Bill # |
Chief Sponsor |
ABR - Short Description |
Chamber |
Last Action |
Last Action Date |
SB69 | Laura M. Murphy | INS CODE-RIDING THERAPY | S | Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 6, 2025 | 3/5/2025 |
SB70 | Laura M. Murphy | INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLET-SPEC ED | S | Assigned to Education | 1/22/2025 |
SB71 | Laura M. Murphy | IEMA-SCHOOL SAFETY | S | Assigned to Education | 1/22/2025 |
SB72 | Laura M. Murphy | INCOME TAX-TUITION CREDIT | S | Assigned to Revenue | 1/22/2025 |
SB75 | Laura M. Murphy | UTILITIES-WATER ACQUISITION | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 1/22/2025 |
SB125 | Laura M. Murphy | GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOOD | S | Referred to Assignments | 1/17/2025 |
SB126 | Laura M. Murphy | INS CD-ALZHEIMER'S TREATMENT | S | Assigned to Insurance | 3/4/2025 |
SB127 | Laura M. Murphy | GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS-LOBBYING | S | Assigned to Executive | 1/28/2025 |
SB132 | Laura M. Murphy | PLASTIC BOTTLE CAP REDUCTION | S | Referred to Assignments | 1/17/2025 |
SB177 | Laura M. Murphy | PLASTIC BAG REDUCTION | S | Referred to Assignments | 1/17/2025 |
SB178 | Laura M. Murphy | INC TX-SOUNDPROOFING | S | Assigned to Revenue | 1/28/2025 |
SB1329 | Laura M. Murphy | SCH CD-ED LICENSE-DISCLOSURE | S | Postponed - Education | 3/5/2025 |
SB1330 | Laura M. Murphy | ELEC CD-WEBSITE INFORMATION | S | Assigned to Executive | 2/4/2025 |
SB1432 | Laura M. Murphy | MUNI CD-TIF SURPLUS FUNDS | S | Postponed - Local Government | 3/6/2025 |
SB1433 | Laura M. Murphy | PROP TX-RAILROAD | S | Assigned to Revenue | 2/11/2025 |
SB1434 | Laura M. Murphy | SCH CD-CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS | S | Referred to Assignments | 1/31/2025 |
SB1435 | Laura M. Murphy | HOSPITAL EMPLOYEE-PANIC BUTTON | S | Referred to Assignments | 1/31/2025 |
SB1497 | Laura M. Murphy | VEH CD-SPEED ENFORCE SYSTEMS | S | Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 4, 2025 | 2/27/2025 |
SB1550 | Laura M. Murphy | LIBRARY SYSTEMS-STATE GRANTS | S | Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 4, 2025 | 2/27/2025 |
SB1612 | Laura M. Murphy | PARK DIST - COMPETITIVE BIDS | S | To Procurement | 2/19/2025 |
SB1817 | Laura M. Murphy | RECYCLING REFUND ACT-TECH | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/6/2025 |
SB1819 | Laura M. Murphy | VEH CD-SEAT SAFETY BELTS | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/6/2025 |
SB1820 | Laura M. Murphy | CONDO MEDIATION-ARBITRATION | S | Assigned to Judiciary | 2/18/2025 |
SB1821 | Laura M. Murphy | PROP TX-SENIORS | S | Assigned to Revenue | 2/18/2025 |
SB1822 | Laura M. Murphy | IDOT-S SUB AIRPORT-ANALYSIS | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/6/2025 |
SB1940 | Laura M. Murphy | MOBILE HOME PARK-OMBUD | S | Assigned to Appropriations- Health and Human Services | 3/12/2025 |
SB1941 | Laura M. Murphy | VEH CD-FLASHING LIGHTS | S | Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 6, 2025 | 3/5/2025 |
SB1942 | Laura M. Murphy | ABUSIVE LITIGATION-WEBSITE | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/6/2025 |
SB2004 | Laura M. Murphy | ELEC CD-RANKED-CHOICE VOTING | S | Assigned to Executive | 2/25/2025 |
SB2005 | Laura M. Murphy | SMALL BUSINESS INCENTIVES | S | Assigned to Appropriations | 2/25/2025 |
SB2006 | Laura M. Murphy | HIGHWAY WORK ZONE SAFETY ACT | S | Assigned to Executive | 2/25/2025 |
SB2424 | Laura M. Murphy | RADIATION PROTECTION ACT | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 3/4/2025 |
SB2425 | Laura M. Murphy | LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE | S | Assigned to Energy and Public Utilities | 3/4/2025 |
SB2426 | Laura M. Murphy | TREE TRANSPORTATION INITIATIVE | S | Assigned to Criminal Law | 3/4/2025 |
SB2520 | Laura M. Murphy | GRANT TRANSPARENCY-REPORT | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/18/2025 |
SB2623 | Laura M. Murphy | VEH CD-SCHOOL-ACTIVITY BUS USE | S | Referred to Assignments | 3/4/2025 |
SR29 | Laura M. Murphy | MEMORIAL-DAVID P. CLARK | S | Resolution Adopted | 1/29/2025 |
SR41 | Laura M. Murphy | MEMORIAL-PAUL H. SALETNIK | S | Resolution Adopted | 1/29/2025 |
SR104 | Laura M. Murphy | PUBLIC LIB. TRUSTEE TRAINING | S | Referred to Assignments | 2/6/2025 |
SR120 | Laura M. Murphy | MEMORIAL-DR. JOSE AUSTRIACO | S | Resolution Adopted | 2/20/2025 |
SR169 | Laura M. Murphy | MEMORIAL-ALANSON P. HOLLY | S | Referred to Resolutions Consent Calendar | 3/12/2025 |
AM1030246 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LATOYA HUGHES | S | Appt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments | 2/4/2025 |
AM1030332 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DULCE M. QUINTERO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/18/2023 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030338 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-QUIWANA BELL | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/18/2023 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030342 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SUSAN SORIANO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/18/2023 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030350 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CAMILE LINDSAY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/18/2023 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030351 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CAMERON JOOST STEVENS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/18/2023 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030352 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ELIZABETH M. WHITEHORN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/18/2023 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030372 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NEEMA JHA | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030399 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JENNIFER L. AKHTER | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030400 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LIONEL R. CRAFT | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030401 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOSEPH JOHN DUFFY | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030402 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JON H. JOHNSON | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030403 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DOUGLAS P. SCOTT | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030405 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JULIETA LAMALFA | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030406 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PONNI ARUNKUMAR | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030407 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JODI M. HOOS | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030408 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PAULA CAMPBELL | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030409 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KENNETH R. OLSON | S | Withdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f) | 2/18/2025 |
AM1030410 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JULIE SAMPSON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/24/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030411 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SALVATORE TORNATORE | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030412 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAMES BROOKS | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030413 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CHRIS PAPPAN | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030415 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ASHISH SHARMA | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030416 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DARRYL ARRINGTON | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030417 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MELODY SPANN COOPER | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030418 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TERESA RAMIREZ | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/31/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030419 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WENDY NETTER EPSTEIN | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030420 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TODD STROLE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/31/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030421 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WANZA L. DAVIS | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030422 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BRITTANY BENE'T KIMBLE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 