90th General Assembly
Status of HB2928
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   105 ILCS 5/10-22.24b new                                                    
   105 ILCS 5/34-18.18 new                                                     

        Amends the School Code.   Requires  school  districts  to  employ      
   full-time  receptionists  who  are  on  duty  at  all times during the      
   regular  school  day  to   answer   telephones   at   the   district's      
   administrative  offices  and attendance centers.  Prohibits the use of      
   answering machines, voice mail,  or  similar  devices  to  respond  to      
   incoming  telephone  calls  at  an administrative office or attendance      
          FISCAL NOTE (State Bd. of Ed.)                                       
          The exact fiscal cost is unknown because the current number of       
          school receptionists is not collected by this agency. There are      
          at least 900 school district administrative offices and approx-      
          imately 4150 public school attendance centers in Ill. Salary         
          levels vary for the staff would vary, depending on local salary      
          schedules, from about $16,000-25,000 for an average 10 month         
          STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE (State Board of Education)                
          No change from SBE fiscal note.                                      
   98-02-04  H  FILED WITH CLERK                                               
   98-02-04  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   98-02-04  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   98-02-18  H                         FISCAL NOTE FILED                       
   98-02-18  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED                               
   98-02-18  H                   COMMITTEE               RULES                 
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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