Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2475
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2475  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Patrick J. Joyce

Filed: 4/19/2023





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2475 on page 2, by
3replacing lines 6 through 9 with the following:
4"Board. A person who meets All persons who meet one of the
5following requirements is are deemed to have met the
6collegiate educational requirements:
7        (i) has have been honorably discharged and who has
8    have been"; and
9on page 2, line 17, by replacing "are active members" with "is
10an active member are active members"; and
11on page 2, line 19, by replacing "have" with "has have"; and
12on page 3, lines 1 and 4, by replacing "have" each time it
13appears with "has have"; and
14on page 3, line 3, by replacing "or" with "or"; and



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1on page 3, by replacing line 10 with the following:
2    "discharge before hiring; or .
3        (v) has successfully completed basic law enforcement
4    training, has at least 3 years of continuous, full-time
5    service as a peace officer with the same police
6    department, and is currently serving as a peace officer
7    when applying.".