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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

705 ILCS 405/5-525

    (705 ILCS 405/5-525)
    Sec. 5-525. Service.
    (1) Service by summons.
        (a) Upon the commencement of a delinquency
prosecution, the clerk of the court shall issue a summons with a copy of the petition attached. The summons shall be directed to the minor's parent, guardian or legal custodian and to each person named as a respondent in the petition, except that summons need not be directed (i) to a minor respondent under 8 years of age for whom the court appoints a guardian ad litem if the guardian ad litem appears on behalf of the minor in any proceeding under this Act, or (ii) to a parent who does not reside with the minor, does not make regular child support payments to the minor, to the minor's other parent, or to the minor's legal guardian or custodian pursuant to a support order, and has not communicated with the minor on a regular basis.
        (b) The summons must contain a statement that the
minor is entitled to have an attorney present at the hearing on the petition, and that the clerk of the court should be notified promptly if the minor desires to be represented by an attorney but is financially unable to employ counsel.
        (c) The summons shall be issued under the seal of the
court, attested in and signed with the name of the clerk of the court, dated on the day it is issued, and shall require each respondent to appear and answer the petition on the date set for the adjudicatory hearing.
        (d) The summons may be served by any law enforcement
officer, coroner or probation officer, even though the officer is the petitioner. The return of the summons with endorsement of service by the officer is sufficient proof of service.
        (e) Service of a summons and petition shall be made
by: (i) leaving a copy of the summons and petition with the person summoned at least 3 days before the time stated in the summons for appearance; (ii) leaving a copy at the summoned person's usual place of abode with some person of the family, of the age of 10 years or upwards, and informing that person of the contents of the summons and petition, provided, the officer or other person making service shall also send a copy of the summons in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, addressed to the person summoned at the person's usual place of abode, at least 3 days before the time stated in the summons for appearance; or (iii) leaving a copy of the summons and petition with the guardian or custodian of a minor, at least 3 days before the time stated in the summons for appearance. If the guardian or legal custodian is an agency of the State of Illinois, proper service may be made by leaving a copy of the summons and petition with any administrative employee of the agency designated by the agency to accept the service of summons and petitions. The certificate of the officer or affidavit of the person that the officer or person has sent the copy pursuant to this Section is sufficient proof of service.
        (f) When a parent or other person, who has signed a
written promise to appear and bring the minor to court or who has waived or acknowledged service, fails to appear with the minor on the date set by the court, a bench warrant may be issued for the parent or other person, the minor, or both.
    (2) Service by certified mail or publication.
        (a) If service on individuals as provided in
subsection (1) is not made on any respondent within a reasonable time or if it appears that any respondent resides outside the State, service may be made by certified mail. In that case the clerk shall mail the summons and a copy of the petition to that respondent by certified mail marked for delivery to addressee only. The court shall not proceed with the adjudicatory hearing until 5 days after the mailing. The regular return receipt for certified mail is sufficient proof of service.
        (b) If service upon individuals as provided in
subsection (1) is not made on any respondents within a reasonable time or if any person is made a respondent under the designation of "All Whom It May Concern", or if service cannot be made because the whereabouts of a respondent are unknown, service may be made by publication. The clerk of the court as soon as possible shall cause publication to be made once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the action is pending. Service by publication is not required in any case when the person alleged to have legal custody of the minor has been served with summons personally or by certified mail, but the court may not enter any order or judgment against any person who cannot be served with process other than by publication unless service by publication is given or unless that person appears. Failure to provide service by publication to a non-custodial parent whose whereabouts are unknown shall not deprive the court of jurisdiction to proceed with a trial or a plea of delinquency by the minor. When a minor has been detained or sheltered under Section 5-501 of this Act and summons has not been served personally or by certified mail within 20 days from the date of the order of court directing such detention or shelter care, the clerk of the court shall cause publication. Service by publication shall be substantially as follows:
            "A, B, C, D, (here giving the names of the named
respondents, if any) and to All Whom It May Concern (if there is any respondent under that designation):
            Take notice that on (insert date) a petition was
filed under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 by .... in the circuit court of .... county entitled 'In the interest of ...., a minor', and that in .... courtroom at .... on (insert date) at the hour of ...., or as soon thereafter as this cause may be heard, an adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the petition to have the child declared to be a ward of the court under that Act. The court has authority in this proceeding to take from you the custody and guardianship of the minor.
            Now, unless you appear at the hearing and show
cause against the petition, the allegations of the petition may stand admitted as against you and each of you, and an order or judgment entered.
            Dated (insert the date of publication)"
        (c) The clerk shall also at the time of the
publication of the notice send a copy of the notice by mail to each of the respondents on account of whom publication is made at each respondent's last known address. The certificate of the clerk that the clerk has mailed the notice is evidence of that mailing. No other publication notice is required. Every respondent notified by publication under this Section must appear and answer in open court at the hearing. The court may not proceed with the adjudicatory hearing until 10 days after service by publication on any custodial parent, guardian or legal custodian of a minor alleged to be delinquent.
        (d) If it becomes necessary to change the date set
for the hearing in order to comply with this Section, notice of the resetting of the date must be given, by certified mail or other reasonable means, to each respondent who has been served with summons personally or by certified mail.
    (3) Once jurisdiction has been established over a party, further service is not required and notice of any subsequent proceedings in that prosecution shall be made in accordance with provisions of Section 5-530.
    (4) The appearance of the minor's parent, guardian, or legal custodian, or a person named as a respondent in a petition, in any proceeding under this Act shall constitute a waiver of service and submission to the jurisdiction of the court. A copy of the petition shall be provided to the person at the time of the person's appearance.
    (5) Fines or assessments, such as fees or administrative costs in the service of process, shall not be ordered or imposed on a minor or a minor's parent, guardian, or legal custodian.
(Source: P.A. 103-22, eff. 8-8-23; 103-379, eff. 7-28-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)