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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(220 ILCS 5/) Public Utilities Act.

220 ILCS 5/16-102

    (220 ILCS 5/16-102)
    Sec. 16-102. Definitions. For the purposes of this Article the following terms shall be defined as set forth in this Section.
    "Alternative retail electric supplier" means every person, cooperative, corporation, municipal corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, firm, partnership, individual, or other entity, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, that offers electric power or energy for sale, lease or in exchange for other value received to one or more retail customers, or that engages in the delivery or furnishing of electric power or energy to such retail customers, and shall include, without limitation, resellers, aggregators and power marketers, but shall not include (i) electric utilities (or any agent of the electric utility to the extent the electric utility provides tariffed services to retail customers through that agent), (ii) any electric cooperative or municipal system as defined in Section 17-100 to the extent that the electric cooperative or municipal system is serving retail customers within any area in which it is or would be entitled to provide service under the law in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, (iii) a public utility that is owned and operated by any public institution of higher education of this State, or a public utility that is owned by such public institution of higher education and operated by any of its lessees or operating agents, within any area in which it is or would be entitled to provide service under the law in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, (iv) a retail customer to the extent that customer obtains its electric power and energy from that customer's own cogeneration or self-generation facilities, (v) an entity that owns, operates, sells, or arranges for the installation of a customer's own cogeneration or self-generation facilities, but only to the extent the entity is engaged in owning, selling or arranging for the installation of such facility, or operating the facility on behalf of such customer, provided however that any such third party owner or operator of a facility built after January 1, 1999, complies with the labor provisions of Section 16-128(a) as though such third party were an alternative retail electric supplier, or (vi) an industrial or manufacturing customer that owns its own distribution facilities, to the extent that the customer provides service from that distribution system to a third-party contractor located on the customer's premises that is integrally and predominantly engaged in the customer's industrial or manufacturing process; provided, that if the industrial or manufacturing customer has elected delivery services, the customer shall pay transition charges applicable to the electric power and energy consumed by the third-party contractor unless such charges are otherwise paid by the third party contractor, which shall be calculated based on the usage of, and the base rates or the contract rates applicable to, the third-party contractor in accordance with Section 16-102.
    An entity that furnishes the service of charging electric vehicles does not and shall not be deemed to sell electricity and is not and shall not be deemed an alternative retail electric supplier, and is not subject to regulation as such under this Act notwithstanding the basis on which the service is provided or billed. If, however, the entity is otherwise deemed an alternative retail electric supplier under this Act, or is otherwise subject to regulation under this Act, then that entity is not exempt from and remains subject to the otherwise applicable provisions of this Act. The installation, maintenance, and repair of an electric vehicle charging station shall comply with the requirements of subsection (a) of Section 16-128 and Section 16-128A of this Act.
    For purposes of this Section, the term "electric vehicles" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 10 of the Electric Vehicle Act.
    "Base rates" means the rates for those tariffed services that the electric utility is required to offer pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 16-103 and that were identified in a rate order for collection of the electric utility's base rate revenue requirement, excluding (i) separate automatic rate adjustment riders then in effect, (ii) special or negotiated contract rates, (iii) delivery services tariffs filed pursuant to Section 16-108, (iv) real-time pricing, or (v) tariffs that were in effect prior to October 1, 1996 and that based charges for services on an index or average of other utilities' charges, but including (vi) any subsequent redesign of such rates for tariffed services that is authorized by the Commission after notice and hearing.
    "Competitive service" includes (i) any service that has been declared to be competitive pursuant to Section 16-113 of this Act, (ii) contract service, and (iii) services, other than tariffed services, that are related to, but not necessary for, the provision of electric power and energy or delivery services.
    "Contract service" means (1) services, including the provision of electric power and energy or other services, that are provided by mutual agreement between an electric utility and a retail customer that is located in the electric utility's service area, provided that, delivery services shall not be a contract service until such services are declared competitive pursuant to Section 16-113; and also means (2) the provision of electric power and energy by an electric utility to retail customers outside the electric utility's service area pursuant to Section 16-116. Provided, however, contract service does not include electric utility services provided pursuant to (i) contracts that retail customers are required to execute as a condition of receiving tariffed services, or (ii) special or negotiated rate contracts for electric utility services that were entered into between an electric utility and a retail customer prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 and filed with the Commission.
    "Delivery services" means those services provided by the electric utility that are necessary in order for the transmission and distribution systems to function so that retail customers located in the electric utility's service area can receive electric power and energy from suppliers other than the electric utility, and shall include, without limitation, standard metering and billing services.
