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Results for "vehicle codes rights" within 100th GA Legislation.New Search
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751. SB2249 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (14) rights (92) vehicle (14) vehicles (8)
. . . so collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment of tax . . . Authority may impose a replacement vehicle tax of $50 on any passenger car as defined in Section 1-157 of the Illinois Vehicle Code purchased within the metropolitan region . . .

752. HB4139 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (32) vehicle (7) rights (4) right (2)
. . . (ii) Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance; or (iii) Section 11-503 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance, . . . (h) of Section 2-702 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (c) Sealing. (1) Applicability. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the contrary, and cumulative with any rights to expungement of criminal records, this . . .

753. HB4150 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: right (7) code (7) vehicle (1) rights (2)
. . . a rebuttable presumption that the acquisition of certain property (or right or interest in property) is (i) primarily for the benefit, use, or enjoyment . . . 4-505 of the Illinois Highway Code, (8) (blank) Section 17 or 18 of the Railroad Incorporation Act , (9) (blank) Section 18c-7501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code . (d) If the exercise of eminent domain . . .

754. HB4155 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (9) vehicle (6) rights (2) vehicles (2) right (1)
. . . in Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, a violation of Section 11-401 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, provided the victim was a pedestrian or was operating a vehicle moved solely by human power or a mobility . . . of Section 10-9 of the Criminal Code of 2012. (Source: P.A. 98-435, eff. 1-1-14; 99-671, eff. 1-1-17 .) (740 ILCS 45/6.1) (from Ch. 70, par. 76.1) Sec. 6.1. Right to compensation. A person is entitled . . .

755. HB4184 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (2) vehicles (2) right (1)
. . . INTRODUCED: 520 ILCS 5/2.26 from Ch. 61, par. 2.26 Amends the Wildlife Code. Provides that a person with a valid concealed carry license issued under . . . to take deer by use of dogs, horses, automobiles, aircraft or other vehicles, or by the use or aid of bait or baiting of any kind. For the purposes . . . been injured or killed in any manner upon a public highway or public right-of-way of this State unless exempted by administrative rule. Persons hunting . . .

756. HB4185 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (8) vehicle (1) rights (2)
. . . ILCS 5/24-2 730 ILCS 5/3-2-12 new Amends the Criminal Code of 2012 and the Unified Code of Corrections. Permits a currently employed or retired State . . . or person exempted in this Section by a common carrier or by a vehicle owned or leased by an exempted manufacturer. (g-5) Subsection 24-1(a)(6) . . . may not be considered a law enforcement official and all of his or her rights as a law enforcement official are revoked permanently.

757. SB2287 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (9) vehicle (1) rights (4)
. . . 5/3-2-12 new 730 ILCS 125/26.1 new Amends the Criminal Code of 2012, the Unified Code of Corrections, and the County Jail Act. Permits currently . . . or person exempted in this Section by a common carrier or by a vehicle owned or leased by an exempted manufacturer. (g-5) Subsection 24-1(a)(6) . . . shall no longer be considered law enforcement officials and all their rights as law enforcement officials shall be revoked permanently, unless employed . . .

758. SB2289enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (20) right (23) rights (12) vehicle (2)
. . . Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. (A) Right to occupancy. A party has a right to occupancy of a residence or household if it is solely . . . medical purposes in accordance with Section 7-702.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall certify the order suspending the . . .

759. SB2289eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (20) right (23) rights (12) vehicle (2)
. . . Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. (A) Right to occupancy. A party has a right to occupancy of a residence or household if it is solely . . . medical purposes in accordance with Section 7-702.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall certify the order suspending the . . .

760. SB2289 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (21) right (22) rights (12) vehicle (2)
. . . Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. (A) Right to occupancy. A party has a right to occupancy of a residence or household if it is solely . . . medical purposes in accordance with Section 7-702.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall certify the order suspending the . . .

761. SB2289sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: right (3) code (10) rights (2) vehicle (2)
. . . findings relative thereto, the court may allocate death benefits, the right to assign death benefits, or the obligation for future premium 10000SB2289sam001 . . . medical purposes in accordance with Section 7-702.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall certify the order suspending the . . .

762. HB4228 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (47) vehicles (86) vehicle (48) right (4) rights (160)
. . . security" means a security that (1) confers upon the holder the right to vote for the election of members of the board of directors or similar . . . Authority may impose a replacement vehicle tax of $50 on any passenger car as defined in Section 1-157 of the Illinois Vehicle Code purchased within the metropolitan region . . .

