Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Antonio Muņoz (D), 1st District - 97th General Assembly
Antonio Muņoz was a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Antonio Muņoz was a Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB1Andy ManarEVIDENCE-BASED SCHOOL FUNDINGSBill Dead - Amendatory Veto8/30/2017
SB1*Andy ManarEVIDENCE-BASED SCHOOL FUNDINGSBill Dead - Amendatory Veto8/30/2017
SB31John J. CullertonLAW ENFORCEMENT-IMMIGRATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04638/28/2017
SB34John J. CullertonVICTIMS OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-111511/29/2018
SB35Don HarmonIMMIGRATION SAFE ZONES ACTSTotal Veto Stands11/28/2018
SB81Kimberly A. LightfordMINIMUM WAGE-EMPLOYEESTotal Veto Stands11/8/2017
SB84Heather A. SteansDHS-TASK FORCE-SERVICE OPTIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00798/11/2017
SB87Terry LinkPROP TX-SURVIVING SPOUSESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB193Kwame RaoulATTY GEN-WORKER PROTECT UNITSTotal Veto Stands5/30/2018
SB200Antonio MuņozEMS EMPLOYEES-MEAL PERIODSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10678/24/2018
SB207Antonio MuņozLOTTERY-STATE POLICE MEMORIALSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB210Antonio MuņozGAMING-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB222Bill CunninghamUNIVERSITY OF IL COMMITMENTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB236Julie A. MorrisonSAFETY-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB239Antonio MuņozSAFETY-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB241Antonio MuņozSAFETY-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB331Antonio MuņozREGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06618/1/2018
SB332Bill CunninghamLIQUOR-LICENSE LOC CHICAGOSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05792/13/2018
SB337Don HarmonGUN DEALER LICENSING-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11781/18/2019
SB351Julie A. MorrisonSNAP-ELIGIBILITY-STUDENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06207/20/2018
SB352Antonio MuņozPUBLIC AID-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB402John J. CullertonEMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-055411/16/2017
SB405Toi W. HutchinsonPROCUREMENT/EDGE-HARASSMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06988/3/2018
SB453Kimberly A. LightfordSAFE SCHOOLS/HEALTHY LEARNINGHThird Reading - Short Debate - Lost 058-050-00011/8/2017
SB473Antonio MuņozPROP TX-HOMESTEAD EXEMPTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04018/25/2017
SB513Antonio MuņozTRANSPORTATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB514Antonio MuņozCAR FACILITATION COMPANYSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB556Antonio MuņozCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB557Antonio MuņozCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB576Melinda BushHUMAN RIGHTS-STAFFS-OFFICIALSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB608Antonio MuņozMOBILE SPECIALTY CARE PROVIDERSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB652James F. Clayborne, Jr.NEW MARKETS-REQUIREMENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04088/25/2017
SB660Michael E. HastingsVETERANS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB670Antonio MuņozFEE-SOS POLICE SERVICES FUNDSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB704Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD-UNNECESSARY ARRESTSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB705Andy ManarHIGHER ED-VETERANS SERVICE ACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB736Michael E. HastingsHIGHER ED-MILITARY EXP CREDITSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB752Julie A. MorrisonDEAF & HARD HEARING COMMISSIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11701/4/2019
SB838Kimberly A. LightfordAWARENESS-CANCER IN VETERANSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-02248/18/2017
SB868Toi W. HutchinsonORGAN DONOR REGISTRY-AGE 16SPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-056612/15/2017
SB879Antonio MuņozSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB880Antonio MuņozALPR SYSTEM DATA ACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB941Michael ConnellyLIQUOR-SPECIAL EVENT RETAILERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00176/30/2017
SB981John J. CullertonEQUAL PAY ACT-WAGE HISTORYSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB982John J. CullertonELEC CD-PRESIDENT-TAX RETURNSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB984William E. BradySTATE POLICE-CLASSIFICATIONSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1291Julie A. MorrisonLETHAL ORDER OF PROTECTIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1296Toi W. HutchinsonHEALTHY WORKPLACE ACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1312Antonio MuņozVETERANS CT-POST-ADJUDICATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04268/25/2017
SB1313Antonio MuņozCHILD CARE-MONTESSORISSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1314Antonio MuņozREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1315Antonio MuņozWRK COMP CONSIDER APPROPRIATEDSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1316Antonio MuņozIEMA: HOMELAND SECURITYSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1381Terry LinkTELECOMS-IP-BASED SERVICESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-056812/15/2017
SB1531Kimberly A. LightfordREAL ESTATE APPRAISER-BOARDSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1585Iris Y. MartinezPHYSICIAN ASSISTANT-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04538/25/2017
SB1588Antonio MuņozLIQUOR-BREWERS/CRAFT DISTILLERSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1624John J. CullertonREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1657Don HarmonGUN DEALER LICENSINGSTotal Veto Stands4/26/2018
SB1681Martin A. SandovalVEH CD-CARRIER-INSURANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04588/25/2017
SB1691John J. CullertonSAFETY-NET HOSP-LOAN PROGRAMSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1695Martin A. Sandoval$DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTERSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1722Kwame RaoulSENTENCING-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00036/23/2017
SB1723Antonio MuņozINSURANCE INDUSTRY INNOVATIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1724Antonio MuņozMEDICAID-MANAGED CARE-AMBULNCESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1725Antonio MuņozREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1726Antonio MuņozPUBLIC AID-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1727Antonio MuņozPUBLIC AID-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1728Antonio MuņozHEALTH-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1729Antonio MuņozHEALTH-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1730Antonio MuņozRENTAL CAR-DAMAGE WAIVER-VOIDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03128/24/2017
SB1731Antonio MuņozTRANSPORTATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1732Antonio MuņozVEH CD-RENTAL CAR-DEDUCTIBLESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1733Antonio MuņozVEH CD-RENTAL CAR INSURANCESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1734Antonio MuņozREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1735Antonio MuņozSHORT-TERM RENTAL REGULATIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1736Antonio MuņozILLINOIS MEDICAL DISTRICT ACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1737Antonio MuņozINS CD-DOMESTIC CEDING INSURERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-111811/29/2018
SB1777Antonio MuņozREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1811Pamela J. AlthoffTELEHEALTH ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03178/24/2017
SB1829Toi W. HutchinsonTEACH EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06457/27/2018
SB1869Omar AquinoGA WEBSITE-SPANISH LANGUAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03208/24/2017
SB1933Andy ManarELEC-AUTO VOTER REGISTRATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04648/28/2017
SB2227Toi W. Hutchinson$CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARDSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2239Antonio MuņozCRIM CD-EAVESDROPPING EXEMPTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2252Antonio MuņozPREFERENCE HIRING STATE POLICESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2259Laura M. MurphyINC TX-EDUCATION CREDITSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2269Andy Manar$PRIOR YEAR-PERSONAL SERVICESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2301Antonio MuņozBUS ORG-PUBLIC WASTEWATER SYTMSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2312Andy Manar$ISBE-BROADBAND EXPANSIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2314Julie A. MorrisonASSAULT WEAPONS-MUNICIPALITYSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2337Antonio MuņozPOLICE MEMORIALS SCRATCH-OFFSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2339Antonio MuņozVEHICLE/ESSENTIAL PART STOLENSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2343John J. CullertonBUMP STOCK/TRIGGER CRANKSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2387Julie A. MorrisonFOID-DISPOSITION-AFFIDAVITSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2388Heather A. SteansREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2433Jacqueline Y. CollinsCURRENCY EXCHANGE - CHECKSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07048/3/2018
SB2462Antonio MuņozPRIVATE DETECTIVE-CONT EDSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2572Linda HolmesSCH CD-PHYSICAL EDUCATIONSTotal Veto Stands11/28/2018
SB2577Cristina CastroUSE/OCC TX-BUSINESS IN STATESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2585Tim BivinsVEH CD-REG PLATES-IL ST POLICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05906/8/2018
SB2593Chapin RoseHGHWY CD-ABOLISH ROAD DISTRICTSTabled By Sponsor Sen. Chapin Rose4/26/2018
SB2619Neil AndersonMUNI-APPOINTMENT OF FIRE CHIEFSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-112611/29/2018
SB2640Antonio MuņozSTATE POLICE-FIREARMSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09318/17/2018
SB2641Antonio MuņozRENTAL CAR-DAMAGE WAIVER-VOIDSBill Dead - Amendatory Veto11/29/2018
SB2642Antonio MuņozFIREARM CONTROL CARD-OFFICERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07128/3/2018
SB2677Neil AndersonFOID CARD-ELECTRONIC VERSIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2825Antonio MuņozVEH CD-FELONIES-STOLEN VEHICLESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2844Omar AquinoSCH CD-GROWING FUTURE EDUCATORSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09828/19/2018
SB2846Cristina CastroDCFS-TUITION & FEE WAIVERSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2871Neil AndersonELECTRONIC FIREARM LICENSESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2882Antonio MuņozTELEHEALTH ACT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2884Iris Y. MartinezPEN CD-IMRF-TRUSTEE ELECTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09358/17/2018
SB2891Michael ConnellyCRIM CD-EXTENDED LIMITATIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09988/20/2018
SB2908Iris Y. MartinezUTILITY-NOTICE IN SPANISHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07198/3/2018
SB3003Martin A. SandovalVEH CD-SCH BUS DRIVER PERMITSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3019Antonio MuņozLIQUOR-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08858/14/2018
SB3020Antonio MuņozST POLICE-CADET CLASSESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3021Antonio MuņozLIQUOR-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3022Antonio MuņozLIQUOR-SIGNS TO RETAILERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10508/23/2018
SB3103Cristina CastroIMMIGRANT TENANT PROTECTIONSTotal Veto Stands11/28/2018
SB3109Iris Y. MartinezDFPR LICENSE-IMMIGRATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10788/24/2018
SB3115Mattie HunterTANF-GRANT AMOUNT INCREASESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3119Pamela J. AlthoffPEN CD-IMRF-POLICE CHIEFSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10978/26/2018
SB3174Antonio MuņozOIL & GAS-WELLSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11904/5/2019
SB3197John G. MulroePROP TX-POLICE AND FIRESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3209Antonio MuņozCDB-HIGHER EDUCATIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3256Elgie R. Sims, Jr.CRIM PRO-UNCLAIMD BAIL DEPOSITSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06067/16/2018
SB3390Cristina CastroEQUAL PAY ACT-WAGE HISTORYSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3451Antonio MuņozINSURANCE INDUSTRY INNOVATIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3488John J. CullertonANTI-REGISTRY PROGRAM ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10888/24/2018
SB3512Mattie HunterRENT CONTROL ACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3515Antonio MuņozPRE-NEED TRUST ABANDONMENTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3561Antonio MuņozBLDG COMMISSION-DESIGN-BUILDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07368/3/2018
SB3575Antonio MuņozINDIGENT REMAINS-IDPH REGISTRYSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3620Thomas CullertonSCH CD-SEXUAL ASSAULT/ABUSESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3623Antonio MuņozEPA-NOTICE-CONSTRUCTION PERMITSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR353Jacqueline Y. CollinsENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AGENDASResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR546Laura M. MurphyPOW/MIA - COMMITTEESResolution Adopted11/7/2017
SR731Thomas CullertonVIETNAM - WALL OF FACESSResolution Adopted11/9/2017
SR794Don HarmonNEO-NAZIS/DOMESTIC TERRORISMSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR1008Antonio MuņozMEMORIAL-REFUGIO MUNOZSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR1076Melinda BushSEXUAL HARASSMENT TASK FORCESResolution Adopted; 055-000-00011/7/2017