02/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030423 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RYAN THOMAS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 02/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030424 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-EILEEN CHIN | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030425 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANTONIO BAXTON | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030426 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL P. MURPHY | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030427 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SETH LIMMER | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030428 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SAUL J. MORSE | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030429 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARY KILLOUGH | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 02/14/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030430 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ESTHER E. SCIAMMARELLA | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030431 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RAYCHEL A. WESLEY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 02/14/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030432 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BEVERLY A. POTTS | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030433 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SHANEAL R. CLAYBORNE | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030434 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ERIC P. ECHEVARRIA | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030435 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-STEPHANI BECKER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 02/14/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030436 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LILA VALINOTI | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030437 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-EILEEN RHODES | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1030438 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JERRY DAVIS-EL | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030439 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-GARY T. JOHNSON | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030440 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LORENZO D. SAVAGE SR. | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030441 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LESLIE M. DARLING | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030442 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CHRISTIAN MITCHELL | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030443 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KATHRYN M. HARRIS | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030444 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MORGAN WINTERS | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030446 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ERIKA RAE ALLEN | S | Withdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f) | 3/4/2025 |
AM1030448 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ALICIA TATE-NADEAU | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 04/09/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030449 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LEVERNE E. BACKSTROM | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030450 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TAMIRA BRENNAN | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030451 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANA COLLAZO | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030452 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ROBERT D. VICKERY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 04/09/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030453 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KAREN TAMLEY | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030454 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TRINAS NEELY | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030455 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JENNIFER L. HANSEN | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030456 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARGARET M. BERGLIND | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030457 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARVET M. SWEIS | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030458 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SARA A. PHALEN | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030459 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ERIKA R. LOWE MULLINS | S | Held in Executive Appointments | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030460 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANN R. GILLESPIE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 04/10/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030461 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOHN E. PADY | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030462 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DANNY SILVERTHORN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 04/10/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030463 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DANNY SILVERTHORN | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030464 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAMES MARTIN CONWAY | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030465 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CINDY G. BUYS | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030466 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAMES G. MONTGOMERY JR | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030467 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ELIZABETH V. LOPEZ | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030468 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NARGIS KHOKHAR | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030469 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NARGIS KHOKHAR | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030471 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANITA WEINBERG | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030472 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARLON MCCLINTON | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030473 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TRENTON TABER | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030474 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BRIAN RICHARDSON | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030475 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TAMEKA WALTON | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030478 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WILLIAM E. HOOK | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030479 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MELINEH KANO | S | Appointment Confirmed | 3/6/2025 |
AM1030480 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-AMY RUEFF | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 05/26/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030481 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KELLY ROSENBERG | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030482 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANITA BANERJI | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030483 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NOAH FINLEY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030484 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-AMALIA NIETOGOMEZ | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030485 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WILLIAM LADD-CAWTHORNE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030486 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KENNETH T. MORRIS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030487 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARIO TRETO JR. | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030488 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RODNEY STEVEN ALFORD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030489 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RODNEY STEVEN ALFORD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030490 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LAKESHIA L. BELL | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030491 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-VERONICA HERRERO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030492 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CLAIRE LEOPOLD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030493 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-FRANCIENE SABENS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030494 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DAVID B. MENCHETTI | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030495 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-AMA O. ADDAI | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030496 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARCIA BALONICK | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030497 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ALAINA JEAN HARKNESS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030498 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL ALAN STROM | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030499 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-VANESSA DEL VALLE | S | Withdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f) | 1/27/2025 |
