Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

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Senator Margaret Croke (D), 12th District
Click Here to see all bills from Margaret Croke.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB10Margaret CrokeDCFS-LUGGAGE FOR FOSTER KIDSHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1076Margaret CrokeINS CD-ALLERGENIC SUPPLEMENTSHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/5/2025
HB1582Margaret CrokeTOBACCO ESCROW-VIOLATIONSHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate2/26/2025
HB1822Margaret CrokeINTERCHANGE FEE-REPEALHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1823Margaret CrokeCOURT REVIEW-PERMANENCY HEARNGHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/5/2025
HB1892Margaret CrokeINC TX-DIGITAL MEDIA CREDITHTo Tax Credit and Incentives Subcommittee3/3/2025
HB2368Margaret CrokeESTATE TAX-COMPUTATIONHTo Tax Credit and Incentives Subcommittee3/3/2025
HB2456Margaret CrokeRESTAURANT RESERVATION PIRACYHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB2674Margaret CrokeDEPT OF THE LOTTERY-VARIOUSHRe-assigned to Executive Committee3/11/2025
HB2679Margaret CrokeCRIM CD-TERRORISM-CATASTROPHEHAssigned to Judiciary - Criminal Committee3/4/2025
HB2870Margaret CrokeFILM TX CREDIT-SPENDINGHAssigned to Revenue & Finance Committee3/4/2025
HB2872Margaret CrokeEDGE-PHARMACYHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/6/2025
HB3023Margaret CrokeREMEDIES AGAINST INTIMIDATIONHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB3187Margaret CrokeDCEO-VARIOUSHAssigned to Executive Committee3/11/2025
HB3318Margaret CrokeCOSMETOLOGY-HYDRODERMABRASIONHAssigned to Health Care Licenses Committee3/11/2025
HB3470Margaret CrokeCANNABIS-UNION REPHAssigned to Labor & Commerce Committee3/11/2025
HB3553Margaret CrokeMISLEADING PRACTICES PENALTYHAssigned to Financial Institutions and Licensing Committee3/11/2025
HB3554Margaret CrokeCOLLECTION AGENCY ACTHAssigned to Financial Institutions and Licensing Committee3/11/2025
HR94Margaret CrokeINFERTILITY AWARENESS WEEKHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025