SR1409Antonio MuņozMEMORIAL-ED & ERNESTINE NEDZASResolution Adopted2/15/2018
SR1410Antonio MuņozMEMORIAL-COMMANDER PAUL BAUERSResolution Adopted2/15/2018
SR1509Antonio MuņozMEMORIAL-CHRISTOPHER GOMEZ JR.SResolution Adopted3/14/2018
SR1593Martin A. SandovalILL NAT. GUARD-MEXICAN BORDERSResolution Adopted; 033-022-0004/12/2018
SR1748Antonio MuņozMEMORIAL-JON P. GENTRYSResolution Adopted5/18/2018
SR2011Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARY CATHERINE SHAWSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SJRCA4Heather A. SteansUS CONST EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDSAdopted Both Houses5/30/2018
HB109Gregory Harris$DNR-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05866/4/2018
HB185Elgie R. Sims, Jr.CRIMINAL LAW-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-057212/29/2017
HB386Rita MayfieldVEH CD-REPEAL COM DISTRIB FEEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB528Margo McDermedSEXUAL ASSAULT EVIDNC TRACKINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03368/25/2017
HB769John M. CabelloILLINOIS STATE TROOPER DAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03008/24/2017
HB1465Michelle MussmanCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB1595Katie StuartEMPLOYMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10038/21/2018
HB1774Robert MartwickELECTED CHICAGO SCHOOL BOARDHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB1797William DavisCDB-IL INTL PORT DISTRICTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-054611/9/2017
HB1849Brian W. StewartSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00498/11/2017
HB2462Anna MoellerEQUAL PAY ACT-WAGE HISTORYHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken12/11/2017
HB2510Sara FeigenholtzFOOD HANDLING-ALLERGEN SAFETYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03678/25/2017
HB2534Avery BourneCS-SYNTHETIC DRUGS AND ANALOGSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03688/25/2017
HB2559Elaine NekritzCIV PRO-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03708/25/2017
HB2610John C. D'AmicoVEH CD-INS-ELECTRONIC VERIFYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03738/25/2017
HB2617Robyn GabelINS CD-FERTILITY PRESERVATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11028/27/2018
HB2647Stephanie A. KifowitVETERANS' SUICIDE TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04829/8/2017
HB2721Deb ConroyINSURANCE-PANDAS/PANSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00247/18/2017
HB2771Christian L. MitchellHEALTHY WORKPLACE ACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB2878Jay HoffmanLIQUOR-VIOLATIONS OF ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01348/18/2017
HB2880Daniel V. BeiserCONSTRUCTION-DEMOLITION DEBRISSThird Reading - Lost; 029-025-0015/31/2017
HB2907Patricia R. BellockDHFS-TELEMEDICINE-REQUIRMNTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03858/25/2017
HB2909Robyn GabelMEDICAID-EYEGLASSES-SURGERYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01358/18/2017
HB3049Mike FortnerHOTEL TX-CORPORATE ROOMHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3095Brian W. StewartSTATE POLICE-EDUCATION REQUIREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00116/30/2017
HB3108John CavalettoIFA-FIRE TRUCKSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01528/18/2017
HB3142Barbara WheelerCRIM HISTORY IN COLLEGE APPSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3488Dan BradyDISPOSITION OF REMAINSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05269/22/2017
HB3691Robyn GabelHIGHER ED-SAVINGS PROGRAMHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4146Laura FinePATIENT RIGHTS-TRANSITIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10528/24/2018
HB4163Anna MoellerEQUAL PAY ACT-WAGE HISTORYHBill Dead - No Positive Action Taken - Amendatory Veto11/28/2018
HB4208Emanuel Chris WelchSAFE SCHOOLS/HEALTHY LEARNINGHBill Dead - No Positive Action Taken - Amendatory Veto11/28/2018
HB4278Stephanie A. KifowitVETERANS HOME-NOTICE-DISEASEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06327/27/2018
HB4310Sue SchererVETERANS HOMES-LEGIONNAIRES'HSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4324Emanuel Chris WelchWAGE LIEN ACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4332Daniel SwansonID CARD/DL-VETERAN DESIGNATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08118/13/2018
HB4345Thaddeus JonesFIREFIGHTER MENTAL HEALTH DAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09008/17/2018
HB4348John ConnorUNIDENTIFIED HUMAN REMAINSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09018/17/2018
HB4383Sara FeigenholtzMCO-DISENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09508/19/2018
HB4467Frances Ann HurleyHIGHER ED-POLICE/FIRE GRANTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06738/3/2018
HB4508Nick SauerUTILITY-WATER & SEWER VALUEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07518/10/2018
HB4515Daniel SwansonPHYSICIAN-DISCIPLINE EXEMPTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-113711/30/2018
HB4516Laura FineINS CD - HEARING AID COVERAGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10268/22/2018
HB4572Will GuzzardiHUM RIGHTS-EMPLOYER-DEFINITIONHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken11/28/2018
HB4658Natalie A. ManleySCH CD-MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09038/17/2018
HB4855Barbara WheelerFOID-RENEWAL & SUSPENSIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09068/17/2018
HB4897Will GuzzardiLIQUOR-BREWERS-SALE AT RETAILHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08168/13/2018
HB4954John CavalettoG.I. BILL OF RIGHTS DAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08178/13/2018
HB4965Litesa E. WallaceCHILD CARE SERVICE-ELIGIBILITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09098/17/2018
HB5197Jay HoffmanMUNI-FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE BDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06567/31/2018
HB5231Brian W. StewartENFORCEMENT CONFIDENTIALITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09118/17/2018
HB5245Michael D. UnesSEXUAL ASSAULT-TREATMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07758/10/2018
HB5267Ann M. WilliamsVICTIMS COMPENSATION-RECORDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06908/3/2018
HB5341Jehan Gordon-BoothCRIM ID-FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07768/10/2018
HB5513Jim DurkinLOTTERY-SCRATCH-OFF-POLICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06477/30/2018
HB5561Daniel SwansonHIGH SCHOOL-MILITARY UNIFORMHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5682Jerry Lee LongVETERANS-MEMBERS BENEFIT FUNDHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken11/28/2018
HB5683Michael P. McAuliffeVETERANS HOMES-SPOUSESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06087/17/2018
HB5752Natalie Phelps FinnieBROADBAND ADVISORY COUNCILHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08338/13/2018
HB5784Natalie A. ManleyVETERANS HOMES-RESIDENT-HEALTHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11038/27/2018
HB5868La Shawn K. FordRESIDENTIAL RECOVERY SERVICESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10658/24/2018
HB5877Litesa E. WallaceRACIAL DISCRIMINATIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJR29Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses2/16/2017
HJR86André ThapediRACISM IN STATE GOVERNMENTHAdopted Both Houses11/7/2017
HJR93John M. CabelloISP TROOPER ALBIN HIGHWAYHAdopted Both Houses5/28/2018
AM990257Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN RICOSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments; Appointment Expired on 12/01/20161/11/2017
AM990291Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ERIC ANDERBERGSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments1/12/2017
AM990300Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHARLES CROWDERSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments1/25/2017
AM990301Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DARREN DWYERSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments1/25/2017
AM990302Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRIAN GANSAUERSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments1/25/2017
AM990303Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LARRY KRAMERSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments1/25/2017
AM990316Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MAUREEN PULIASAppointment Confirmed1/25/2017
AM990325Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DOUGLAS STEFFENSONSAppointment Confirmed1/25/2017
AM990330Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ALICIA MARTINSAppointment Rejected1/25/2017
AM990332Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHRISTINE ORYSAppointment Confirmed1/25/2017
AM990334Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ARLENE JURACEKSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments1/26/2017
AM990335Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHRISTINA HEMENWAYSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/7/2017
AM990337Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TERESA BARTELSSAppointment Confirmed2/7/2017
AM990338Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RYAN RUSKINSAppointment Confirmed2/7/2017
AM990346Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - REBECCA ROPPSAppointment Confirmed2/7/2017
AM990347Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICHARD STEFFENSAppointment Confirmed2/7/2017
AM990348Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES BRUNERSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/7/2017
AM990349Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JANE HAYSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/7/2017
AM990350Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GAIL SHIELSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/7/2017
AM990351Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANDREW VOLPERTSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/7/2017
AM990356Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL BIGGERSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/16/2017
AM990361Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KEVIN DAUGHERTYSAppointment Confirmed2/8/2017
AM990362Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS HACKERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/9/2017
AM990366Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THEODOR HENGESBACHSAppointment Confirmed2/8/2017
AM990368Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RYLAN RUSKSAppointment Confirmed2/8/2017
AM990370Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATHRYN OLSONSAppointment Confirmed2/8/2017
AM990371Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN MCGLASSONSAppointment Confirmed2/8/2017
AM990373Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PAUL CELLINISAppointment Confirmed1/25/2017
AM990374Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - NICHOLAS PARISESAppointment Confirmed2/8/2017
AM990375Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROLAND CROSSSAppointment Confirmed2/8/2017
AM990376Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MITCHELL JOHNSONSAppointment Confirmed2/8/2017
AM990377Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GARY GALESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/7/2017
AM990378Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANNE MELISSA DOWLINGSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)1/24/2017
AM990379Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAN CAULKINSSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/16/2017
AM990380Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIAH DALE-ANDERSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)1/24/2017
AM990381Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LYLE MCCOYSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/16/2017
AM990382Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - REX BROWNSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/16/2017
AM990383Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DIANA LAWSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990384Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KAREN FRAASESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/3/2017
AM990386Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVEN MILLERSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990387Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARCIE THORPSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990388Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WILLIAM HARMONSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/16/2017
AM990390Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEPHEN THURSTONSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990391Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN HARTNETTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/14/2017
AM990392Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WILLIAM HARMONSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990395Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIA PEREZSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/28/2017
AM990396Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GUY ALONGISAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990397Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - NICHOLAS KACHIROUBASSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990398Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANN KALAYILSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990399Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - J. DOUGLAS MRAZSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990400Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BETH SHADURSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/28/2017
AM990401Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TODD LESTERSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/28/2017