    "Electric utility" means a public utility, as defined in Section 3-105 of this Act, that has a franchise, license, permit or right to furnish or sell electricity to retail customers within a service area.
    "Mandatory transition period" means the period from the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 through January 1, 2007.
    "Municipal system" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 17-100.
    "Real-time pricing" means tariffed retail charges for delivered electric power and energy that vary hour-to-hour and are determined from wholesale market prices using a methodology approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission.
    "Retail customer" means a single entity using electric power or energy at a single premises and that (A) either (i) is receiving or is eligible to receive tariffed services from an electric utility, or (ii) that is served by a municipal system or electric cooperative within any area in which the municipal system or electric cooperative is or would be entitled to provide service under the law in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, or (B) an entity which on the effective date of this Act was receiving electric service from a public utility and (i) was engaged in the practice of resale and redistribution of such electricity within a building prior to January 2, 1957, or (ii) was providing lighting services to tenants in a multi-occupancy building, but only to the extent such resale, redistribution or lighting service is authorized by the electric utility's tariffs that were on file with the Commission on the effective date of this Act.
    "Service area" means (i) the geographic area within which an electric utility was lawfully entitled to provide electric power and energy to retail customers as of the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, and includes (ii) the location of any retail customer to which the electric utility was lawfully providing electric utility services on such effective date.
    "Small commercial retail customer" means those nonresidential retail customers of an electric utility consuming 15,000 kilowatt-hours or less of electricity annually in its service area.
    "Tariffed service" means services provided to retail customers by an electric utility as defined by its rates on file with the Commission pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of this Act, but shall not include competitive services.
    "Transition charge" means a charge expressed in cents per kilowatt-hour that is calculated for a customer or class of customers as follows for each year in which an electric utility is entitled to recover transition charges as provided in Section 16-108:
        (1) the amount of revenue that an electric utility
would receive from the retail customer or customers if it were serving such customers' electric power and energy requirements as a tariffed service based on (A) all of the customers' actual usage during the 3 years ending 90 days prior to the date on which such customers were first eligible for delivery services pursuant to Section 16-104, and (B) on (i) the base rates in effect on October 1, 1996 (adjusted for the reductions required by subsection (b) of Section 16-111, for any reduction resulting from a rate decrease under Section 16-101(b), for any restatement of base rates made in conjunction with an elimination of the fuel adjustment clause pursuant to subsection (b), (d), or (f) of Section 9-220 and for any removal of decommissioning costs from base rates pursuant to Section 16-114) and any separate automatic rate adjustment riders (other than a decommissioning rate as defined in Section 16-114) under which the customers were receiving or, had they been customers, would have received electric power and energy from the electric utility during the year immediately preceding the date on which such customers were first eligible for delivery service pursuant to Section 16-104, or (ii) to the extent applicable, any contract rates, including contracts or rates for consolidated or aggregated billing, under which such customers were receiving electric power and energy from the electric utility during such year;
        (2) less the amount of revenue, other than revenue
from transition charges and decommissioning rates, that the electric utility would receive from such retail customers for delivery services provided by the electric utility, assuming such customers were taking delivery services for all of their usage, based on the delivery services tariffs in effect during the year for which the transition charge is being calculated and on the usage identified in paragraph (1);
        (3) less the market value for the electric power and
energy that the electric utility would have used to supply all of such customers' electric power and energy requirements, as a tariffed service, based on the usage identified in paragraph (1), with such market value determined in accordance with Section 16-112 of this Act;
        (4) less the following amount which represents the
amount to be attributed to new revenue sources and cost reductions by the electric utility through the end of the period for which transition costs are recovered pursuant to Section 16-108, referred to in this Article XVI as a "mitigation factor":
            (A) for nonresidential retail customers, an
amount equal to the greater of (i) 0.5 cents per kilowatt-hour during the period October 1, 1999 through December 31, 2004, 0.6 cents per kilowatt-hour in calendar year 2005, and 0.9 cents per kilowatt-hour in calendar year 2006, multiplied in each year by the usage identified in paragraph (1), or (ii) an amount equal to the following percentages of the amount produced by applying the applicable base rates (adjusted as described in subparagraph (1)(B)) or contract rate to the usage identified in paragraph (1): 8% for the period October 1, 1999 through December 31, 2002, 10% in calendar years 2003 and 2004, 11% in calendar year 2005 and 12% in calendar year 2006; and
            (B) for residential retail customers, an amount
equal to the following percentages of the amount produced by applying the base rates in effect on October 1, 1996 (adjusted as described in subparagraph (1)(B)) to the usage identified in paragraph (1): (i) 6% from May 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002, (ii) 7% in calendar years 2003 and 2004, (iii) 8% in calendar year 2005, and (iv) 10% in calendar year 2006;
        (5) divided by the usage of such customers identified
in paragraph (1),
provided that the transition charge shall never be less than zero.
    "Unbundled service" means a component or constituent part of a tariffed service which the electric utility subsequently offers separately to its customers.
(Source: P.A. 97-1128, eff. 8-28-12.)

