Full Text of HB4628 96th General Assembly
State of Illinois
2009 and 2010 HB4628
Introduced , by Rep. William B. Black SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
815 ILCS 710/4 |
from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 754 |
Amends the Motor Vehicle Franchise Act. Provides that for a period of 4 years from the date a motor vehicle manufacturer acquires, succeeds to, or assumes any part of the business of a bankrupted manufacturer it is unlawful for the succeeding manufacturer to enter into a same line make franchise with any person or to relocate any existing same line make franchise, for a line make of the bankrupted manufacturer that would be located or relocated within the relevant market area of a former franchisee without first offering the former franchisee the additional or relocated franchise, unless (i) as a result of a former franchisee's cancellation, termination, noncontinuance, or nonrenewal of the franchise, the bankrupted manufacturer had consolidated the line make with another of its line makes with a franchisee who operates a facility located within that relevant market area; (ii) the successor manufacturer paid the former franchisee the fair market value of the former franchisee's franchise; or (iii) the successor manufacturer proves that the former franchisee is unfit to own or manage the dealership. Prohibits a manufacturer, a distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor branch or division, a factory branch or division,
or a wholesale branch or division, or officer, agent or other representative
thereof from directly or indirectly conditioning the awarding of a franchise to a
prospective new motor vehicle dealer, the addition of a line make or
franchise to an existing dealer, the renewal of a franchise of an existing
dealer, the approval of the relocation of an existing dealer's facility, or the
approval of the sale or transfer of the ownership of a franchise on the
willingness of a dealer, proposed new dealer, or owner of an interest in the
dealership facility to enter into a site control agreement or exclusive use
agreement. Defines terms. Effective immediately.
| |
HB4628 |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning business.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Motor Vehicle Franchise Act is amended by | 5 |
| changing Section 4 as follows:
| 6 |
| (815 ILCS 710/4) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 754)
| 7 |
| Sec. 4. Unfair competition and practices.
| 8 |
| (a) The unfair methods of competition and unfair and | 9 |
| deceptive acts or
practices listed in this Section are hereby | 10 |
| declared to be unlawful. In
construing the provisions of this | 11 |
| Section, the courts may be guided by the
interpretations of the | 12 |
| Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45 et
seq.), as from | 13 |
| time to time amended.
| 14 |
| (b) It shall be deemed a violation for any manufacturer, | 15 |
| factory branch,
factory representative, distributor or | 16 |
| wholesaler, distributor branch,
distributor representative or | 17 |
| motor vehicle dealer to engage in any action
with respect to a | 18 |
| franchise which is arbitrary, in bad faith or
unconscionable | 19 |
| and which causes damage to any of the parties or to the public.
| 20 |
| (c) It shall be deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a | 21 |
| distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor branch or division, a | 22 |
| factory branch or division,
or a wholesale branch or division, | 23 |
| or officer, agent or other representative
thereof, to coerce, |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| or attempt to coerce, any motor vehicle dealer:
| 2 |
| (1) to accept, buy or order any motor vehicle or | 3 |
| vehicles, appliances,
equipment, parts or accessories | 4 |
| therefor, or any other commodity or commodities
or service | 5 |
| or services which such motor vehicle dealer has not | 6 |
| voluntarily
ordered or requested except items required by | 7 |
| applicable local, state or
federal law; or to require a | 8 |
| motor vehicle dealer to accept, buy, order or
purchase such | 9 |
| items in order to obtain any motor vehicle or vehicles or | 10 |
| any
other commodity or commodities which have been ordered | 11 |
| or requested by such
motor vehicle dealer;
| 12 |
| (2) to order or accept delivery of any motor vehicle | 13 |
| with special
features, appliances, accessories or | 14 |
| equipment not included in the list
price of the motor | 15 |
| vehicles as publicly advertised by the manufacturer
| 16 |
| thereof, except items required by applicable law; or
| 17 |
| (3) to order for anyone any parts, accessories, | 18 |
| equipment, machinery,
tools, appliances or any commodity | 19 |
| whatsoever, except items required by
applicable law.
| 20 |
| (d) It shall be deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a | 21 |
| distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor branch or division, or | 22 |
| officer, agent or other
representative thereof:
| 23 |
| (1) to adopt, change, establish or implement a plan or | 24 |
| system for the
allocation and distribution of new motor | 25 |
| vehicles to motor vehicle dealers
which is arbitrary or | 26 |
| capricious or to modify an existing plan so as to cause
the |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| same to be arbitrary or capricious;
| 2 |
| (2) to fail or refuse to advise or disclose to any | 3 |
| motor vehicle dealer
having a franchise or selling | 4 |
| agreement, upon written request therefor,
the basis upon | 5 |
| which new motor vehicles of the same line make are | 6 |
| allocated
or distributed to motor vehicle dealers in the | 7 |
| State and the basis upon
which the current allocation or | 8 |
| distribution is being made or will be made
to such motor | 9 |
| vehicle dealer;
| 10 |
| (3) to refuse to deliver in reasonable quantities and | 11 |
| within a reasonable
time after receipt of dealer's order, | 12 |
| to any motor vehicle dealer having
a franchise or selling | 13 |
| agreement for the retail sale of new motor vehicles
sold or | 14 |
| distributed by such manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, | 15 |
| distributor
branch or division, factory branch or division | 16 |
| or wholesale branch or division,
any such motor vehicles as | 17 |
| are covered by such franchise or selling agreement
| 18 |
| specifically publicly advertised in the State by such | 19 |
| manufacturer,
distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch | 20 |
| or division, factory branch or
division, or wholesale | 21 |
| branch or division to be available for immediate
delivery. | 22 |
| However, the failure to deliver any motor vehicle shall not | 23 |
| be
considered a violation of this Act if such failure is | 24 |
| due to an act of God,
a work stoppage or delay due to a | 25 |
| strike or labor difficulty, a shortage