AM1030500 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-VAN PHILIP AUSTIN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030502 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SCOTT BASKIN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030503 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BOB MORGAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030504 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DAVID E. MILLER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030505 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHELLE COADY CARTER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030506 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHELLE COADY CARTER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030507 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JANET BLUE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030508 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DOUGLAS E. HOUSE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030509 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DAVID AGUIRRE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030510 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PATRICIA ANN SACCONE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030511 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL SUTTON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030512 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JENAN Z. MOHAJIR | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030513 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PAULA A. BASTA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030514 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PAULA A. BASTA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030515 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WALTER P. TURNER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030516 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANGELA MORRISON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030518 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BENJAMIN REYES | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030519 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SARAH ALTER | S | Withdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f) | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030520 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ALEJANDRA GARZA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030521 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DARNELL TINGLE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030522 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-GARVIN G. AMBROSE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030523 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DON V. VILLAR | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030524 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PAUL J. SCHMITT | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030525 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL GOETZ | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030526 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BRIAN SHANAHAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030527 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MONA NORIEGA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030528 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SHARON K. LEGENZA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030529 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BRENDAN F. KELLY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030530 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WYNONA REDMOND | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030531 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-GABRIEL FOLEY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030532 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-IVORY SNOW | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030533 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARIEL HAMER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030534 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KATHRYN E. EISENHART | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030535 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DAVID S. FOX JR. | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030536 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAMES DAVID CROSS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030537 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KEVIN DUFFY BLACKBURN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030539 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WILLIAM HOBERT | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030540 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAMES FUENTES | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030541 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOSEPH D. AMARILIO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030542 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CRYSTAL L. CAISON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030543 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PAUL V. CELLINI | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030544 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-GERALD A. GRANADA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030545 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JESSICA A. HEGARTY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030546 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ADAM HINRICHS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030547 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JEFFREY B. HUEBSCH | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030548 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NINA MARIANO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030549 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LUANA O. MONTOYA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030550 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MAUREEN PULIA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030551 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DANIEL KENNETH SWANSON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030552 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANA VAZQUEZ | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030553 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BARBARA FLYNN CURRIE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030554 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SEAN BRANNON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030555 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAMES PATRICK KOLAR | S | Withdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f) | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030556 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MAGDA DERISMA-OYEWOLE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030557 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LYNN E. SUTTON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030558 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CALEB MILES HEROD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030559 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MOHAMAD NASIR | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030560 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOHN K. LYONS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030561 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SHEILA SIMON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030562 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAMES JENNINGS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030563 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHELLE HOY-WATKINS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030564 