State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ House Amendment 001 ][ House Amendment 007 ]
[ House Amendment 008 ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]


      55 ILCS 5/5-1062.2 new
          Amends the Counties Code.  Allows the county board  of  a
      county  served  by the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council
      to authorize a 9-member stormwater  management  committee  to
      develop,  implement,  and administer an urban stormwater plan
      for watersheds in the county.  Allows the committee to  enter
      into  contracts and retain personnel.  Requires the committee
      to submit the stormwater management plan to the Department of
      Natural Resources for review and non-binding recommendations.
      Requires the committee to hold at least one public hearing on
      the preliminary plan  in  each  affected  watershed  and  the
      county  seat.  Allows the county board to establish rates and
      charges for furnishing services.  States that service  charge
      fees  shall not be collected until the question of whether to
      collect the fees has  been  submitted  to  the  electors  and
      approved  by  a majority of the voters.  Allows the county to
      issue revenue bonds.  Preempts home rule powers.
 1        AN ACT to amend  the  Counties  Code  by  adding  Section
 2    5-1062.2.
 3        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:
 5        Section 5.   The  Counties  Code  is  amended  by  adding
 6    Section 5-1062.2 as follows:
 7        (55 ILCS 5/5-1062.2 new)
 8        Sec.   5-1062.2.    Stormwater  management;  southwestern
 9    Illinois.
10        (a)  The purpose of this Section is to prevent, mitigate,
11    and repair the effects of urbanization on stormwater drainage
12    in the southwestern Illinois counties  located  in  the  area
13    served   by   the  East-West  Gateway  Coordinating  Council.
14    References to "county" in this Section shall  apply  only  to
15    those  counties.   The  purpose  of  this  Section  shall  be
16    achieved by:
17             (i)  consolidating     the    existing    stormwater
18        management framework into a united, countywide structure;
19             (ii)  setting minimum standards for  floodplain  and
20        stormwater management;
21             (iii)  preparing  a  countywide  plan, incorporating
22        watershed plans, for the control  of  stormwater  runoff;
23        and
24             (iv)  coordinating    stormwater   management   with
25        adjoining counties through intergovernmental agreements.
26        (b)  The county board may  authorize,  by  resolution,  a
27    stormwater   management   planning   committee   to  develop,
28    implement, and administer an urban stormwater management plan
29    for any watersheds in the county.  Reference  to  "committee"
30    in this Section shall apply only to the stormwater management
31    planning committee.  Any reference to county board shall also
                            -2-                LRB9003548DNmb
 1    include county commission.
 2        The  management plan shall include: (i) reasonable rules,
 3    regulations,  standards,  and  ordinances  to  manage   urban
 4    stormwater;  (ii)  a plan for capital improvements within the
 5    watersheds;  and  (iii)  a  financial  plan  that  meets  the
 6    requirements of subsection  (q).   The  management  plan  may
 7    include  but  is not limited to all facilities and activities
 8    of a stormwater management system  identified  in  subsection
 9    (y).
10        (c)  The  committee  shall  consist  of 9 members with at
11    least 4 members from each major political party.
12        The county board chairperson shall appoint the  following
13    members:  Two  elected county board members; a representative
14    of agricultural land use;  a  representative  of  residential
15    land  use;  a  representative  of  commercial land use; and a
16    representative of industrial land use.   The  mayors  of  the
17    municipalities  within  the county shall select two mayors to
18    be members of the committee.  The drainage  districts  within
19    the county shall select one drainage district commissioner to
20    be  a  member  of  the committee.  No more than one committee
21    member may be appointed from  any  one  township  within  the
22    county.   The  committee  members shall serve for a term of 3
23    years.  The initial members shall be appointed as follows:  3
24    members  shall  be  appointed for 1 year;  3 members shall be
25    appointed for 2 years; and 3 members shall be appointed for 3
26    years.  The length of term will  be  determined  by  drawing.
27    Vacancies on the committee shall be filled in the same manner
28    as  the  original  appointments.  Committee members shall not
29    receive compensation as salary but shall  be  reimbursed  for
30    expenses.