220 ILCS 5/16-103

    (220 ILCS 5/16-103)
    Sec. 16-103. Service obligations of electric utilities.
    (a) An electric utility shall continue offering to retail customers each tariffed service that it offered as a distinct and identifiable service on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 until the service is (i) declared competitive pursuant to Section 16-113, or (ii) abandoned pursuant to Section 8-508. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as limiting an electric utility's right to propose, or the Commission's power to approve, allow or order modifications in the rates, terms and conditions for such services pursuant to Article IX or Section 16-111 of this Act.
    (b) An electric utility shall also offer, as tariffed services, delivery services in accordance with this Article, the power purchase options described in Section 16-110 and real-time pricing as provided in Section 16-107.
    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, each electric utility shall continue offering to all residential customers and to all small commercial retail customers in its service area, as a tariffed service, bundled electric power and energy delivered to the customer's premises consistent with the bundled utility service provided by the electric utility on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997. Upon declaration of the provision of electric power and energy as competitive, the electric utility shall continue to offer to such customers, as a tariffed service, bundled service options at rates which reflect recovery of all cost components for providing the service. For those components of the service which have been declared competitive, cost shall be the market based prices. Market based prices as referred to herein shall mean, for electric power and energy, either (i) those prices for electric power and energy determined as provided in Section 16-112, or (ii) the electric utility's cost of obtaining the electric power and energy at wholesale through a competitive bidding or other arms-length acquisition process.
    (d) Any residential or small commercial retail customer which elects delivery services is entitled to return to the electric utility's bundled utility tariffed service offering provided in accordance with subsection (c) of this Section upon payment of a reasonable administrative fee which shall be set forth in the tariff. Notwithstanding any other obligation of an electric utility in this Section: (1) if the residential or small commercial customer has not elected delivery services within 2 billing cycles after returning to the electric utility's bundled utility tariffed service offering, then the electric utility shall be entitled, but not required, to impose the condition that such customer may not elect delivery services for up to 12 months after the date on which the customer returned to bundled utility tariffed service and (2) the electric utility shall be entitled, but not required, to impose the condition that a customer who has left delivery service for the electric utility's bundled service not be permitted to return to the same alternative retail electric supplier within up to 2 billing cycles after the customer returned to bundled utility tariffed service other than in situations, including, but not limited to, where the return was in error, inadvertent, or the result of any other unintended operational consequence.
    (e) The Commission shall not require an electric utility to offer any tariffed service other than the services required by this Section, and shall not require an electric utility to offer any competitive service.
(Source: P.A. 99-250, eff. 8-3-15.)

