State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ House Amendment 001 ]


      New Act
          Creates the Human Services Delivery Act.   Provides  that
      no  grantee or contractor shall receive a grant or enter into
      a  contract  for  providing  residential  services  for   the
      mentally  ill  or developmentally disabled without certifying
      to the State or other granting or contracting agency that  it
      either  has  not  been  in  violation  of  the National Labor
      Relations Act within the last year, or if it  has,  that  the
      violations  have  been  fully cured, subject to suspension or
      termination of the grant or contract if it is determined that
      the grantee or contractor falsely completed the certification
      or,  subsequent  to  the  effective  date  of  the  grant  or
      contract, violates the National Labor  Relations  Act,  which
      shall  in turn subject the grantee or contractor to debarment
      from seeking grants or contracts covered under this Act for 3
      years.   All  proceedings  for  suspension,  termination,  or
      debarment are subject to the  Administrative  Procedure  Act.
      Effective immediately.
 1        AN ACT regarding the delivery of human services.
 2        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:
 4        Section 1.  Short title.  This Act may be  cited  as  the
 5    Human Services Delivery Act.
 6        Section  5.   Legislative  findings  and  declaration  of
 7    policy.
 8        (a)  The purpose of this Act is to set forth a program to
 9    better  provide human services to needy citizens of the State
10    of  Illinois.   The  State  of  Illinois  contracts  with  or
11    provides grants  to  private  entities  for  the  purpose  of
12    providing  residential  services  to  the  mentally  ill  and
13    developmentally  disabled.  The State of Illinois enters into
14    these contracts and provides these grants in  order  to  best
15    provide  the  human  services  necessary  for  the  care  and
16    development of its neediest citizens.
17        (b)  The legislature finds that the needs of its mentally
18    ill  and  developmentally  disabled citizens cannot be met if
19    the residential services provided to them  through  contracts
20    or grants between the State of Illinois and private providers
21    are  subject  to  disruption.   The legislature further finds
22    that the services are most likely  to  be  disrupted  if  the
23    private  providers  of the services have illegally interfered
24    with the rights of the  private  providers'  employees  under
25    federal  law.  Private providers or employers found guilty of
26    violating the National Labor Relations Act are most likely to
27    be subject to strikes  and  other  work  stoppages  by  their
28    employees, which strikes or work stoppages have a detrimental
29    effect  on  the  services being provided to Illinois citizens
30    who are mentally ill or developmentally disabled.
31        (c)  It is hereby declared to be the policy of the  State
                            -2-                LRB9003679SMdv
 1    of  Illinois  that  in  order  to  prevent  the disruption of
 2    residential services to the mentally ill and  developmentally
 3    disabled  citizens,  the State of Illinois shall not contract
 4    with or provide grants to private providers to provide  these
 5    residential  services  if the private provider has been found
 6    to  have  violated  the  National  Labor  Relations  Act   in
 7    connection with its dealings with its employees.
 8        Section  10.   Definitions.   As used in this Act, unless
 9    the context otherwise requires:
10        "Contractor or grantee" means an entity  other  than  the
11    State  of Illinois, a department of the State of Illinois, or
12    political subdivision of the State of Illinois  which  has  a
13    contractual  or other relationship with the State of Illinois
14    or  a  department  of  the  State  of  Illinois  to   provide
15    residential  services  to the mentally ill or developmentally
16    disabled, which contract is funded in whole or in part by the
17    State of Illinois or through  the  Medicaid  Program  of  the
18    State of Illinois.
19        "National Labor Relations Act" means the federal statute,
20    found at 29 U.S.C. Section 101, et seq., as amended.
21        "Violation  of  the National Labor Relations Act" means a
22    final decision by the National Labor  Relations  Board  or  a
23    court  of  competent  jurisdiction  that  the  National Labor
24    Relations Board Act has been violated.
25        Section 20. Certification.
26        (a)  No grantee or contractor shall receive a grant or be
27    considered for the purposes of being awarded a  contract  for
28    providing  residential  services  for  the  mentally  ill  or
29    developmentally  disabled,  unless that grantee or contractor
30    has certified to the State of Illinois or to the granting  or
31    contracting agency that:
32             (1)  It  is  not  in violation of the National Labor
                            -3-                LRB9003679SMdv
 1        Relations Act;
 2             (2)  It has not been in violation  of  the  National
 3        Labor Relations Act for a period of one year prior to the
 4        date of the certification; and
 5             (3)  If  it  has  been  in violation of the National
 6        Labor Relations Act within one year of the  date  of  the
 7        certification,  the  violation  or  violations  have been
 8        fully cured.
 9        Section 25.  Suspension or termination of the contract or
10    grant.  Each contract  or  grant  awarded  by  the  State  of
11    Illinois  shall  be  subject  to  suspension  of  payments or
12    termination or both if it is determined that:
13        (a)  The  contractor  or  grantee  has   made   a   false
14    certification under Section 20 of this Act; or
15        (b)  The  contractor or grantee, after the effective date
16    of  the  contract  or  grant,  violates  the  National  Labor
17    Relations Act.
18        Section 30.  Debarment.  Any contractor  or  grantee  who
19    files  a  false  certification  under  Section  20  or  whose
20    contract or grant is suspended or terminated under Section 25
21    shall be debarred from seeking or obtaining a new contract or
22    grant covered under this Act for a period of 3 years from the
23    date  that  the  contractor  or  grantee  was  found  to have
24    violated the National Labor Relations Act.
25        Section  35.   Suspension,   termination   or   debarment
26    proceedings.
27        (a)  In  any  determination  proceeding for suspension of
28    payment, termination, or debarment pursuant to this Act,  the
29    only  question shall be whether the contractor or grantee has
30    violated the National Labor Relations Act as defined by  this
31    Act.
                            -4-                LRB9003679SMdv
 1        (b)  All   proceedings   for   suspension   of   payment,
 2    termination,  or  debarment  pursuant  to  this  Act shall be
 3    conducted in  accordance  with  the  Illinois  Administrative
 4    Procedure Act.
 5        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
 6    becoming law.

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