763. HB4231enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (6) vehicles (2) right (3) vehicle (8)
. . . been injured or killed in any manner upon a public highway or public right-of-way of this State unless exempted by administrative rule. Persons hunting . . . any wild birds or mammals by use or aid of any vehicle or conveyance, except as permitted by the Code of Federal Regulations for the taking of waterfowl. . . .

764. HB4231eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (6) vehicles (2) right (3) vehicle (8)
. . . been injured or killed in any manner upon a public highway or public right-of-way of this State unless exempted by administrative rule. Persons hunting . . . any wild birds or mammals by use or aid of any vehicle or conveyance, except as permitted by the Code of Federal Regulations for the taking of waterfowl. . . .

765. HB4231 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (7) vehicles (2) right (3) vehicle (8)
. . . been injured or killed in any manner upon a public highway or public right-of-way of this State unless exempted by administrative rule. Persons hunting . . . any wild birds or mammals by use or aid of any vehicle or conveyance, except as permitted by the Code of Federal Regulations for the taking of waterfowl. . . .

766. SB2313enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (3) right (1) code (1)
. . . changes reported to him or her. (g) An animal control agency has the right to impound a dangerous dog if the owner fails to comply with the requirements . . . Pet Friendly license plates under Section 3-653 of the Illinois Vehicle Code , and from voluntary contributions must be kept in the Fund and shall . . .

767. SB2313eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (3) right (1) code (1)
. . . changes reported to him or her. (g) An animal control agency has the right to impound a dangerous dog if the owner fails to comply with the requirements . . . Pet Friendly license plates under Section 3-653 of the Illinois Vehicle Code , and from voluntary contributions must be kept in the Fund and shall . . .

768. SB2313sam002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (3) right (1) code (1)
. . . changes reported to him or her. (g) An animal control agency has the right to impound a dangerous dog if the owner fails to comply with the requirements . . . Pet Friendly license plates under Section 3-653 of the Illinois Vehicle Code , and from voluntary contributions must be kept in the Fund and shall . . .

769. SB2315 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (14) codes (8) right (7) rights (8) vehicle (1) vehicles (2)
. . . Presence of structures below minimum code standards. All structures that do not meet the standards of zoning, subdivision, building, fire, and other governmental codes applicable to property, but not including . . . or platting that failed to create rights-of-ways for streets or alleys or that created inadequate right-of-way widths for streets, alleys, or other public rights-of-way or that omitted easements for . . . used to provide offices, storage space, or conference facilities or vehicle storage, maintenance, or repair for administrative, public safety, or public . . .

770. HB4297 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: rights (6) right (1) code (30) vehicle (3)
. . . and has assigned distribution rights to an importing distributor or distributor, then the self-distribution exemption holder's distribution rights in the assigned territories shall cease . . . same terms as a JDP issued under Section 6-206.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, except that the court may direct that the JDP be effective immediately. . . .

771. SB2332enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: rights (6) right (1) code (30) vehicle (3)
. . . and has assigned distribution rights to an importing distributor or distributor, then the self-distribution exemption holder's distribution rights in the assigned territories shall cease . . . same terms as a JDP issued under Section 6-206.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, except that the court may direct that the JDP be effective immediately. . . .

772. SB2332eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: rights (6) right (1) code (30) vehicle (3)
. . . and has assigned distribution rights to an importing distributor or distributor, then the self-distribution exemption holder's distribution rights in the assigned territories shall cease . . . same terms as a JDP issued under Section 6-206.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, except that the court may direct that the JDP be effective immediately. . . .

773. SB2332 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: rights (6) right (1) code (30) vehicle (3)
. . . and has assigned distribution rights to an importing distributor or distributor, then the self-distribution exemption holder's distribution rights in the assigned territories shall cease . . . same terms as a JDP issued under Section 6-206.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, except that the court may direct that the JDP be effective immediately. . . .

774. HB4312eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (17) code (4) vehicles (4) right (3)
. . . meeting the requirements of this Code or a police vehicle properly and lawfully making use of an audible or visual signal: (1) the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to . . .

775. HB4312 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (20) code (6) vehicles (4) right (3)
. . . meeting the requirements of this Code or a police vehicle properly and lawfully making use of an audible or visual signal: (1) the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to . . .

