State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ]
[ House Amendment 002 ][ House Amendment 004 ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1693

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 1693 on page 1, by
 3    replacing lines 1 and 2 with the following:
 4        "AN ACT concerning taxation."; and

 5    on page 1, by replacing line 6 with the following:
 6    "Sections 21-295, 21-310 and 21-355 as follows:

 7        (35 ILCS 200/21-295)
 8        Sec. 21-295. Creation of indemnity fund.
 9        (a)  In counties of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, each
10    person purchasing any property at  a  sale  under  this  Code
11    shall  pay  to the County Collector, prior to the issuance of
12    any certificate of purchase, a  fee  of  $20  for  each  item
13    purchased.   A  like sum shall be paid for each year that all
14    or a  portion  of  subsequent  taxes  are  paid  by  the  tax
15    purchaser  and  posted  to the tax judgment, sale, redemption
16    and forfeiture record where  the  underlying  certificate  of
17    purchase is recorded.
18        (a-5)  In counties of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, each
19    person  purchasing  property  at a sale under this Code shall
20    pay to the County Collector  a  fee  of  $80  for  each  item
21    purchased  plus an additional sum equal to 5% of total taxes,
22    interest, and penalties paid by the purchaser, including  the
                            -2-              LRB9110187SMsbam
 1    taxes, interest, and penalties paid under Section 21-240.  In
 2    these  counties, the certificate holder shall also pay to the
 3    County Collector a fee of $80 for each year  that  all  or  a
 4    portion of subsequent taxes are paid by the tax purchaser and
 5    posted  to the tax judgment, sale, redemption, and forfeiture
 6    record, plus an additional sum equal to 5% of all  subsequent
 7    taxes,  interest,  and penalties.  The additional 5% fees are
 8    fee is not required after December 31, 2006. The  changes  to
 9    this  subsection  made  by  this  amendatory  Act of the 91st
10    General Assembly are not a new enactment, but declaratory  of
11    existing law.
12        (b)  The amount paid prior to issuance of the certificate
13    of  purchase  pursuant  to  subsection  (a) or (a-5) shall be
14    included in  the  purchase  price  of  the  property  in  the
15    certificate  of  purchase  and  all  amounts  paid under this
16    Section shall be included in the amount  required  to  redeem
17    under   Section  21-355.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in
18    subsection (b) of Section 21-300, all  money  received  under
19    subsection (a) or (a-5) shall be paid by the Collector to the
20    County Treasurer of the County in which the land is situated,
21    for  the  purpose of an indemnity fund. The County Treasurer,
22    as trustee of that fund,  shall  invest  all  of  that  fund,
23    principal  and income, in his or her hands from time to time,
24    if not immediately required for payments of indemnities under
25    subsection (a) of Section 21-305, in investments permitted by
26    the Illinois State Board of Investment under Article  22A  of
27    the Illinois Pension Code.  The county collector shall report
28    annually  to the Circuit Court on the condition and income of
29    the fund.  The  indemnity  fund  shall  be  held  to  satisfy
30    judgments  obtained  against the County Treasurer, as trustee
31    of the fund. No payment shall be made from the  fund,  except
32    upon  a judgment of the court which ordered the issuance of a
33    tax deed.
34    (Source: P.A. 91-564, eff. 8-14-99.)"; and
                            -3-              LRB9110187SMsbam
 1    on page 1, by replacing line 22 with the following:
 2        "board of review, or board of appeals,  or  other  county
 3        official has made an error"; and

 4    on page 2, by replacing line 33 with the following:
 5        "(c)  When,  upon  application  of  an owner of homestead
 6    property at any time before the issuance of a tax  deed,  the
 7    court  determines  that  both of the following conditions are
 8    met, the court shall declare the sale to be a sale in error:
 9             (1)  the property owner has tendered timely  payment
10        of  the property taxes that he or she reasonably believed
11        were due and owing on the homestead property; and
12             (2)  the taxes were  not  properly  applied  to  the
13        property  identification number of the homestead property
14        by the county collector.
15        (d)  If a sale is declared to be a  sale  in  error,  the
16    county"; and

17    on  page  3,  line  3,  after  "purchase",  by  inserting the
18    following:
19    "or the property owner pursuant to subsection (c)"; and

20    on page 3, by deleting lines 9 and 10; and

21    on page 3,  immediately  below  line  11,  by  inserting  the
22    following:

