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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(740 ILCS 21/) Stalking No Contact Order Act.

740 ILCS 21/1

    (740 ILCS 21/1)
    Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Stalking No Contact Order Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/5

    (740 ILCS 21/5)
    Sec. 5. Purpose. Stalking generally refers to a course of conduct, not a single act. Stalking behavior includes following a person, conducting surveillance of the person, appearing at the person's home, work or school, making unwanted phone calls, sending unwanted emails, unwanted messages via social media, or text messages, leaving objects for the person, vandalizing the person's property, or injuring a pet. Stalking is a serious crime. Victims experience fear for their safety, fear for the safety of others and suffer emotional distress. Many victims alter their daily routines to avoid the persons who are stalking them. Some victims are in such fear that they relocate to another city, town or state. While estimates suggest that 70% of victims know the individuals stalking them, only 30% of victims have dated or been in intimate relationships with their stalkers. All stalking victims should be able to seek a civil remedy requiring the offenders stay away from the victims and third parties.
(Source: P.A. 100-1000, eff. 1-1-19.)

740 ILCS 21/10

    (740 ILCS 21/10)
    Sec. 10. Definitions. For the purposes of this Act:
    "Course of conduct" means 2 or more acts, including but not limited to acts in which a respondent directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes, surveils, or threatens a person, workplace, school, or place of worship, engages in other contact, or interferes with or damages a person's property or pet. A course of conduct may include using any electronic tracking system or acquiring tracking information to determine the targeted person's location, movement, or travel patterns. A course of conduct may also include contact via electronic communications. The incarceration of a person in a penal institution who commits the course of conduct is not a bar to prosecution under this Section.
    "Emotional distress" means significant mental suffering, anxiety or alarm.
    "Contact" includes any contact with the victim, that is initiated or continued without the victim's consent, or that is in disregard of the victim's expressed desire that the contact be avoided or discontinued, including but not limited to being in the physical presence of the victim; appearing within the sight of the victim; approaching or confronting the victim in a public place or on private property; appearing at the workplace or residence of the victim; entering onto or remaining on property owned, leased, or occupied by the victim; placing an object on, or delivering an object to, property owned, leased, or occupied by the victim; electronic communication as defined in Section 26.5-0.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; and appearing at the prohibited workplace, school, or place of worship.
    "Petitioner" means any named petitioner for the stalking no contact order or any named victim of stalking on whose behalf the petition is brought. "Petitioner" includes an authorized agent of a place of employment, an authorized agent of a place of worship, or an authorized agent of a school.
    "Reasonable person" means a person in the petitioner's circumstances with the petitioner's knowledge of the respondent and the respondent's prior acts.
    "Stalking" means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person, and he or she knows or should know that this course of conduct would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety, the safety of a workplace, school, or place of worship, or the safety of a third person or suffer emotional distress. Stalking does not include an exercise of the right to free speech or assembly that is otherwise lawful or picketing occurring at the workplace that is otherwise lawful and arises out of a bona fide labor dispute, including any controversy concerning wages, salaries, hours, working conditions or benefits, including health and welfare, sick leave, insurance, and pension or retirement provisions, the making or maintaining of collective bargaining agreements, and the terms to be included in those agreements.
    "Stalking no contact order" means an emergency order or plenary order granted under this Act, which includes a remedy authorized by Section 80 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 102-220, eff. 1-1-22; 103-760, eff. 1-1-25.)

740 ILCS 21/15

    (740 ILCS 21/15)
    Sec. 15. Persons protected by this Act. A petition for a stalking no contact order may be filed when relief is not available to the petitioner under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986:
        (1) by any person who is a victim of stalking;
        (2) by a person on behalf of a minor child or an
adult who is a victim of stalking but, because of age, disability, health, or inaccessibility, cannot file the petition;
        (3) by an authorized agent of a workplace;
        (4) by an authorized agent of a place of worship;
        (5) by an authorized agent of a school;
        (6) by a service member of the Illinois National
Guard or any reserve military component serving within the State who is a victim of stalking who has also received a Military Protective Order; or
        (7) by the Staff Judge Advocate of the Illinois
National Guard or any reserve military component serving within the State on behalf of a named victim who is a victim of stalking who has also received a Military Protective Order only after receiving consent from the victim, and the petition shall include a statement that the victim has consented to the Staff Judge Advocate filing the petition.
(Source: P.A. 103-407, eff. 7-28-23.)