220 ILCS 5/16-103.1

    (220 ILCS 5/16-103.1)
    Sec. 16-103.1. Tariffed service to Unit Owners' Associations. An electric utility that serves at least 2,000,000 customers must provide tariffed service to Unit Owners' Associations, as defined by Section 2 of the Condominium Property Act, for condominium properties that are not restricted to nonresidential use at rates that do not exceed on average the rates offered to residential customers on an annual basis. Within 10 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act, the electric utility shall provide the tariffed service to Unit Owners' Associations required by this Section and shall reinstate any residential all-electric discount applicable to any Unit Owners' Association that received such a discount on December 31, 2006. For purposes of this Section, "residential customers" means those retail customers of an electric utility that receive (i) electric utility service for household purposes distributed to a dwelling of 2 or fewer units that is billed under a residential rate or (ii) electric utility service for household purposes distributed to a dwelling unit or units that is billed under a residential rate and is registered by a separate meter for each dwelling unit.
(Source: P.A. 95-481, eff. 8-28-07.)

220 ILCS 5/16-103.2

    (220 ILCS 5/16-103.2)
    Sec. 16-103.2. Market Settlement Service.
    (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, an electric utility shall be permitted, at its election, to provide Market Settlement Service, which, for purposes of this Section, shall mean a tariffed, unbundled electric power and energy supply service applicable to all of the electric utility's retail customers having maximum demands exceeding 400 kilowatts, as measured in accordance with the electric utility's retail tariffs, that do not otherwise purchase all of their electric power and energy supply service from the electric utility. Market Settlement Service shall apply to the difference between (i) the actual quantities of electric power and energy supply provided to any such retail customer during a given period and (ii) the quantities of such supply that were deemed to have been provided to such retail customer for the purposes of the applicable regional transmission organization's final wholesale market settlements during that same period. An electric utility providing Market Settlement Service may also, at its election, include in Market Settlement Service electric capacity, transmission services, or other services that are also provided by or through a regional transmission organization to retail customers who receive tariffed electric power and energy supply service with hourly pricing provisions at quantities assigned to such retail customer pursuant to the electric utility's Market Settlement Service tariff. Charges (if the actual quantities provided were greater) or credits (if the actual quantities provided were less) shall be calculated based on the same unit rate or rates set forth in the electric utility's tariff or tariffs for electric power and energy supply service with hourly pricing provisions applicable to its retail customers having maximum demands exceeding 400 kilowatts, provided, however, that any reconciliation provision set forth in such tariff or tariffs, including any charges or credits resulting therefrom, shall not apply to Market Settlement Service.
    An electric utility providing Market Settlement Service shall be permitted to recover all of its reasonable and prudently incurred administrative and operational costs of providing this service from all of its retail customers through its delivery services charges. An electric utility providing Market Settlement Service shall be permitted to recover its reasonable and prudent initial implementation and start-up costs from retail consumers having maximum demands exceeding 400 kilowatts through its delivery service charges.
    (b) Market Settlement Service shall be provided pursuant to a tariff of the electric utility on file with the Commission. The electric utility's Market Settlement Service tariff shall include provisions for the determination of the quantities subject to Market Settlement Service for any retail customer that receives only a portion of its electric power and energy requirements from an alternative retail electric supplier or electric utility operating outside of its service territory. Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section, the electric utility may elect to (i) exclude from Market Settlement Service any portion of the difference described in subsection (a) of this Section attributable to a delayed initial retail electric service bill for a given period and (ii) provide Market Settlement Service limited to an entire retail billing period or periods, without proration, notwithstanding that the applicable regional transmission organization's final wholesale market settlements may have occurred on a date within a retail billing period.
    (c) An electric utility that has a tariff in effect pursuant to this Section shall not be subject to, or allowed to pursue, any other claims, adjustments, settlements, or offsets related to the cost of any difference in the actual quantities of electric energy, capacity, transmission services, or other services included in Market Settlement Service, provided, however, that the provisions of this subsection (c) shall not, consistent with the provisions of this Act, (i) preclude any subsequent and separate adjustments made to the same retail customer's electric service account pursuant to a tariff authorized by this Section because of other differences, whether for the same or a different meter or for the same or different period or (ii) reduce or impair in any way an electric utility's authority to charge a retail customer for unmetered electric service related to the retail customer's unlawful tampering with or interference with electric service, including, but not limited to, any other charges allowed by law or the electric utility's tariffs.
    (d) A tariff authorized by this Section may be established outside of either (i) a filing seeking a general change in rates under Article IX of this Act or (ii) a filing authorized under Section 16-108.5 of this Act. The Commission shall review and, by order, approve, or approve as modified, the proposed tariff within 180 days after the date on which it is filed. In the event the Commission approves such a tariff with modifications, the electric utility shall not be obligated to place the modified tariff into effect. In such event, the electric utility must, within 14 days after any Commission order, withdraw its proposed tariff and its election to provide Market Settlement Service. If a Market Settlement Service tariff does become effective, such tariff shall remain in effect thereafter at the discretion of the electric utility.
    (e) Notwithstanding anything in this Act to the contrary, an electric utility providing Market Settlement Service shall not be liable to any retail customer, alternative retail electric supplier, or electric utility operating outside of its service territory for any adjustment in the quantity of any transmission or retail electric supply service for which the applicable regional transmission organization under its tariffs, agreements, and market and business rules will no longer make a corresponding adjustment to the wholesale market settlements.
(Source: P.A. 98-554, eff. 1-1-14.)

