Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator David McSweeney (R), 52nd District - 95th General Assembly
David McSweeney was a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where David McSweeney was a Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB38Rita MayfieldCRIM CD-PLACE OF WORSHIPHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-02238/9/2019
HB221Steven ReickBAIL REFORM OPT OUTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB283David McSweeneyMHDDC-CLEAR&PRESENT DANGERHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB284David McSweeneyCRIM CD-SEXUAL ASSAULTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB285David McSweeneyCONTROLLED SUB-HEROIN DELIVERYHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB286David McSweeneyCD CORR-MURDER SENTENCINGHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB287David McSweeneyCD CORR-CONDITIONS OF PAROLEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB288David McSweeneyCRIM CD-CHILD ABDUCTIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB289David McSweeneyCRIM ID-CHILD ABDUCTIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB290David McSweeneySELF-FUNDING LIMITATION ACTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB291David McSweeneyINFORM DISCLOSURE-PUB OFFICIALHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB292David McSweeneyLOBBYIST-PROHIBITIONSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB293David McSweeneyPENCD-GARS-GA MEMBER ELIGIBLEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB294David McSweeneyINC TX-GA MEMBERS-DISCLOSUREHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB295David McSweeneyTRUTH IN LEGISLATIVE TAXATIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB296David McSweeneyVEH CD-RED LIGHT CAMERA STUDYHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB297David McSweeneyREDUCE GA & EXECUTIVE SALARIESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB298David McSweeneyCUT GA OFFICE ALLOWANCE BY 10%HSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB299David McSweeneyGA MEMBER COMPENSATION & COLAHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB300David McSweeneySTATE BUDGET-GA MEMBER SALARYHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB301David McSweeneyLOBBYIST-COUNTY BD PROHIBITIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB302David McSweeneyCOMM COLL-VOCATION SCHOLARSHIPHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB303David McSweeneyDISCLOSABLE PAYMENT-SICK LEAVEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-02288/9/2019
HB304David McSweeneyMUNI CD-TIF BONDSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB305David McSweeneyMUNICIPAL CONVENTION EXPENSESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB306David McSweeneyRECORDER FEES-BOARD CONTROLHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB307David McSweeneyCITIZENS EMPOWERMENT ACTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB308David McSweeneyFINANCE-STACKED ALT BOND DEBTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB309David McSweeneyED LABOR REL-CONTRACT APPROVALHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB310David McSweeneySCH CD-POST-RETIREMENT BONUSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB311David McSweeneySCH CD-SEXUAL ASSAULT/ABUSEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB312David McSweeneySCH CD-EMPLOYEE-SEX OFFENSEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB313David McSweeneyOPEN ILLINOIS CHECKBOOK ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-02128/7/2019
HB314David McSweeneyOEIG-DUTIESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB315Robyn GabelDURABLE MEDICAL SUPPLIES-RATESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB316David McSweeneyINC TX-RATESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB317David McSweeneyPROP TX-PTELL FREEZEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB318David McSweeneyINC TX-OPPORTUNITY FUNDHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB319David McSweeneyINC TX-CORPORATE INCOME TAXHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB320David McSweeneyPROP TX-PTELL FREEZEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB321David McSweeneyREPEAL/RESTORE VARIOUS-SB9HSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB322David McSweeneyVEH CD-REPEAL REDLIGHT CAMERASHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB323David McSweeneyVEH CD-REPEAL REDLIGHT CAMERASHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB324David McSweeneyCONSTITUTION AMEND PUBLICATIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB325David McSweeney$ROAD FUND-INFRASTRUCTUREHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB326David McSweeneyVEH CD-RED LIGHT CAMERA STUDYHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB348David McSweeneyMCHENRY TWP & DIST DISSOLUTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-02308/9/2019
HB354Thomas MorrisonPROP TX-BD OF REVIEW RESOURCESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB886Mark BatinickSEX OFFENDER REG-BATTERYHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB933David McSweeneyLIBRARIES-SECURITIES & ASSETSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB934David McSweeneyGENERAL ASSEMBLY COMPENSATIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB935David McSweeneyJCAR-RULES ECONOMIC IMPACTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB936David McSweeneyINC TX-DEDUCT MANUFACTURINGHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB1440Margo McDermedTRACK-SEXUAL ASSAULT EVIDENCEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB1482Tony McCombieCRIM CODE-AGG BAT-EMPLOYEESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB1576Ryan SpainPEN CD-POLICE/FIRE INVESTMENTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2075David McSweeneyMUNICIPAL CONVENTION EXPENSESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2117Natalie A. ManleyMEDICAID-MCO PAYMENT INFOHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2136Keith R. WheelerGA-REVENUE ESTIMATEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2137Keith R. WheelerNO FUNDS W/OUT REVENUE ESTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2207Sam YinglingPUBLIC OFFICE-PROHIBITED ACTSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2297Fred CrespoCOOK COUNTY FOREST PRESERVE PDHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2417Tim ButlerVEH CD-EMERGENCY VEH-PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2663David McSweeneyHIGHR ED-RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2673Michael J. ZalewskiALZHEIMER'S SCRATCH-OFFHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB2729Daniel DidechLAKE CO-BOARD MEMBER SALARIESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3012Jonathan CarrollINC TX-CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3247LaToya GreenwoodPARKINSON'S DISEASE AWARENESSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-01077/19/2019