AM990403Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL HOFFMANSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/28/2017
AM990405Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD TRACYSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments3/1/2017
AM990406Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARGARET L. VAN DIJKSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/14/2017
AM990407Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - M. ROWE-SULLIVANSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990408Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEAN BOHNHOFFSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments3/1/2017
AM990409Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KENNETH SCHIFFMANSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990410Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEFFREY APFELBAUMSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990411Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIA LAPORTASAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990412Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CONSTANCE MARKSSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990413Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - C. BARBERA-BRELLESAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments3/1/2017
AM990414Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - P. PULIDO SANCHEZSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990415Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CAROLYN HOLDERSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments3/7/2017
AM990417Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVE ORLANDOSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990424Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SARITA MASSEYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990426Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRIAN ANDERSONSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments3/14/2017
AM990427Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONNA SACKSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments3/14/2017
AM990428Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROGER TAYLORSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments3/14/2017
AM990429Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICK LAWSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990430Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEFFREY BRINCATSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments3/14/2017
AM990431Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TRAVIS SWOOPESAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990433Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANN DETERSSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments3/14/2017
AM990434Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RANDALL WINTERSSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990435Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GRACE ALLEN NEWTONSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990436Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN SIGSBURYSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments3/28/2017
AM990437Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH STRONGSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990438Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAVID FLETCHERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990439Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JASON KELLERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990440Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WILLIAM MCANDREWSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/3/2017
AM990441Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BARBARA MOLLOYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990442Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DANIEL UGASTESAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990443Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PRESTON WOLINSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990444Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - AMY KURSONSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990445Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TOM GIBBONSSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990447Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - VINCENT BUFALINOSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990448Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN HERRMANNSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990449Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KEVIN HUBERSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990450Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HARDIK BHATTSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments4/6/2017
AM990452Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JACK THOMASSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990453Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES TAYLORSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990455Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - G.A. FINCHSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990456Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SEAN MCCARTHYSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments4/27/2017
AM990464Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN BAMBENEKSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/26/2017
AM990465Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JERROLD LEIKINSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990466Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONNA REIFSCHNEIDERSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments5/4/2017
AM990467Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONNA REIFSCHNEIDERSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990468Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CARL MITOSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990469Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DON NORTONSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990470Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RODNEY LINKERSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990471Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT MYERSCOUGHSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990472Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GEORGE OBERNAGELSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990473Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DENNIS RODENBERGSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990474Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROGER RUBEMEYERSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990475Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - VICTOR DICKSONSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments5/12/2017
AM990476Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - VICTOR DICKSONSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM990478Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - FRANK KISNERSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments5/17/2017
AM990479Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARGARET BERGLINDSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990480Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARY CRANESAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990482Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MERRI EXSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990483Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT FOLTZSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990484Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAHLISA GLENNSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990487Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CARLOS RODRIGUEZSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990488Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANTWAN TERPUEASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/31/2017
AM990490Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANITA WEINBERGSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990491Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DUSTIN HEUERMANSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990492Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAVID PROSNITZSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments5/17/2017
AM990494Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JIM PALOSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/24/2017
AM990495Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHARLES BAUERSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990496Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL CONRADSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990497Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CLEMENT ESKERSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990498Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH LUECHTEFELDSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments5/17/2017
AM990499Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JONATHAN GARBERSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990500Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH FORBESSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990501Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIA B. KUZASSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990502Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH LUECHTEFELDSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990503Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TYSHIANA JACKSONSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990504Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ALICEN MCGOWANSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990505Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIA PESQUEIRASAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990506Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DEREK VELAZCOSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990507Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICHARD PORTERSAppointment Confirmed5/22/2017
AM990508Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL MURRAYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/10/2017
AM990509Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SHAWN W. DENNEYSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990510Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN BALDWINSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments1/16/2017
AM990511Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WESLEY T. CAMPBELLSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments5/25/2017
AM990512Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - NELI VASQUEZ ROWLANDSAppointment Confirmed5/22/2017
AM990513Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DOUGLAS HANSONSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990514Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICHARD GUEBERTSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990515Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - C.D. DAVIDSMEYERSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990516Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN DONAHUESAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990517Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DANIEL FERRARISAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990518Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TERRI PAYNESAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 1000103 of the 100th General Assembly2/15/2017
AM990519Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TERRY LIEFERSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990520Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL PERRYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990521Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - EZEQUIEL FLORESSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990522Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GARY CHANEYSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/23/2017
AM990523Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT BLOOMSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/23/2017
AM990524Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PATRICIA MARTINSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990525Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - NANCY SCHILLINGSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990526Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARGARET KIRKEGAARDSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990527Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PATRICIA FABIJANSKISAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990528Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GRAILING JONESSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990529Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - AARON TENNANTSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990530Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GAIL SHIELSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/20/2017
AM990531Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROSEMARIE ANDOLINOSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990532Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEFFREY YORDONSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990533Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LAWRENCE WOODENSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990534Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KERRI DOLLSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/23/2017
AM990535Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HAYDEE OLINGERSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990536Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GEORGE VUKOTICHSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990537Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVEN NELSONSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/23/2017