31        The  committee shall adopt by-laws, by a majority vote of
32    the  committee  members,  to  govern  the  functions  of  the
33    committee and its subcommittees.  Officers of  the  committee
34    shall   include  a  chair  and  vice  chair  elected  by  the
                            -3-                LRB9003548DNmb
 1    Committee.
 2        (d)  After  authorization  by  the  county   board,   the
 3    committee  shall  have  the duty to: (i) develop a stormwater
 4    management plan for  presentation  to  and  approval  by  the
 5    county  board,  and  (ii)  direct  the plan's implementation,
 6    management, and revision.  A  regional  stormwater  committee
 7    may  be  established  through intergovernmental agreements to
 8    provide coordination of activities under this Section.
 9        The committee shall  appoint  subcommittees  within  each
10    watershed   to   assist  with  the  planning  process.   Each
11    subcommittee shall include at least one  representative  from
12    each  drainage  district within the watershed.  The committee
13    may  enter  into  contracts  for  engineering,   legal,   and
14    financial advice.  The committee may enter into contracts for
15    implementation,  operation, and maintenance of the facilities
16    and activities identified in subsection (y).   The  committee
17    may  retain  a  stormwater  system  manager, a secretary, and
18    inspection personnel.
19        The county board shall provide the necessary  moneys  for
20    development  of  the  plan.   The  county board may establish
21    reasonable deadlines for the committee to present preliminary
22    and final plans.
23        The committee shall meet at  least  quarterly  and  shall
24    hold at least one public hearing within each watershed before
25    the  development  of  the  plan  to solicit public comment on
26    possible solutions to  the  stormwater  problems  within  the
27    watershed.   Notice  of  the  hearings  shall be published at
28    least once not less than 15 days before each  public  hearing
29    in  a  newspaper  of  general  circulation  published  in the
30    county.  The notice shall state the time, place, and  purpose
31    of the hearing.
32        (e)  A  municipality or drainage district that is located
33    in more than one county, at the time of authorization of  the
34    committee  and  based  on  the  watershed  boundaries,  shall
                            -4-                LRB9003548DNmb
 1    participate  in the stormwater management planning program of
 2    either  or  both  of  the  counties  that  have  appointed  a
 3    stormwater management planning committee.
 4        (f)  In preparation of a  stormwater  control  plan,  the
 5    committee  shall  coordinate  the  planning process with each
 6    adjoining  county  to  ensure  that  recommended   stormwater
 7    projects  will  have  no  significant,  adverse impact on the
 8    levels or flows of stormwater in inter-county watershed or on
 9    the capacity of existing  and  planned  stormwater  retention
10    facilities.   An  adopted  stormwater  management  plan shall
11    identify  steps  taken  by  the  county  to  coordinate   the
12    development of plan recommendations with adjoining counties.
13        (g)  Before   the   committee   recommends  a  stormwater
14    management plan for the county or a portion of the county  to
15    the county board, it shall submit the plan to  the Department
16    of  Natural  Resources  for  review  and recommendations.  In
17    reviewing the plan the Department shall consider factors such
18    as impacts on the levels or flows in rivers and  streams  and
19    the  cumulative  effects  of  stormwater  discharges on flood
20    levels and shall evaluate compliance with the requirements of
21    subsection (j).  Within a period not to exceed 60  days,  the
22    review comments and recommendations shall be submitted to the
23    committee  for  consideration.   Any  amendments  to the plan
24    shall be submitted to the Department  for  review.   Comments
25    from  the  Department  on the plan or amendments shall not be
26    binding on the county board.
27        (h)  After the  committee  has  developed  a  preliminary
28    management plan for the county or a portion of the county, it
29    shall  hold  at  least  one  public  hearing in each affected
30    watershed and shall give interested persons an opportunity to
31    be heard.
32        Following the watershed hearings on the preliminary  plan
33    but  before  the committee recommends a stormwater management
34    plan to the county board, the committee shall hold  at  least
                            -5-                LRB9003548DNmb
 1    one  public  hearing on the plan in the county seat and shall
 2    afford interested persons an opportunity to be heard.
 3        Notice of the hearings shall be published at  least  once
 4    not  less  than  15 days before the hearing in a newspaper of
 5    general circulation published  in  the  county.   The  notice
 6    shall  state the time and place of the hearings and the place
 7    where copies of the proposed  plan  will  be  accessible  for
 8    examination by interested parties.
