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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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(30 ILCS 500/) Illinois Procurement Code.

30 ILCS 500/45-23

    (30 ILCS 500/45-23)
    Sec. 45-23. Single-use plastics prohibition; preference.
    (a) For the purposes of this Section:
    "Compostable" means that the item meets the ASTM D6400 standard of compostability and has been certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute as compostable.
    "Compostable foodware" means containers, bowls, straws, plates, trays, cartons, cups, lids, forks, spoons, knives, and other items that are designed for one-time use for beverages, prepared food, or leftovers from meals that are compostable.
    "Plastic" means a synthetic material made from linking monomers through a chemical reaction to create an organic polymer chain that can be molded or extruded at high heat into various solid forms retaining their defined shapes during their life cycle and after disposal.
    "Recyclable foodware" means items that are designed for one-time use for beverages, prepared food, or leftovers from meals and that are commonly accepted in local curbside residential recycling pickup.
    "Single-use plastic disposable foodware" means containers, bowls, straws, plates, trays, cartons, cups, lids, forks, spoons, knives, and other items that are designed for one-time use for beverages, prepared food, or leftovers from meals and that are made of plastic, are not compostable, and are not accepted in residential curbside recycling pickup.
    (b) When a State agency or institution of higher education is to award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, an otherwise qualified bidder who will fulfill the contract through the use of compostable foodware or recyclable foodware may be given preference over other bidders unable to do so; provided that the bid is not more than 5% greater than the cost of products that are single-use plastic disposable foodware. The contract awarded the cost preference in this subsection (b) shall also include the option of providing the State agency or institution of higher education with single-use plastic straws.
    (c) After January 1, 2023, State agencies and departments may not procure single-use plastic disposable foodware for use at any State parks or natural areas, and instead shall offer only compostable foodware or recyclable foodware for use at State parks or natural areas.
    (d) After January 1, 2024, or at the renewal of its next contract, whichever occurs later, no vendor contracted through a State agency or department may provide customers with single-use plastic disposable foodware at any site located at a State park or a natural area, and instead shall offer only compostable foodware or recyclable foodware for use at State parks or natural areas.
    (e) This Section does not apply to the procurement of supplies for the Illinois State Fair.
(Source: P.A. 102-1081, eff. 1-1-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

30 ILCS 500/45-24

    (30 ILCS 500/45-24)
    Sec. 45-24. Single-use plastics prohibition; preference.
    (a) As used in this Section:
    "Compostable" means that the item meets the ASTM D6400 standard of compostability and has been certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute as compostable.
    "Compostable foodware" means containers, bowls, straws, plates, trays, cartons, cups, lids, forks, spoons, knives, and other items that are designed for one-time use for beverages, prepared food, or leftovers from meals that are compostable.
    "Disposable food service container" means serviceware designed for one-time use. "Disposable food service container" includes, but is not limited to, serviceware for take-out foods, bakery products, and leftovers from partially consumed meals. "Disposable food service container" does not include polystyrene foam coolers, egg carton containers, ice chests that are used for the processing or shipping of seafood or service ware that is used to contain, transport, or otherwise package raw, uncooked, or butchered meat, poultry, fish, or seafood.
    "Polystyrene foam" means blown polystyrene and expanded or extruded foams using a styrene monomer.
    "Recyclable foodware" means items that are designed for one-time use for beverages, prepared food, or leftovers from meals and that are commonly accepted in local curbside residential recycling pick up.
    "Serviceware" means a container, bowl, plate, tray, carton, cup, lid, or other item designed to contain, transport, serve, or aid in the consumption of food or beverages.
    "State agency" has the meaning given to that term in Section 1-15.100 of this Code.
    (b) After January 1, 2025, State agencies and departments may not procure disposable food service containers that are composed in whole or in part from polystyrene foam for use at any State agency or department and instead shall offer only compostable foodware or recyclable foodware for use at the State agency or department.
    (c) After January 1, 2026, or at the renewal of its next contract, whichever occurs later, no vendor contracted through a State agency or department may provide customers with disposable food service containers that are composed in whole or in part from polystyrene foam at any site owned or leased by the State, and instead shall offer only compostable foodware or recyclable foodware for use at sites owned or leased by the State.
(Source: P.A. 103-470, eff. 8-4-23.)

30 ILCS 500/45-25

    (30 ILCS 500/45-25)
    Sec. 45-25. Recyclable supplies. All supplies purchased for use by State agencies must be recyclable paper unless a recyclable substitute cannot be used to meet the requirements of the State agencies or would constitute an undue economic or practical hardship.
(Source: P.A. 96-197, eff. 1-1-10.)

