1. 720 ILCS 648/36 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/36) Sec. 36. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 95-640, eff. 6-1-08. Repealed . . .
2. 720 ILCS 648/37 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/37) Sec. 37. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 95-640, eff. 6-1-08. Repealed . . .
3. 720 ILCS 648/38 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/38) Sec. 38. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 95-640, eff. 6-1-08. Repealed . . .
4. 720 ILCS 648/39.5 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/39.5) Sec. 39.5. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 95-640, eff. 6-1-08. Repealed . . .
5. 720 ILCS 648/39.6 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/39.6) Sec. 39.6. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 96-50, eff. 10-21-09. Repealed . . .
6. 720 ILCS 648/39.7 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/39.7) Sec. 39.7. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 96-50, eff. 10-21-09. Repealed . . .
7. 720 ILCS 648/39.8-5 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/39.8-5) Sec. 39.8-5. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 96-50, eff. 10-21-09. . . .
8. 720 ILCS 648/39.8 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/39.8) Sec. 39.8. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 96-50, eff. 10-21-09. Repealed . . .
9. 720 ILCS 648/39 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/39) Sec. 39. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 95-640, eff. 6-1-08. Repealed . . .
10. 720 ILCS 648/1 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/1) Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Methamphetamine . . .
11. 720 ILCS 648/45 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/45) Sec. 45. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 96-50, eff. 10-21-09. Repealed . . .
12. 720 ILCS 648/60 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/60) Sec. 60. Severability. The provisions of this Act are severable . . .
13. 720 ILCS 648/900 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/900) Sec. 900. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted). (Source: P.A. . . .
14. 720 ILCS 648/905 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/905) Sec. 905. The Methamphetamine Precursor Retail Sale Control Act . . .
15. 720 ILCS 648/999 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/999) Sec. 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect January 15, 2006. . . .
16. 720 ILCS 648/5 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/5) Sec. 5. Purpose. The purpose of this Act is to reduce the harm that . . .
17. 720 ILCS 648/50 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/50) Sec. 50. Scope of Act. (a) Nothing in this Act limits the scope, . . .
18. 720 ILCS 648/55 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/55) Sec. 55. Preemption and home rule powers. The regulation of the . . .
19. 720 ILCS 648/15 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/15) Sec. 15. Basic provisions. (a) No targeted methamphetamine precursor . . .
20. 720 ILCS 648/20 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/20) Sec. 20. Restrictions on purchase, receipt, or acquisition. (a) . . .
21. 720 ILCS 648/30 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/30) Sec. 30. Retail distributors; general requirements. (a) No retail . . .
22. 720 ILCS 648/35 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/35) Sec. 35. Retail distributors; training requirements. (a) Every retail . . .
23. 720 ILCS 648/25 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/25) Sec. 25. Pharmacies. (a) No targeted methamphetamine precursor may . . .
24. 720 ILCS 648/40 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/40) Sec. 40. Penalties. (a) Violations of subsection (b) of Section . . .
25. 720 ILCS 648/10 CHAPTER 720 CRIMINAL OFFENSESTerms found: 720 ilcs 648 (1) (720 ILCS 648/10) Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act: "Administer" or "administration" . . .