 9        If   an   affected   drainage  district  or  an  affected
10    municipality having a stormwater management plan  adopted  by
11    ordinance   wishes   to  protest  the  proposed  county  plan
12    provisions,  the  drainage  district  or  municipality  shall
13    appear at the hearing held in  the  county  seat  and  submit
14    specific written proposals to the committee.
15        After   consideration   of  the  matters  raised  at  the
16    hearings, the committee may amend or  approve  the  plan  and
17    recommend it to the county board for adoption.
18        (i)  The  county  board  may,  by ordinance approved by a
19    simple majority  vote,  approve  the  proposed  plan  or  any
20    amendment to the plan as recommended by the committee.
21        If  the  proposals  for  modification  of  the stormwater
22    management plan made by any municipality or drainage district
23    located within a watershed  impacted  by  the  plan  are  not
24    included  in  the  proposed  plan  and  the  municipality  or
25    drainage  district opposes the adoption of the county plan by
26    resolution of its corporate authorities, approval of the plan
27    shall require an affirmative vote of at least  two-thirds  of
28    the elected members of the county board.
29        If  the county board wishes to amend the plan recommended
30    by the committee, it shall submit specific written  proposals
31    to  the  committee.  If the proposals are not approved by the
32    committee, the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the  elected
33    members  of the county board shall be required to approve the
34    amendment.  If the proposals for  amendment  are  opposed  by
                            -6-                LRB9003548DNmb
 1    resolution  of  the corporate authorities of any municipality
 2    or drainage district located within a watershed  impacted  by
 3    the plan, amendment of the plan shall require the affirmative
 4    vote  of  at  least  two-thirds of the elected members of the
 5    county board.
 6        (j)  The  county  board  may   prescribe   by   ordinance
 7    reasonable rules and standards for stormwater and flood plain
 8    management and for governing the location, width, course, and
 9    release  rate  of  all  stormwater  runoff channels, streams,
10    lakes, and basins  in  the  unincorporated  and  incorporated
11    portions  of  the  county,  in  accordance  with  the adopted
12    stormwater management plan.  These rules and standards shall,
13    at a minimum, meet the standards  for  floodplain  management
14    established  by  the Illinois Department of Natural Resources
15    and the requirements  of  the  Federal  Emergency  Management
16    Agency  for  participation  in  the  National Flood Insurance
17    Program.
18        (k)  The county board may establish  rates  and  charges,
19    including interest and penalties, for furnishing services to:
20             (i)  persons   served   by  or  using  a  stormwater
21        management system;
22             (ii)  persons to be served by or to use a stormwater
23        management system; or
24             (iii)  persons  contributing  to  an   increase   of
25        surface water runoff.
26        (l)  The  service  rates  and charges shall be imposed on
27    all persons described in item (i), (ii), or (iii) owning real
28    property within the watershed basins and within the  county's
29    boundaries as prescribed in sections (n) and (u). The service
30    rates  and charges shall be uniform for the same class of use
31    or service and shall be based on  the  amount  of  impervious
32    area  on  the  property. "Impervious area" means that area of
33    the property that is covered by materials other than soil and
34    vegetation and  that  has  no  intended  capacity  to  absorb
                            -7-                LRB9003548DNmb
 1    stormwater.
 2        (m)  The service rates and charges shall be used to plan,
 3    implement,  and  administer the adopted stormwater management
 4    plan. The county may use the service  rates  and  charges  to
 5    finance  activities undertaken by its included municipalities
 6    or drainage districts to  implement  the  adopted  stormwater
 7    management plan.
 8        A  service  charge  base  fee for all properties shall be
 9    used for countywide stormwater management program development
10    and administration. Service charge fees above the  base  fees
11    shall  be  used for watershed specific portions of stormwater
12    management planning and plan implementation.  Service  charge
13    fees  shall  be held in a separate fund and shall be expended
14    only in the watershed within which they are collected.