30 ILCS 500/45-26

    (30 ILCS 500/45-26)
    Sec. 45-26. Environmentally preferable procurement.
    (a) Definitions. For the purposes of this Section:
        (1) "Supplies" means all personal property, including
but not limited to equipment, materials, printing, and insurance, and the financing of those supplies.
        (2) "Services" means the furnishing of labor, time,
or effort by a contractor, not involving the delivery of a specific end product other than reports or supplies that are incidental to the required performance.
        (3) "Environmentally preferable supplies" means
supplies that are less harmful to the natural environment and human health than substantially similar supplies for the same purpose. Attributes of environmentally preferable supplies include, but are not limited to, the following:
                (i) made of recycled materials, to the
maximum extent feasible;
                (ii) not containing, emitting, or producing
toxic substances;
                (iii) constituted so as to minimize the
production of waste; and
                (iv) constituted so as to conserve energy and
water resources over the course of production, transport, intended use, and disposal.
        (4) "Environmentally preferable services" means
services that are less harmful to the natural environment and human health than substantially similar services for the same purpose. Attributes of "environmentally preferable services" include, but are not limited to, the following:
                (i) use of supplies made of recycled
materials, to the maximum extent feasible;
                (ii) use of supplies that do not contain,
emit, or produce toxic substances;
                (iii) employment of methods that minimize the
production of waste; and
                (iv) employment of methods that conserve
energy and water resources or use energy and water resources more efficiently than substantially similar methods.
    (b) Award of contracts for environmentally preferable supplies or services. Notwithstanding any rule, regulation, statute, order, or policy of any kind, with the exceptions of Sections 45-20 and 45-25 of this Code, State agencies shall contract for supplies and services that are environmentally preferable.
    If, however, contracting for an environmentally preferable supply or service would impose an undue economic or practical hardship on the contracting State agency, or if an environmentally preferable supply or service cannot be used to meet the requirements of the State agency, then the State agency need not contract for an environmentally preferable supply or service. Specifications for contracts, at the discretion of the contracting State agency, may include a price preference of up to 10% for environmentally preferable supplies or services.
(Source: P.A. 96-197, eff. 1-1-10.)

30 ILCS 500/45-30

    (30 ILCS 500/45-30)
    Sec. 45-30. Illinois Correctional Industries. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in other law, each chief procurement officer appointed pursuant to Section 10-20 shall, in consultation with Illinois Correctional Industries, a division of the Illinois Department of Corrections (referred to as the "Illinois Correctional Industries" or "ICI") determine for all State agencies under their respective jurisdictions which articles, materials, industry related services, food stuffs, and finished goods that are produced or manufactured by persons confined in institutions and facilities of the Department of Corrections who are participating in Illinois Correctional Industries programs shall be purchased from Illinois Correctional Industries. Each chief procurement officer appointed pursuant to Section 10-20 shall develop and distribute to the appropriate purchasing and using agencies a listing of all Illinois Correctional Industries products and procedures for implementing this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-43, eff. 8-9-17.)

