Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB0495
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB0495  093rd General Assembly

HB0495eng 93rd General Assembly


HB0495 Engrossed                     LRB093 04020 NHT 06410 b

 1        AN ACT in relation to schools.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.   The  School  Code  is  amended  by changing
 5    Section 3-14.20 as follows:

 6        (105 ILCS 5/3-14.20) (from Ch. 122, par. 3-14.20)
 7        Sec.  3-14.20.  Building  plans  and  specifications.  To
 8    inspect the building plans and specifications, including  but
 9    not  limited  to  plans  and  specifications for the heating,
10    ventilating, lighting, seating,  water  supply,  toilets  and
11    safety  against  fire  of  public  school rooms and buildings
12    submitted to him by school boards, and to approve  all  those
13    which  comply substantially with the building code authorized
14    in Section 2-3.12. Within 10 business days after the regional
15    superintendent of schools receives plans  and  specifications
16    from  a  school board and prior to the bidding process, he or
17    she shall notify the municipality  and,  if  applicable,  the
18    fire  protection  district  where  the  school  that is being
19    constructed or altered lies that plan and specifications have
20    been submitted. In the case of an  unincorporated  area,  the
21    county  shall  be  notified.  If (i) local fire, building, or
22    plumbing inspectors  in  the  municipality,  fire  protection
23    district,  or  county    request  a  review  of the plans and
24    specifications or (ii) the regional superintendent of schools
25    requests that any of these local inspectors review the  plans
26    and  specifications  and  the  municipality,  fire protection
27    district, or county determines that it can  accommodate  this
28    request,  then  the  school  board shall submit a copy of the
29    plans and specifications to the local inspectors.  The  local
30    inspectors or, on behalf of the local inspectors, a certified
31    plan  reviewer  or  certified  inspector shall comment on the
HB0495 Engrossed            -2-      LRB093 04020 NHT 06410 b
 1    plans  and  specifications  based  on   the   building   code
 2    authorized  in  Section  2-3.12  and  respond to the regional
 3    superintendent of schools within 15  business  days  after  a
 4    copy of the plans and specifications has been received by the
 5    local  inspectors.   "Certified plan reviewer" and "certified
 6    inspector" mean an individual who has been certified as  such
 7    by  a  national  model code organization or equivalent agency
 8    approved by the Capital Development Board. The Office of  the
 9    State Fire Marshal may review the plans and specifications at
10    the  request  of the local fire department or fire protection
11    district. If the local inspectors or certified inspector wish
12    to inspect the actual school construction or alteration,  the
13    local  inspectors  or  certified  inspector  must  set  up an
14    initial   pre-construction   meeting   with   the    regional
15    superintendent  of schools, outlining the inspection schedule
16    and construction  reviews.  The  regional  superintendent  of
17    schools  shall  then  notify  the  school district. The local
18    inspectors  or  certified  inspector  shall  respond  to  the
19    regional superintendent of schools with any comments  at  the
20    completion  of  each  inspection.  The  review and inspection
21    shall be done at no cost to the school  district.  The  local
22    fire  department or fire protection district where the school
23    is being constructed or altered may request a review  of  the
24    plans  and  specifications.  The  regional  superintendent of
25    schools shall submit a copy of the plans  and  specifications
26    within   10   business  days  after  the  request.  The  fire
27    department or fire protection district  may  comment  on  the
28    plans   and   specifications   based  on  the  building  code
29    authorized  in  Section  2-3.12  of  the  Code  and,  if  any
30    corrective  action  must  be  taken,  shall  respond  to  the
31    regional superintendent  of  schools  within  15  days  after
32    receipt  of  the  plans and specifications. The Office of the
33    State Fire Marshal may review the plans and specifications at
34    the  request  of  the  fire  department  or  fire  protection
HB0495 Engrossed            -3-      LRB093 04020 NHT 06410 b
 1    district. The review must be conducted  at  no  cost  to  the
 2    school district.
 3        If  such  plans  and  specifications  are not approved or
 4    denied approval by the  regional  superintendent  of  schools
 5    within 3 months after the date on which they are submitted to
 6    him  or  her,  the  school  board  may  submit such plans and
 7    specifications  directly  to  the  State  Superintendent   of
 8    Education for approval or denial.
 9    (Source: P.A. 92-593, eff. 1-1-03.)

10        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
11    becoming law.