15        (n)  The total  service  charge  base  fee  described  in
16    subsection  (m)  shall  not  exceed  0.05%  of  the value, as
17    equalized or assessed by the Department of  Revenue,  of  all
18    taxable  property  in the county.  Also, for private property
19    in the county, the service charge  base  fee  imposed  on  an
20    individual  property  shall not exceed 0.05% of its equalized
21    or assessed value.  The total  of  all  service  charge  fees
22    authorized  in  subsection  (m) shall not exceed 0.20% of the
23    value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue,
24    of all taxable property in  the  county.  Also,  for  private
25    property,  the total of all service charge fees authorized in
26    subsection (m) imposed on an individual  property  shall  not
27    exceed  0.20% of its equalized or assessed value.  All public
28    and  private  property  that  is  exempt  from  real   estate
29    taxation,  except  streets  and  roads,  shall  be subject to
30    service fees on the same basis as comparably used  or  valued
31    taxable property.
32        (o)  The service charge fees authorized in subsection (m)
33    shall  not  be  collected  until  the  question of whether to
34    collect  the  fees,  either  for  a   specified   period   or
                            -8-                LRB9003548DNmb
 1    indefinitely, has been submitted to the electors and approved
 2    by a majority of those voting on the question.  This question
 3    may be submitted at any election held in the county after the
 4    adoption  of  a  resolution by the county board providing for
 5    the submission of the question to  the  county.   The  county
 6    board  shall  certify  the  resolution and proposition to the
 7    proper election  officials.   The  election  officials  shall
 8    submit  the proposition at an election in accordance with the
 9    general election law.  The question shall be in substantially
10    the following form:
11             Shall (name  of  county)  be  permitted  to  collect
12        service  charge  fees  on each parcel of real property in
13        the county based on each parcel's  impervious  area,  for
14        (state period), for stormwater management activities?
15    The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
16        (p)  The county board may adopt a schedule of fees as may
17    be  necessary to mitigate the effects of increased stormwater
18    runoff resulting from new development  or  construction.  The
19    fees  shall  not  exceed  the  cost of satisfying the on-site
20    stormwater retention or detention requirements of the adopted
21    stormwater management plan.   The  fees  imposed  under  this
22    subsection  (p) shall be in addition to any service rates and
23    charges established under subsection (m).
24        The county shall use  the  fees  established  under  this
25    subsection  (p)  to  mitigate the effects of urban stormwater
26    runoff  by  providing  regional  stormwater   facilities   as
27    identified in the county plan. The county may use the fees to
28    finance activities undertaken by  its included municipalities
29    or  drainage  districts  to  mitigate  the  effects  of urban
30    stormwater runoff by providing regional stormwater  retention
31    or  detention  facilities  as  identified in the county plan.
32    All such fees collected by the county  shall  be  held  in  a
33    separate  fund  and  shall  be expended only in the watershed
34    within which they are collected.
                            -9-                LRB9003548DNmb
 1        (q)  The service rates  and  charges  above  the  service
 2    charge  base  fee  may  not  be  imposed  until the committee
 3    develops  a  stormwater  management  financial   plan.    The
 4    financial  plan  shall  be  adopted by the county board under
 5    subsection (i) of this Section.   The  capital  facility  and
 6    maintenance   components  of  the  financial  plan  shall  be
 7    categorized by watershed.  Service  charge  rates  above  the
 8    base  fee  shall  be  established by watershed to reflect the
 9    different levels of stormwater  development  and  maintenance
10    needed  in  each watershed. The financial plan shall include,
11    without limitation:
12             (i)  a  list  and   topographical   description   of
13        watershed basins in the county;
14             (ii)  a list, categorized by watershed basin, of the
15        capital  facilities,  land  acquisition,  and maintenance
16        activities   required   to   implement   the   stormwater
17        management plan, including a plan for the  operation  and
18        maintenance of the capital facilities;
19             (iii)  a  description  of  the stormwater management
20        systems to be established in each  watershed  basin;  the
21        description  shall  include  a  general  schedule for the
22        implementation and maintenance of the systems;
23             (iv)  a  general  description  of  the  relationship
24        between  the  service   rates   and   charges   and   the
25        contribution  of  stormwater  runoff  to  the  stormwater
26        management system; and
27             (v)  a   general   description   of   the  costs  of
28        collecting the service rates and charges.
29        (r)  The county may accept grants, gifts,  contributions,
30    or  in-kind  or contributed services to implement the adopted
31    stormwater management plan.