of materials, a lack | 26 |
| of manufacturing capacity, a freight embargo or other
cause |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| over which the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler, | 2 |
| or any agent
thereof has no control;
| 3 |
| (4) to coerce, or attempt to coerce, any motor vehicle | 4 |
| dealer to enter
into any agreement with such manufacturer, | 5 |
| distributor, wholesaler, distributor
branch or division, | 6 |
| factory branch or division, or wholesale branch or
| 7 |
| division, or officer, agent or other representative | 8 |
| thereof, or to do any
other act prejudicial to the dealer | 9 |
| by threatening to reduce his allocation
of motor vehicles | 10 |
| or cancel any franchise or any selling agreement existing
| 11 |
| between such manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, | 12 |
| distributor branch or
division, or factory branch or | 13 |
| division, or wholesale branch or division,
and the dealer. | 14 |
| However, notice in good faith to any motor vehicle dealer
| 15 |
| of the dealer's violation of any terms or provisions of | 16 |
| such franchise or
selling agreement or of any law or | 17 |
| regulation applicable to the conduct of
a motor vehicle | 18 |
| dealer shall not constitute a violation of this Act;
| 19 |
| (5) to require a franchisee to participate in an | 20 |
| advertising campaign
or contest or any promotional | 21 |
| campaign, or to purchase or lease any promotional
| 22 |
| materials, training materials, show room or other display | 23 |
| decorations or
materials at the expense of the franchisee;
| 24 |
| (6) to cancel or terminate the franchise or selling | 25 |
| agreement of a
motor vehicle dealer without good cause and | 26 |
| without giving notice as
hereinafter provided; to fail or |
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| 1 |
| refuse to extend the franchise or selling
agreement of a | 2 |
| motor vehicle dealer upon its expiration without good cause
| 3 |
| and without giving notice as hereinafter provided; or, to | 4 |
| offer a renewal,
replacement or succeeding franchise or | 5 |
| selling agreement containing terms
and provisions the | 6 |
| effect of which is to substantially change or modify the
| 7 |
| sales and service obligations or capital requirements of | 8 |
| the motor vehicle
dealer arbitrarily and without good cause | 9 |
| and without giving notice as
hereinafter provided | 10 |
| notwithstanding any term or provision of a franchise
or | 11 |
| selling agreement.
| 12 |
| (A) If a manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, | 13 |
| distributor branch or
division, factory branch or | 14 |
| division or wholesale branch or division intends
to | 15 |
| cancel or terminate a franchise or selling agreement or | 16 |
| intends not to
extend or renew a franchise or selling | 17 |
| agreement on its expiration, it shall
send a letter by | 18 |
| certified mail, return
receipt requested, to the | 19 |
| affected
franchisee at least
60 days before the | 20 |
| effective date of the
proposed action, or not later | 21 |
| than 10 days before the proposed action when the
reason | 22 |
| for the action is based upon either of the following:
| 23 |
| (i) the
business operations of the franchisee | 24 |
| have been abandoned or
the franchisee has failed to | 25 |
| conduct customary sales and service operations
| 26 |
| during customary business hours for at least 7
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| 1 |
| consecutive business
days unless such closing is | 2 |
| due to an act of God, strike or labor
difficulty or | 3 |
| other cause over which the franchisee has no | 4 |
| control; or
| 5 |
| (ii) the conviction of or plea of nolo
| 6 |
| contendere by the motor
vehicle dealer or any | 7 |
| operator thereof in a court of competent | 8 |
| jurisdiction
to an offense punishable by | 9 |
| imprisonment for more than two years.
| 10 |
| Each notice of proposed action shall include a | 11 |
| detailed statement
setting forth the specific grounds | 12 |
| for the proposed cancellation, termination,
or refusal | 13 |
| to extend or renew and shall state that the dealer has
| 14 |
| only 30 days from receipt of
the notice to file with | 15 |
| the Motor Vehicle Review Board a written protest
| 16 |
| against the proposed action.
| 17 |
| (B) If a manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, | 18 |
| distributor branch or
division, factory branch or | 19 |
| division or wholesale branch or division intends
to | 20 |
| change substantially or modify the sales and service | 21 |
| obligations or
capital requirements of a motor vehicle | 22 |
| dealer as a condition to extending
or renewing the | 23 |
| existing franchise or selling agreement of such motor
| 24 |
| vehicle dealer, it shall
send a letter by certified | 25 |
| mail, return receipt requested, to the affected
| 26 |
| franchisee at
least 60
before the date of |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| expiration of the franchise or selling agreement. Each
| 2 |
| notice of proposed action shall include a detailed | 3 |
| statement setting forth
the specific grounds for the | 4 |
| proposed action
and shall state that the dealer has | 5 |
| only 30 days from receipt of
the notice to file with | 6 |
| the Motor Vehicle Review Board a written protest
| 7 |
| against the proposed action.
| 8 |
| (C) Within 30 days from receipt of the notice under
| 9 |
| subparagraphs (A) and (B),
the franchisee may file with | 10 |
| the Board a written
protest against the proposed | 11 |
| action.
| 12 |
| When the protest has been timely filed, the Board | 13 |
| shall enter an
fixing a date (within 60 days of | 14 |
| the date of the order), time,
and place of a hearing on | 15 |
| the protest required under Sections 12 and 29
of this | 16 |
| Act, and send by certified mail, return receipt | 17 |
| requested, a copy of
the order to the manufacturer that | 18 |
| filed the notice of intention of the
proposed action | 19 |
| and to the protesting dealer or franchisee.
| 20 |
| The manufacturer shall have the burden of proof to | 21 |
| establish that good
cause exists to cancel or | 22 |
| terminate, or fail to extend or renew the franchise
| 23 |
| selling agreement of a motor vehicle dealer or | 24 |
| franchisee, and to change
substantially or modify the | 25 |
| sales and service obligations or capital
requirements | 26 |
| of a motor vehicle dealer as a condition to extending |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| or renewing
the existing franchise or selling | 2 |
| agreement. The determination whether good
cause exists | 3 |
| to cancel, terminate, or refuse to renew or extend the | 4 |
| franchise
or selling agreement, or to change or modify | 5 |
| the obligations of the dealer as a
condition to offer | 6 |
| renewal, replacement, or succession shall be made
by | 7 |
| the Board under subsection (d) of Section 12 of this | 8 |
| Act.