23        "(35 ILCS 200/21-355)
24        Sec.  21-355.  Amount of redemption.  Any person desiring
25    to redeem shall deposit an amount specified in  this  Section
26    with  the county clerk of the county in which the property is
27    situated,  in  legal  money  of  the  United  States,  or  by
28    cashier's check, certified check, post office money order  or
29    money  order  issued by a financial institution insured by an
30    agency or instrumentality of the United  States,  payable  to
31    the  county clerk of the proper county.  The deposit shall be
                            -4-              LRB9110187SMsbam
 1    deemed timely only if actually  received  in  person  at  the
 2    county  clerk's  office  prior  to  the  close of business as
 3    defined in Section 3-2007 of the Counties Code on  or  before
 4    the  expiration  of  the  period  of  redemption or by United
 5    States mail with a post office cancellation  mark  dated  not
 6    less  than  one  day prior to the expiration of the period of
 7    redemption.  The deposit shall be in an amount equal  to  the
 8    total of the following:
 9             (a)  the certificate amount, which shall include all
10        tax   principal,   special   assessments,   interest  and
11        penalties paid by the tax purchaser together  with  costs
12        and  fees of sale and fees paid under Sections 21-295 and
13        21-315 through 21-335;
14             (b)  the accrued penalty, computed through the  date
15        of  redemption as a percentage of the certificate amount,
16        as follows:
17                  (1)  if the redemption occurs on or before  the
18             expiration  of   6 months from the date of sale, the
19             certificate amount times the penalty bid at sale;
20                  (2)  if the redemption occurs  after  6  months
21             from  the  date  of  sale,  and  on  or  before  the
22             expiration  of  12 months from the date of sale, the
23             certificate amount times 2 times the penalty bid  at
24             sale;
25                  (3)  if  the  redemption occurs after 12 months
26             from  the  date  of  sale  and  on  or  before   the
27             expiration  of  18 months from the date of sale, the
28             certificate amount times 3 times the penalty bid  at
29             sale;
30                  (4)  if  the  redemption occurs after 18 months
31             from  the  date  of  sale  and  on  or  before   the
32             expiration  of  24 months from the date of sale, the
33             certificate amount times 4 times the penalty bid  at
34             sale;
                            -5-              LRB9110187SMsbam
 1                  (5)  if  the  redemption occurs after 24 months
 2             from  the  date  of  sale  and  on  or  before   the
 3             expiration  of  30 months from the date of sale, the
 4             certificate amount times 5 times the penalty bid  at
 5             sale;
 6                  (6)  if  the  redemption occurs after 30 months
 7             from  the  date  of  sale  and  on  or  before   the
 8             expiration  of  36 months from the date of sale, the
 9             certificate amount times 6 times the penalty bid  at
10             sale.
11                  In  the  event that the property to be redeemed
12             has been purchased under Section 21-405 21-370,  the
13             penalty  bid  shall be 12% per penalty period as set
14             forth in  subparagraphs  (1)  through  (6)  of  this
15             subsection  (b).  The  changes  to  this subdivision
16             (b)(6) made by  this  amendatory  Act  of  the  91st
17             General  Assembly  are  not  a  new  enactment,  but
18             declaratory of existing law.
19             (c)  The  total  of  all taxes, special assessments,
20        accrued interest on those taxes and  special  assessments
21        and costs charged in connection with the payment of those
22        taxes or special assessments, which have been paid by the
23        tax  certificate  holder on or after the date those taxes
24        or special assessments became  delinquent  together  with
25        12%  penalty  on  each  amount  so  paid for each year or
26        portion thereof intervening  between  the  date  of  that
27        payment and the date of redemption. In counties with less
28        than  3,000,000  inhabitants,  however, a tax certificate
29        holder may not pay all or part of  an  installment  of  a
30        subsequent  tax  or  special assessment for any year, nor
31        shall any tender of such a  payment  be  accepted,  until
32        after  the  second or final installment of the subsequent
33        tax or special assessment has become delinquent or  until
34        after the holder of the certificate of purchase has filed
                            -6-              LRB9110187SMsbam
 1        a  petition  for  a  tax  deed  under Section 22.30.  The
 2        person redeeming shall also pay the  amount  of  interest
 3        charged  on  the subsequent tax or special assessment and
 4        paid as a penalty by the tax certificate  holder.    This
 5        amendatory  Act  of  1995  applies to tax years beginning
 6        with the 1995 taxes, payable in 1996, and thereafter.
 7             (d)  Any  amount  paid  to   redeem   a   forfeiture
 8        occurring  subsequent  to  the tax sale together with 12%
 9        penalty  thereon  for  each  year  or   portion   thereof
10        intervening between the date of the forfeiture redemption
11        and the date of redemption from the sale.
12             (e)  Any  amount  paid by the certificate holder for
13        redemption of a subsequently occurring tax sale.
14             (f)  All fees paid to the county clerk under Section
15        22-5.
16             (g)  All  fees  paid  to  the  registrar  of  titles
17        incident to registering the tax certificate in compliance
18        with the Registered Titles (Torrens) Act.
19             (h)  All fees paid to  the  circuit  clerk  and  the
20        sheriff  or  coroner in connection with the filing of the
21        petition for  tax  deed  and  service  of  notices  under
22        Sections 22-15 through 22-30 and 22-40 in addition to (1)
23        a  fee  of $35 if a petition for tax deed has been filed,
24        which fee shall be posted to  the  tax  judgement,  sale,
25        redemption,  and  forfeiture  record,  to  be paid to the
26        purchaser or his or her assignee; (2) a fee of  $4  if  a
27        notice under Section 22-5 has been filed, which fee shall
28        be  posted  to  the  tax  judgment, sale, redemption, and
29        forfeiture record, to be paid to the purchaser or his  or
30        her  assignee;  and  (3)  all  costs paid to record a lis
31        pendens notice in connection with filing a petition under
32        this Code.  The fees in (1) and (2) of this paragraph (h)
33        shall be exempt from the posting requirements of  Section
34        21-360.
                            -7-              LRB9110187SMsbam
 1             (i)  All  fees paid for publication of notice of the
 2        tax sale in accordance with Section 22-20.
 3             (j)  All  sums  paid  to  any   city,   village   or
 4        incorporated town for reimbursement under Section 22-35.
 5             (k)  All  costs  and  expenses of receivership under
 6        Section 21-410,  to  the  extent  that  these  costs  and
 7        expenses exceed any income from the property in question,
 8        if  the  costs and expenditures have been approved by the
 9        court appointing the receiver and a certified copy of the
10        order or approval is filed and posted by the  certificate
11        holder with the county clerk.  Only actual costs expended
12        may  be  posted on the tax judgment, sale, redemption and
13        forfeiture record.
14    (Source: P.A.  88-455;  89-57,  eff.  6-30-95;  89-69,   eff.
15    6-30-95; 89-626, eff. 8-9-96.)