220 ILCS 5/16-104

    (220 ILCS 5/16-104)
    Sec. 16-104. Delivery services transition plan. An electric utility shall provide delivery services to retail customers in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
    (a) Each electric utility shall offer delivery services to retail customers located in its service area in accordance with the following provisions:
        (1) On or before October 1, 1999, the electric
utility shall offer delivery services (i) to any non-residential retail customer whose average monthly maximum electrical demand on the electric utility's system during the 6 months with the customer's highest monthly maximum demands in the 12 months ending June 30, 1999 equals or exceeds 4 megawatts; (ii) to any non-governmental, non-residential, commercial retail customers under common ownership doing business at 10 or more separate locations within the electric utility's service area, if the aggregate coincident average monthly maximum electrical demand of all such locations during the 6 months with the customer's highest monthly maximum electrical demands during the 12 months ending June 30, 1999 equals or exceeds 9.5 megawatts, provided, however, that an electric utility's obligation to offer delivery services under this clause (ii) shall not exceed 3.5% of the maximum electric demand on the electric utility's system in the 12 months ending June 30, 1999; and (iii) to non-residential retail customers whose annual electric energy use comprises 33% of the kilowatt-hour sales, excluding the kilowatt-hour sales to customers described in clauses (i) and (ii), to each non-residential retail customer class of the electric utility.
        (2) On or before October 1, 2000, the electric
utility shall offer delivery services to the eligible governmental customers described in subsections (a) and (b) of Section 16-125A if the aggregate coincident average monthly maximum electrical demand of such customers during the 6 months with the customers' highest monthly maximum electrical demands during the 12 months ending June 30, 2000 equals or exceeds 9.5 megawatts.
        (2.5) On or before June 1, 2000, an electric utility
serving more than 1,000,000 customers in this State shall offer delivery services to retail customers whose annual electric energy use comprises 33% of the kilowatt hour sales to that group of retail customers that are classified under Division D, Groups 20 through 39 of the Standard Industrial Classifications set forth in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the United States Office of Management and Budget, excluding the kilowatt-hour sales to those customers that are eligible for delivery services pursuant to clause (1)(i), and shall offer delivery services to its remaining retail customers classified under Division D, Groups 20 through 39 on or before October 1, 2000.
        (3) On or before December 31, 2000, the electric
utility shall offer delivery services to all remaining nonresidential retail customers in its service area.
        (4) On or before May 1, 2002, the electric utility
shall offer delivery services to all residential retail customers in its service area.
    The loads and kilowatt-hour sales used for purposes of this subsection shall be those for the 12 months ending June 30, 1999 for nonresidential retail customers. The electric utility shall identify those customers to be offered delivery service pursuant to clause (1)(iii) and paragraph (2.5) of subsection (a) of this Section and Section 16-111(e)(B)(iii) pursuant to a lottery or other random nondiscriminatory selection process set forth in the electric utility's delivery services implementation plan pursuant to Section 16-105, which process may include a registration process giving each nonresidential customer the opportunity to register for eligibility for delivery services under this Section, with a lottery of registered customers to be conducted if the annual electric energy use of all registered customers exceeds the limit set forth in clause (1)(iii) or clause (2.5) or Section 16-111(e)(B)(iii), as applicable; provided that the provision of this amendatory Act of 1999 as it relates to the registration and lottery process under clause (1)(iii) is