| 9 |
| (D) Notwithstanding the terms, conditions, or | 10 |
| provisions of a
or selling agreement, the | 11 |
| following shall not constitute good cause for
| 12 |
| cancelling or terminating or failing to extend or renew | 13 |
| the franchise or
selling agreement: (i) the change of | 14 |
| ownership or executive management of the
franchisee's | 15 |
| dealership; or (ii)
fact that the franchisee or | 16 |
| owner of an interest in the franchise owns, has
an | 17 |
| investment in, participates in the management of, or | 18 |
| holds a license for
the sale of the same or any other | 19 |
| line make of new motor vehicles.
| 20 |
| (E) The manufacturer may not cancel or terminate, | 21 |
| or fail to extend or
renew a franchise or selling | 22 |
| agreement or change or modify the obligations of
the | 23 |
| franchisee as a condition to offering a renewal, | 24 |
| replacement, or succeeding
franchise or selling | 25 |
| agreement before the hearing process is concluded as
| 26 |
| prescribed by this Act, and thereafter, if the Board |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| determines that the
manufacturer has failed to meet its | 2 |
| burden of proof and that good cause does
not exist to | 3 |
| allow the proposed action;
| 4 |
| (7) notwithstanding the terms of any franchise | 5 |
| agreement, to fail to
indemnify and hold harmless its | 6 |
| franchised dealers against any judgment
or settlement for | 7 |
| damages, including, but not limited to, court costs, expert
| 8 |
| witness fees, reasonable attorneys' fees of the new motor | 9 |
| vehicle
dealer, and other expenses incurred in the | 10 |
| litigation, so long as such fees
and costs are reasonable,
| 11 |
| arising out
of complaints, claims or lawsuits including, | 12 |
| but not limited to, strict
liability, negligence, | 13 |
| misrepresentation, warranty (express or implied),
or | 14 |
| recision of the sale as defined in Section 2-608 of the | 15 |
| Uniform Commercial
Code, to the extent that the judgment or | 16 |
| settlement relates to the alleged
defective or negligent | 17 |
| manufacture, assembly or design of new motor vehicles,
| 18 |
| parts or accessories or other functions by the | 19 |
| manufacturer, beyond the
control of the dealer; provided | 20 |
| that, in order to provide an adequate
defense, the | 21 |
| manufacturer receives notice of the filing of a complaint, | 22 |
| claim,
or lawsuit within 60 days after the filing;
| 23 |
| (8) to require or otherwise coerce a motor vehicle | 24 |
| dealer to underutilize the motor vehicle dealer's | 25 |
| facilities by requiring or otherwise coercing the motor | 26 |
| vehicle dealer to exclude or remove from the motor vehicle |
HB4628 |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| dealer's facilities operations for selling or servicing of | 2 |
| any vehicles for which the motor vehicle dealer has a | 3 |
| franchise agreement with another manufacturer, | 4 |
| distributor, wholesaler, distribution branch or division, | 5 |
| or officer, agent, or other representative thereof; | 6 |
| provided, however, that, in light of all existing | 7 |
| circumstances, (i) the motor vehicle dealer maintains a | 8 |
| reasonable line of credit for each make or line of new | 9 |
| motor vehicle, (ii) the new motor vehicle dealer remains in | 10 |
| compliance with any reasonable facilities requirements of | 11 |
| the manufacturer, (iii) no change is made in the principal | 12 |
| management of the new motor vehicle dealer, and (iv) the | 13 |
| addition of the make or line of new motor vehicles would be | 14 |
| reasonable. The reasonable facilities requirement set | 15 |
| forth in item (ii) of subsection (d)(8) shall not include | 16 |
| any requirement that a franchisee establish or maintain | 17 |
| exclusive facilities, personnel, or display space. Any | 18 |
| decision by a motor vehicle dealer to sell additional makes | 19 |
| or lines at the motor vehicle dealer's facility shall be | 20 |
| presumed to be reasonable, and the manufacturer shall have | 21 |
| the burden to overcome that presumption. A motor vehicle | 22 |
| dealer must provide a written notification of its intent to | 23 |
| add a make or line of new motor vehicles to the | 24 |
| manufacturer. If the manufacturer does not respond to the | 25 |
| motor vehicle dealer, in writing, objecting to the addition | 26 |
| of the make or line within 60 days after the date that the |
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| 1 |
| motor vehicle dealer sends the written notification, then | 2 |
| the manufacturer shall be deemed to have approved the | 3 |
| addition of the make or line; or | 4 |
| (9) to use or consider the performance of a motor | 5 |
| vehicle dealer relating to the sale of the manufacturer's, | 6 |
| distributor's, or wholesaler's vehicles or the motor | 7 |
| vehicle dealer's ability to satisfy any minimum sales or | 8 |
| market share quota or responsibility relating to the sale | 9 |
| of the manufacturer's, distributor's, or wholesaler's new | 10 |
| vehicles in determining: | 11 |
| (A) the motor vehicle dealer's eligibility to | 12 |
| purchase program, certified, or other used motor | 13 |
| vehicles from the manufacturer, distributor, or | 14 |
| wholesaler; | 15 |
| (B) the volume, type, or model of program, | 16 |
| certified, or other used motor vehicles that a motor | 17 |
| vehicle dealer is eligible to purchase from the | 18 |
| manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler; | 19 |
| (C) the price of any program, certified, or other | 20 |
| used motor vehicle that the dealer is eligible to | 21 |
| purchase from the manufacturer, distributor, or | 22 |
| wholesaler; or | 23 |
| (D) the availability or amount of any discount, | 24 |
| credit, rebate, or sales incentive that the dealer is | 25 |
| eligible to receive from the manufacturer, | 26 |
| distributor, or wholesaler for the purchase of any |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| program, certified, or other used motor vehicle | 2 |
| offered for sale by the manufacturer, distributor, or | 3 |
| wholesaler. | 4 |
| (e) It shall be deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a | 5 |
| distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor branch or division or | 6 |
| officer, agent or other
representative thereof:
| 7 |
| (1) to resort to or use any false or misleading | 8 |
| advertisement in
connection with his business as such | 9 |
| manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler,
distributor branch | 10 |
| or division or officer, agent or other representative
| 11 |
| thereof;
| 12 |
| (2) to offer to sell or lease, or to sell or lease, any | 13 |
| new motor vehicle
to any motor vehicle dealer at a lower | 14 |
| actual price therefor than the actual
price offered to any | 15 |
| other motor vehicle dealer for the same model vehicle
| 16 |
| similarly equipped or to utilize any device including, but | 17 |
| not limited to,
sales promotion plans or programs which | 18 |
| result in such lesser actual
price or fail to make | 19 |
| available to any motor vehicle dealer any
preferential | 20 |
| pricing, incentive, rebate, finance rate, or low interest | 21 |
| loan
program offered to competing motor vehicle dealers in | 22 |
| other contiguous states.