16        Section  10.  The  Code  of Civil Procedure is amended by
17    adding  Section  12-144.5  and  changing  Section  12-145  as
18    follows:

19        (735 ILCS 5/12-144.5 new)
20        Sec. 12-144.5. Report of sale and confirmation of sale.
21        (a)  When the premises mentioned in the  certificate  are
22    not  redeemed  in  pursuance  of law, the legal holder of the
23    certificate shall promptly make a report to  the  court  that
24    issued  the  underlying  judgment. The report shall include a
25    copy of the certificate of sale; an  affidavit,  under  oath,
26    containing a good faith appraisal of the fair market value of
27    the  property;  and  a  listing  of  all  liens and mortgages
28    including the value thereof.
29        (b)  Upon motion and  notice  in  accordance  with  court
30    rules  applicable  to  motions generally, including notice to
31    the  judgment  debtor,  the  court  issuing  the   underlying
32    judgment  shall conduct a hearing to confirm the sale. Unless
                            -8-              LRB9110187SMsbam
 1    the court finds that (i) notice as required by  law  was  not
 2    given,  (ii) the terms of the sale were unconscionable, (iii)
 3    the sale was conducted  fraudulently,  or  (iv)  justice  was
 4    otherwise  not  done,  the  court  shall  then enter an order
 5    confirming the sale. In  making  these  findings,  the  court
 6    shall  take  into  account  the purchase price at the sale in
 7    relation to the fair market value of the  property  less  the
 8    value of any mortgages and liens.

 9        (735 ILCS 5/12-145) (from Ch. 110, par. 12-145)
10        Sec.  12-145.   Time  of  execution  of  deed.   When the
11    premises mentioned in such certificate are  not  redeemed  in
12    pursuance  of  law,  and  the  court  issuing  the underlying
13    judgment  has  entered  an  order  confirming  the  sale   in
14    accordance  with  Section  12-144.5,  the legal holder of the
15    certificate is entitled to a deed therefor at any time within
16    5 years from the expiration of the time  of  redemption.  The
17    deed  shall  be  executed by the sheriff or other officer who
18    made the sale, or by his or her successor in  office,  or  by
19    some person specially appointed by the court for the purpose.
20    If the deed is not taken within the time limited by Part 1 of
21    Article  XII of this Act, the certificate of purchase is void
22    unless the purchaser under the certificate of sale  has  gone
23    into  possession of the premises under and in reliance on the
24    certificate of sale within the 5 year  period.  If,  however,
25    the  deed is wrongfully withheld by the officer whose duty it
26    is to execute  it,  or  if  the  execution  of  the  deed  is
27    restrained by injunction or order of a court, the time during
28    which  the  deed  is  so  withheld  or  the execution thereof
29    restrained shall not be considered as any part of the 5 years
30    within which the holder is required to take a deed.
31    (Source: P.A. 83-707.)

32        Section  99.   Effective  date.   This  Section  and  the
                            -9-              LRB9110187SMsbam
 1    changes to Sections 21-295 of  the  Property  Tax  Code  take
 2    effect upon becoming law.".

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