740 ILCS 21/20

    (740 ILCS 21/20)
    Sec. 20. Commencement of action; filing fees.
    (a) An action for a stalking no contact order is commenced:
        (1) independently, by filing a petition for a
stalking no contact order in any civil court, unless specific courts are designated by local rule or order; or
        (2) in conjunction with a delinquency petition or a
criminal prosecution as provided in Article 112A of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963.
    (a-1) A petition for a stalking no contact order may be filed in person or online.
    (a-5) When a petition for an emergency stalking no contact order is filed, the petition and file shall not be public and shall only be accessible to the court, law enforcement, petitioner, victim advocate, counsel of record for either party, and State's Attorney for the county until the petition is served on the respondent.
    Accessibility to the petition and file under this subsection prior to the petition being served on the respondent shall be in accordance with Section 5 of the Court Record and Document Accessibility Act.
    (b) Withdrawal or dismissal of any petition for a stalking no contact order prior to adjudication where the petitioner is represented by the State shall operate as a dismissal without prejudice. No action for a stalking no contact order shall be dismissed because the respondent is being prosecuted for a crime against the petitioner. For any action commenced under item (2) of subsection (a) of this Section, dismissal of the conjoined case (or a finding of not guilty) shall not require dismissal of the action for a stalking no contact order; instead, it may be treated as an independent action and, if necessary and appropriate, transferred to a different court or division.
    (c) No fee shall be charged by the clerk of the court for filing petitions or modifying or certifying orders. No fee shall be charged by the sheriff for service by the sheriff of a petition, rule, motion, or order in an action commenced under this Section.
    (d) The court shall provide, through the office of the clerk of the court, simplified forms for filing of a petition under this Section by any person not represented by counsel.
(Source: P.A. 102-831, eff. 5-13-22; 102-853, eff. 1-1-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-166, eff. 1-1-24.)

740 ILCS 21/25

    (740 ILCS 21/25)
    Sec. 25. Pleading; non-disclosure of address.
    (a) A petition for a stalking no contact order shall be in writing and verified or accompanied by affidavit and shall allege that the petitioner has been the victim of stalking by the respondent.
    (b) If the petition states that disclosure of the petitioner's address would risk abuse of the petitioner or any member of the petitioner's family or household, that address may be omitted from all documents filed with the court. If the petitioner has not disclosed an address under this subsection, the petitioner shall designate an alternative address at which the respondent may serve notice of any motions.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/30

    (740 ILCS 21/30)
    Sec. 30. Application of rules of civil procedure; victim advocates.
    (a) Any proceeding to obtain, modify, reopen or appeal a stalking no contact order shall be governed by the rules of civil procedure of this State. The standard of proof in such a proceeding is proof by a preponderance of the evidence. The Code of Civil Procedure and Supreme Court and local court rules applicable to civil proceedings shall apply, except as otherwise provided by this Act.
    (b) In circuit courts, victim advocates shall be allowed to accompany the petitioner and confer with the petitioner, unless otherwise directed by the court. Court administrators shall allow victim advocates to assist victims of stalking in the preparation of petitions for stalking no contact orders. Victim advocates are not engaged in the unauthorized practice of law when providing assistance of the types specified in this subsection (b).
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/35

    (740 ILCS 21/35)
    Sec. 35. Appointment of counsel. The court may appoint counsel to represent the petitioner if the respondent is represented by counsel.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/40

    (740 ILCS 21/40)
    Sec. 40. Trial by jury. There shall be no right to trial by jury in any proceeding to obtain, modify, vacate or extend any stalking no contact order under this Act. However, nothing in this Section shall deny any existing right to trial by jury in a criminal proceeding.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/45

    (740 ILCS 21/45)
    Sec. 45. Subject matter jurisdiction. Each of the circuit courts has the power to issue stalking no contact orders.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/50

    (740 ILCS 21/50)
    Sec. 50. Jurisdiction over persons. The courts of this State have jurisdiction to bind (1) State residents and (2) non-residents having minimum contacts with this State, to the extent permitted by the long-arm statute, Section 2-209 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/55