776. HB4313 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (8) vehicle (1) rights (2)
. . . ILCS 5/24-2 730 ILCS 5/3-2-12 new Amends the Criminal Code of 2012 and the Unified Code of Corrections. Permits currently employed and retired State . . . or person exempted in this Section by a common carrier or by a vehicle owned or leased by an exempted manufacturer. (g-5) Subsection 24-1(a)(6) . . . shall no longer be considered law enforcement officials and all their rights as law enforcement officials shall be revoked permanently. (b) For the . . .

777. HB4314 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (291) vehicle (59) rights (28) right (21) vehicles (2)
. . . activities. (3) Exercise the rights, powers, and duties vested in the Department by the Personnel Code. (4) Operate an electronic data processing . . . of Section 24-3A of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012. (S) (Blank). (T) (Blank). (U) A second or subsequent violation of Section 6-303 of the Illinois Vehicle Code committed while his or her driver's license, . . .

778. SB2342enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicles (12) right (10) code (20) rights (6) vehicle (6)
. . . identified in subsection (a) of Section 6-205 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. SB2342 Enrolled - 41 - LRB100 17956 MRW 33140 b If the court orders . . . the part of the owner of the vessel or watercraft, vehicle , or aircraft or any person whose right, title , or interest is of record as described in Section . . .

779. SB2342ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicles (12) right (10) code (20) rights (6) vehicle (6)
. . . identified in subsection (a) of Section 6-205 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. If the court orders the release of the conveyance during the pendency . . . the part of the owner of the vessel or watercraft, vehicle , or aircraft or any person whose right, title , or interest is of record as described in Section . . .

780. SB2346sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (6) vehicle (2) vehicles (8) rights (2)
. . . 12, 13, 15, and 16 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, the rules adopted pursuant to those Chapters insofar as they pertain to the operation of motor vehicles, and the portions of the Litter Control . . . a law enforcement officer, including, but not limited to, the driver's rights, the role of the officer, proper driver and officer behavior, appropriate . . .

781. SB2352sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (2) vehicles (2) rights (4)
. . . after the enacting clause with the following: "Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section 2-3.162 as follows: (105 ILCS 5/2-3.162) . . . by law enforcement officers of students on school grounds, in school vehicles, at school activities or school-sponsored events, or as a result of referrals . . . of the data submitted by each school district as part of the Civil Rights Data Collection. The State Board of Education shall disaggregate the data . . .

782. SB2367ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (83) right (5) rights (128) codes (4) vehicle (1)
. . . and Accountability. The status and rights of the transferred personnel under the Personnel Code, the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, and . . . P.A. 88-517; 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.) Section 275. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing Section 15-203 as follows: (625 ILCS 5/15-203) . . .

783. SB2411eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (148) code (153) vehicles (58) right (11) rights (2)
. . . the meaning of Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (4) A post immobilization and post-towing notice advising the registered owner of the vehicle of the right to a hearing to challenge the validity . . .

784. SB2411sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (139) code (154) vehicles (56) right (6) rights (2)
. . . of Chapters 8 and 9 of this Code; 10. Violation of Section 12-5 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 arising from the use of a motor vehicle; 11. Violation of Section 11-204.1 of . . . privileges revoked without further rights. 3. At the conclusion of a hearing under Section 2-118 of this Code, the Secretary of State shall either . . .

785. SB2411sam002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (144) code (151) vehicles (58) right (6) rights (2)
. . . of Chapters 8 and 9 of this Code; 10. Violation of Section 12-5 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 arising from the use of a motor vehicle; 11. Violation of Section 11-204.1 of . . . the technician determines that the vehicle entered the intersection as part of a funeral procession or in order to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle, a citation 10000SB2411sam002 - 67 - . . .

786. SB2411sam003 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (148) code (153) vehicles (58) right (11) rights (2)
. . . the meaning of Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (4) A post immobilization and post-towing notice advising the registered owner of the vehicle of the right to a hearing to challenge the validity . . .

787. HB4323 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (44) vehicles (86) vehicle (48) right (4) rights (160)
. . . confers upon HB4323 - 238 - LRB100 15902 HLH 31017 b the holder the right to vote for the election of members of the board of directors or similar . . . Authority may impose a replacement vehicle tax of $50 on any passenger car as defined in Section 1-157 of the Illinois Vehicle Code purchased within the metropolitan region . . .

788. HB4328 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (40) code (15) right (2) vehicles (16) rights (2)
. . . buildings for highway purposes, including the acquisition of highway right-of-way or for investigations to determine the reasonably anticipated future . . . (a) of Section 3-818 of this Code and HB4328 - 17 - LRB100 17428 LNS 32596 b contains in the cab of the motor vehicle a registration designating the vehicle as a covered farm vehicle under subsections (a) and (a-5) of Section . . .

