Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

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Senator Camille Y. Lilly (D), 78th District
Click Here to see all bills from Camille Y. Lilly.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB334Camille Y. LillyEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB1075Camille Y. LillyPARK DIST AQUARIUM/MUSEUM ACTHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB1361Camille Y. LillyEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB1406Camille Y. LillyHEALTH-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB1540Camille Y. LillyELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02727/28/2023
HB1561Camille Y. LillySCHCD-EMPLOYEE TRAUMA TRAININGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01286/30/2023
HB1599Camille Y. Lilly$ART PROGRAMSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2109Camille Y. LillySTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2110Camille Y. LillyCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2111Camille Y. LillyREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2112Camille Y. LillyCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2113Camille Y. LillyEMPLOYMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2114Camille Y. LillyREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2115Camille Y. LillyREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2116Camille Y. LillyCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2117Camille Y. LillyPUBLIC AID-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2135Camille Y. LillySTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2292Camille Y. LillyDHFS-SAFETY-NET HOSPITAL-RATESHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2314Camille Y. LillyTOLL EXEMPT-PURPLE HEART DAYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2354Camille Y. LillyPUBLIC AID-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2426Camille Y. LillyCURRENCY EXCHANGE ACT-LICENSESHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2427Camille Y. LillyPEN CD-CLIMATE CHANGE POLICYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2428Camille Y. LillyDHFS-OPIOID OVERDOSE-INPATIENTHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2433Camille Y. LillySCH-EDUCATION PRIORITIZATIONHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2434Camille Y. LillyAGING-DHS-GRANT ASSISTANCEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2435Camille Y. LillyINC TAX-CHILD TAX CREDITHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2436Camille Y. LillyELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2437Camille Y. LillyCTA-YOUTH PROGRAM TRANSPORTHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2438Camille Y. LillyMEDICAID-CLINICAL TRIALSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2439Camille Y. LillyDCEO-CAPACITY BUILDING GRANTSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2486Camille Y. LillySCHOOLS-WORK ETHIC INSTRUCTIONHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2487Camille Y. LillyJUSTICE40 OVERSIGHT COMMITTEEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03137/28/2023
HB2530Camille Y. LillyMANAGED PRIMARY CARE PROJECTHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2532Camille Y. Lilly$VIOLENCE PREVENTION GRANTSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2535Camille Y. LillyRAISE FAMILY CAREGIVERS ACTHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2536Camille Y. LillyELEC CD-MOCK ELECTION-CHILDRENHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2537Camille Y. LillyBANKING-VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2726Camille Y. LillyASSISTED LIVING-FACILITY PLANHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2813Camille Y. LillyGOMB-FINANCIAL ASSIST ALERTSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2814Camille Y. LillyINS-CLINICIAN ADMINISTER DRUGHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2815Camille Y. LillyHOSPITAL WORKFORCE INSURANCEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2816Camille Y. LillySMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTORHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2817Camille Y. LillySTATE AGENCY BONUS PROHIBITIONHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2818Camille Y. LillyHUMAN RIGHTS-PRIOR CONVICTIONHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2819Camille Y. LillyDCEO-VETERANS PILOT PROGRAMHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3066Camille Y. LillyREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3067Camille Y. Lilly$DHS-SEXUAL HEALTH EDHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3068Camille Y. Lilly$DHS-DCFS-DPH-AGING-GATA GRANTHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3069Camille Y. Lilly$ILLINOIS ART COUNCILHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3241Camille Y. LillyDISCRIMINATORY SENTENCINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06577/19/2024
HB3693Camille Y. LillyDFPR-EMAIL ADDRESS OF RECORDHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3694Camille Y. LillyCRIM PRO-GRAND JURY-PUBLICHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3695Camille Y. LillyCRIM CD-TRAVELING ANIMAL ACTHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3696Camille Y. LillyREPORTING OF DEATHS IN CUSTODYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3697Camille Y. LillyVICTIMS ECON SECURITY-NOTICEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3698Camille Y. LillyDHS-MENTAL HLTH-FAMILY CENTERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03557/28/2023