However, the provisions of this | 23 |
| paragraph shall not apply to sales
to a motor vehicle | 24 |
| dealer for resale to any unit of the United States
| 25 |
| Government, the State or any of its political subdivisions;
| 26 |
| (3) to offer to sell or lease, or to sell or lease, any |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| new motor vehicle
to any person, except a wholesaler, | 2 |
| distributor or manufacturer's employees
at a lower actual | 3 |
| price therefor than the actual price offered and charged
to | 4 |
| a motor vehicle dealer for the same model vehicle similarly | 5 |
| equipped or
to utilize any device which results in such | 6 |
| lesser actual price. However,
the provisions of this | 7 |
| paragraph shall not apply to sales to a motor
vehicle | 8 |
| dealer for resale to any unit of the United States | 9 |
| Government, the
State or any of its political subdivisions;
| 10 |
| (4) to prevent or attempt to prevent by contract or | 11 |
| otherwise any motor
vehicle dealer or franchisee from | 12 |
| changing the executive management control
of the motor
| 13 |
| vehicle dealer or franchisee unless the franchiser, having | 14 |
| the burden of
proof, proves that such change of executive | 15 |
| management will result in executive
management control by a | 16 |
| person or persons who are not of good moral character
or | 17 |
| who do not meet the franchiser's existing and, with | 18 |
| consideration given
to the volume of sales and service of | 19 |
| the dealership, uniformly applied
minimum business | 20 |
| experience standards in the market area. However where
the | 21 |
| manufacturer rejects a proposed change in executive | 22 |
| management
control, the manufacturer shall give written | 23 |
| notice of his reasons to the
dealer within 60 days of | 24 |
| notice to the manufacturer by the dealer of
the proposed | 25 |
| change. If the manufacturer does not send a letter to the
| 26 |
| franchisee by certified mail, return receipt requested, |
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| 1 |
| within 60 days from
receipt by
the manufacturer of the | 2 |
| proposed change, then the change of the
executive | 3 |
| management control of the franchisee shall be deemed
| 4 |
| accepted as proposed by the franchisee, and the | 5 |
| manufacturer shall give
effect to such change;
| 6 |
| (5) to prevent or attempt to prevent by contract or | 7 |
| otherwise any motor
vehicle dealer from establishing or | 8 |
| changing the capital structure of his
dealership or the | 9 |
| means by or through which he finances the operation | 10 |
| thereof;
provided the dealer meets any reasonable capital | 11 |
| standards agreed to between
the dealer and the | 12 |
| manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler, who may require
| 13 |
| that the sources, method and manner by which the dealer | 14 |
| finances or intends
to finance its operation, equipment or | 15 |
| facilities be fully disclosed;
| 16 |
| (6) to refuse to give effect to or prevent or attempt | 17 |
| to prevent by
contract or otherwise any motor vehicle | 18 |
| dealer or any officer, partner or
stockholder of any motor | 19 |
| vehicle dealer from selling or transferring any
part of the | 20 |
| interest of any of them to any other person or persons or | 21 |
| party
or parties unless such sale or transfer is to a | 22 |
| transferee who would
not otherwise qualify for a new motor | 23 |
| vehicle dealers license under "The
Illinois Vehicle Code" | 24 |
| or unless the franchiser, having the burden of proof,
| 25 |
| proves that such sale or transfer is to a person or party | 26 |
| who is not of
good moral character or does not meet the |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| franchiser's existing and reasonable
capital standards | 2 |
| and, with consideration given to the volume of sales and
| 3 |
| service of the dealership, uniformly applied minimum | 4 |
| business experience
standards in the market area.
However, | 5 |
| nothing herein shall be construed to prevent a
franchiser | 6 |
| from implementing affirmative action programs providing | 7 |
| business
opportunities for minorities or from complying | 8 |
| with applicable federal,
State or local law:
| 9 |
| (A) If the manufacturer intends to refuse to | 10 |
| approve the sale or
transfer of all or a part of the | 11 |
| interest, then it shall, within 60 days from
receipt of | 12 |
| the completed application forms generally utilized by | 13 |
| a manufacturer
to conduct its review and a copy of all | 14 |
| agreements regarding the proposed
transfer, send a | 15 |
| letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, | 16 |
| advising
the franchisee of any refusal to approve the | 17 |
| sale or transfer of all or part of
the interest
and | 18 |
| shall state that the dealer only has 30 days from the | 19 |
| receipt of the
notice to file with the Motor Vehicle | 20 |
| Review Board a written protest against
the proposed | 21 |
| action.
notice shall set forth specific criteria | 22 |
| used to evaluate the prospective
transferee and the | 23 |
| grounds for refusing to approve the sale or transfer to
| 24 |
| that transferee. Within 30 days from the franchisee's | 25 |
| receipt of the
manufacturer's notice, the
franchisee | 26 |
| may file
with the Board a written protest against the |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| proposed action.
| 2 |
| When a protest has been timely filed, the Board | 3 |
| shall enter an
order, fixing the date (within 60 days | 4 |
| of the date of such
order), time, and place of a | 5 |
| hearing on the protest, required under
Sections 12 and | 6 |
| 29 of this Act, and send by certified mail, return | 7 |
| receipt
requested, a copy of the order to the | 8 |
| manufacturer that filed notice of
intention of the | 9 |
| proposed action and to the protesting franchisee.
| 10 |
| The manufacturer shall have the burden of proof to | 11 |
| establish that good
cause exists to refuse to approve | 12 |
| the sale or transfer to the transferee. The
| 13 |
| determination whether good cause exists to refuse to | 14 |
| approve the sale or
transfer shall be made by the Board | 15 |
| under subdivisions (6)(B).