AM990538Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KEN TUPYSAppointment Confirmed5/22/2017
AM990539Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JILL GLICKSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/23/2017
AM990541Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH GHIBAUDYSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990542Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH GHIBAUDYSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990543Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH GHIBAUDYSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990544Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WALTER P. TURNERSAppointment Confirmed2/9/2017
AM990545Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICHARD PELLEGRINOSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990546Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - REX BROWNSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990547Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIMOTHY RANDSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990548Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DEBRA DAYSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990549Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN RICOSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990550Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANN DETERSSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990551Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ARLENE JURACEKSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990552Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LYLE MCCOYSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990553Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT FUNDERBURGSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990554Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT MESSINASAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/26/2017
AM990555Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JANICE GLENNSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/26/2017
AM990556Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEFFREY BRINCATSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990557Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SHELLEY KALITASAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990558Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARLON MCCLINTONSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990559Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GEORGE OBERNAGELSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990560Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ALAN LOWESAppointment Confirmed5/22/2017
AM990561Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD KAUERAUFSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/26/2017
AM990562Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KING HARRISSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990563Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROGER POOLESAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990564Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD TRACYSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990565Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - K. MCCULLOUGH STARKSSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/26/2017
AM990566Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DANA KINIONSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990567Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BETH SMOOTSSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990568Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEFFREY LEWISSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990569Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - N. HARMS-PAVELSKISAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990571Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GILBERT O'BRIENSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990572Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANDREW WARRINGTONSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990573Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WILLIAM DAVISSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990574Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL MCAULIFFESAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM990575Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAVID HILLSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990576Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KIRK GADBERRYSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990577Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS HACKERSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990578Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHASITY BOYCESAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990579Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICARDO ESTRADASAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990580Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DORRI MCWHORTERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990581Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DALE MORRISSEYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990582Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LISA OAKLEYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990583Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN SIGSBURYSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990584Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TERRY WILKERSONSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990585Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - VICTORIA WILLERSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990586Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LAURA PEARLSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990587Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JUAN SALGADOSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990589Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAVID FRIEDMANSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990590Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KURT CARLSONSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990591Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRIAN CRONINSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990592Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CAROLYN DOHERTYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990593Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GREGORY DOLLISONSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990594Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BARBARA FLORESSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990595Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WILLIAM GALLAGHERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990596Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHRISTINA HEMENWAYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990597Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - EDWARD LEESAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990598Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MOLLY MASONSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990599Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DOUGLAS MCCARTHYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990600Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DEBORAH SIMPSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/20/2017
AM990601Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JESSICA BAERSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/26/2017
AM990602Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRADLEY BROWNSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990603Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATHLEEN CLARKESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/15/2017
AM990604Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CESILIE PRICESAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/26/2017
AM990605Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ERIC ANDERBERGSAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990606Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARCIA LIPETZSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990607Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRITTANY LADDSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/26/2017
AM990608Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LARA SHAYNESAppointment Confirmed6/21/2017
AM990609Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS JOHNSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)1/20/2017
AM990610Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GREGORY SMITHSAppointment Confirmed Pursuant to Article V, Illinois Constitution Executive Appointments6/26/2017
AM990611Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - VERN MCGINNISSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990613Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES BRUNERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/28/2017
AM990614Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BERNARD HECKSAppointment Confirmed6/28/2017
AM990615Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BARBARA OILSCHLAGERSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM990616Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL GLAUBSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990617Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - FRANK SOTOSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM990618Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ALEXANDER STUARTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/27/2017
AM990619Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIMOTHY SICKMEYERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/8/2017
AM990620Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - AARON DEL MARSAppointment Confirmed7/1/2017
AM990621Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - COLLIN HITTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/28/2017
AM990622Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CYNTHIA SANTOSSAppointment Confirmed6/28/2017
AM990623Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HEIDI MUELLERSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments7/1/2017
AM990624Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIANNE MURPHYSAppointment Confirmed7/1/2017
AM990625Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JONATHAN INGRAMSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/1/2017
AM990626Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANTHONY LOSSASSOSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)1/13/2017
AM990627Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS DUNNSAppointment Confirmed7/1/2017
AM990628Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT FILOTTOSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000001Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEAN BOHNHOFFSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000002Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RAYMOND POESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000003Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD MOFFITTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000004Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL HOFFMANSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000005Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JIMMY ODOMSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/22/2017
AM1000006Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARKUS VEILESAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000007Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SEAN MCCARTHYSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000008Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN BALDWINSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000009Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GLADYSE TAYLORSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000010Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEFFREY MAYSSAppointment Confirmed 2/15/2017
AM1000011Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT MESSINASAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000012Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRYAN SCHNEIDERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000013Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JESSICA BAERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000014Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MATTHEW PEREZSAppointment Confirmed 2/15/2017
AM1000015Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JANICE GLENNSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000016Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES DIMASSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000017Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HEIDI MUELLERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000018Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HUGO CHAVIANOSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/17/2017
AM1000019Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANNA HUISWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/22/2017
AM1000020Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GREGORY SMITHSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000021Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WAYNE ROSENTHALSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000022Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD KAUERAUFSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000023Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CONSTANCE BEARDSAppointment Confirmed 2/15/2017