not intended to nor does it make any change in the meaning of this Section, but is intended to remove possible ambiguities, thereby confirming the existing meaning of this Section prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1999. Provided, that non-residential retail customers under common ownership at separate locations within the electric utility's service area may elect, prior to the date the electric utility conducts the lottery or other random selection process for purposes of clause (1)(iii), to designate themselves as a common ownership group, to be excluded from such lottery and to instead participate in a separate lottery for such common ownership group pursuant to which delivery services will be offered to non-residential retail customers comprising 33% of the total kilowatt-hour sales to the common ownership group on or before October 1, 1999. For purposes of this subsection (a), an electric utility may define "common ownership" to exclude sites which are not part of the same business, provided, that auxiliary establishments as defined in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the United States Office of Management and Budget shall not be excluded.
    (b) The electric utility shall allow the aggregation of loads that are eligible for delivery services so long as such aggregation meets the criteria for delivery of electric power and energy applicable to the electric utility established by the regional reliability council to which the electric utility belongs, by an independent system operating organization to which the electric utility belongs, or by another organization responsible for overseeing the integrity and reliability of the transmission system, as such criteria are in effect from time to time. The Commission may adopt rules and regulations governing the criteria for aggregation of the loads utilizing delivery services, but its failure to do so shall not preclude any eligible customer from electing delivery services. The electric utility shall allow such aggregation for any voluntary grouping of customers, including without limitation those having a common agent with contractual authority to purchase electric power and energy and delivery services on behalf of all customers in the grouping.
    (c) An electric utility shall allow a retail customer that generates power for its own use to include the electrical demand obtained from the customer's cogeneration or self-generation facilities that is coincident with the retail customer's maximum monthly electrical demand on the electric utility's system in any determination of the customer's maximum monthly electrical demand for purposes of determining when such retail customer shall be offered delivery services pursuant to clause (i) of subparagraph (1) of subsection (a) of this Section.
    (d) The Commission shall establish charges, terms and conditions for delivery services in accordance with Section 16-108.
    (e) Subject to the terms and conditions which the electric utility is entitled to impose in accordance with Section 16-108, a retail customer that is eligible to elect delivery services pursuant to subsection (a) may place all or a portion of its electric power and energy requirements on delivery services.
    (f) An electric utility may require a retail customer who elects to (i) use an alternative retail electric supplier or another electric utility for some but not all of its electric power or energy requirements, and (ii) use the electric utility for any portion of its remaining electric power and energy requirements, to place the portion of the customer's electric power or energy requirement that is to be served by the electric utility on a tariff containing charges that are set to recover the lowest reasonably available cost to the electric utility of acquiring electric power and energy on the wholesale electric market to serve such remaining portion of the customer's electric power and energy requirement, reasonable compensation for arranging for and providing such electric power or energy, and the electric utility's other costs of providing service to such remaining electric power and energy requirement.
(Source: P.A. 90-561, eff. 12-16-97; 91-50, eff. 6-30-99.)