    (740 ILCS 21/55)
    Sec. 55. Venue. A petition for a stalking no contact order may be filed in any county where (1) the petitioner resides, (2) the respondent resides, or (3) one or more acts of the alleged stalking occurred.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/60

    (740 ILCS 21/60)
    Sec. 60. Process.
    (a) Any action for a stalking no contact order requires that a separate summons be issued and served. The summons shall be in the form prescribed by Supreme Court Rule 101(d), except that it shall require the respondent to answer or appear within 7 days. Attachments to the summons or notice shall include the petition for stalking no contact order and supporting affidavits, if any, and any emergency stalking no contact order that has been issued.
    (b) The summons shall be served by the sheriff or other law enforcement officer at the earliest time and shall take precedence over other summonses except those of a similar emergency nature. Special process servers may be appointed at any time, and their designation shall not affect the responsibilities and authority of the sheriff or other official process servers.
    (c) Service of process on a member of the respondent's household or by publication shall be adequate if: (1) the petitioner has made all reasonable efforts to accomplish actual service of process personally upon the respondent, but the respondent cannot be found to effect such service; and (2) the petitioner files an affidavit or presents sworn testimony as to those efforts.
    (d) A plenary stalking no contact order may be entered by default for the remedy sought in the petition, if the respondent has been served or given notice in accordance with subsection (a) and if the respondent then fails to appear as directed or fails to appear on any subsequent appearance or hearing date agreed to by the parties or set by the court.
    (e) If an order is granted under subsection (c) of Section 95, the court shall immediately file a certified copy of the order with the sheriff or other law enforcement official charged with maintaining Department of State Police records.
(Source: P.A. 101-508, eff. 1-1-20.)

740 ILCS 21/65

    (740 ILCS 21/65)
    Sec. 65. Service of notice of hearings. Except as provided in Section 60, notice of hearings on petitions or motions shall be served in accordance with Supreme Court Rules 11 and 12, unless notice is excused by Section 100 of this Act or by the Code of Civil Procedure, Supreme Court Rules, or local rules.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/70

    (740 ILCS 21/70)
    Sec. 70. Hearings.
    (a) A petition for a stalking no contact order shall be treated as an expedited proceeding, and no court may transfer or otherwise decline to decide all or part of such petition. Nothing in this Section shall prevent the court from reserving issues if jurisdiction or notice requirements are not met.
    (b) A court in a county with a population above 250,000 shall offer the option of a remote hearing to a petitioner for a stalking no contact order. The court has the discretion to grant or deny the request for a remote hearing. Each court shall determine the procedure for a remote hearing. The petitioner and respondent may appear remotely or in person.
    The court shall issue and publish a court order, standing order, or local rule detailing information about the process for requesting and participating in a remote court appearance. The court order, standing order, or local rule shall be published on the court's website and posted on signs throughout the courthouse, including in the clerk's office. The sign shall be written in plain language and include information about the availability of remote court appearances and the process for requesting a remote hearing.
(Source: P.A. 102-853, eff. 1-1-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

740 ILCS 21/75

    (740 ILCS 21/75)
    Sec. 75. Continuances.
    (a) Petitions for emergency remedies shall be granted or denied in accordance with the standards of Section 100, regardless of the respondent's appearance or presence in court.
    (b) Any action for a stalking no contact order is an expedited proceeding. Continuances shall be granted only for good cause shown and kept to the minimum reasonable duration, taking into account the reasons for the continuance.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/80