AM1000024Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - EDWARD BUCKLESSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000025Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LEO SCHMITZSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000026Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - C. BARBERA-BRELLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000027Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICHARD BRAUERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000028Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HARRY F. SAWYERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000029Antonio MuņozAPPOINT- JASON BARCLAYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000030Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KAMBIUM BUCKNERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000031Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - NICHOLAS GOWENSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000032Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIFFANY HARPERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/4/2017
AM1000033Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PAUL VALLASSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/22/2017
AM1000034Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JENNIFER HAMMERSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000035Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRITTANY LADDSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000036Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES JOSEPHSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000037Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KERRI DOLLSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000038Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JANE CONDONSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000039Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HARDIK BHATTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000040Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATHRYN NELSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/14/2017
AM1000041Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATIE PAPADIMITRIUSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000042Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS MCCAULEYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000043Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ERICA JEFFRIESSAppointment Confirmed 2/15/2017
AM1000044Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAN CAULKINSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000045Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH DIVELYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000046Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PHILLIP THOMPSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000047Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CARNEY BARRSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000048Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CORNELIUS GRIGGSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000049Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PATRICK ORMSBYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000050Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MASAH RENWICKSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000051Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOYCE RAHNSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000052Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT DOBSKISWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000053Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JULIE JONESSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000054Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - J. RAUSCHENBERGERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000055Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SHARON ROSSMARKSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000056Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DENNIS BARSEMASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000057Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - VERONICA HERREROSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000058Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIMOTHY STRUTHERSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000059Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ERIC WASOWICZSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000060Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARSHA RYANSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000061Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LYNEIR COLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000062Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CATHERINE EARLYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000063Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TODD LESTERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000064Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVEN NELSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000065Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS OSTERBERGERSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000066Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RUTH CROSSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000067Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANTHONY STARSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000068Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TAMARA L. HOWARDSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000069Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PARKER BANESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000070Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES HARRISSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000071Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RANDALL BLANKENHORNSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000072Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CESILIE PRICESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000073Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KEVIN SETTLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000074Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DARLENE RUSCITTISWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000075Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARK GRANTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000076Antonio MuņozAPPOINT- JANE HAYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000077Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANDREW VOLPERTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000078Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARK GRANTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000079Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARK GRANTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000080Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRAD PILCHERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/25/2017
AM1000081Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SADZI MARTHA OLIVASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000082Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS MCCAULEYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000083Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - FRANCISCO MENCHACASAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000084Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KREG ALLISONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000085Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL BRENNANSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000086Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEPHEN MATHISSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000087Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS TYRRELLSAppointment Confirmed2/15/2017
AM1000088Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CRAIG FINDLEYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000089Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD SHELTONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000090Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN DUTYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000091Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LARRY JONESSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000092Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RANDY LEWISSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000093Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS SMITHSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000094Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES STEINERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000095Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVE WILLISSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000096Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WESTON SPARKSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000097Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JANE HAYSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000098Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHERILYN MURERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000099Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHELLE OWNBEYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000100Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARGARET L. VAN DIJKSAppointment Rejected5/31/2017
AM1000101Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN HARTNETTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000102Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATHRYN NELSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/28/2017
AM1000103Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TERRI PAYNESAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000104Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHELE R. CUSUMANOSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM1000105Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RON COOLEYSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM1000106Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JACK CALABROSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000107Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CAROLYN HOLDERSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000108Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIA PEREZSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM1000109Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HENRY WINFIELDSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM1000110Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIA BRUNISAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 10001423/28/2017
AM1000111Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - NIRAV SHAHSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000112Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEFF TINERVINSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/28/2017
AM1000113Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CARLOS AZCOITIASAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM1000114Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SHERRY EAGLESAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/7/2018
AM1000115Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - EDUARDO GARZASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)10/20/2017
AM1000116Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JIM PALOSSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM1000117Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ELIZABETH COPPOLETTISAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000118Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DEBORAH SIMPSONSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000119Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LERRY KNOXSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000120Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT BLOOMSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000121Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIMOTHY EGANSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000122Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JILL GLICKSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000123Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MATTIE HUNTERSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000124Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BILLIE LARKINSAppointment Confirmed5/16/2017
AM1000125Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAVID LUECHTEFELDSAppointment Confirmed4/26/2017
AM1000126Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAY BERGMANSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000127Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - NIKETA BRARSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000128Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KETKI STEFFENSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/7/2018
AM1000129Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ELLEN JOHNSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)10/18/2017
AM1000130Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - VIRGINIA MARTINEZSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000131Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRIAN ANDERSONSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000132Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONNA SACKSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000133Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BETH SHADURSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000134Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROGER TAYLORSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000135Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WESLEY T. CAMPBELLSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000136Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GARY CHANEYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)10/20/2017
AM1000137Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL MARTINSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000138Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LUZ RAMIREZSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000139Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CLAUDIA QUEZADASAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/7/2018
