Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SJRCA0020
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SJRCA0020  093rd General Assembly

SJRCA0020 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 10982 LRD 11595 e

 1                       SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION
 2                      CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT

 5    REPRESENTATIVES   CONCURRING  HEREIN,  that  there  shall  be
 6    submitted to the  electors  of  the  State  for  adoption  or
 7    rejection  at  the general election next occurring at least 6
 8    months after the adoption of this resolution a proposition to
 9    amend Section 1 of Article X of the Illinois Constitution  as
10    follows:

11         (ILCON Art. X, Sec. 1)
13        (a)  A fundamental goal of the People of the State is the
14    educational development of all persons to the limits of their
15    capacities.
16        The  State  shall provide for an efficient system of high
17    quality  public  educational   institutions   and   services.
18    Education in public schools through the secondary level shall
19    be  free.  There  may  be  such  other  free education as the
20    General Assembly provides by law.
21        The State has the primary  responsibility  for  financing
22    the system of public education.
23        (b)  The  People  of the State of Illinois recognize that
24    excessive reliance on real property  taxation  for  financing
25    the  system  of  public education has impeded the fundamental
26    goal of education. The official policy of the State shall  be
27    to  reduce  taxes on owner-occupied residential real property
28    and to improve education by establishing  the  Education  and
29    Permanent Property Tax Relief Trust Fund in this Article.
30        Beginning  on January 1 of the year following adoption of
31    this Constitutional Amendment by the People, a surtax  on  or
32    measured  by  income at a rate of 3% shall be levied annually
33    on that portion of the income  of  individuals  that  exceeds
                            -2-      LRB093 10982 LRD 11595 e
 1    $250,000.  All receipts shall be deposited into the Education
 2    and Permanent Property Tax Relief Trust Fund.  The  corporate
 3    rate  limitation ratio set forth in subsection (a) of Section
 4    3 of Article IX shall remain in effect and be measured by the
 5    non-graduated rate authorized in Section  3  of  Article  IX.
 6    Interest  earned  on the Education and Permanent Property Tax
 7    Relief Trust Fund shall be allocated to the Trust Fund.
 8        On July 1 of each year, 50% of the public  funds  in  the
 9    Education  and Permanent Property Tax Relief Trust Fund shall
10    be distributed in equal amounts to every taxpayer who  is  an
11    owner-occupier  of residential real property in the State and
12    the other 50% of the public funds in the Trust Fund shall  be
13    distributed  equally  on  a  per  student  basis  to  improve
14    education in public schools through the secondary level.
15        The  General  Assembly  shall  provide  by  law  for  the
16    implementation  of  the  public  policy  set  forth  in  this
17    subsection  (b).  Every  distribution  from the Education and
18    Permanent Property Tax Relief Trust Fund  shall  include  the
19    name  of each elected officer of the Executive Branch and the
20    following statement: "Adopted by constitutional amendment  by
21    the People of the State of Illinois.".
22    (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

23                              SCHEDULE
24        This  Constitutional  Amendment  takes  effect upon being
25    declared adopted in accordance with Section 7 of the Illinois
26    Constitutional Amendment Act.