    (740 ILCS 21/80)
    Sec. 80. Stalking no contact orders; remedies.
    (a) If the court finds that the petitioner has been a victim of stalking, a stalking no contact order shall issue; provided that the petitioner must also satisfy the requirements of Section 95 on emergency orders or Section 100 on plenary orders. The petitioner shall not be denied a stalking no contact order because the petitioner or the respondent is a minor. The court, when determining whether or not to issue a stalking no contact order, may not require physical injury on the person of the petitioner. Modification and extension of prior stalking no contact orders shall be in accordance with this Act.
    (b) A stalking no contact order shall order one or more of the following:
        (1) prohibit the respondent from threatening to
commit or committing stalking;
        (2) order the respondent not to have any contact with
the petitioner or a third person specifically named by the court;
        (3) prohibit the respondent from knowingly coming
within, or knowingly remaining within a specified distance of the petitioner or the petitioner's residence, school, daycare, or place of employment, or any specified place frequented by the petitioner; however, the court may order the respondent to stay away from the respondent's own residence, school, or place of employment only if the respondent has been provided actual notice of the opportunity to appear and be heard on the petition;
        (4) prohibit the respondent from possessing a Firearm
Owners Identification Card, or possessing or buying firearms;
        (5) prohibit the respondent from using any electronic
tracking system or acquiring tracking information to determine the petitioner's location, movement, or travel pattern; and
        (6) order other injunctive relief the court
determines to be necessary to protect the petitioner or third party specifically named by the court.
    (b-5) When the petitioner and the respondent attend the same public, private, or non-public elementary, middle, or high school, the court when issuing a stalking no contact order and providing relief shall consider the severity of the act, any continuing physical danger or emotional distress to the petitioner, the educational rights guaranteed to the petitioner and respondent under federal and State law, the availability of a transfer of the respondent to another school, a change of placement or a change of program of the respondent, the expense, difficulty, and educational disruption that would be caused by a transfer of the respondent to another school, and any other relevant facts of the case. The court may order that the respondent not attend the public, private, or non-public elementary, middle, or high school attended by the petitioner, order that the respondent accept a change of placement or program, as determined by the school district or private or non-public school, or place restrictions on the respondent's movements within the school attended by the petitioner. The respondent bears the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that a transfer, change of placement, or change of program of the respondent is not available. The respondent also bears the burden of production with respect to the expense, difficulty, and educational disruption that would be caused by a transfer of the respondent to another school. A transfer, change of placement, or change of program is not unavailable to the respondent solely on the ground that the respondent does not agree with the school district's or private or non-public school's transfer, change of placement, or change of program or solely on the ground that the respondent fails or refuses to consent to or otherwise does not take an action required to effectuate a transfer, change of placement, or change of program. When a court orders a respondent to stay away from the public, private, or non-public school attended by the petitioner and the respondent requests a transfer to another attendance center within the respondent's school district or private or non-public school, the school district or private or non-public school shall have sole discretion to determine the attendance center to which the respondent is transferred. In the event the court order results in a transfer of the minor respondent to another attendance center, a change in the respondent's placement, or a change of the respondent's program, the parents, guardian, or legal custodian of the respondent is responsible for transportation and other costs associated with the transfer or change.
    (b-6) The court may order the parents, guardian, or legal custodian of a minor respondent to take certain actions or to refrain from taking certain actions to ensure that the respondent complies with the order. In the event the court orders a transfer of the respondent to another school, the parents, guardian, or legal custodian of the respondent are responsible for transportation and other costs associated with the change of school by the respondent.
    (b-7) The court shall not hold a school district or private or non-public school or any of its employees in civil or criminal contempt unless the school district or private or non-public school has been allowed to intervene.
    (b-8) The court may hold the parents, guardian, or legal custodian of a minor respondent in civil or criminal contempt for a violation of any provision of any order entered under this Act for conduct of the minor respondent in violation of this Act if the parents, guardian, or legal custodian directed, encouraged, or assisted the respondent minor in such conduct.
    (c) The court may award the petitioner costs and attorneys fees if a stalking no contact order is granted.
    (d) Monetary damages are not recoverable as a remedy.
    (e) If the stalking no contact order prohibits the respondent from possessing a Firearm Owner's Identification Card, or possessing or buying firearms; the court shall confiscate the respondent's Firearm Owner's Identification Card and immediately return the card to the Illinois State Police Firearm Owner's Identification Card Office.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 103-760, eff. 1-1-25.)

