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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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(65 ILCS 5/) Illinois Municipal Code.

65 ILCS 5/Art. 11 Div. 135

    (65 ILCS 5/Art. 11 Div. 135 heading)

65 ILCS 5/11-135-1

    (65 ILCS 5/11-135-1) (from Ch. 24, par. 11-135-1)
    Sec. 11-135-1. Any 2 or more municipalities, except cities of 500,000 or more inhabitants, may acquire either by purchase or construction a waterworks system or a common source of supply of water, or both, and may operate jointly a waterworks system or a common source of supply of water, or both, and improve and extend the same, as provided in this Division 135. The corporate authorities of the specified municipalities desiring to avail themselves of the provisions of this Division 135 shall adopt a resolution or ordinance determining and electing to acquire and operate jointly a waterworks system or a common source of supply of water or both, as the case may be. Such resolution or ordinance may be rescinded at any time prior to the issuance and sale of revenue bonds and after the rescinding municipality has no outstanding obligation to pay a proportionate share of the costs of development, construction or operation.
    Any municipality adopting a resolution or ordinance to acquire and operate jointly a waterworks system or a common source of supply of water, or both, as the case may be, under the provisions of this Division 135, is authorized from time to time to pay, to advance or to obligate itself to the Commission, to bear a proportionate share of the development costs of any project proposed by the Commission including plans, feasibility reports and engineering even though the project is never constructed or water is never supplied by the Commission to such municipality.
    Whenever any municipality determines to pay, to advance or to obligate itself for its proportionate share of development costs as above provided, it shall adopt an ordinance declaring its intention to do so, fix the maximum amount of its share of the cost it proposes to pay, to advance or to obligate itself for, and the period over which it proposes to pay its obligation (not exceeding 5 years) and the maximum amount to be paid annually, if such obligation is to be paid in installments. The time of payment of any such installment obligation may be extended for a period of not exceeding five years from the final maturity date of the original obligation.
    From and after such ordinance becomes effective, it shall be the duty of the municipality to include an amount sufficient to pay the annual installments of its obligation each year in the next succeeding appropriation ordinances. No prior appropriation shall be required for a municipality to authorize the payments, advances or obligations herein provided for.
    Whenever any municipality has obligated itself for development costs as herein provided and after the effective date of the ordinance under which it obligated itself for a specific amount for development costs of a project and after approval of such obligation by the Commission, the Commission is authorized to borrow funds temporarily for payment of such development costs in advance of permanent financing. The Commission may from time to time and pursuant to an appropriate resolution borrow money and issue its interim notes to evidence borrowings for such purpose, including all necessary and incidental expenses in connection therewith.
    Any resolution authorizing the issuance of such notes shall describe the project and the development costs to be undertaken, specify the principal amount, rate of interest as authorized under Section 2 of "An Act to authorize public corporations to issue bonds, other evidences of indebtedness and tax anticipation warrants subject to interest rate limitations set forth therein", approved May 26, 1970, as now or hereafter amended, and the maturity date which shall coincide with the due date of the obligations or the installments thereof incurred by the respective municipalities pursuant to this Section not, however, to exceed 5 years from date.
    Contemporaneously with the issuance as provided by this Division of revenue bonds, all outstanding interim notes issued for development costs of a project though they have not then matured shall be paid, both principal and interest to date of payment, from funds derived from the sale of revenue bonds for the permanent financing of any such project for which interim notes may have been issued and such interim notes shall be surrendered and cancelled.
    Any municipality adopting a resolution or ordinance to acquire and operate jointly a waterworks system or a common source of supply of water, or both, as the case may be, under the provisions of this Division 135 is further authorized from time to time, to pay, to advance or to obligate itself to the Commission to bear, a proportionate share of the construction and operating costs of any project proposed by the Commission.
    Whenever a municipality determines to pay, to advance or to obligate itself for its proportionate share of construction or operating costs as above provided, it shall adopt an ordinance declaring its intention to do so, fix the maximum amount of its share of the cost it proposes to pay, to advance or to obligate itself for, and the period over which it proposes to pay its obligation and the maximum amount to be paid annually, if such obligation is to be paid in installments. From and after such ordinance becomes effective, it shall be the duty of the municipality to include an amount sufficient to pay the annual installments of its obligation each year in the next succeeding appropriation ordinances. No prior appropriation shall be required for a municipality to authorize the payments, advances or obligations herein provided for.
    Whenever any municipality has paid, advanced or obligated itself for development, construction or operating costs as herein provided, the Commission is authorized to contract with such municipality, on such terms as may be agreed, for the repayment to such municipality by the Commission of any payment or advance made by such municipality to the Commission to charge, in addition to all other charges and rates authorized under the provisions of this Division, such rates and charges for water sold by the Commission as shall be necessary to provide for such repayment. In addition, any payment or advance of such costs made by a municipality pursuant to this Section may be repaid by the Commission to the municipality from the proceeds of revenue bonds authorized to be issued by the Commission pursuant to this Division 135.
(Source: P.A. 82-783.)