32        (s)  The financial plan shall be reviewed and revised  as
33    necessary,  but must be reviewed and revised at least every 5
34    years.  Any revision shall be subject to  public  notice  and
                            -10-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    hearing requirements of subsection (h) of this Section.
 2        (t)  The  service  rates  and charges collected above the
 3    base fee   under this  Section  shall  be  deposited  into  a
 4    special  fund  or  funds  in  the  county treasury to be used
 5    solely within the watershed in which the funds were collected
 6    to:
 7             (i)  pay all or any part of the  cost  of  planning,
 8        designing, establishing, acquiring, developing, managing,
 9        constructing,  and  improving  the  stormwater management
10        systems;
11             (ii)  pay all or any part of the cost of maintaining
12        and operating the stormwater management systems; and
13             (iii)  pay or secure  the  payment  of  all  or  any
14        portion  of  any issue of revenue bonds issued under this
15        Section for a purpose described in items (i) or  (ii)  of
16        this subsection.
17        (u)  All   governmental  entities  owning  real  property
18    within a watershed basin, including the  federal  government,
19    the  State  of Illinois, and their agencies, shall be subject
20    to  service  rates  and  charges  for  stormwater  management
21    systems  to  the  same  extent  as  private  persons.  Public
22    streets, highways, and roadways shall not be subject  to  the
23    service  rates and charges.  All owners of privately held tax
24    exempt property shall be subject to  the  service  rates  and
25    charges  and  limitations  to  the  same  extent as owners of
26    taxable property.
27        The service rates and charges shall be determined on  the
28    basis  of  the  impervious  area  of  any parcel of public or
29    private property and shall be  established  by  watershed  to
30    reflect  the different levels of stormwater management system
31    development and maintenance required in each watershed.
32        (v)  In fixing the service rates and charges, the  county
33    board  shall  reduce  the  service  rates and charges for any
34    property by considering  the  services  furnished  or  to  be
                            -11-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    furnished  by  the  user of the stormwater management system.
 2    Reduction of stormwater service rates and  charges  shall  be
 3    based  on  the nature and extent of the use of the stormwater
 4    management system, the character and use  of  the  land,  the
 5    land's  stormwater  runoff  characteristics,  and  any  other
 6    matters  that present a reasonable difference as a ground for
 7    distinction.
 8        (w)  The service rates and charges shall  be  established
 9    and  revised, shall be due and payable, and shall be in force
10    as  the  county  board  determines  by  ordinance  except  as
11    otherwise limited by this Section.  Stormwater service  rates
12    and  charges  established  by  the  county board shall not be
13    subject to any regulations covering  rates  and  charges  for
14    similar services provided by privately owned entities.
15        (x)  A county shall have a lien for delinquent stormwater
16    service   rates   and  charges,  including  interest  on  the
17    delinquent amount, on any property against which the  service
18    rates  and  charges were imposed.  The lien shall be superior
19    to all other liens and encumbrances except general taxes  and
20    local  and  special  assessments.   A  county  shall  have no
21    preference, in any  lien  under  this  subsection,  over  the
22    rights of any purchaser, mortgagee, judgment creditor, or any
23    lien  holder  arising before the notice of filing of the lien
24    in the office of the recorder of the county in which the real
25    estate is located.  This notice  shall  consist  of  a  sworn
26    statement by an authorized officer or employee of the county.
27    The statement shall include:
28             (i)  a description of the real estate sufficient for
29        the   identification  including  the  tax  identification
30        number, if any;
31             (ii)  the amount of money due; and
32             (iii) the date when the amount became delinquent.
33        The county may enforce  a  lien  for  stormwater  service
34    rates and charges in the same manner and with the same effect
                            -12-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    as  the  enforcement  of  a  lien for utility charges or real
 2    estate taxes.