The manufacturer shall not | 16 |
| refuse to approve the sale or transfer
a dealer or | 17 |
| an officer, partner, or stockholder of a franchise or | 18 |
| any part
of the interest to any person or persons | 19 |
| before the hearing process is
concluded as prescribed | 20 |
| by this Act, and thereafter if the Board determines
| 21 |
| that the manufacturer has failed to meet its burden of | 22 |
| proof and that good
cause does not exist to refuse to | 23 |
| approve the sale or transfer to the
| 24 |
| (B) Good cause to refuse to approve such sale or | 25 |
| transfer under this
Section is established when such | 26 |
| sale or transfer is to a transferee who would
not |
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LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| otherwise qualify for a new motor vehicle dealers | 2 |
| license under "The
Illinois Vehicle Code" or such sale | 3 |
| or transfer is to a person or party who is
not of good | 4 |
| moral character or does not meet the franchiser's | 5 |
| existing and
reasonable capital standards and, with | 6 |
| consideration given to the volume of
sales and service | 7 |
| of the dealership, uniformly applied minimum business
| 8 |
| experience standards in the market area.
| 9 |
| (7) to obtain money, goods, services, anything of | 10 |
| value, or any other
benefit from any other person with whom | 11 |
| the motor vehicle dealer does business,
on account of or in | 12 |
| relation to the transactions between the dealer and
the | 13 |
| other person as compensation, except for services actually | 14 |
| rendered,
unless such benefit is promptly accounted for and | 15 |
| transmitted to the motor
vehicle dealer;
| 16 |
| (8) to grant an additional franchise in the relevant | 17 |
| market area of an
existing franchise of the same line make | 18 |
| or to relocate an existing motor
vehicle dealership within | 19 |
| or into a relevant market area of an existing
franchise of | 20 |
| the same line make.
However, if the manufacturer wishes to
| 21 |
| grant such an additional franchise to an independent person | 22 |
| in a bona fide
relationship in which such person is | 23 |
| prepared to make a significant
investment subject to loss | 24 |
| in such a dealership, or if the manufacturer
wishes to | 25 |
| relocate an existing motor vehicle dealership, then the
| 26 |
| manufacturer shall send a letter
by certified mail, return |
HB4628 |
- 18 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| receipt requested, to each existing dealer or dealers
of | 2 |
| the same line make whose relevant
market area includes the | 3 |
| proposed location of the additional or relocated
franchise | 4 |
| at least
60 days before the manufacturer grants an | 5 |
| additional franchise or relocates an
existing franchise of | 6 |
| the same line make within or into the relevant market
area | 7 |
| of an existing
franchisee of the same line make. Each | 8 |
| notice shall set forth the specific
grounds for the | 9 |
| proposed grant of an additional or relocation of an | 10 |
| existing
franchise and shall state that the dealer has only | 11 |
| 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice to file with | 12 |
| the Motor Vehicle Review Board a written protest against | 13 |
| the proposed action. Unless the parties agree upon the | 14 |
| grant or establishment of the
additional or relocated | 15 |
| franchise within 30 days from the date the
notice was
| 16 |
| received by the existing franchisee of the same line make | 17 |
| or any person
entitled to receive such notice, the | 18 |
| franchisee or other person may file
with the Board a | 19 |
| written protest against the grant or establishment of the
| 20 |
| proposed additional or relocated franchise.
| 21 |
| When a protest has been timely filed, the Board shall | 22 |
| enter an order
fixing a date (within 60 days of the date of | 23 |
| the order), time,
and place of a hearing on the protest, | 24 |
| required under Sections 12 and 29
of this Act, and send by | 25 |
| certified or registered mail, return receipt
requested, a | 26 |
| copy of the order to the manufacturer that filed the notice |
HB4628 |
- 19 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| of
intention to grant or establish the proposed additional | 2 |
| or relocated
franchise and to the protesting dealer or | 3 |
| dealers of the same line make
relevant market area | 4 |
| includes the proposed location of the additional or
| 5 |
| relocated franchise.
| 6 |
| When more than one protest is filed against the grant | 7 |
| or establishment of
additional or relocated franchise | 8 |
| of the same line make, the Board may
consolidate the | 9 |
| hearings to expedite disposition of the matter. The
| 10 |
| manufacturer shall have the burden of proof to establish | 11 |
| that good cause
exists to allow the grant or establishment | 12 |
| of the additional or relocated
franchise. The manufacturer | 13 |
| may not grant or establish the additional
franchise or | 14 |
| relocate the existing franchise before the hearing process | 15 |
| is
concluded as prescribed by this Act, and thereafter if | 16 |
| the Board determines
that the manufacturer has failed to | 17 |
| meet its burden of proof and that good
cause does not exist | 18 |
| to allow the grant or establishment of the additional
| 19 |
| franchise or relocation of the existing franchise.
| 20 |
| The determination whether good cause exists for | 21 |
| allowing the grant or
establishment of an additional | 22 |
| franchise or relocated existing franchise,
shall be made by | 23 |
| the Board under subsection (c) of Section 12 of this Act.
| 24 |
| If the manufacturer seeks to enter
into a contract, | 25 |
| agreement or other arrangement with any person,
| 26 |
| establishing any additional motor vehicle dealership or |
HB4628 |
- 20 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| other facility,
limited to the sale of factory repurchase | 2 |
| vehicles or late model vehicles,
then the manufacturer | 3 |
| shall follow the notice procedures set forth in this
| 4 |
| Section and the
determination whether good cause exists for | 5 |
| allowing the proposed agreement
shall be made by the Board | 6 |
| under subsection (c) of Section 12, with the
manufacturer | 7 |
| having
the burden of proof.
| 8 |
| A. (Blank).
