Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Sue Scherer (D), 96th District - 97th General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from Sue Scherer.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB1798Sue Scherer$VARIOUS PERSONAL SERVICESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB2379Sue SchererFISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT ACTHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken9/1/2017
HB3290Sue SchererINC TX-APPRENTICE CREDITHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3291Sue SchererCMS-VEHICLESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3292Sue SchererPROPERTY CONTROL-STATE PLANESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3293Sue SchererVEH CD-SCHOOLBUS-IDENTIFCATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-02778/22/2017
HB3294Sue SchererVEH CD-FLEEING A PEACE OFFICERHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3295Sue SchererLIBRARY RECORD CONFIDENTIALITYHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3296Sue SchererPROP TX-SR FREEZE-DISABILITYHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3297Sue SchererREDEPLOY ILLINOIS-FUNDSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3298Sue SchererSCH CD-BUDGET-CLASSRM TEACHINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-055011/9/2017
HB3299Sue Scherer$VARIOUS-PERSONAL SERVHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3300Sue SchererINC TX-VOCATIONAL CENTERSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3301Sue SchererINC TX-CROP DONATIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3837Sue SchererQUICK TAKE: BRUSH COLLEGE ROADHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3864Sue Scherer$DOC-SPRINGFIELD CEASEFIREHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3911Sue SchererGA-SALARY INCREASE VOTEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4162Sue SchererSCH CD-SUB TEACHER FITNESSHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4310Sue SchererVETERANS HOMES-LEGIONNAIRES'HSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4406Sue SchererSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4706Sue SchererSCH CD-SUB TEACHER FITNESSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08558/14/2018
HB4707Sue SchererCONTROLLED SUB-HYDROCODONEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09898/20/2018
HB4708Sue SchererCONSUMER FRAUD-AUCTION VEHICLEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4709Sue SchererAGR-BEES AND APIARIESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4710Sue SchererHIGHER ED-CREDITCARD MARKETINGHBill Dead - No Positive Action Taken - Amendatory Veto11/28/2018
HB5349Sue SchererIMPACT OF TAX CREDITS-REPORTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5552Sue SchererPEN CD-TRS-BOARD COMPOSITIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5820Sue SchererSCH CD-SUB TEACHER & P.E.HSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5831Sue Scherer$IDPH-MACON COUNTY CORONERHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR262Sue SchererCONGRATS - JOHNS HILL SCHOOLHResolution Adopted4/4/2017
HR401Sue SchererDMCOC - COMMUNITY ACTION MONTHHResolution Adopted6/25/2017
HR404Sue SchererCONGRATS - RONALD B. MABE SR.HResolution Adopted5/15/2017
HR540Sue SchererLEAD EXPOSURE - ELIMINATEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR552Sue SchererMEMORIAL - ELLA M. CURRIEHResolution Adopted8/16/2017
HR561Sue SchererRECOGNIZE - REV. R. FREEMANHResolution Adopted8/16/2017
HR583Sue SchererRECOGNIZE - BISHOP J. WILLSHResolution Adopted10/24/2017
HR641Sue SchererPRES. OBAMA-SPFLD SPEECHESHResolution Adopted10/24/2017
HR670Sue SchererMEMORIAL-CLINTON J. HORNBUCKLEHResolution Adopted11/7/2017
HR1104Sue SchererMEDICAID PROVIDER FRAUDHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HR1156Sue SchererSTATE BOARD OF ED-EDTPAHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HJRCA12Sue SchererCON AMEND-EDUCATION FUNDINGHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
SB567Andy ManarEMINENT DOMAIN-MACON/DECATURSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00398/4/2017
SB838Kimberly A. LightfordAWARENESS-CANCER IN VETERANSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-02248/18/2017
SB2569Andy ManarTIF-CITY OF SPRINGFIELDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09288/17/2018
SB3049Andy ManarMEDICAID-TELEHEALTH SERVICESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10198/21/2018
SJR37Andy ManarSHERIFF R. WALKER MEM ROADSAdopted Both Houses6/26/2017