65 ILCS 5/11-135-2

    (65 ILCS 5/11-135-2) (from Ch. 24, par. 11-135-2)
    Sec. 11-135-2. Upon the adoption of such an ordinance or resolution by the corporate authorities of any such municipality, the mayor or president, with the approval of the corporate authorities, shall appoint a commissioner. If under Section 11-135-3 a water commission meets the participatory requirements, that water commission shall appoint a commissioner. The commissioners so appointed by each of such municipalities and participatory water commissions together with a like commissioner appointed by the presiding officer of the county board with the advice and consent of the county board of the county in which the major part of the works of the water commission are, or are to be, located, shall constitute a commission and public corporation with the powers and duties specified in this Division 135. The corporate name of the commission shall be "(here insert an appropriate name indicative of the area) Water Commission" and as such the Commission may contract and be contracted with, and sue and be sued.
    The commissioners so appointed shall serve for a term of 6 years, or until their successors have been appointed and have qualified in the same manner as the original appointments, except that the commissioners first appointed shall determine by lot at their first meeting the respective commissioners whose terms shall be for 2, 4 and 6 years from the date of that meeting. Each commissioner appointed by a mayor or president shall be an elector or the chief administrator of the municipality for which he acts as commissioner, and the commissioner appointed by the presiding officer of the county board shall be an elector of the county in which the major works of the water commission are, or are to be, located. Any commissioner so appointed may be a member of the governing board or officer or employee of the municipality or county from which the appointment is made. A commissioner is eligible for reappointment upon the expiration of his term. A vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term of the person who has ceased to hold office by the mayor, president or county board presiding officer who initially made such appointment in the same manner as the original appointment. Each commissioner shall receive the same compensation, as determined by the appointing authority, which shall not be more than $2,000 per year, except that no commissioner who is a member of the governing board or officer of the municipality or county from which the appointment is made may receive any compensation for serving as commissioner. Each commissioner shall furnish a bond for the faithful performance of his official duties. This bond shall not be less than $5,000 and its costs shall be paid by the commission.
    Each commissioner may be removed for any cause for which any other municipal officer may be removed. No commissioner, or employee of the commission, and no mayor, or president, or other member of the corporate authorities, or any employee of any of the municipalities, shall be interested directly or indirectly in any contract or job of work or materials, or the profits thereof, or services to be performed for or by the commission.
    A violation of any of the foregoing provisions of this section is a Class C misdemeanor. A conviction is cause for the removal of a person from his office or employment.
(Source: P.A. 90-517, eff. 8-22-97; 91-659, eff. 12-22-99.)

65 ILCS 5/11-135-3

    (65 ILCS 5/11-135-3) (from Ch. 24, par. 11-135-3)
    Sec. 11-135-3. Such a commission shall organize by appointing a chairman from its own members and a clerk and treasurer, who need not be commissioners. It shall adopt its own rules of procedure and provide for its meetings. The commission has full and complete supervision, management, and control of the waterworks system, or the common source of supply of water, or both, as provided in the ordinances or resolutions for acquiring and operating the same, and in their maintenance, operation, and extension. The commission is authorized to contract with the municipalities which established the commission for a supply of water to those municipalities, for a period not exceeding 50 years, and the corporate authorities of those municipalities are authorized to enter into contracts with the commission.
    The commission is authorized to develop, promote and provide for recreational facilities on property acquired in and for the operation of its common source of supply of water and to include reasonable charges for such recreational facilities as part of the cost of operation and maintenance of the waterworks system.
    Any 2 or more water commissions organized under this Division 135 may, by resolution adopted by each commission and ratified by the corporate authorities of each of the municipalities comprising each of the water commissions agree to the joint purchase, construction, operation, improvement or extension, or any combination thereof, of either or both a waterworks system and a common source of supply of water for those commissions. When such an agreement has been executed, the water commissions entering into that agreement may jointly issue revenue bonds for the projects subject to the agreement in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as are provided in this Division 135 in the case of an individual water commission.
    Any additional municipality or water commission may join and become a part of the system provided for in this Division 135 in the same manner as if participating at the time of formation if approved by majority vote of the water commissioners and such approval is ratified by resolution of the corporate authorities of a majority of the municipalities or water commissions constituting the commission; except that if a system is composed of two municipalities, only the approval of a majority of the water commissioners is required to accept an additional municipality or water commission to the system. If a municipality or water commission has been a continuous customer of the same water commission for a minimum of 20 years, receives at least 90% of its water from the water commission, and the population of the municipality or water commission exceeds 20% of the population of the then current member municipalities in the water commission, that municipality or water commission shall become a part of the system. In such event the name of the water commission may be changed either to include the joining municipality's or water commission's name or to provide another name that is indicative of the area. The membership of the water commission shall be enlarged to include a member from such joining municipality or water commission.
(Source: P.A. 91-659, eff. 12-22-99.)