| 9 |
| B. For the purposes of this Section, appointment of | 10 |
| a successor motor
vehicle dealer at the same location | 11 |
| as its predecessor, or within 2 miles
of such location,
| 12 |
| or the relocation of an existing dealer or franchise | 13 |
| within 2 miles of
the relocating dealer's or | 14 |
| franchisee's existing location,
shall not be construed | 15 |
| as a grant, establishment or the
entering into of an | 16 |
| additional franchise or selling agreement, or a
| 17 |
| relocation of an existing franchise. The reopening
of a | 18 |
| motor vehicle dealership that has not been in operation | 19 |
| for 18 months
or more shall be deemed the grant of an | 20 |
| additional franchise or selling
| 21 |
| C. This Section does not apply to the relocation of | 22 |
| an existing
dealership or franchise in a county having | 23 |
| a population of more than
300,000 persons when the new | 24 |
| location is within the dealer's current
relevant | 25 |
| market area, provided the new location is more than 7 | 26 |
| miles from
the nearest dealer of the same line make. |
HB4628 |
- 21 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| This Section does not apply to
the relocation of an | 2 |
| existing dealership or franchise in a county having a
| 3 |
| population of less than 300,000 persons when the new | 4 |
| location is within the
dealer's current relevant | 5 |
| market area, provided the new location is more
than 12 | 6 |
| miles from the nearest dealer of the same line make. A | 7 |
| dealer that would be farther away
from the new location | 8 |
| of an existing dealership or
franchise of the same line | 9 |
| make after a relocation may not
file a written protest | 10 |
| against the relocation with the
Motor Vehicle Review | 11 |
| Board.
| 12 |
| D. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to | 13 |
| prevent a
franchiser from implementing affirmative | 14 |
| action programs providing business
opportunities for | 15 |
| minorities or from complying with applicable federal,
| 16 |
| State or local law;
| 17 |
| (9) to require a motor vehicle dealer to assent to a | 18 |
| release, assignment,
novation, waiver or estoppel which | 19 |
| would relieve any person from liability
imposed by this | 20 |
| Act;
| 21 |
| (10) to prevent or refuse to give effect to the | 22 |
| succession to the
ownership or management control of a | 23 |
| dealership by any legatee under the
will of a dealer or to | 24 |
| an heir under the laws of descent and distribution
of this | 25 |
| State unless the franchisee has designated a successor to | 26 |
| the ownership
or management control under the succession |
HB4628 |
- 22 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| provisions of the franchise.
Unless the
franchiser, having | 2 |
| the burden of proof, proves that the successor
is a person | 3 |
| who is not of good moral character or does not meet the
| 4 |
| franchiser's existing and reasonable capital standards | 5 |
| and, with consideration
given to the volume of sales and | 6 |
| service of the dealership, uniformly applied
minimum | 7 |
| business experience standards in the market area, any | 8 |
| designated
successor of a dealer or franchisee may succeed | 9 |
| to the ownership or management
control of a dealership | 10 |
| under the existing franchise if:
| 11 |
| (i) The designated successor gives the | 12 |
| franchiser written notice by
certified mail, | 13 |
| return receipt requested, of his or her intention | 14 |
| to succeed to
the ownership of the dealer within 60 | 15 |
| days of the dealer's death or incapacity;
| 16 |
| (ii) The designated successor agrees to be | 17 |
| bound by all the terms
conditions of the | 18 |
| existing franchise.
| 19 |
| Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the motor | 20 |
| vehicle dealer or
franchisee and manufacturer have duly | 21 |
| executed an agreement concerning
succession rights prior | 22 |
| to the dealer's death or incapacitation, the agreement
| 23 |
| shall be observed.
| 24 |
| (A) If the franchiser intends to refuse to honor | 25 |
| the successor to the
ownership of a deceased or | 26 |
| incapacitated dealer or franchisee under an
existing |
HB4628 |
- 23 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| franchise agreement, the franchiser shall send a | 2 |
| letter by certified
mail, return receipt requested, to | 3 |
| the
designated successor within
60 days
from receipt of | 4 |
| a proposal advising of its intent to refuse to honor | 5 |
| the
succession and to discontinue the existing | 6 |
| franchise agreement
and shall state that the | 7 |
| designated successor only has 30 days from the
receipt | 8 |
| of the notice to file with the Motor Vehicle Review | 9 |
| Board a written
protest against the proposed action.
| 10 |
| The notice shall set forth the
specific grounds for the | 11 |
| refusal to honor the succession and discontinue the
| 12 |
| existing franchise agreement.
| 13 |
| If notice of refusal is not timely served upon the | 14 |
| designated
the franchise agreement shall | 15 |
| continue in effect subject to termination only as
| 16 |
| otherwise permitted by paragraph (6) of subsection (d) | 17 |
| of Section 4 of this
| 18 |
| Within 30 days from the date the notice was | 19 |
| received by the
successor or any other | 20 |
| person entitled to notice, the designee or other
person | 21 |
| may file with the Board a written protest against the | 22 |
| proposed action.
| 23 |
| When a protest has been timely filed, the Board | 24 |
| shall enter an
fixing a date (within 60 days of | 25 |
| the date of the order), time,
and place of a hearing on | 26 |
| the protest, required under Sections 12 and 29
of this |
HB4628 |
- 24 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| Act, and send by certified mail, return receipt | 2 |
| requested, a copy of
the order to the franchiser that | 3 |
| filed the notice of intention of the
proposed action | 4 |
| and to the protesting designee or such other person.
| 5 |
| The manufacturer shall have the burden of proof to | 6 |
| establish that good
cause exists to refuse to honor the | 7 |
| succession and discontinue the existing
franchise | 8 |
| agreement. The determination whether good cause exists | 9 |
| to refuse to
honor the succession shall be made by the | 10 |
| Board under subdivision (B) of this
paragraph (10). The | 11 |
| manufacturer shall not refuse to honor the succession | 12 |
| or
discontinue the existing franchise agreement before | 13 |
| the hearing process is
concluded as prescribed by this | 14 |
| Act, and thereafter if the Board determines
that it has | 15 |
| failed to meet its burden of proof and that good cause | 16 |
| does not
exist to refuse to honor the succession and | 17 |
| discontinue the existing
franchise agreement.