220 ILCS 5/16-105

    (220 ILCS 5/16-105)
    Sec. 16-105. Delivery services implementation plan. To ensure the safe and orderly implementation of delivery services, each electric utility shall submit to the Commission no later than March 1, 1999, a delivery services implementation plan for non-residential customers and no later than August 1, 2001, a delivery services implementation plan for residential customers. The delivery services implementation plan shall detail the process and procedures by which each electric utility will offer delivery services to each customer class and shall be designed to insure an orderly transition and the maintenance of reliable service. The Commission shall enter an order approving, or approving as modified, the delivery services implementation plan of each electric utility no later than 60 days prior to the date on which the electric utility must commence offering such services.
(Source: P.A. 90-561, eff. 12-16-97.)

220 ILCS 5/16-105.5

    (220 ILCS 5/16-105.5)
    Sec. 16-105.5. Rate case filing and revenue-neutral rate design.
    (a) An electric utility that files a general rate case pursuant to Section 9-201 of this Act or a Multi-Year Rate Plan pursuant to Section 16-108.18 of this Act may omit the rate design component of such filing and subsequently separately file this component with the Commission, subject to the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of this Section.
    (b) If the electric utility makes the election described in this Section, then the filing shall be consistent with the rate design and cost allocation across customer classes approved in the Commission's most recent order regarding the electric utility's request for a general adjustment to its rates entered under Section 9-201, subsection (e) of Section 16-108.5, or Section 16-108.18 of this Act, as applicable.
    (c) If the electric utility makes the election described in this Section, then the following provisions apply to the separate filing of the revenue-neutral rate design component:
        (1) No later than one year after the tariffs
implementing the general rate case filing or Multi-year Rate Plan filing, as described in subsection (b) of this Section, are placed into effect, the electric utility shall make a filing with the Commission that proposes changes to the tariffs to incorporate the findings of any final rate design orders of the Commission applicable to the electric utility and entered subsequent to the Commission's approval of the tariffs. If no such orders have been entered, then the electric utility must submit its separate revenue-neutral rate design filing no later than 3 years after the date on which the Commission's most recent final rate design order was entered for the electric utility. The electric utility's separate revenue-neutral rate design filing may either propose revenue-neutral tariff changes or refile the existing tariffs without change, which shall present the Commission with an opportunity to suspend the tariffs and consider revenue-neutral tariff changes related to rate design. The Commission shall, after notice and hearing, enter its order approving, or approving with modification, the proposed changes to the tariffs within 240 days after the electric utility's filing. Any changes ordered by the Commission shall become effective at the commencement of the first January monthly billing period that begins no earlier than 30 days after the Commission issues its order adopting such changes.
        (2) Following Commission approval under paragraph (1)
of this subsection (c), the electric utility shall make a filing with the Commission during each subsequent 3-year period that either proposes revenue-neutral tariff changes or refiles the existing tariffs without change, which shall present the Commission with an opportunity to suspend the tariffs and consider revenue-neutral tariff changes related to rate design. The requirements of this paragraph (2) shall terminate at the time that the electric utility files a general rate case or Multi-Year Rate Plan that includes the rate design component.
(Source: P.A. 102-662, eff. 9-15-21.)