 3        (y)  A county may  issue  revenue  bonds,  as  authorized
 4    under this Section, payable from the revenue derived from one
 5    or  more  stormwater  control  systems  as  provided  by  the
 6    ordinance authorizing the bonds.  For the purposes of revenue
 7    bond   funded  activities,  "stormwater  management  systems"
 8    includes all of the  following:  any  facility,  improvement,
 9    development,  project, or property, or any interest in any of
10    those, that are constructed or acquired to control, treat, or
11    protect life or property from storm, waste, flood, or surplus
12    waters.  The term includes, but is not  limited  to:  levees,
13    revetments,  and  bulkheads;  the  removal  of  obstructions,
14    including  but  not  limited  to bars, logs, and debris, from
15    water   courses;   the   clearing,    deepening,    widening,
16    straightening,  changing,  relocating, or otherwise improving
17    and maintaining of water courses; the acquisition of real  or
18    personal property or rights and interests in real or personal
19    property to provide for the free or natural flow or detention
20    of flood or storm water; storm sewers, retention ponds, dams,
21    impounding  basins,  wetlands,  and  dikes; the construction,
22    operation, and maintenance of any  other  works,  structures,
23    and  improvements necessary for the control of, treatment of,
24    or protection of life or property from storm,  waste,  flood,
25    or   surplus   waters;   the   provision  of  related  public
26    information and the condemnation of land and  other  property
27    and  rights and interests in land and other property, and the
28    damage of land and other property and rights and interests in
29    land and other property, for stormwater  management  purposes
30    related  to  the  foregoing after just compensation has first
31    been made or paid into court for  the  owner  in  the  manner
32    prescribed by Article VII of the Code of Civil Procedure.
33        (z)  A  county  may  borrow  money  to maintain, operate,
34    design, establish, acquire, develop, construct, or improve  a
                            -13-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    stormwater   management  system  and,  as  evidence  of  that
 2    borrowing, may issue its revenue bonds, payable  solely  from
 3    the  revenue  derived  from  the stormwater management system
 4    operation,  the  stormwater  service   rates   and   charges,
 5    installments of those service rates and charges, and interest
 6    and  penalties  imposed  on  those service rates and charges.
 7    The revenue bonds may  be  issued  in  amounts  necessary  to
 8    provide   sufficient   moneys   to   pay  all  the  costs  of
 9    maintaining, operating, designing,  establishing,  acquiring,
10    developing,   constructing,   or   improving  the  stormwater
11    management system, including but not limited to  engineering,
12    legal,  and  other expenses.  Bonds issued under this Section
13    are negotiable instruments.  If an  officer  whose  signature
14    appears  on  the bonds ceases to hold office before the bonds
15    are delivered, that officer's signature shall  be  valid  and
16    sufficient  for  all purposes, the same as though the officer
17    had remained in office until the bonds were delivered.
18        (aa)  Whenever the county board determines  to  maintain,
19    operate,  design,  establish, acquire, develop, construct, or
20    improve a stormwater management system  and  to  issue  bonds
21    under this Section for the payment of the cost of the system,
22    the  county  board  shall adopt an ordinance describing, in a
23    general way, the contemplated project.   The  ordinance  need
24    not  refer  to  the plans and specifications.  Detailed plans
25    and specifications of the project need not  be  on  file  for
26    public inspection before the ordinance is adopted.
27        The ordinance shall:
28             (i)  state the estimated cost of the project;
29             (ii)  determine  the project's period of usefulness;
30        and
31             (iii)  fix the amount of revenue bonds  proposed  to
32        be  issued, maturity or maturities of the bonds, interest
33        rate or rates on the bonds (which shall  not  exceed  the
34        maximum  rate  authorized by the Bond Authorization Act),
                            -14-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1        and all other details in connection with the bonds.
 2        To secure payment of the bonds, the ordinance  shall  set
 3    forth  the  covenants  and  undertakings  of  the  county  in
 4    connection  with  the  issuance  of  the  bonds,  the use and
 5    operation of the stormwater management system,  and  the  use
 6    and  disposition  of  the  funds  and  accounts  created with
 7    respect to the bonds.
 8        The ordinance may contain covenants and restrictions upon
 9    the issuance of additional  revenue  bonds  that  the  county
10    board considers necessary or desirable.
11        The  ordinance shall pledge the revenues derived from the
12    operation  of  the   stormwater   management   systems,   the
13    stormwater  service  rates and charges, installments of those
14    service rates and charges,  and  interest  and  penalties  on
15    those service rates and charges to:
16             (i)  pay  the  cost of maintaining and operating the
17        stormwater management systems;
18             (ii)  provide an adequate depreciation fund; and
19             (iii)  pay the principal  of  and  interest  on  the
20        bonds issued under this Section.