HB3301Natalie A. ManleyELIMINATE WILL CO TWP CLERKSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3317David A. WelterMCHENRY COUNTY-VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3390Diane PappasKENNEL OPERATION-FIRE ALARMSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-02108/6/2019
HB3596Sam YinglingCOUNTY CD-TRANSITIONAL AUDITSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3597Sam YinglingPROP TX-COUNTY ASSESSORHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3597*Sam YinglingPROP TX-COUNTY ASSESSORHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3654David McSweeneyPERMANENT EMPLOYEE CARDHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3714David McSweeneyINDEPENDENT MED EXAM-ATTORNEYSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3819David McSweeneySCH CD-EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3824Michael P. McAuliffeJUSSIE ACT-FILM TAX CREDITHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3883Deb ConroyFLAVORED TOBACCO BANHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3888Rita MayfieldEPA-ETHYLENE OXIDE PHASE OUTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3904Emanuel Chris WelchSTUDENT ATHLETE ENDORSEMENTSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3915David McSweeneyREINSTATES DEATH SENTENCEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3951David McSweeneyCD CORR-AGGRAVATING FACTORSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3962David McSweeneyLIG-PUBLIC SUMMARY REPORTSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3975Jonathan CarrollSCH CD-SECLUSION PROHIBITEDHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB3980Mark BatinickSEX OFFENDER REGISTRATIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4006Margo McDermedTOLL HWY-PERSONAL INFORMATIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4049Jonathan CarrollHUMAN RIGHTS-ANTI-SEMITISMHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4214Stephanie A. KifowitHOUSE-MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVEDHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4262David A. WelterDOMESTIC VIOLENCE TASK FORCEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4422Martin J. MoylanGA ETHICS-GAMING INTERESTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4682Martin J. MoylanETHICS-LOCAL OFFICIAL LOBBYINGHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4808Blaine WilhourFOIA-PENALTIES-RECORDS-VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4809Blaine WilhourETHICS-LOBBYING RESTRICTIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4810Blaine WilhourETHICS COMM-INVESTIGATIONSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4811Blaine WilhourGOV ETHICS-LOCAL GOVT LOBBYINGHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB4812Blaine WilhourETHICS-REP CASE & RECUSALHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB5370Blaine WilhourSTATEMENT OF ECON INTEREST REQHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB5766David McSweeneyUSE/OCC TX-REDUCE RATEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HB5777Charles MeierGA-PER DIEM & COLASHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR26David McSweeneyUIUC-JAMES KILGOREHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR27David McSweeneyEDUCATION PENSION COST SHIFTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR28David McSweeneyOPPOSE NEW ADVERTISING TAXESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR29David McSweeneyFOOD & DRUGS - NO SALES TAXHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR30David McSweeneyOPPOSE SUGAR TAXESHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR31David McSweeneyOPPOSES GRADUATED INCOME TAXHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR32David McSweeneyNO TAXES ON RETIREMENT INCOMEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR33David McSweeneyCOOK COUNTY BOARD-PRECKWINKLEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR62Mark BatinickHOUSE RULES 101ST GAHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR153Jim DurkinGRADUATED INCOME TAX-OPPOSEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR156Allen SkillicornPLASTIC BAG TAX-OPPOSEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR157Martin J. MoylanMARIJUANA LEGALIZATION PROCESSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR163Jonathan CarrollSUPPORT ISRAELHResolution Adopted4/2/2019
HR174David McSweeneyCONDEMN-ANTI-SEMITIC SPEECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR186David McSweeneyMEMORIAL-DEPUTY JACOB KELTNERHResolution Adopted3/13/2019
HR215Rita MayfieldHONOR WOMEN IN FACILITIESHResolution Adopted3/27/2019
HR229David McSweeneySMOLLETT CASE-ATTORNEY GEN.HSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR289David McSweeneyINVEST IN KIDS FUNDINGHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR290Jim DurkinCONGRATS-LISA GUINANHResolution Adopted4/12/2019
HR671Stephanie A. KifowitAMEND HOUSE RULES-MEMORIAL DAYHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HR943Jonathan CarrollCOMMEND - STUDY OF HOLOCAUSTHResolution Adopted1/8/2021
HJR7David McSweeneyISP-FORENSIC SERVICES-AUDITHAdopted Both Houses5/28/2019
HJR58Andrew S. ChesneyTROOPER JONES-STORY HIGHWAYHAdopted Both Houses5/30/2019
HJR126David McSweeneyWITHDRAW SJRCA 1 FROM BALLOTHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HJRCA2David McSweeneyCON AMEND-REVENUE BILLSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HJRCA3David McSweeneyCON AMEND-TERM LIMITSHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HJRCA4David McSweeneyCON AMEND-ABOLISH LT GOVERNORHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HJRCA5David McSweeneyCON AMEND-ABOLISH LT GOVERNORHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
HJRCA34Thomas MorrisonCON AMEND-TAX-2/3RDS VOTEHSession Sine Die1/13/2021
SB68Julie A. MorrisonINC TX-ORGAN DONATIONSSession Sine Die1/13/2021
SB75Melinda BushHOTEL CASINO EMPLOYEE SAFETYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-02218/9/2019
SB456Iris Y. MartinezSCH CD-EMPLOYMENT-OFFENDERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-05318/23/2019
SB1218Melinda BushCOUNTY BOARD CHAIRMAN REMOVALSSession Sine Die1/13/2021
SB1236Terry LinkLOC GOVT OFFICER COMPENSATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-05448/23/2019
SB1496Thomas CullertonVEH CD-CONSTRUCTION ZONESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-01727/30/2019
SB1591Ann GillespieUSE/OCC TAX-DATA CENTERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-02078/2/2019
SB1743Robert PetersDCFS-FOSTER CARE SURVEYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 101-01667/26/2019
SB1755Dan McConchieUSE/OCC TX-SCHOOL LUNCHSSession Sine Die1/13/2021
* indicates a special session bill