| 18 |
| (B) No manufacturer shall impose any conditions | 19 |
| upon honoring the
succession and continuing the | 20 |
| existing franchise agreement with the designated
| 21 |
| successor other than that the franchisee has | 22 |
| designated a successor to the
ownership or management | 23 |
| control under the succession provisions of the
| 24 |
| franchise, or that the designated successor is of good | 25 |
| moral character or meets
the reasonable capital | 26 |
| standards and, with consideration given to the volume |
HB4628 |
- 25 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| of
sales and service of the dealership, uniformly | 2 |
| applied minimum business
experience standards in the | 3 |
| market area;
| 4 |
| (11) to prevent or refuse to approve a proposal to | 5 |
| establish a successor
franchise at a location previously | 6 |
| approved by the franchiser when submitted
with the | 7 |
| voluntary termination by the existing franchisee unless | 8 |
| the successor
franchisee would not otherwise qualify for a | 9 |
| new motor vehicle dealer's
license under the Illinois | 10 |
| Vehicle Code or unless the franchiser, having
the burden of | 11 |
| proof, proves that such proposed successor is not of good
| 12 |
| moral character or does not meet the franchiser's existing | 13 |
| and reasonable
capital standards and, with consideration | 14 |
| given to the volume of sales and
service of the dealership, | 15 |
| uniformly applied minimum business experience
standards in | 16 |
| the market area. However, when such a rejection
of a | 17 |
| proposal is made, the manufacturer shall give written | 18 |
| notice of its
reasons to the franchisee within 60 days of | 19 |
| receipt by the manufacturer
of the proposal. However, | 20 |
| nothing herein shall be construed
to prevent a franchiser | 21 |
| from implementing affirmative action programs providing
| 22 |
| business opportunities for minorities, or from complying | 23 |
| with applicable
federal, State or local law;
| 24 |
| (12) to prevent or refuse to grant a franchise to a | 25 |
| person because such
person owns, has investment in or | 26 |
| participates in the management of or holds
a franchise for |
HB4628 |
- 26 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| the sale of another make or line of motor vehicles within
7 | 2 |
| miles of the proposed franchise location in a county having | 3 |
| a population
of more than 300,000 persons, or within 12 | 4 |
| miles of the proposed franchise
location in a county having | 5 |
| a population of less than 300,000
persons; or
| 6 |
| (13) to prevent or attempt to prevent any new motor | 7 |
| vehicle dealer
from establishing any additional motor | 8 |
| vehicle dealership or other facility
limited to the sale of | 9 |
| factory repurchase vehicles or late model vehicles
or | 10 |
| otherwise offering for sale factory repurchase vehicles of | 11 |
| the same line
make at an existing franchise by failing to | 12 |
| make
available any contract, agreement or other | 13 |
| arrangement which is made
available or otherwise offered to | 14 |
| any person.
| 15 |
| (f) It is deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a | 16 |
| distributor, a
a distributor
branch or division, a | 17 |
| factory branch or division, or a wholesale branch or
division, | 18 |
| or
officer, agent, broker, shareholder, except a shareholder of | 19 |
| 1% or less of the
shares of any class of securities | 20 |
| of a manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler
which is a
| 21 |
| publicly traded corporation, or other representative, directly | 22 |
| or indirectly,
to own or
operate a place of business as a motor | 23 |
| vehicle franchisee or motor vehicle
affiliate, | 24 |
| except that, this subsection shall not prohibit the ownership | 25 |
| or
operation of a
place of business by a manufacturer, | 26 |
| distributor, or wholesaler for a period,
not to exceed
18 |
HB4628 |
- 27 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| months, during the transition from one motor vehicle franchisee | 2 |
| to another;
or the
investment in a motor vehicle franchisee by | 3 |
| a manufacturer, distributor, or
wholesaler if
the investment is | 4 |
| for the sole purpose of enabling a partner or shareholder in
| 5 |
| that motor
vehicle franchisee to acquire an interest in that | 6 |
| motor vehicle franchisee and
that partner
or shareholder is not | 7 |
| otherwise employed by or associated with the
| 8 |
| distributor, or wholesaler and would not otherwise have the | 9 |
| requisite capital
funds to invest in the motor | 10 |
| vehicle franchisee, and has the right to purchase
the entire
| 11 |
| equity interest of the manufacturer, distributor, or | 12 |
| wholesaler in the motor
franchisee within a reasonable | 13 |
| period of time not to exceed 5 years.