740 ILCS 21/85

    (740 ILCS 21/85)
    Sec. 85. Mutual stalking no contact orders are prohibited. Correlative separate orders undermine the purposes of this Act. If separate orders are sought, both must comply with all provisions of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/90

    (740 ILCS 21/90)
    Sec. 90. Accountability for actions of others. For the purposes of issuing a stalking no contact order, deciding what remedies should be included and enforcing the order, Article 5 of the Criminal Code of 2012 shall govern whether respondent is legally accountable for the conduct of another person.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)

740 ILCS 21/95

    (740 ILCS 21/95)
    Sec. 95. Emergency stalking no contact order.
    (a) An emergency stalking no contact order shall issue if the petitioner satisfies the requirements of this subsection (a). The petitioner shall establish that:
        (1) the court has jurisdiction under Section 50;
        (2) the requirements of Section 80 are satisfied; and
        (3) there is good cause to grant the remedy,
regardless of prior service of process or of notice upon the respondent, because the harm which that remedy is intended to prevent would be likely to occur if the respondent were given any prior notice, or greater notice than was actually given, of the petitioner's efforts to obtain judicial relief.
    An emergency stalking no contact order shall be issued by the court if it appears from the contents of the petition and the examination of the petitioner that the averments are sufficient to indicate stalking by the respondent and to support the granting of relief under the issuance of the stalking no contact order.
    An emergency stalking no contact order shall be issued if the court finds that items (1), (2), and (3) of this subsection (a) are met.
    (a-5) When a petition for an emergency stalking no contact order is granted, the petition, order, and file shall not be public and shall only be accessible to the court, law enforcement, petitioner, victim advocate, counsel of record for either party, and State's Attorney for the county until the order is served on the respondent.
    Accessibility to the petition, order, and file under this subsection prior to the petition being served on the respondent shall be in accordance with Section 5 of the Court Record and Document Accessibility Act.
    (b) If the respondent appears in court for this hearing for an emergency order, he or she may elect to file a general appearance and testify. Any resulting order may be an emergency order, governed by this Section. Notwithstanding the requirements of this Section, if all requirements of Section 100 have been met, the court may issue a plenary order.
    (c) Emergency orders; court holidays and evenings.
        (1) When the court is unavailable at the close of
business, the petitioner may file a petition for a 21-day emergency order before any available circuit judge or associate judge who may grant relief under this Act. If the judge finds that there is an immediate and present danger of abuse against the petitioner and that the petitioner has satisfied the prerequisites set forth in subsection (a), that judge may issue an emergency stalking no contact order.
        (2) The chief judge of the circuit court may
designate for each county in the circuit at least one judge to be reasonably available to issue orally, by telephone, by facsimile, or otherwise, an emergency stalking no contact order at all times, whether or not the court is in session.
        (3) Any order issued under this Section and any
documentation in support of the order shall be certified on the next court day to the appropriate court. The clerk of that court shall immediately assign a case number, file the petition, order, and other documents with the court, and enter the order of record and file it with the sheriff for service, in accordance with Section 60. Filing the petition shall commence proceedings for further relief under Section 20. Failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph (3) does not affect the validity of the order.
(Source: P.A. 102-831, eff. 5-13-22; 103-166, eff. 1-1-24.)

740 ILCS 21/100

    (740 ILCS 21/100)
    Sec. 100. Plenary stalking no contact order. A plenary stalking no contact order shall issue if the petitioner has served notice of the hearing for that order on the respondent, in accordance with Section 65, and satisfies the requirements of this Section. The petitioner must establish that:
        (1) the court has jurisdiction under Section 50;
        (2) the requirements of Section 80 are satisfied;
        (3) a general appearance was made or filed by or for
the respondent or process was served on the respondent in the manner required by Section 60; and
        (4) the respondent has answered or is in default.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/105

    (740 ILCS 21/105)
    Sec. 105. Duration and extension of orders.
    (a) Unless re-opened or extended or voided by entry of an order of greater duration, an emergency order shall be effective for not less than 14 nor more than 21 days.
    (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, a plenary stalking no contact order shall be effective for a fixed period of time, not to exceed 2 years. A stalking no contact order entered in conjunction with a criminal prosecution or delinquency petition shall remain in effect as provided in Section 112A-20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963.
    (c) Any emergency or plenary order may be extended one or more times, as required, provided that the requirements of Section 95 or 100, as appropriate, are satisfied. If the motion for extension is uncontested and the petitioner seeks no modification of the order, the order may be extended on the basis of the petitioner's motion or affidavit stating that there has been no material change in relevant circumstances since entry of the order and stating the reason for the requested extension. Extensions may be granted only in open court and not under the provisions of subsection (c) of Section 95, which applies only when the court is unavailable at the close of business or on a court holiday.
    (d) Any stalking no contact order which would expire on a court holiday shall instead expire at the close of the next court business day.
    (e) The practice of dismissing or suspending a criminal prosecution in exchange for the issuance of a stalking no contact order undermines the purposes of this Act. This Section shall not be construed as encouraging that practice.
(Source: P.A. 100-199, eff. 1-1-18.)