21        (bb)  All  bonds  issued  under  this Section are payable
22    solely from the revenue derived from  the  operation  of  the
23    stormwater  management  systems, the stormwater service rates
24    and charges, installments of those service rates and charges,
25    and  interest  and  penalties  on  those  service  rates  and
26    charges. The bonds shall not constitute  an  indebtedness  of
27    the  county  within  the  meaning  of  any  constitutional or
28    statutory limitation. Each bond shall have plainly stated  on
29    its face that the bond does not constitute an indebtedness of
30    the county within any constitutional or statutory limitation.
31        (cc)  Service  rates  and charges established by a county
32    board under this Section shall be sufficient at all times (i)
33    to pay the cost of maintaining  and  operating  the  county's
34    stormwater  management  system,  (ii) to pay the principal of
                            -15-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    and interest on all bonds issued under this Section, (iii) to
 2    provide a reasonable depreciation fund established under  the
 3    ordinance  authorizing the issuance of the bonds, and (iv) to
 4    maintain other reserves and sinking funds  the  county  board
 5    considers necessary or desirable for the payment of the bonds
 6    or  the  expansion, extension, or improvement of a stormwater
 7    management system.
 8        (dd)  As long as any revenue bonds issued by  the  county
 9    under  this Section are outstanding, all revenue dedicated to
10    the  retirement  of  the  revenue  bonds  and  interest   and
11    penalties  on  those  service  rates and charges shall be set
12    aside as collected and shall  be  deposited  as  provided  in
13    subsection (t) of this Section.
14        (ee)  Every  county  that issues bonds under this Section
15    shall install  and  maintain  a  proper  system  of  accounts
16    showing:
17             (i)  the   amount   of   revenue  derived  from  the
18        stormwater management  systems,  the  stormwater  service
19        rates  and  charges,  installments of those service rates
20        and charges, and interest and penalties on those  service
21        rates and charges; and
22             (ii)  the application of that revenue.
23        The county board shall conduct an annual audit.  A report
24    of  that  audit  shall  be  open for inspection at all proper
25    times by any taxpayer, service charge payor,  holder  of  any
26    bond  issued under this Section, or the representative of any
27    of those persons.
28        (ff)  The holder of any bond  issued under  this  Section
29    may,   by   civil  action,  mandamus,  injunction,  or  other
30    proceeding, compel the officials of a  county  issuing  bonds
31    under  this  Section to perform all duties imposed on them by
32    this Section, including the establishment and  collection  of
33    sufficient service rates and charges for that purpose and the
34    proper  application of the revenue derived from the operation
                            -16-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    of the stormwater management systems, the stormwater  service
 2    rates  and  charges,  installments of those service rates and
 3    charges, and  interest  and  penalties  on  those  rates  and
 4    charges.
 5        (gg)  A  home  rule  county  may  provide  for stormwater
 6    service rates and charges and  may  issue  revenue  bonds  in
 7    connection  with  a  stormwater  management  system  only  as
 8    provided  in  this  Section.   This  Section  is a denial and
 9    limitation, under subsection (g) of Section 6 of Article  VII
10    of  the  Illinois  Constitution,  of the power of a home rule
11    county to provide for stormwater service  rates  and  charges
12    and  to  issue  revenue  bonds  in connection with stormwater
13    management systems other than as provided in this Section.
14        (hh)  The power granted by this Section to  a  county  or
15    county  board are supplemental to the other powers granted by
16    this Code.  Before exercising  any  powers  granted  by  this
17    Section,  a county board shall determine that the exercise of
18    powers under this Section conforms to the county's stormwater
19    management plan.
20        (ii)  Upon the creation and implementation  of  a  county
21    stormwater  management  plan, the county, upon recommendation
22    by the committee, may petition the circuit court to  dissolve
23    any  or  all  inactive  drainage  districts created under the
24    Illinois Drainage Code or predecessor Acts  if  the  drainage
25    districts  are located entirely within the area of the county
26    served by the plan.  To be classified as inactive, a drainage
27    district  shall  not  have  levied  any  taxes   or   special
28    assessments  nor  have  had elected or appointed trustees for
29    the preceding 10 years.