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DEBRA SAVAGE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030565 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KATHERINE DRUMMOND | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030566 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ALLISON POWERS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030567 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JENNIFER MARTIN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030568 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-HENRY ADEKOLA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030569 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOHANES MALIZA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030570 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARLON MCCLINTON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030571 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAYNE VELLINGA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/11/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030572 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DENISE MOORE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030573 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BEATRICE J. THOMPSON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030574 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BRADLEY A. ZELLER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030575 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CARLOS M. GARCIA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030576 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ALEXANDER PURCELL | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030577 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MELVERTA WILKINS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030578 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ARACELI G. GARZA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030579 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MBOKA MWILAMBWE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/06/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030580 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-AMEYA PAWAR | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/12/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030581 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SELMA D'SOUZA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/12/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030582 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-AMALIA S. RIOJA | S | Withdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f) | 2/25/2025 |
AM1030583 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARY P. KENNELLY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/19/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030584 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LISA M. DZIEKAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/19/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030585 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ALANA THOMPSON-BYRD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/19/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030586 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JHA'SHARIA L. FARMER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/19/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030587 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-HOWARD A. ROSENBLUM | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/19/2024 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030589 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CHYNNA S. HAMPTON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030590 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RYAN A. MILLER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030591 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LINDA J. FLOWERS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030592 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOSEPH M. STUKENBERG | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030593 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SAUL J. MORSE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030594 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TERESA RAMOS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030595 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANGELA AYE TIN O'BRIEN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030596 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KELLY CLAIRE SIMON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030597 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOAN BREIER BRODSKY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030598 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KRISTINE A. FULFORD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030599 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LISA MARIE HESS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030600 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-GIA TERESA BIAGI | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030601 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-GIA TERESA BIAGI | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1030602 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-HEATHER ADELINE STEANS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/03/2025 - and on 01/07/2025, Due to Sine Die of the 103rd General Assembly | 1/23/2025 |
AM1040001 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANTHONY BEACH | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040002 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BRITTANY BENE'T KIMBLE | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1040003 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TERESA RAMIREZ | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1040004 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LAMARCUS D. WILLIAMS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040005 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JORDAN CAMPANELLA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040006 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-FRANK LEO DEPODESTA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040007 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RICHARD C. SCHOENSTEDT | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040008 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOHN F. SCHOMBERG | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040009 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-STEPHEN R. FERRARA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040010 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KENDRA SUE CUNNINGHAM | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040011 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LYNNE SERED | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040012 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JULIE A. ULLRICH | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040013 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DAMON T. ARNOLD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040014 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOHN ARTHUR HERRMANN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040015 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ABEL NGO KHO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040016 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT- NOBLE MICHAEL HUFF | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040017 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARTIN SANDOVAL | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040018 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RAMONE L. COLLINS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040019 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KEVIN BRAMWELL | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040020 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SAMIHA SYED | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040021 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOSEPH D. GUTMAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040022 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SHIH-YEW CHEN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040023 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANTHONY DANIEL ALFANO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040024 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ALEXANDER WYMOND LAIRD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040025 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARISA LISET RICHARDS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040026 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NICOLE FLORENCE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040027 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NICOLE FLORENCE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040028 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL VINCENT CLARK | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040029 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BERNARD LEROY HARSY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040030 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CAROLYN DOHERTY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040031 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER A. HARRIS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040032 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DEBORAH LOUISE SIMPSON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040033 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RAYCHEL A. WESLEY | S | Appointment Confirmed | 2/26/2025 |