740 ILCS 21/110

    (740 ILCS 21/110)
    Sec. 110. Contents of orders.
    (a) Any stalking no contact order shall describe each remedy granted by the court, in reasonable detail and not by reference to any other document, so that the respondent may clearly understand what he or she must do or refrain from doing.
    (b) A stalking no contact order shall further state the following:
        (1) The name of each petitioner that the court finds
was the victim of stalking by the respondent.
        (2) The date and time the stalking no contact order
was issued, whether it is an emergency or plenary order, and the duration of the order.
        (3) The date, time, and place for any scheduled
hearing for extension of that stalking no contact order or for another order of greater duration or scope.
        (4) For each remedy in an emergency stalking no
contact order, the reason for entering that remedy without prior notice to the respondent or greater notice than was actually given.
        (5) For emergency stalking no contact orders, that
the respondent may petition the court, in accordance with Section 120, to reopen the order if he or she did not receive actual prior notice of the hearing as required under Section 65 of this Act and if the respondent alleges that he or she had a meritorious defense to the order or that the order or its remedy is not authorized by this Act.
    (c) A stalking no contact order shall include the following notice, printed in conspicuous type: "An initial knowing violation of a stalking no contact order is a Class A misdemeanor. Any second or subsequent knowing violation is a Class 4 felony."
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/115

    (740 ILCS 21/115)
    Sec. 115. Notice of orders.
    (a) Upon issuance of any stalking no contact order, the clerk shall immediately:
        (1) enter the order on the record and file it in
accordance with the circuit court procedures; and
        (2) provide a file stamped copy of the order to the
respondent, if present, and to the petitioner.
    (b) The clerk of the issuing judge shall, or the petitioner may, on the same day that a stalking no contact order is issued, file a certified copy of that order with the sheriff or other law enforcement officials charged with maintaining Illinois State Police records or charged with serving the order upon the respondent. If the respondent, at the time of the issuance of the order, is committed to the custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections or Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice or is on parole, aftercare release, or mandatory supervised release, the sheriff or other law enforcement officials charged with maintaining Illinois State Police records shall notify the Department of Corrections or Department of Juvenile Justice within 48 hours of receipt of a copy of the stalking no contact order from the clerk of the issuing judge or the petitioner. Such notice shall include the name of the respondent, the respondent's IDOC inmate number or IDJJ youth identification number, the respondent's date of birth, and the LEADS Record Index Number.
    (c) Unless the respondent was present in court when the order was issued, the sheriff, other law enforcement official, or special process server shall promptly serve that order upon the respondent and file proof of such service in the manner provided for service of process in civil proceedings. Instead of serving the order upon the respondent, however, the sheriff, other law enforcement official, special process server, or other persons defined in Section 117 may serve the respondent with a short form notification as provided in Section 117. If process has not yet been served upon the respondent, it shall be served with the order or short form notification if such service is made by the sheriff, other law enforcement official, or special process server.
    (d) If the person against whom the stalking no contact order is issued is arrested and the written order is issued in accordance with subsection (c) of Section 95 and received by the custodial law enforcement agency before the respondent or arrestee is released from custody, the custodial law enforcement agent shall promptly serve the order upon the respondent or arrestee before the respondent or arrestee is released from custody. In no event shall detention of the respondent or arrestee be extended for hearing on the petition for stalking no contact order or receipt of the order issued under Section 95 of this Act.
    (e) Any order extending, modifying, or revoking any stalking no contact order shall be promptly recorded, issued, and served as provided in this Section.
    (f) Upon the request of the petitioner, within 24 hours of the issuance of a stalking no contact order, the clerk of the issuing judge shall send written notice of the order along with a certified copy of the order to any school, daycare, college, or university at which the petitioner is enrolled.
(Source: P.A. 101-508, eff. 1-1-20; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)

