347David E. MillerCRIM CD-DEATH PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3348David E. MillerAPP DEF-CAPITAL LIT BARHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3349David E. MillerCRIM CD-DEATH PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3350David E. MillerCRIM PRO-DTH PENALTY REVIEWHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3351David E. MillerDTH PEN-POST CONVCT RELIEFHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3352David E. MillerCRIM CD-DEATH SENTENCE;FACTORSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3353David E. MillerCRIM CD-VICTIMS DOM VIOLHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3354David E. MillerCRIM PRO-GENETIC TESTINGHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3355David E. MillerCRIM PRO-POST CONVICTION-DTHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3356David E. MillerCRIM CD-DEATH PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3357David E. MillerCRIM CD-MURDER-DTH PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3359David E. MillerCRIM CD-FIRST DEGREE MURDERHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3360David E. MillerCRIM CD-TRAINING-CAPITALHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3361David E. MillerCRIM PRO-SUSPECT MENTAL CAPHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3362David E. MillerCAPITAL LITIGATION-FORENSICHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3363David E. MillerCRIM CD-DTH PENALTY-STATEMENTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3364David E. MillerCD CORR-EXECUTIVE CLEMENCYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3365David E. MillerCRIM CD-EAVESDROPPINGHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3366David E. MillerCRIM PRO-DNA EVIDENCEHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3367David E. MillerCRIM CD-DTH PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3368David E. MillerCRIMPRO-POST CONV DTH PNLTYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3369David E. MillerCD CORR-RETARDED-NO EXECUTEHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3370David E. MillerDEATH PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3371David E. MillerCRIM CD-INFORMANT BENEFITSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3372David E. MillerCRIM PRO-IN-CUST WITNESSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3373David E. MillerCRIM PRO-IN-CUSTODY INFORMANTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3374David E. MillerCRIM PRO-CAPITAL-NO POLY GRAPHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3375David E. MillerCRIM PRO-LINEUP & PHOTO SPREADHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3543David E. MillerMETRO TRANSIT-AUTH-BID THRSHLDHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3544David E. MillerSCH CD-TRUSTEES OF SCH-TREASURHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3619David E. MillerSCH CD-CRIM BACKGROUND CHECKSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3694David E. MillerPEOTONE AIRPORT CONSTRUCTIONHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB3904David E. MillerSCHOOLS-DENTAL EXAMINATIONSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4058David E. MillerSCH CD-SOFT DRINKS PROHIBITEDHThird Reading - Short Debate - Lost 028-073-0133/30/2004
HB4522David E. MillerSCH CD-SUPP STATE AIDHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4774David E. MillerPROP TAX-SCHOOL MANDATESHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4796David E. MillerFIREWALL PROTECTION ACTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4797David E. MillerPHARMACY BENEFITS-COMPETE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4826David E. MillerCHILD CARE-UNSAFE PRODUCTSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4875David E. MillerCHILD PRODUCT SAFETY-RECALLSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4876David E. MillerSHORT-TERM & TITLE LOANSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4882David E. MillerURBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTH ACTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB4947David E. MillerPROC CD-SMALL BUS PREFERENCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-07697/20/2004
HB5033David E. MillerDRUG OVERDOSE PREVENTION ACTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB5329David E. MillerAERONAUTICS-AIRCRAFT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB6871David E. MillerPHARMACY BENEFIT MGT REG ACTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB6916David E. MillerOPIOID ANTAGONIST LIAB ACTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB6994David E. MillerMETRO CIVIC CENTER SUPPORTHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB6995David E. MillerDCEO-TOURISM-TECHHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HB7053David E. MillerSCH CD-MASTER TEACH CERT-EXAMHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HR58David E. MillerADA "GIVE KIDS A SMILE" DAYHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote2/20/2003
HR141David E. MillerCONGRATS MAYOR LOU SHERMANHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote3/21/2003
HR147David E. MillerSUGAR CONSUMPTION STUDYHResolution Adopted 087-027-0025/27/2003
HR258David E. MillerCONGRATS CHF PHILLIP ARNOLDHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote5/9/2003
HR395David E. MillerCONGRATS THORNWOOD HS GIRLSHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote5/31/2003
HR426David E. MillerCONGRATS THORNWOOD HIGH SCHOOLHResolution Adopted11/4/2003
HR494David E. MillerCONGRATS HABILITATIVE SERVICESHResolution Adopted11/4/2003
HR504David E. MillerTHANKS ALPHA PHI ALPHAHResolution Adopted11/4/2003
HR615David E. MillerRECOGNIZES WILLIAM FRANKERHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote1/15/2004
HR643David E. MillerGIVE KIDS A SMILE DAYHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HR800David E. MillerCONGRATS THORNTON FRACTIONALHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote4/22/2004
HR830David E. MillerELIMINATE SOFT DRINKS-SCHOOLSHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HR909David E. MillerCONGRATS THORNRIDGE HS DRAMAHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote5/13/2004
HR1012David E. MillerPUBLIC PENSION TASK FORCEHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
HR1156David E. MillerMEMORIAL DONALD DANEWICZHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote11/8/2004
HR1170David E. MillerMEMORIAL MARY SUE CONWELLHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote11/8/2004
HJR87David E. MillerTINLEY PARK MENTAL HLTH CENTERHSession Sine Die1/11/2005
SB191M. Maggie CrottySCH CD-SPECIAL ED-ADOPT CHILDSTotal Veto Stands11/21/2003
SB376Mattie HunterDEATH CERTIFICATE-DEMENTIASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-04548/7/2003
SB390Debbie DeFrancesco HalvorsonSCH CONSTUCTION-SPEC ED COOPSSession Sine Die1/11/2005
SB490Kimberly A. LightfordSCH LUNCH APPLICANT INFOSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-04048/1/2003
SB1006James T. MeeksENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY-TECHSTotal Veto Stands11/20/2004
SB1030James T. MeeksTOBACCO-MINORS-LUNCH WAGONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-02847/22/2003
SB1109Rickey R. HendonMEDICAID-RX DRUGS-NO COPAYMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-05938/25/2003
SB1364Miguel del ValleDHS-TANF-CIVIL RIGHTS IMPACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-061111/25/2003
SB2180Debbie DeFrancesco HalvorsonAIRPORTS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/11/2005
SB2285James A. DeLeoDENTAL HYGIENIST-PRACT DEFSSession Sine Die1/11/2005
SB2378Carol RonenCHILD CARE-UNSAFE PRODUCTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-08057/24/2004
SB2379Carol RonenCHILD PRODUCT SAFETY-RECALLSSSession Sine Die1/11/2005
SB2940Mattie HunterPUBLIC HEALTH-OBESITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 93-09668/20/2004
SB2981Kimberly A. LightfordHOMEOWNER MORTGAGE ASSISTANCESSession Sine Die1/11/2005