AM1000140Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ASAF BAR TURASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)10/20/2017
AM1000141Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN CLOUGHSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000142Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARIA BRUNISAppointment Confirmed2/13/2018
AM1000143Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GEORGE SHELDONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/31/2017
AM1000144Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - FELICIA NORWOODSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/5/2018
AM1000145Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PATRICIA YADGIRSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM1000146Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL BIGGERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/2/2018
AM1000147Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ELENI BOUSISSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/2/2018
AM1000148Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHERYL MAINORSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/2/2018
AM1000149Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT GIERUTSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM1000150Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - EDITH CRIGLERSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000151Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES FLOYDSAppointment Confirmed2/13/2018
AM1000152Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRITTANI KINDLESAppointment Confirmed2/13/2018
AM1000153Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN KOMNICKSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/13/2018
AM1000154Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT MARTINSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/13/2018
AM1000155Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL PERKINSSAppointment Confirmed2/13/2018
AM1000156Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KYLE WALSHSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments2/13/2018
AM1000157Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD EDWARDSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/2/2018
AM1000158Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - EDGAR RAMIREZSAppointment Confirmed2/20/2018
AM1000159Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - REBECCA ROPPSAppointment Confirmed2/20/2018
AM1000160Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAN SCHWABESAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000161Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JONATHAN STEINSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM1000162Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - IAN LINNABARYSAppointment Confirmed5/22/2017
AM1000163Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATHERINE O'BRIENSAppointment Confirmed5/22/2017
AM1000164Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHARLES SCHOLZSAppointment Confirmed5/22/2017
AM1000165Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CASSANDRA WATSONSAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 10001714/25/2017
AM1000166Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DR. ANDREA BARTHWELLSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000167Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRADLEY HARTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/2/2018
AM1000168Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARC LEVINESAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 1000180 of the 100th General Assembly5/11/2017
AM1000169Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES BILOTTASAppointment Confirmed2/27/2018
AM1000170Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BARBARA BAURERSAppointment Confirmed2/20/2018
AM1000171Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CASANDRA WATSONSAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 10001935/19/2017
AM1000172Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN BAMBENEKSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/5/2018
AM1000173Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANDREW VOLPERTSAppointment Confirmed2/27/2018
AM1000174Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIMOTHY SICKMEYERSAppointment Confirmed4/12/2018
AM1000175Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CASEY URLACHERSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM1000176Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - C. FOSS-EGGEMANNSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/2/2018
AM1000177Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JERRY MITCHELLSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/13/2018
AM1000178Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MANUEL RODRIGUEZSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/4/2017
AM1000179Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MANUEL RODRIGUEZSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/4/2017
AM1000180Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARC LEVINESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/26/2018
AM1000181Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL MCCOTTERSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000182Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT SCHILLERSTROMSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/20/2018
AM1000183Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES BANKSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/20/2018
AM1000184Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - EARL DOTSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/20/2018
AM1000185Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIMOTHY DREASAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000186Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN EASTONSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000187Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT KARRSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000188Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WILLIAM POTTSSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000189Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAVID PROSNITZSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000190Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICK TERVENSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000191Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SHARON T. PARROTTSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000192Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MATTHEW HOWERSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000193Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CASANDRA B. WATSONSAppointment Confirmed5/22/2017
AM1000194Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH BEYERSAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 1000197 of the 100th General Assembly6/23/2017
AM1000195Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRENDA CARTERSAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM1000196Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CARRIE K. ZALEWSKISAppointment Confirmed5/31/2017
AM1000197Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH BEYERSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000198Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BETTY COFFRINSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000199Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ARTHUR L. MOORE JR.SAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000200Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANDREW BERLINSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000201Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RICHARD STEFFENSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000202Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CARLA BARNESSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000203Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JENNIFER HANSENSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000204Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANTHONY GARCIASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/22/2018
AM1000205Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LORRAINE HOCKERSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000206Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATHERINE HENNESSYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/22/2018
AM1000207Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STACEY WOEHRLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/21/2018
AM1000208Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KEVIN MCDERMOTTSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments5/23/2018
AM1000209Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARK COZZISWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/22/2018
AM1000210Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DALE WINTERSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000211Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LARRY IVORYSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000212Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ADAM LOWSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments5/23/2018
AM1000213Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH GAGLIARDOSAppointment Confirmed2/27/2018
AM1000214Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WILLIAM S. HABELSAppointment Confirmed7/1/2017
AM1000215Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JEAN BOHNHOFFSAppointment Confirmed2/27/2018
AM1000216Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RAYMOND POESAppointment Confirmed2/27/2018
AM1000217Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD MOFFITTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/5/2018
AM1000218Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL HOFFMANSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/2/2018
AM1000219Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN BALDWINSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/25/2018
AM1000220Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GLADYSE TAYLORSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000221Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JANICE GLENNSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000222Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES DIMASSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/9/2018
AM1000223Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - GREGORY SMITHSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/25/2018
AM1000224Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WAYNE ROSENTHALSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/26/2018
AM1000225Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD KAUERAUFSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/20/2018
AM1000226Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - C. BARBERA-BRELLESAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000227Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JASON BARCLAYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)9/8/2017
AM1000228Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KAMBIUM BUCKNERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/26/2018
AM1000229Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - NICHOLAS GOWENSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/26/2018
AM1000230Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIFFANY HARPERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/26/2018
AM1000231Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BEVERLY J. WALKERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/25/2018
AM1000232Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES DIMASSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000233Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SUSAN MORRISONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/9/2018
AM1000234Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STUART KINGSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000235Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRITTANY LADDSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/2/2018
AM1000236Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HARDIK BHATTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)9/19/2017
AM1000237Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATIE PAPADIMITRIUSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000238Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS MCCAULEYSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000239Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RANDALL BLANKENHORNSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000240Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PARKER BANESAssigned to Executive Appointments8/17/2017
AM1000241Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES HARRISSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000242Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - BRAD PILCHERSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000243Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAN CAULKINSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000244Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOSEPH DIVELYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000245Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PHILLIP THOMPSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000246Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CESILIE PRICESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000247Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KEVIN SETTLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000248Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RUTH CROSSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000249Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARK GRANTSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000250Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CARNEY BARRSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000251Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CORNELIUS GRIGGSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000252Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - PATRICK ORMSBYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000253Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MASAH RENWICKSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000254Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DARLENE RUSCITTISWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000255Antonio MuņozAPPOINT- JANE HAYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/27/2018