789. HB4336 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (18) vehicle (2) right (1)
. . . same terms as a JDP issued under Section 6-206.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, except that the court may direct that the JDP be effective immediately. . . . of the evidence. The evidence shall be presented in court with the right of confrontation, cross-examination, and representation by counsel. (4) . . .

790. HB4351 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (34) vehicle (12) rights (2) right (1)
. . . paragraph (1) of subsection (d) of Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, and other than the offense of aggravated driving under the influence . . . an action under the federal Civil Rights Act (42 U.S.C. 1983), or a second or subsequent petition for post-conviction relief under Article 122 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 whether . . .

791. HB4354 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (261) vehicle (59) rights (26) right (21) vehicles (2)
. . . activities. (3) Exercise the rights, powers, and duties vested in the Department by the Personnel Code. (4) Operate an electronic data processing . . . Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, refrain from operating a motor vehicle not equipped with an ignition interlock device, as defined in Section 1-129.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, pursuant to the rules promulgated . . .

792. HB4362 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (4) vehicle (2) right (2)
. . . 705 ILCS 505/11 from Ch. 37, par. 439.11 735 ILCS 5/2-702 Amends the Code of Civil Procedure. Provides that any person criminally prosecuted and incarcerated . . . in tort, other than certain cases involving the operation of a State vehicle described in this paragraph, shall not exceed the sum of $100,000 to or . . . Attorney of the county where the conviction was had shall have the right to intervene as parties. (f) In any hearing seeking a certificate of innocence, . . .

793. HB4372 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (40) code (16) vehicles (4) vehicle's (6) right (1)
. . . produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance and is designed to obtain a clear recorded image of the vehicle and the vehicle's license plate. The recorded image must . . . (2) that the driver of the vehicle passed through the intersection when the light was red either (i) in order to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or (ii) as part of a funeral procession; . . .

794. HB4373 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (40) code (15) vehicles (4) vehicle's (6) right (1)
. . . produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance and is designed to obtain a clear recorded image of the vehicle and the vehicle's license plate. The recorded image must . . . (2) that the driver of the vehicle passed through the intersection when the light was red either (i) in order to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or (ii) as part of a funeral procession; . . .

795. HB4376ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (129) right (5) vehicle (1)
. . . amounts held under claim of right for the taxable year pursuant to Section 1341 of the Internal Revenue Code or of any itemized deduction taken from . . . received by a driver in a ridesharing arrangement using a motor vehicle; (CC) The amount of (i) any interest income (net of the deductions allocable . . .

796. HB4394 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (6) right (2) rights (6) vehicle (1) coded (1)
. . . them. The board is not required to give greater notice regarding the right of access to recruiting representatives than is given to other persons . . . in such manner as is provided by Section 11-209 of The Illinois Vehicle Code, approved September 29, 1969, as amended; 16. (a) To provide, on an . . .

797. HB4400 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (49) vehicle (68) vehicles (32) right (8)
. . . under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, but excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered under the Illinois Vehicle Code. Horticultural polyhouses or hoop houses . . . any such amount from the lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a refund of that amount from the lessor. If, however, that amount . . .

798. HB4402 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (3) vehicle (1) rights (2)
. . . ordered by the court subject to Article 8A of Chapter V of the Unified Code of Corrections; (r) refrain from entering into a designated geographic area . . . may require that the minor refrain from driving or operating any motor vehicle during the period of probation or conditional discharge, except as may . . . the commitment to the Department of Juvenile Justice and all rights and duties created by that commitment are automatically suspended pending . . .

799. HB4403 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: code (2) vehicle (11) vehicles (2) vehicle's (2) right (1)
. . . the Department of Natural Resources under Section 1.8 of the Wildlife Code. (4) Any building designated for matters before a circuit court, appellate . . . store a firearm or ammunition in his or her vehicle or in a compartment or container within a vehicle located anywhere in or on the street, driveway, . . . violation of this Section while he or she is traveling along a public right of way that touches or crosses any of the premises under subsection (a), . . .

800. SB2470 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: vehicle (97) code (19) vehicles (12) rights (2)
. . . pursuant to the Use Tax Act or the vehicle use tax imposed by Section 3-1001 of the Illinois Vehicle Code is owed by anyone with respect to that vehicle, or a receipt from the Department of . . . the certificate. The delivery of the certificate does not affect the rights of the first lienholder under his security agreement. (d) Upon receipt . . .

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