| 14 |
| (g) Notwithstanding the terms, provisions, or conditions | 15 |
| of any agreement or
waiver, it shall be deemed a violation for | 16 |
| a manufacturer, a distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor | 17 |
| branch or division, a factory branch or division,
or a | 18 |
| wholesale branch or division, or officer, agent or other | 19 |
| representative
thereof, to directly or indirectly condition | 20 |
| the awarding of a franchise to a
prospective new motor vehicle | 21 |
| dealer, the addition of a line make or
franchise to an existing | 22 |
| dealer, the renewal of a franchise of an existing
dealer, the | 23 |
| approval of the relocation of an existing dealer's facility, or | 24 |
| the
approval of the sale or transfer of the ownership of a | 25 |
| franchise on the
willingness of a dealer, proposed new dealer, | 26 |
| or owner of an interest in the
dealership facility to enter |
HB4628 |
- 28 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| into a site control agreement or exclusive use
agreement. | 2 |
| For purposes of this subsection (g), the terms "site | 3 |
| control
agreement" and "exclusive use agreement" include any | 4 |
| agreement that has
the effect of either (i) requiring that the | 5 |
| dealer establish or maintain
exclusive dealership facilities; | 6 |
| or (ii) restricting the ability of the dealer, or
the ability | 7 |
| of the dealer's lessor in the event the dealership facility is | 8 |
| being
leased, to transfer, sell, lease, or change the use of | 9 |
| the dealership premises,
whether by sublease, lease, | 10 |
| collateral pledge of lease, right of first refusal to
purchase | 11 |
| or lease, option to purchase, option to lease, or other similar
| 12 |
| agreement, regardless of the parties to such agreement. | 13 |
| Any provision
contained in any agreement entered into on or | 14 |
| after the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 96th | 15 |
| General Assembly that is inconsistent with the provisions of | 16 |
| this subsection (g) shall be
voidable at the election of the | 17 |
| affected dealer, prospective dealer, or owner
of an interest in | 18 |
| the dealership facility. | 19 |
| (h) For purposes of this subsection: | 20 |
| "Successor manufacturer" means any motor vehicle | 21 |
| manufacturer that, on or after the effective date of this | 22 |
| amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, acquires, succeeds | 23 |
| to, or
assumes any part of the business of another | 24 |
| manufacturer, referred to as the
"predecessor manufacturer", | 25 |
| as the result of any of the following: | 26 |
| (i) A change in ownership, operation, or control of the |
HB4628 |
- 29 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| predecessor
manufacturer by sale or transfer of assets, | 2 |
| corporate stock or other
equity interest, assignment, | 3 |
| merger, consolidation, combination, joint
venture, | 4 |
| redemption, court-approved sale, operation of law or
| 5 |
| otherwise. | 6 |
| (ii) The termination, suspension, or cessation of a | 7 |
| part or all of the
business operations of the predecessor | 8 |
| manufacturer. | 9 |
| (iii) The discontinuance of the sale of the product | 10 |
| line. | 11 |
| (iv) A change in distribution system by the predecessor | 12 |
| manufacturer,
whether through a change in distributor or | 13 |
| the predecessor
manufacturer's decision to cease | 14 |
| conducting business through a
distributor altogether. | 15 |
| "Relevant market area" means the area within a 10 mile, 15 | 16 |
| mile, or 20 mile radius around
the site of the previous | 17 |
| franchisee's dealership facility, as determined in the
same | 18 |
| manner that the relevant market area is determined under
| 19 |
| Section 2(q) of this Act when a manufacturer is seeking to | 20 |
| establish an additional
new motor vehicle dealer. | 21 |
| "Former Franchisee" means a new motor vehicle dealer that | 22 |
| has entered into a franchise with a predecessor manufacturer | 23 |
| and that has either: | 24 |
| (i) entered into a termination agreement or deferred | 25 |
| termination
agreement with a predecessor or successor | 26 |
| manufacturer related to
such franchise; or |
HB4628 |
- 30 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| (ii) has had such franchise canceled, terminated, | 2 |
| nonrenewed,
noncontinued, rejected, nonassumed, or | 3 |
| otherwise ended. | 4 |
| For a period of 4 years from the date that a successor | 5 |
| manufacturer acquires,
succeeds to, or assumes any part of the | 6 |
| business of a predecessor manufacturer, it shall be
unlawful | 7 |
| for such successor manufacturer to enter into a same line make | 8 |
| franchise with any
person or to permit the relocation of any | 9 |
| existing same line
make franchise, for a line make of the | 10 |
| predecessor manufacturer that would be located or
relocated | 11 |
| within the relevant market area of a former franchisee who | 12 |
| owned or leased a
dealership facility in that relevant market | 13 |
| area without first offering the additional or relocated
| 14 |
| franchise to the former franchisee, or the designated successor | 15 |
| of such former franchisee in the
event the former franchisee is | 16 |
| deceased or disabled, at no cost and without any requirements | 17 |
| or
restrictions other than those imposed generally on the | 18 |
| manufacturer's other franchisees at that
time, unless one of | 19 |
| the following applies: | 20 |
| (1) As a result of the former franchisee's | 21 |
| cancellation, termination,
noncontinuance, or nonrenewal | 22 |
| of the franchise, the predecessor
manufacturer had | 23 |
| consolidated the line make with another of its line makes
| 24 |
| for which the predecessor manufacturer had a franchisee | 25 |
| with a then-existing
dealership facility located within | 26 |
| that relevant market area. |
HB4628 |
- 31 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| (2) The successor manufacturer has paid the former | 2 |
| franchisee, or the
designated successor of such former | 3 |
| franchisee in the event the former
franchisee is deceased | 4 |
| or disabled, the fair market value of the former
| 5 |
| franchisee's franchise on (i) the date the franchisor | 6 |
| announces the action which results in the termination, | 7 |
| cancellation, or nonrenewal; or (ii) the date the action | 8 |
| which results in termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal | 9 |
| first became general knowledge; or (iii) the day 12 months | 10 |
| prior to the date on which the notice of termination, | 11 |
| cancellation, or nonrenewal is issued, whichever amount is | 12 |
| higher. Payment is due within 90 days of the effective date | 13 |
| of the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal. If the | 14 |
| termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is due to a | 15 |
| manufacturer's change in distributors, the manufacturer | 16 |
| may avoid paying fair market value to the dealer if the new | 17 |
| distributor or the manufacturer offers the dealer a | 18 |
| franchise agreement with terms acceptable to the dealer. | 19 |
| (3) The successor manufacturer proves that the former | 20 |
| franchisee, or the
designated successor of such former | 21 |
| franchisee in the event the former
franchisee is deceased | 22 |
| or disabled, by reason of lack of training, lack of prior
| 23 |
| experience, poor past performance, lack of financial | 24 |
| ability, or poor
character, is unfit to own or manage the | 25 |
| dealership. A successor
manufacturer who seeks to assert | 26 |
| that a former franchisee is unfit to own or
manage the |
HB4628 |
- 32 - |
LRB096 14542 KTG 29374 b |
| 1 |
| dealership must file a petition seeking a hearing on this | 2 |
| issue
before the Secretary of State and shall have the | 3 |
| burden of proving lack of fitness
at such hearing. The | 4 |
| Secretary of State shall try to conduct the hearing and
| 5 |
| render a final determination within 120 days after the | 6 |
| manufacturer's petition has been filed. No successor | 7 |
| dealer, other than the former franchisee, may be
appointed | 8 |
| or franchised by the successor manufacturer within the | 9 |
| relevant
market area until the Secretary of State has held | 10 |
| a hearing and rendered a
determination on the issue of the | 11 |
| fitness of the previous franchisee to own or
manage the | 12 |
| dealership. | 13 |
| (Source: P.A. 96-11, eff. 5-22-09.)
| 14 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 15 |
| becoming law.