30 ILCS 500/45-35

    (30 ILCS 500/45-35)
    Sec. 45-35. Not-for-profit agencies for persons with significant disabilities.
    (a) Qualification. Supplies and services may be procured without advertising or calling for bids from any qualified not-for-profit agency for persons with significant disabilities that:
        (1) complies with Illinois laws governing private
not-for-profit organizations;
        (2) provides for payment of a wage for contractual
services under this Section that is no less than the applicable local or Illinois minimum wage, whichever is higher, for all employees performing work on the contract, including subcontractors performing work on the contract; and
        (3) is (A) a disability-serving organization that is
accredited by a nationally-recognized accrediting organization or licensed by the Department of Human Services or (B) a Center for Independent Living.
    (b) Participation. To participate, the not-for-profit agency must have indicated an interest in providing the supplies and services, must meet the specifications and needs of the using agency, and must set a fair and reasonable price.
    (c) Committee. There is created within the Department of Central Management Services a committee to facilitate the purchase of products and services from not-for-profit agencies that provide employment opportunities to persons with physical disabilities, intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental illnesses, or any combination thereof. This committee is called the State Use Committee. The State Use Committee shall consist of the Director of the Department of Central Management Services or his or her designee, the Secretary of the Department of Human Services or his or her designee, the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or his or her designee, one public member representing private business who is knowledgeable of the employment needs and concerns of persons with developmental disabilities, one public member representing private business who is knowledgeable of the needs and concerns of rehabilitation facilities, one public member who is knowledgeable of the employment needs and concerns of persons with developmental disabilities, one public member who is knowledgeable of the needs and concerns of rehabilitation facilities, 2 members who have a disability, 2 public members from a statewide association that represents community-based rehabilitation facilities serving or supporting individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, and one public member from a disability-focused statewide advocacy group, all appointed by the Governor. The public members shall serve 2 year terms, commencing upon appointment and every 2 years thereafter. A public member may be reappointed, and vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the completion of the term. In the event there is a vacancy on the State Use Committee, the Governor must make an appointment to fill that vacancy within 30 calendar days after the notice of vacancy. The members shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for expenses at a rate equal to that of State employees on a per diem basis by the Department of Central Management Services. All members shall be entitled to vote on issues before the State Use Committee.
    The State Use Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
        (1) To request from any State agency information as
to product specification and service requirements in order to carry out its purpose.
        (2) To meet quarterly or more often as necessary to
carry out its purposes.
        (3) To request a quarterly report from each
participating qualified not-for-profit agency for persons with significant disabilities describing the volume of sales for each product or service sold under this Section.
        (4) To prepare a report for the Governor and General
Assembly no later than December 31 of each year. The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall be satisfied by following the procedures set forth in Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization Act.
        (5) To prepare a publication that lists all supplies
and services currently available from any qualified not-for-profit agency for persons with significant disabilities. This list and any revisions shall be distributed to all purchasing agencies.
        (6) To encourage diversity in supplies and services
provided by qualified not-for-profit agencies for persons with significant disabilities and discourage unnecessary duplication or competition among not-for-profit agencies.
        (7) To develop guidelines to be followed by
qualifying agencies for participation under the provisions of this Section. Guidelines shall include a list of national accrediting organizations which satisfy the requirements of item (3) of subsection (a) of this Section. The guidelines shall be developed within 6 months after the effective date of this Code and made available on a nondiscriminatory basis to all qualifying agencies. The new guidelines required under this item (7) by Public Act 100-203 shall be developed within 6 months after August 18, 2017 (the effective date of Public Act 100-203) and made available on a non-discriminatory basis to all qualifying not-for-profit agencies.
        (8) To review all pricing submitted under the
provisions of this Section and may approve a proposed agreement for supplies or services where the price submitted is fair and reasonable. Review of pricing under this paragraph may include, but is not limited to:
            (A) Amounts private businesses would pay for
similar products or services.
            (B) Amounts the federal government would pay
contractors for similar products or services.
            (C) The amount paid by the State for similar
products or services.
            (D) The actual cost of manufacturing the product
or performing a service at a community rehabilitation program offering employment services on or off premises to persons with disabilities or mental illnesses, with adequate consideration given to legal and moral imperatives to pay workers with disabilities equitable wages.
            (E) The usual, customary, and reasonable costs of
manufacturing, marketing, and distribution.
        (9) To, not less than every 3 years, adopt a
strategic plan for increasing the number of products and services purchased from qualified not-for-profit agencies for persons with disabilities or mental illnesses, including the feasibility of developing mandatory set-aside contracts.
    (c-5) Conditions for Use. Each chief procurement officer shall, in consultation with the State Use Committee, determine which articles, materials, services, food stuffs, and supplies that are produced, manufactured, or provided by persons with significant disabilities in qualified not-for-profit agencies shall be given preference by purchasing agencies procuring those items.
    (d) (Blank).
    (e) Subcontracts. Subcontracts shall be permitted for agreements authorized under this Section. For the purposes of this subsection (e), "subcontract" means any acquisition from another source of supplies, not including raw materials, or services required by a qualified not-for-profit agency to provide the supplies or services that are the subject of the contract between the State and the qualified not-for-profit agency.
    The State Use Committee shall develop guidelines to be followed by qualified not-for-profit agencies when seeking and establishing subcontracts with other persons or not-for-profit agencies in order to fulfill State contract requirements. These guidelines shall include the following:
        (i) The State Use Committee must approve all
subcontracts and substantive amendments to subcontracts prior to execution or amendment of the subcontract.
        (ii) A qualified not-for-profit agency shall not
enter into a subcontract, or any combination of subcontracts, to fulfill an entire requirement, contract, or order without written State Use Committee approval.
        (iii) A qualified not-for-profit agency shall make
reasonable efforts to utilize subcontracts with other not-for-profit agencies for persons with significant disabilities.
        (iv) For any subcontract not currently performed by a
qualified not-for-profit agency, the primary qualified not-for-profit agency must provide to the State Use Committee the following: (A) a written explanation as to why the subcontract is not performed by a qualified not-for-profit agency, and (B) a written plan to transfer the subcontract to a qualified not-for-profit agency, as reasonable.
(Source: P.A. 102-343, eff. 8-13-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 103-570, eff. 1-1-24.)