HB3699Camille Y. LillyEMPLOY SECURITY-CHILD SUPPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03567/28/2023
HB3700Camille Y. LillyHEALTH & WELLNESS IMPACT NOTEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3701Camille Y. LillyINS-TITLE INSURANCE/VARIOUSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3703Camille Y. LillySEX OFFENDER RESIDENCY REQHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3713Camille Y. LillySCH CD-VENTILATIONHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3787Camille Y. LillyINS-PBM/STEERING PROHIBITIONHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3788Camille Y. LillyCOMMUNITY BENEFITS-REPORTSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3789Camille Y. Lilly$DPH-COVID-19 RESOURCESHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3886Camille Y. LillyIDPH-PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06587/19/2024
HB3887Camille Y. LillyMURDER&VIOLENT OFFENDR REGSTRYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3893Camille Y. LillyGA-LEGISLATIVE FINDINGSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3894Camille Y. LillyCORPORATION-STATE CONTRACTORSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3898Camille Y. LillyHIGH ROADS KITCHEN PROGRAMHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3954Camille Y. Lilly$ICJIA-VIOLENCE PREVENTIONHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB3955Camille Y. LillyHOSPITALS-ER COPAYMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02136/30/2023
HB3966Camille Y. LillyEMPLOYMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4076Camille Y. LillyMEDICAID-REDETERMINATIONSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4484Camille Y. LillyGENE PINGATORE DAYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4502Camille Y. LillyCONSERVATION-OPEN SPACE FUNDHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4562Camille Y. LillyINS CD-CANCER-GENETIC TESTINGHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4566Camille Y. LillyBUSINESS DIVERSITY TASK FORCEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4579Camille Y. LillyDENTIST&DEN HYGIENIST COMPACTHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4899Camille Y. LillyASSISTED LIVING-FACILITY PLANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07348/2/2024
HB4900Camille Y. LillyMUNI-CIGARETTE/TOBACCO REVENUEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5251Camille Y. LillyCONVICTION RESIDENCYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5267Camille Y. LillyPUB AID-AABD CASH ASSISTANCEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5429Camille Y. LillySHARED HOUSING-PLAN REVIEWSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07147/19/2024
HB5475Camille Y. LillyNURSING CORRECTIONAL SCHOLARHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5764Camille Y. Lilly$IDPH-FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAMSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5765Camille Y. Lilly$STATE’S ATTORNEY-VICTIMSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HR31Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-ALFRED RONANHResolution Adopted1/31/2023
HR88Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-WILL CROSIERHResolution Adopted2/23/2023
HR103Camille Y. LillyPDTS-OPIOID ABUSEHResolution Adopted5/18/2023
HR107Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-EDWARD HOGANHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote3/23/2023
HR111Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-LUCY M. HENRYHResolution Adopted by Voice Vote3/23/2023
HR375Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-ANTHONY RUSSELLHResolution Adopted10/24/2023
HR386Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-MARY L. JONESHResolution Adopted10/24/2023
HR393Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-KAREN A. PEPPERHResolution Adopted10/24/2023
HR395Camille Y. LillyRECOGNIZES-PINGATORE BIRTHDATEHResolution Adopted10/25/2023
HR510Camille Y. LillyCONGRATS-LILLIAN L. WATTSHResolution Adopted1/16/2024
HR556Camille Y. LillyGENE PINGATORE DAYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HR599Camille Y. LillyIHSA-ELIMINATE TRANSFER LIMITSHResolution Adopted 052-036-0035/3/2024
HR601Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-JOHN E. COLLINS SR.HResolution Adopted2/20/2024
HR613Camille Y. LillyIDPH-IL IMMUNIZATION STRATEGYHResolution Adopted5/23/2024
HR686Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-CHEZZIE B. SMITHHResolution Adopted4/10/2024
HR741Camille Y. LillyGETTING TO ZERO IL DAYHResolution Adopted5/25/2024
HR871Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-JOHN R. MORALESHResolution Adopted11/12/2024
HR981Camille Y. LillyCONGRATS-REP. MARY FLOWERSHResolution Adopted1/7/2025
SB647Adriane JohnsonHEALTH-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08818/9/2024
SB1774Adriane JohnsonCLINICAL TRIAL PARTICIPATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02276/30/2023
SB2662Julie A. MorrisonYOUTH VAPING-ADVERTISINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09108/9/2024
SB2697Julie A. MorrisonINS CD-CANCER-GENETIC TESTINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09148/9/2024
SB3116Julie A. MorrisonEMS/OFFICERS-CELL MEDICAL INFOSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09398/9/2024