AM1000256Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANDREW VOLPERTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/27/2018
AM1000257Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT DOBSKISWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000258Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JULIE JONESSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000259Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - J. RAUSCHENBERGERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000260Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SHARON ROSSMARKSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000261Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARK GRANTSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000262Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DENNIS BARSEMASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000263Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - VERONICA HERREROSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000264Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TIMOTHY STRUTHERSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000265Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ERIC WASOWICZSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000266Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOYCE RAHNSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/26/2018
AM1000267Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARSHA RYANSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000268Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LYNEIR COLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000269Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CATHERINE EARLYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/26/2018
AM1000270Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - TODD LESTERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000271Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVEN NELSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/11/2018
AM1000272Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MARK GRANTSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000273Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - AMIEL HARPERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/15/2018
AM1000274Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - HECTOR ALEJANDRESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000275Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DEE ROBINSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000276Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KEVIN BATTAGLIASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000277Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHRISTOPHER WIENEKESAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000278Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVE KIMSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000279Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SHERRY EAGLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/21/2018
AM1000280Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - SADZI MARTHA OLIVIASAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000281Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KREG ALLISONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments May 29, 20185/28/2018
AM1000282Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CRAIG FINDLEYSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000283Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DONALD SHELTONSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000284Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN DUTYSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000285Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - LARRY JONESSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000286Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - RANDY LEWISSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000287Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS SMITHSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000288Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JAMES STEINERSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000289Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVE WILLISSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000290Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - WESTON SPARKSSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000291Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JANE HAYSSAssigned to Executive Appointments9/7/2017
AM1000292Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - CHERILYN MURERSAssigned to Executive Appointments9/7/2017
AM1000293Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHELLE OWNBEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments9/7/2017
AM1000294Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - JOHN HARTNETTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/31/2018
AM1000295Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KATHRYN NELSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/27/2018
AM1000296Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ANTHONY C. ERBACCISAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000297Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - STEVEN J. FRUTHSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000298Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - DAVID A. KANESAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000299Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MICHAEL K. NOWAKSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000300Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - KETKI STEFFENSAppointment Confirmed10/25/2017
AM1000301Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - THOMAS CIECKOSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000302Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT M. HARRISSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000303Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - ROBERT E. LUEDKESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/2/2018
AM1000304Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-SUSAN MORRISONSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000305Antonio MuņozAPPOINT - MANUEL SANCHEZSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/24/2017
AM1000306Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ANDREASON BROWNSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000307Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JAMES AYERSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/24/2017
AM1000308Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JAMES HIBBERTSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/24/2017
AM1000309Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CLAUDIA QUEZADASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/24/2017
AM1000310Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-TIFFANY N. KAYSAppointment Confirmed 4/24/2018
AM1000311Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CHARLES M. WATTSSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000312Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-PATRICK M. TWOMEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/24/2017
AM1000313Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JANE RYANSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/24/2017
AM1000314Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ELLEN JOHNSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/24/2017
AM1000315Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-KEITH WESTSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000316Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-KIRK LONBOMSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/10/2018
AM1000317Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MATTHEW SMARJESSESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/31/2018
AM1000318Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-TRACY KEARNEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2018
AM1000319Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MARK SPLITSTONESAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2018
AM1000320Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JULIUS W. BECTON IIISAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2018
AM1000321Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MICHAEL J. BUSCHSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2018
AM1000322Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-WILLIAM G. HUISKAMPSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2018
AM1000323Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MARY GAZIANOSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000324Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MARY GAZIANOSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000325Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-GEORGE R. WELLERSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000326Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-LOUIS G. APOSTOLSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000327Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-LOUIS G. APOSTOLSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/21/2018
AM1000328Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DOUGLAS ETHAN KIMBRELSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000329Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ANASTASIA PALIVOSSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments May 29, 20185/28/2018
AM1000330Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MITCHELL HOLZRICHTERSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000331Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-GARRICK HODGESAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000332Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-HENRY KRASNOWSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000333Antonio MuņozAPPOIONT-MERYL PANIAKSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000334Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-SARAH KERLEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000335Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-PETER KARAHALIOSSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000336Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MICHAEL HANSENSHeld in Executive Appointments5/28/2018
AM1000337Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-BRADLEY HARTSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000338Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MICHAEL BIGGERSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000339Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ELENI BOUSISSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000340Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CHARLENE FOSS-EGGEMANNSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/25/2018
AM1000341Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CHERYL MAINORSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000342Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-COLLEEN WENGLERSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000343Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DONALD EDWARDSSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000344Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-FELICIA NORWOODSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/15/2018
AM1000345Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOHN BAMBENEKSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2018
AM1000346Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ELIZABETH DREASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/28/2018
AM1000347Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-RICHARD BRAUERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/2/2018
AM1000348Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-AMBERLY ZWIENERSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/27/2018
AM1000349Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CYNTHIA CAHILLSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/27/2018
AM1000350Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ANN S. DETERSSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/27/2018
AM1000351Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-BARBARA HEMMESAssigned to Executive Appointments2/27/2018
AM1000352Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-RONALD MCNEILSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/27/2018
AM1000353Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-RICHARD BRAUERSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/28/2018
AM1000354Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-NATHAN MADDOXSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000355Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JAMES TAYLORSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000356Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DONALD PUCHALSKISAssigned to Executive Appointments3/9/2018
AM1000357Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-RAY CHOUDHRYSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/9/2018