AM1040034 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-STEPHEN MATHIS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040035 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-VANESSA DEL VALLE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040036 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ERICA ZUNKEL | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040037 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SCOTT CRUZ | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040038 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PAMELA S. MONETTI | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040039 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL NEWMAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 1/28/2025 |
AM1040040 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SELMA D'SOUZA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/4/2025 |
AM1040041 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BERTHA E. SANCHEZ | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/4/2025 |
AM1040042 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DAVID TAEWOONG CHUNG | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/4/2025 |
AM1040043 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JULEIGH KONCHAK | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/4/2025 |
AM1040044 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ARACELI G. GARZA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/4/2025 |
AM1040045 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-FRANCES K. ORENIC | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/4/2025 |
AM1040046 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-VAN P. AUSTIN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040047 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RICHARD COSTES | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040048 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NINA HARRIS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040049 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ENNEDY D. RIVERA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040050 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DEBORAH HAGAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040051 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KEVIN L. FREEMAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040052 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SARAH BUCKLEY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040053 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ROBERT NOREN EGGERMAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040054 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-STEPHEN WILLIS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040055 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WILLIAM ROBERT ROY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040056 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL TERRY CARRIGAN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040057 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PRANAV G. KOTHARI | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040058 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PAMELA MCDONOUGH | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040059 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANDREA ZOPP | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040060 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-TIMI JAMES NGOBOH | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040061 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BRICE ALLEN HUTCHCRAFT | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040062 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NAOMI ANDREA JOHNSON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040063 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL A. STROM | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040064 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JANETTE MARIE | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040065 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-WILLIAM F. ZENS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040066 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ANN P. KALAYIL | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/18/2025 |
AM1040067 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JANICE MARIE GLENN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040068 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ROCCO J. ZUCCHERO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040069 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MICHAEL L. MARTIN | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040070 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MITCHELL R. DAVIS III | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040071 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-BERNIE RANCHERO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040072 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-STEPHEN A. KOURI II | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040073 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JAMES G. ARGIONIS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040074 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-NOAH FINLEY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040075 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-STACY L. CROOK | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040076 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DAVID E. OLSON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040077 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KENDAL PARKER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040078 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-LUZ MARINA RAMIREZ | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040079 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-JOHN R. BUTLER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040080 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SHIRLEY A. PEREZ | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040081 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SUZET M. MCKINNEY | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040082 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ERIKA R. LOWE MULLINS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/25/2025 |
AM1040083 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-SHERLY CHAVARRIA | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/26/2025 |
AM1040084 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-DEMOYA RENEE GORDON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/26/2025 |
AM1040085 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARK DENZLER | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/26/2025 |
AM1040086 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MARTY CASTRO | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/26/2025 |
AM1040087 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-PATRICIA A. SCHUH | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 2/27/2025 |
AM1040088 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-RAYMOND HOOD | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 3/4/2025 |
AM1040089 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-KELLI MARIE HARRISON | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 3/4/2025 |
AM1040090 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ROBERT KARR | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 3/4/2025 |
AM1040091 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-CHERITA ELLENS | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 3/4/2025 |
AM1040092 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-THOMAS H. MORSCH JR. | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 3/5/2025 |
AM1040093 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-ROBERT L. NAVARRO JR. | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 3/5/2025 |
AM1040094 | Laura M. Murphy | APPOINT-MONTEL MICHAEL GAYLES | S | Assigned to Executive Appointments | 3/5/2025 |