State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ House Amendment 001 ]
[ House Amendment 002 ][ Conference Committee Report 001 ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 441

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 441,  AS  AMENDED,
 3    immediately  below  the  end  of  Section 5, by inserting the
 4    following:

 5        "Section  7.  The  Governors  State  University  Law   is
 6    amended by changing Section 15-15 as follows:

 7        (110 ILCS 670/15-15)
 8        Sec.  15-15.  Membership;  terms;  vacancies.   The Board
 9    shall consist of 7 voting members appointed by  the  Governor
10    by  and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and, until
11    July 1, 2001, one voting member who is a student at Governors
12    State University.  The student member serving on the Board on
13    the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 shall be  a
14    voting student member for the remainder of his or her term on
15    the  Board.    Beginning on July 1, 2001, and thereafter, the
16    student member of the Board shall be a nonvoting member.  The
17    method  of  selecting the student member shall continue to be
18    determined by a campus-wide student referendum.  The  student
19    member  shall serve a term of one year beginning on July 1 of
20    each year, except that the student member initially  selected
21    shall  serve  a  term  beginning  on  the  date of his or her
22    selection and expiring on the next succeeding June 30. To  be
                            -2-            LRB9104015NTsbam03
 1    eligible for selection as a student member and to be eligible
 2    to  remain  as  a  student  member  of the Board, the student
 3    member must be a  resident  of  this  State,  must  have  and
 4    maintain a grade point average that is equivalent to at least
 5    2.5  on a 4.0 scale, and must be a full time student enrolled
 6    at all times during his or her term of office except for that
 7    part of the term which follows the  completion  of  the  last
 8    full  regular  semester  of an academic year and precedes the
 9    first full regular semester of the succeeding  academic  year
10    at  the  university  (sometimes  commonly  referred to as the
11    spring/summer semester).  If a student member serving on  the
12    Board  fails  to  continue to meet or maintain the residency,
13    minimum  grade  point  average,  or  enrollment   requirement
14    established  by  this  Section,  his or her membership on the
15    Board shall be deemed to have terminated by operation of law.
16    Of the members first appointed by the Governor,  4  shall  be
17    appointed for terms to expire on the third Monday in January,
18    1999,  and  3  shall  be appointed for terms to expire on the
19    third Monday in January, 2001.   If  the  Senate  is  not  in
20    session  on  the  effective  date  of  this  Article, or if a
21    vacancy in an appointive membership occurs at a time when the
22    Senate is not in session, the Governor shall  make  temporary
23    appointments  until  the  next  meeting of the Senate when he
24    shall nominate persons  to  fill  such  memberships  for  the
25    remainder  of  their  respective terms. No more than 4 of the
26    members appointed by the Governor shall  be  affiliated  with
27    the same political party. Upon the expiration of the terms of
28    members   appointed   by   the   Governor,  their  respective
29    successors shall be appointed for terms of 6 years  from  the
30    third  Monday  in  January  of  each  odd-numbered  year. Any
31    members appointed to the Board shall  continue  to  serve  in
32    such  capacity  until  their  successors  are  appointed  and
33    qualified.
34    (Source:  P.A.  89-4,  eff.  1-1-96;  90-630,  eff.  7-24-98;
                            -3-            LRB9104015NTsbam03
 1    90-814, eff. 2-4-99.)".

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