AM1000358Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOY FRENCH BECKERSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/9/2018
AM1000359Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-WILLIAM P. ROBERTSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/9/2018
AM1000360Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JEFFREY L. LEWISSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/9/2018
AM1000361Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-RAYMOND J. WATSONSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000362Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-TIMOTHY MCDEVITTSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/13/2018
AM1000363Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DAVID E. OLSONSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000364Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-KATHRYN SALTMARSHSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000365Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-PHILIP DRAYSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/13/2018
AM1000366Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DOUGLAS G. MATZNERSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/13/2018
AM1000367Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CRAIG NIEDERBERGERSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/13/2018
AM1000368Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-SUSAN HALINGSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/27/2018
AM1000369Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-KEITH SNYDERSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/4/2018
AM1000370Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DONALD G. O'CONNELLSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/4/2018
AM1000371Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-NICHOLAS PARISESAssigned to Executive Appointments4/4/2018
AM1000372Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-AMY BILTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/4/2018
AM1000373Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CHRISTOPHER GLYNNSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2018
AM1000374Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-NEIL R. HELLERSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2018
AM1000375Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-GERALD GORMANSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2018
AM1000376Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-SHELLEY STERN GRACHSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2018
AM1000377Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOSEPH SZOKOLSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2018
AM1000378Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-STEVEN DOLINSSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000379Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-THOMAS C. BRITTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/11/2018
AM1000380Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-PAUL-ERIC SEALSAppointment Confirmed4/24/2018
AM1000381Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DARREN HANCOCKSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/17/2018
AM1000382Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-U-JUNG CHOESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/27/2018
AM1000383Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DONALD KAUERAUFSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000384Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ROBERT SCHILLERSTROMSAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000385Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JAMES BANKSSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/23/2018
AM1000386Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-EARL DOTSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/23/2018
AM1000387Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-AMALIA S. RIOJASAppointment Confirmed5/28/2018
AM1000388Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-SANFORD E. PERLSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/15/2018
AM1000389Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-BEVERLY WALKERSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/28/2018
AM1000390Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOHN BALDWINSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/28/2018
AM1000391Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-GREGORY SMITHSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/26/2018
AM1000392Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JAMES V. RILEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/28/2018
AM1000393Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ANTHONY GARCIASAssigned to Executive Appointments5/28/2018
AM1000394Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-KATHERINE HENNESSYSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/28/2018
AM1000395Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-STACEY WOEHRLESAssigned to Executive Appointments5/28/2018
AM1000396Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MARK COZZISAssigned to Executive Appointments5/28/2018
AM1000397Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-AMY LEMANSAssigned to Executive Appointments6/7/2018
AM1000398Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-AIMEE POSKINSAssigned to Executive Appointments6/7/2018
AM1000399Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CORLISS GARNERSAssigned to Executive Appointments6/7/2018
AM1000400Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-PAIGE PONDERSAssigned to Executive Appointments6/7/2018
AM1000401Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MEREDITH DAWSAssigned to Executive Appointments6/7/2018
AM1000402Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOHN PINGOSAssigned to Executive Appointments6/7/2018
AM1000403Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JEFFREY WHITESAssigned to Executive Appointments6/7/2018
AM1000404Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-STEPHEN K. CURDASAssigned to Executive Appointments6/7/2018
AM1000405Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-GREGORY HASSSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000406Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-EMMA MARIE JOHNSSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000407Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CATHERINE LOMASNEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000408Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DAVID FRIEDLANDSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000409Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JUSTIN BLANDFORDSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000410Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-BENJAMIN G. JONESSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000411Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-BRADLEY STEPHENSSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000412Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MERLIN LEHMANSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000413Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOANNA BELLE GUNDERSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000414Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DIANE L. SALTOUNSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000415Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-SUSAN SMITHSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000416Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ROBERT PRITCHARDSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000417Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-PATRICIA BELLOCKSAssigned to Executive Appointments7/25/2018
AM1000418Antonio MuņozAPPOINT- SUSAN HALINGSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000419Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-LISA DANIELSSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000420Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-PATRICIA WILSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000421Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MATTHEW HOWERSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000422Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-U-JUNG CHOESAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000423Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CYNTHIA SANTOSSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000424Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JASON BARCLAYSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000425Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-GREG SRONCESAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000426Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-KATHERINE BURSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000427Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-HUGH SCATESSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000428Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MARK SHAWSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000429Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-SHAUN MURPHYSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000430Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-REV. ROBERT PATTERSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000431Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOSEPH RUGGIEROSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000432Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-KEVIN MCDERMOTTSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000433Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-RUSSELL LITKOSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000434Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MARIA BOCANEGRASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000435Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-PAUL CELLINISAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000436Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-STEPHEN FRIEDMANSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000437Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-GERALD GRANADASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000438Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JESSICA HEGARTYSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000439Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JEFFREY HUEBSCHSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000440Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-NANCY LINDSAYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)1/1/2019
AM1000441Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CHRISTINE ORYSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000442Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MAUREEN PULIASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000443Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MELINDA ROWE-SULLIVANSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000444Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DOUGLAS STEFFENSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000445Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-HAROLD MAYSSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000446Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-LISA SCHUMACHERSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000447Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-DWIGHT BAIRDSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000448Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOSEPH PEREZSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000449Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-NIMISH JANISAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000450Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-BRAD VAHLKAMPSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000451Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MARILYN BALDWINSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000452Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-STEPHEN THURSTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000453Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOHN BLOOMFIELDSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000454Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ANDRE YOUNGBLOODSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000455Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-LORI YOKOYAMASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000456Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-TIM TOUHYSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/7/2018
AM1000457Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MARK DENZLERSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/20/2018
AM1000458Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-CYNTHIA REGASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/20/2018
AM1000459Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-MICHAEL PIECZONKASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/20/2018
AM1000460Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-JOHN BROWNSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/20/2018
AM1000461Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-ROBERT HAMILTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/20/2018
AM1000462Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-LESLIE MUNGERSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/27/2018
AM1000463Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-WAYNE ROSENTHALSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/27/2018
AM1000464Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-KAMBIUM BUCKNERSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/27/2018
AM1000465Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-NICHOLAS GOWENSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/27/2018
AM1000466Antonio MuņozAPPOINT-TIFFANY HARPERSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/27/2018
* indicates a special session bill