30        The committee shall not  enforce  any  rules  that  would
31    interfere with the ability of any active drainage district to
32    operate,  maintain, and improve its system for the purpose of
33    production of an agricultural commodity crop.  The  committee
34    may  enforce  rules  and  impose  service fees as provided in
                            -17-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    other sections.
 2        The committee and county shall not have the authority  to
 3    require  any  drainage district to disburse drainage district
 4    funds.  Service rates and  charges  including  base  fees  on
 5    property within drainage districts shall be credited for that
 6    portion of any drainage district taxes or special assessments
 7    upon  the  property  used  by  the  district for implementing
 8    activities identified in the plan.
 9        The dissolution of any drainage district shall not affect
10    the obligation of any bonds issued or contracts entered  into
11    by  the  district  nor  invalidate  the  levy,  extension, or
12    collection of any  taxes  or  special  assessments  upon  the
13    property  in  the former drainage district.  All property and
14    obligations of the former drainage district shall be  assumed
15    and  managed  by  the  county,  and  the  debts of the former
16    drainage district shall be discharged as soon as practicable.
17        If an inactive drainage district lies only partly  within
18    a  county  that  adopts a county stormwater control plan, the
19    county may petition the circuit court to disconnect from  the
20    drainage  district  that  portion  of  the district that lies
21    within that county.  The property of  the  drainage  district
22    within  the disconnected area shall be assumed and managed by
23    the county.  The county shall also assume a  portion  of  the
24    drainage  district's  debt at the time of disconnection based
25    on the portion of the value of the taxable  property  of  the
26    drainage  district  that  is  located  within  the area being
27    disconnected.
28        The rules, standards,  and  operations  of  any  drainage
29    districts that continue to exist in a county that has adopted
30    a  stormwater management plan in accordance with this Section
31    shall be equivalent to the rules and standards in the adopted
32    plan.
33        (jj)  Upon adoption of the plan, the committee may, after
34    10 days' written notice to the owner or occupant, enter  upon
                            -18-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    any lands or waters within the county to inspect a stormwater
 2    management   system,   construct  any  stormwater  management
 3    system, or  cause  the  removal  of  any  obstruction  to  an
 4    affected  watercourse.   If,  however,  an obstruction of the
 5    watercourse has the  potential  to  cause  imminent  property
 6    damages,  the  committee  may,  after  efforts to contact the
 7    property owner, enter upon any lands  or  waters  within  the
 8    county  to  remove  the  obstruction.  The committee shall be
 9    responsible for any damages that occur upon entry.
10        (kk)  Upon petition of the municipality, and based  on  a
11    finding  of the committee, the committee and county shall not
12    enforce rules adopted by the county, other than service rates
13    and charges, interest and penalties, and any rules related to
14    the service rates and charges, in  any  municipality  located
15    wholly  or  partly  within  the  county  that has a municipal
16    stormwater management ordinance that is consistent  with  and
17    at least as stringent as the county plan and ordinance if the
18    plan is being enforced by the municipal authorities.
19        The  committee and county shall not have the authority to
20    require  any  municipality  to  disburse   municipal   funds.
21    Service  rates  and charges on property within a municipality
22    shall be credited for that portion of any municipal taxes  or
23    special   assessments   upon   the   property   used  by  the
24    municipality for implementing activities  identified  in  the
25    plan.
26        (ll)  The  powers  authorized  by  this  Section  may  be
27    implemented  by  the county board for a portion of the county
28    subject to similar stormwater control needs.
29        (mm)  The powers and taxes authorized by this Section are
30    in addition to the powers and taxes  authorized  by  Division
31    5-15;  in exercising its powers under this Section.  A county
32    shall not be  subject to the restrictions and requirements of
33    that Division.
34        (nn)  This Section  is  a  denial  and  limitation  under
                            -19-               LRB9003548DNmb
 1    subsection  (g)  and  (i)  of Section 6 of Article VII of the
 2    Illinois Constitution of the power of home rule  counties  to
 3    exercise  any  power  inconsistent  with  this  Section.  The
 4    Section does not prohibit the concurrent exercise of powers.

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