Illinois General Assembly - Senate Committee Bills
Illinois General Assembly

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Bills Assigned To Education
104th General Assembly
MembersNotice of HearingBills 
Bill # Sponsor ABR - Short Description Last Action Date
SB70Laura M. MurphyINTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLET-SPEC EDAssigned to Education1/22/2025
SB71Laura M. MurphyIEMA-SCHOOL SAFETYAssigned to Education1/22/2025
SB 71 (SCA 1)Laura M. Murphy Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Education3/12/2025
SB123Linda HolmesED-WAIVER PROCESS TASK FORCEAssigned to Education1/28/2025
SB 123 (SCA 1)Linda Holmes Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Education3/4/2025
SB187Michael W. HalpinSCH CD-EDU LICENSE-SOCIAL WORKAssigned to Education1/28/2025
SB 1231 (SFA 1)Meg Loughran Cappel Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Education3/12/2025
SB1329Laura M. MurphySCH CD-ED LICENSE-DISCLOSUREPostponed - Education3/5/2025
SB 1329 (SCA 1)Laura M. Murphy Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Education3/4/2025
SB 1329 (SCA 2)Laura M. Murphy Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Assignments Refers to Education3/12/2025
SB1519Karina VillaSCH CD-REFER LAW ENFORCEMENTAssigned to Education2/25/2025
SB1672Christopher BeltSCH CD-EARLY LITERACY-SCREENAssigned to Education2/25/2025
SB 1740 (SCA 1)Mary Edly-Allen Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Postponed - Education2/25/2025
SB1741Rachel VenturaSCH CD-LIBRARIAN TASK FORCEAssigned to Education2/18/2025
SB 1741 (SCA 1)Rachel Ventura Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Education3/12/2025
SB1850Mary Edly-AllenSCH CD-TEACHER EVALUATION PLANPostponed - Education2/26/2025
SB1920Doris TurnerSCH CD-ASL IMPLEMENTATIONPostponed - Education3/5/2025
SB1943Meg Loughran CappelSCH CD-TIME OUTAssigned to Education2/25/2025
SB1947Meg Loughran CappelSCH CD-EDUCATOR LICENSURE-MISCAssigned to Education3/12/2025
SB1983Mary Edly-AllenSCH CD-GIFTED & TALENTEDAssigned to Education3/4/2025
SB2017Karina VillaSTUDENTS-DISCIPLINE-NO FINESAssigned to Education2/25/2025
SB2149Adriane JohnsonSCH CD-TUITION FOR ORPHANSPostponed - Education3/5/2025
SB2249Ram VillivalamSCH CD-SERVICE LOCATIONAssigned to Education2/25/2025
SB2270Celina VillanuevaLATINA & LATINO STUDIESAssigned to Education3/4/2025
SB2423Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD-SUSPENSION/EXPULSIONAssigned to Education3/4/2025
SB2427Cristina CastroSCH CD-WIRELESS COMM DEVICEAssigned to Education3/4/2025
SB2438Laura EllmanSCH CD-RADON TESTINGAssigned to Education3/4/2025