220 ILCS 5/16-105.6

    (220 ILCS 5/16-105.6)
    Sec. 16-105.6. Amortization of charges or credits.
    (a) It is in the public interest to mitigate the customer bill impacts of large expenses incurred by electric utilities by directing that expenses exceeding the applicable threshold specified in this Section be amortized over the prescribed period. Such amortization will levelize customer bill impacts and, in many instances, better align the period of cost recovery with the period over which customers receive the benefit of the expenditure. Accordingly, an electric utility that files a general rate increase under Section 9-201 of this Act or a Multi-Year Rate Plan under Section 16-108.18 of this Act shall amortize, over a 5-year period, each charge or credit that exceeds the applicable amount identified in subsection (b) of this Section and that relates to (1) a workforce reduction program's severance costs; (2) changes in accounting rules; (3) changes in law; (4) compliance with any Commission-initiated audit; and (5) a single storm or weather system, or other similar expense.
    Any unamortized balance shall be reflected in rate base.
    In this Section, "changes in law" includes any enactment, repeal, or amendment in a law, ordinance, rule, regulation, interpretation, permit, license, consent, or order, including those relating to taxes, accounting, or environmental matters, or in the interpretation or application thereof by any governmental authority occurring after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
    Nothing in this Section is intended to prohibit the Commission from reviewing the prudence and reasonableness of the costs amortized pursuant to this Section.
    (b) An electric utility that serves more than 3,000,000 customers in the State shall amortize the full amount of each charge or credit described in subsection (a) of this Section that exceeds $10,000,000 in the applicable calendar year, and an electric utility that serves less than 3,000,000 customers in the State shall amortize the full amount of each such charge or credit that exceeds $3,700,000 in the applicable calendar year.
(Source: P.A. 102-662, eff. 9-15-21.)

220 ILCS 5/16-105.7

    (220 ILCS 5/16-105.7)
    Sec. 16-105.7. Revenue balancing adjustments.
    (a) It is in the public interest to decouple electric utility sales and revenues, to mitigate the impact on utilities of energy savings goals, to mitigate a utility's disincentive to promote energy efficiency, and to recognize changes in sales attributable to weather, electric vehicles and other electrification, adoption of distributed energy resources, and other volatile or uncontrollable factors without adversely affecting utility customers.
    (b) For the purposes of this Section, "reconciliation period" means a period beginning with the January monthly billing period and extending through the December monthly billing period of the same calendar year.
    (c) As set forth in subsection (d) of this Section, the Commission shall approve a tariff by which distribution revenues shall be compared annually to the revenue requirement or requirements approved by the Commission on which the rates giving rise to those revenues were based to prevent undercollections or overcollections. An electric utility shall submit an annual revenue balancing reconciliation report to the Commission reflecting the difference between the actual delivery service revenue and multi-year rate case revenue requirement for the applicable reconciliation and identifying the charges or credits to be applied thereafter. Such reconciliation and calculation of associated charges or credits shall be conducted on a customer class basis. The annual revenue balancing reconciliation report shall be filed with the Commission no later than March 20 of the year following a reconciliation period. The Commission may initiate a review of the revenue balancing reconciliation report each year to determine if any subsequent adjustment is necessary to align actual delivery service revenue and rate case revenue requirement. If the Commission elects to initiate such review, the Commission shall, after notice and hearing, enter an order approving, or approving as modified, such revenue balancing reconciliation report no later than 120 days after the utility files its report with the Commission. If the Commission does not initiate such a review, the revenue balancing reconciliation report and the identified charges or credits shall be deemed accepted and approved 120 days after the utility files the report and shall not be subject to review in any other proceeding. Any balancing adjustment shall take effect during the following January monthly billing period.
    (d) Each electric utility shall file a tariff in compliance with the provisions of this Section within 120 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. The Commission shall approve the tariff if it finds that it is consistent with the provisions of the Section. If the Commission does not so find, it shall approve the tariff with modification to conform it to the requirements of this Section or otherwise reject the tariff and explain how the utility can modify the tariff and refile to comply with the requirements of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-662, eff. 9-15-21.)