740 ILCS 21/117

    (740 ILCS 21/117)
    Sec. 117. Short form notification.
    (a) Instead of personal service of a stalking no contact order under Section 115, a sheriff, other law enforcement official, special process server, or personnel assigned by the Department of Corrections or Department of Juvenile Justice to investigate the alleged misconduct of committed persons or alleged violations of a parolee's or releasee's conditions of parole, aftercare release, or mandatory supervised release may serve a respondent with a short form notification. The short form notification must include the following items:
        (1) The respondent's name.
        (2) The respondent's date of birth, if known.
        (3) The petitioner's name.
        (4) The names of other protected parties.
        (5) The date and county in which the stalking no
contact order was filed.
        (6) The court file number.
        (7) The hearing date and time, if known.
        (8) The conditions that apply to the respondent,
either in checklist form or handwritten.
    (b) The short form notification must contain the following notice in bold print:
    "The order is now enforceable. You must report to the office of the sheriff or the office of the circuit court in (name of county) County to obtain a copy of the order. You are subject to arrest and may be charged with a misdemeanor or felony if you violate any of the terms of the order."
    (c) Upon verification of the identity of the respondent and the existence of an unserved order against the respondent, a sheriff or other law enforcement official may detain the respondent for a reasonable time necessary to complete and serve the short form notification.
    (d) When service is made by short form notification under this Section, it may be proved by the affidavit of the person making the service.
    (e) The Attorney General shall make the short form notification form available to law enforcement agencies in this State.
    (f) A single short form notification form may be used for orders of protection under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, stalking no contact orders under this Act, and civil no contact orders under the Civil No Contact Order Act.
(Source: P.A. 97-1017, eff. 1-1-13; 98-558, eff. 1-1-14.)

740 ILCS 21/120

    (740 ILCS 21/120)
    Sec. 120. Modification; reopening of orders.
    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, upon motion by the petitioner, the court may modify an emergency or plenary stalking no contact order by altering the remedy, subject to Section 80.
    (b) After 30 days following entry of a plenary stalking no contact order, a court may modify that order only when a change in the applicable law or facts since that plenary order was entered warrants a modification of its terms.
    (c) Upon 2 days' notice to the petitioner, or such shorter notice as the court may prescribe, a respondent subject to an emergency stalking no contact order issued under this Act may appear and petition the court to rehear the original or amended petition. Any petition to rehear shall be verified and shall allege the following:
        (1) that the respondent did not receive prior notice
of the initial hearing in which the emergency order was entered under Sections 65 and 95; and
        (2) that the respondent had a meritorious defense to
the order or any of its remedies or that the order or any of its remedies was not authorized by this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/125

    (740 ILCS 21/125)
    Sec. 125. Violation. An initial knowing violation of a stalking no contact order is a Class A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent knowing violation is a Class 4 felony.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/130

    (740 ILCS 21/130)
    Sec. 130. Arrest without warrant.
    (a) Any law enforcement officer may make an arrest without warrant if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed or is committing a violation of a stalking no contact order.
    (b) The law enforcement officer may verify the existence of a stalking no contact order by telephone or radio communication with his or her law enforcement agency or by referring to the copy of the order provided by the petitioner or the respondent.
(Source: P.A. 96-246, eff. 1-1-10.)

740 ILCS 21/135

    (740 ILCS 21/135)
    Sec. 135. Data maintenance by law enforcement agencies.
    (a) All sheriffs shall furnish to the Illinois State Police, on the same day as received, in the form and detail the Department requires, copies of any recorded emergency or plenary stalking no contact orders issued by the court and transmitted to the sheriff by the clerk of the court in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 115 of this Act. Each stalking no contact order shall be entered in the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System on the same day it is issued by the court. If an emergency stalking no contact order was issued in accordance with subsection (c) of Section 100, the order shall be entered in the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System as soon as possible after receipt from the clerk of the court.
    (b) The Illinois State Police shall maintain a complete and systematic record and index of all valid and recorded stalking no contact orders issued under this Act. The data shall be used to inform all dispatchers and law enforcement officers at the scene of an alleged incident of stalking or violation of a stalking no contact order of any recorded prior incident of stalking involving the petitioner and the effective dates and terms of any recorded stalking no contact order.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)